Super Security in the City

Chapter 3943: Demon Saint Nine Infants

Although Bai Qing's later words didn't mean to be angry, they sounded a bit heavy to Luo Jun and Eternal Demon Lord.

Luo Juncheng said: "Xiaobai, I'm sorry, Brother Eternal and I really don't doubt you, but cherish you. What we mean..."

Bai Qing smiled and said, "I understand! It's just that I was born a simple person, but it seems that it is hard for everyone to believe that I am a simple person."

"I believe it!" Luo Jun said.

The eternal demon also said: "What do you say, how do we believe it. Even if you sell it, there is no regrets or regrets!"

Bai Qing laughed and said: "I want to sell it, but I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it at a price. The second brother is okay, at least it is still missed by Yuan Sheng. The eternal brother, you look so ugly, who wants you!"

The eternal demon couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This thing passed, and then the three continued to drink.

While drinking, the three of them imagined the future again.

Luo Jundao: "I really hope that one day, everyone can be safe, and then they can return to the earth."

The eternal demon said: "I have nothing to worry about in this immortal world. When the time comes, I will go to the earth with you. We are all together, so we can take care of each other!"

Luo Jun said, "That's great."

Bai Qing did not speak.

The eternal demon looked at Bai Qing and said, "Xiaobai, don't you want to go to the earth?"

Bai Qing said, "It's not unwilling to talk about it, but I think I will definitely not survive that day."

"Why do you say that?" The eternal demon said: "You are not like such a pessimistic person."

Bai Qing said: "This immortal catastrophe is different from the past. The damage of Yuansheng is unimaginable. What is even more terrifying is that there are more terrifying and strange existences in the seabed cracks. What will happen to the end of the matter, I dare not think about it. But. I guess I won’t live to the end."

Luo Jundao: "Why do you think this way?"

Bai Qing said: "Feel it!"

Luo Jundao: "Too pessimistic, right?"

Bai Qing laughed and said, "I don't want to have that much. Let's have wine now and get drunk now."

Luo Jun felt that the boy Bai Qing suddenly became very boring. This boy had always followed his own words. Today, I seem to be a little uncomfortable everywhere.

He has nothing to say, everyone has their own character. This is normal under Baiqing's eyes.

The eternal demon said: "This little white is also boring."

Luo Jun smiled and said nothing.

The eternal demon said: "Brother Luo Jun, you should have a lot of children right now? I don't care. When the time comes, they will all recognize me as godfather."

Luo Jundao: "So what's the problem."

The Eternal Demon Lord was happy, and sighed again, saying: "If my children are still alive, they are much older than yours now. Hey..."

Luo Jun and Bai Qing also followed sentimental.

Bai Qing said: "In life, there are too many helplessness and dissatisfaction. Although I can live for thousands of years, I don't know which day I will die. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe ten thousand years. After downloading. Everyone will leave. We are born to endure all kinds of parting pains. So, Brother Eternal, you still have to look forward."

The eternal demon said: "I really want to look forward, but many times, I feel bored and lonely. I also thought about reorganizing a family, but I didn’t meet the right person. I always feel that this seems to be A kind of betrayal to my children and my wife."

Bai Qing remained silent.

Luo Jun said: "Human emotions and emotions are very wonderful things. Some people have no emotions. Fortunately, they have no feelings for their parents, wives and children. Human emotions are as deep as the sea... The laws of emotions and magic power are very different. Similar, it can be thin, it can be deeper than the sea. It all depends on the will and emotions in people's hearts."

The eternal demon said: "It is true."

Luo Jun couldn't help thinking of his elder brother Luo Feng, and said, "Big Brother Eternal still remember my elder brother Luo Feng?"

The eternal demon said: "Remember, he is the lone star of Tiansha. How is he now?"

Bai Qing stopped interjecting and listened quietly.

Luo Jundao: "I respect my elder brother very much. He can say that he can give his life to me and my second brother Qin Lin at any time. He will leave us with any good things. If there is any danger, he will be the first. Rush out. I think, even if it is a real brother in this world, few can do it like him."

The eternal demon couldn't help but be moved. He patted Luo Jun on the shoulder and said, "This is your blessing." After a pause, he said, "But what your elder brother Luo Feng can do, I can do too."

Luo Jun couldn't help being moved and said: "You, including Xiaobai, are all the blessings of Luo Jun."

Bai Qing smiled slightly.

Luo Jun continued: "The reason why I mentioned my eldest brother today is also because you miss your wife and children. I think the relationship between this person is very strange. Sometimes I feel unable to judge my eldest brother in the end. Is it good or bad? For brothers, wives and daughters, he is definitely a great good person. But for others, he is too innocent to kill innocents. And the reason why he kills innocents indiscriminately is also a fate. He was adopted by a killer organization in his early years. His xinxing was so suppressed that his bloodthirsty character was created. Later, my sister-in-law Ziqing and Xiao Silan were killed by Lingzun Zulong’s design. The eldest brother wanted to resurrect them for so many years. , I have never let go of this obsession, and I have never been able to come out."

The eternal demon said in deep thought: "Human cause and effect have always existed. Think about it, I am not an innocent person. When I was a demon, I also killed many people. The person killed may not be worthy of a crime. "

Bai Qing said: "Life and death, killing and being killed, survival and destruction are actually a kind of reincarnation and destiny. You don't need to think too much, just act rashly! People must understand the truth, but cannot be trapped in the truth. What is a mind demon? A mind demon is a thought you can't figure out..."

Luo Jun and Eternal Demon looked at Bai Qing together.

The eternal demon said: "So the heart demon is to you?"

Bai Qing said: "The heart demon is a tool to me. I am waiting to die, so I have no fear of the heart demon."

"Waiting to die?" Luo Jun and the Eternal Demon were shocked at the same time.

Luo Jun couldn't help feeling distressed, and said, "You are so young and your cultivation base is so transcendent, why are you waiting for death? There are still so many beautiful things in this world!"

The eternal demon said: "That is, your road is still very long. You have not realized many tastes, why do you say that you are waiting to die?"

Bai Qing smiled and said: "The two brothers don't have to worry about me. I said waiting for death, not really wanting to die. It's a state of mind. When you are drunk, then there is no demon that can embarrass you."

Both Luo Jun and Eternal Demon knew what he meant.

But both of them are a little worried about him, this is an abnormal state of mind.

Only people who are terminally ill can have this state of mind!

When a person lives, he can only be happy if he yearns for something beautiful and has hope in his heart!

Luo Jun felt that he didn't understand Bai Qing even more, and he didn't understand what he experienced at his young age...

He also couldn't see through Baiqing.

But instinctively, he knew that Bai Qing had absolutely no malice towards him.

After drinking, the three of them continued on their way. This time Luo Jun was in charge of the Red Silk Fairy Belt, and Luo Jun's mana was running at full capacity, and its speed was not slower than that of Bai Qing.

Five days later, the weather was fine.

The three of them came to a sea area where the sea was calm and the sea was blue.

There is no cloud in the sky.

Such good weather and such a sea makes people feel like they have come to a scenic island for vacation.

The weather in the void is changeable.

Sometimes the sky is clear here, but there is thunder and lightning, and the tsunami is fierce.

More places are vast, with no scenery in sight.

The three of Luo Jun stopped, and then Bai Qing withdrew the red silk fairy belt.

Luo Jun's innocence rose and he walked on the sea.

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon also followed to the surface of the sea.

Luo Jun smiled and said to them: "I am different from you. I grew up in a world without gods and no demons. Without spells, all of them are mortals. Flying to the sky can only be in dreams... I often dreamed when I was young. I can walk on the water as I do now, sometimes dreaming that I can fly. But I just don’t fly high, and walk close to the ground. Sometimes I dream of spells, but the spells are not effective at all times. And now, Fei Tian has escaped. It's not a dream. Spells won't fail... But now I dream of occasionally, but I dream of returning to the world of mortals, without gods or demons."

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord couldn't understand Luo Jun's feelings. Bai Qing also found it fun to walk on the sea.

The Eternal Demon Lord said, "Humans are very strange. I always like to divide everything in the world into three, six or nine. What is a **** and what is a demon?"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Big Brother, don't want to get excited, I just said casually."

The eternal demon said: "I am so excited, but I feel a little bit emotional."

The three of them had a rare chance to play in this fine weather.

But at this moment, an undercurrent suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, the clear sky was violently windy, dark clouds obstructed, and the sky and the earth instantly became black.

A huge vortex appeared on the calm sea.

Luo Jun frowned slightly.

Bai Qing and the eternal demon lost their colors, and Bai Qing felt an unspeakable crisis.

"No, withdraw quickly!" Bai Qing said.

He quickly displayed the red silk ribbon.

The eternal demon jumped on the red silk ribbon...

Luo Jun didn't move, and said: "Forget it, I can't go if I want to go. Let's fight dignifiedly!" Swish my Weixing bow Zhong and the Heavenly Dao League, and Chen Yang has returned to Earth!

Bai Qing was taken aback, then smiled, and said: "Okay, my second brother is so proud, how can I lose my momentum." Eternal Demon Lord also smiled and said: "Then let's do a good job today, let's take a look. What is sacred?"

Boom, violent surging in the sea below, suddenly a giant beast!

The behemoth is huge, like a hill.

It's a snake body... but it has nine heads.

Exactly... Demon Saint Nine Infants.

He is also the fifth disciple of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

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