Super Security in the City

Chapter 3945: Behead

One of Luo Jun's dismantling words blocked Emperor Qingxuan's Heavenly Sword.

Following that, Luo Jun wrote another killing character!

Suddenly, the ancient writings formed thousands of sword lights, and every sword light contained majestic and terrifying killing power!

That is the sword power formed by the ancient killing intent.

Thousands of Jianguang strangled Xiangtian Sword together.

On that day, the sword itself had lost its spirit under the blockade of Zhanzi. At this moment, the thousands of sword lights strangling over, Di Qingxuan felt the terrifying power in that sword light, and couldn't help but frightened and quickly retracted the sky sword.

And retreat quickly!

As soon as the word was killed, it was endless dying, could it be solved by Emperor Qingxuan's retreat.

Thousands of Jianguang quickly attacked Xiangdi Qingxuan.

"You bastard, what to hide, wasn't it crazy just now?" Luo Jun's eyes blushed with blood. He was not simply disgusted with Emperor Qingxuan, but had been fed up with anger since being slashed by Taoist Lu Ya's Zhanxian Flying Sword.

This tone has never been well expressed.

Right now, his strength had just been restored, but the enemy was killed.

Moreover, this is not over yet. There is a Donghuang Taiyi behind these guys.

Luo Jun felt like this... he felt that these grandsons were his mother's endlessly. Therefore, he also has a violent mood to spare everything.

Thousands of sword lights strangulated, Emperor Qingxuan shuddered, but he was also a quasi-sage master at any rate, how could he be killed so easily by Luo Jun. During the retreat, quickly condense all the magic and the cave.

At the same time, the Heavenly Sword Saint Realm reunited!

The Heavenly Sword was formed, and quickly slammed towards that word.


Two horrible kendo supernatural powers strangled together, and the aftermath formed countless sword lights strangling out.

Na Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord are fighting fiercely with Cai Yuanzhi, Qingling and Nine Infant Demon Saints. At this moment, I felt the infinite aftermath of sword light killing, and these aftermaths actually caused a certain threat to a master like them, so they had to use the magical defense.

Bai Qing and the Eternal Demon King Yu Guang swept away, and saw Luo Jun and the Emperor Qingxuan fighting at one place, not only did not fall to the wind, but there was a feeling of crushing the opponent.

The eternal demon secretly said: "My old brother was the king of destiny when he was on the earth, and now that he is a breaker and comes to this immortal world, it will never be so simple on the surface. This is the ability and temper that a breaker should have, haha... "

Bai Qing was secretly frightened, and he didn't expect Luo Jun to burst out such a terrifying divine power.

Luo Jun's killing character and Di Qingxuan had a tie. Di Qingxuan was shocked because he felt that the terrifying aura on Luo Jun's body became stronger.

Luo Jun's power of 100,000 longevity fruits has not yet been used up, but if he barely utters the third word, it is impossible to defeat Emperor Qingxuan.

As a result, he directly swallowed another 200,000 longevity fruits!

Now that you have reached this point, then go to the **** thing to do nothing, and do nothing else. It's already spending money lavishly, so it's easy to spend it.

Two hundred thousand longevity fruits exploded, and nine snow-capped mountains were irrigated with terrifying nutrition.

Luo Jun only felt that his body was about to explode.

Even Tiandao Pen felt a little unbearable.

Tiandao Pen used to be able to bear a lot, but now that it merges with Luo Jun's body, because it needs to fit Luo Jun's body, the endurance has been reduced too much. When Luo Jun is strong enough in the future, the endurance of Tiandao Pen will also increase.

Luo Jun's eyes became more blood red, and the power in his body was gushing out.

He quickly waved his finger, and used the magical power of Tiandao Pen to write a dead word and a kill word.

As soon as the word was killed, the sword light was ferocious and majestic!

The death aura and sword intent merged, quickly attacking Emperor Qingxuan.

This was not over yet, Luo Jun wrote a poisonous character one after another, and two sealed characters.

The two seals formed a golden light shield in the air, directly covering the emperor Qingxuan.

Di Qingxuan was shocked, and wanted to escape. He was already afraid, the kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. It's the kind of fear that can't understand each other.

Usually when you encounter an opponent, there is always a trace to follow, and there is a reason to win!

There are reasons why you can't win!

But when I met this lunatic right now, the power of this lunatic was completely incomprehensible!

People are always afraid of the unknown!

Emperor Qingxuan wanted to leave, but two seals had already covered him. He immediately killed the golden light shield with the sky sword...


The golden light shield flickered and shook violently, but did not break.

So he still can't get out.

At the same time, the poison character turned into a black, highly toxic gas, attacking his internal organs.

This is not over yet, the sword light wrapped in death spirit also strangled.

Emperor Qingxuan has no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

At this time, he could not take care of everything, so all his hole cards were cast outwards. First, he exploded the Xuandu Heavenly Flame Talisman that Master had given him.

The fire exploded, fighting the Quartet.

This sacred fire was personally refined by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi with sacred power. Adding God Qingxuan was a quasi-sacred cultivation base. He urged it with sacred power, and the power of this Xuandu Tianyan Talisman had reached its extreme.


If the flames of **** exploded, the flames of the golden light shield soared into the sky!

So I saw that poison gas, flame, sword light, and death gas were all violently entangled.

It became a real purgatory on earth.

And Emperor Qingxuan suffered in it.

The explosion of the Xuandu Tianyan Talisman did cause huge damage to the golden light shield, and the light shield broke open while it was about to fall.

But Emperor Qingxuan had to bear poison gas and sword gas.

He took the body guard to the extreme, and the Heavenly Sword Saint Realm formed a Heavenly Sword Storm to protect his body.

At the same time, he swallowed all the thousand mysterious pill at the bottom of the box.

In this way, the energy in the body also raged.

Every piece of this mysterious pill is extremely precious.

He had to take it all today, and his heartache was extremely painful.

Emperor Qingxuan's divine power exploded and drove out another magic weapon, Tianxin Gourd. Tianxin Gourd is an artifact he never showed in front of outsiders.

At this time, when Tianxin Gourd came out, it directly absorbed the poison gas and sword gas into it.

He then used the Heavenly Sword to blend into the Heavenly Heart Gourd to refine and kill.


The wind and clouds in Tianxin Gourd were surging, and the sky broke and the earth cracked.

This Tianxin Gourd was made by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the chaos of heaven and earth. It can absorb all things in heaven and earth, and refine all the poisonous gas, essence and so on in all things into pure gas.


But today, the power that Tianxin Gourd encounters is too strong...

The poison gas and murderous aura burst out.

The heart gourd exploded directly that day.

"Roar!" Upon seeing this, Emperor Qingxuan couldn't help but his eyes were red, painful and desperate.

He has been in the arena for many years, and all his hard work and wealth have been lost in this battle.

Fortunately, at this moment, the poison gas and sword gas finally weakened.

Emperor Qingxuan quickly used the Heaven Sword to completely refine and kill it.

But at this moment, everything is not over yet.

The divine power of the two hundred thousand longevity fruits has not been used up...

Luo Jun and Tiandao Pen blended perfectly, spurring nine snow-capped mountains, running supernatural powers, and then suddenly sending out...20 divine fist seals to Emperor Qingxuan!

Boom boom boom boom!

Each fist seal of the gods integrates all the laws and profound meanings of Luo Jun, as well as the magical power of the Tiandao pen!

Originally, he couldn't use twenty punches, but Luo Jun was just venting and angry at this time, so it didn't matter whether it was reasonable or appropriate.

Di Qingxuan didn't have a chance to run, his Heavenly Sword quickly killed, but was repelled by Luo Jun's three fist marks. He felt that this guy's fist was extremely terrifying.

After that, he protected his body with the Heavenly Sword Storm.

After five punches, his Heavenly Sword Guardian Storm was also broken.

Emperor Qingxuan could only gather his divine power to pick it up, and he also started to kill with his fists.

Boom boom boom!

After hitting the opponent for ten punches in a row, his power was completely defeated.

Luo Jun’s last two punches hit his body, booming...

Di Qingxuan's body burst open, and finally turned into countless fragments.

Among the fragments, one thing flew out, it was the Chaos Spirit Vine.

Chaos Spirit Vine did not bear any damage, but the seal restrictions on his body were lifted with the disintegration of Emperor Qingxuan.

She is about to run away...

Although Luo Jun's strength has been used almost, he still has the strength to grab a Chaos Spirit Vine. He hasn't seen it clearly yet, but feels that nothing in Di Qingxuan's body can be allowed to escape. Escape represents the leakage and reporting of the news.

So I quickly grabbed it...

Chaos Spirit Vine fled into the air, and felt that a big handprint was caught behind her. After she was caught, she couldn't move.

The chaotic spirit vine was still in the form of a spirit vine at the moment, and Luo Jun only saw it clearly after he caught it in his hand. "It's you?" Luo Jun was extremely surprised.

While speaking, his hand unconsciously let go of the Chaos Spirit Vine.

Chaos Spirit Vine returned to the appearance of a girl, then looked at Luo Jun, and said coldly: "What kind of garlic is not arranged by you? I believe you are wrong!"

Luo Jun glanced at the fierce fighting over there and found that both Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord had the upper hand, so he didn't worry anymore. He bowed to the Chaos Lingvine and said, "Senior misunderstood, I didn't arrange anything. These people who arrested you are the disciples of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. They are following you when we came. After finding you, the goal was achieved. Just turn around and act on us. Now that the threat has been lifted, seniors should leave soon."

Chaos Lingteng was slightly dazed, and said, "Is this true?"

Luo Jun said: "At this moment, I don't need to tell you a lie. I have too many enemies. Maybe it's not possible. After that, Donghuang Taiyi will come to trouble me. It is estimated that his life will be short, and the seniors should be quicker. Let's go."

Chaos Lingteng nodded and said: "Okay, you are a nice person, by the way, what is your name? You can call me Aling!"

Luo Jun thought for a while, but felt that there was no need to hide it, and said: "My name is Luo Jun!"

A Ling said: "Farewell!"

Luo Jundao: "Please!"

Ah Ling immediately turned into a chaotic spirit vine, quickly turned into a long rainbow, and flew into the distance.

Luo Jun took a deep breath, and then prepared to join the brothers in the battle.

But at this time, the sequelae began to come, and he felt a deep sense of exhaustion coming from the spiritual platform.

After that, the eyes became dark, and he passed out to death.

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