Super Security in the City

Chapter 3946: Shock

Luo Jun didn't know how long he had been in a coma. He slept very comfortably this time, completely forgot everything outside and entered a deep sleep. And it's the state of being completely unaware of the outside world!

No matter how deep he sleeps in the past, he has a clear perception of the outside world.

This time it was different, because a kid came, and he could also be killed.

When I woke up, it was already late at night.

Luo Jun found himself on a small island, with Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord walking cross-legged.

Looking up at the sky, the bright moon in the sky is so beautiful, and the blooming silver ash shines on this small mountain forest island.

Luo Jun sat up and felt that his body was sore and weak. This was a sequelae of excessive exertion.

Soon, he remembered the previous thing.

He remembered killing the quasi-sage emperor Qingxuan. Suddenly, I felt a little sad...

He came to this immortal realm because he wanted to help mankind. But so far, the saint of Old Man Hongchen was exhausted to death by himself... Although Taoist Lu Nian was not killed by himself, he could basically be counted in his own account. Daoist Lu Ya is a strong one among the quasi-sages!

Right now, another quasi-sage emperor Qingxuan was killed!

I feel that I haven't dealt with Shang Yuansheng yet, but he has already harmed a lot of human masters.

But thinking about it, it is indeed helpless.

The death of the old man Hongchen was completely inevitable by himself. That's the choice of Old Man Hongchen...

Speaking of Taoist Lu Ya... this is really fate!

After learning eight or nine profound arts and pretending to be Xuanyuantai, Xuanyuantai's ancestor did not do good deeds. Having said that, if Xuanyuantai hadn't offended Lu Ya, he wouldn't have gone beyond the immortal realm. If Xuanyuantai doesn't go outside the immortal world, wouldn't he know that the year of the monkey can only enter the immortal world?

The causal cycle of this matter is really unpredictable!

Later, when I met Taoist Lu Ya, there was no way to clarify the truth, because he didn't understand Taoist Lu Ya.

Later, Luo Jun knew in his heart that Bai Qing was right to kill Lu Yakou. Daoist Yilu Ya faced the state before his life and death, and was finally found by Yuan Sheng, and he would definitely leak everything clean. Even if he doesn't reveal his identity, he just writes that he knows eight or nine profound arts... In this way, Yuan Sheng will understand everything.

To kill Emperor Qingxuan now...

There is no way to escape.

Thinking of the depths, he couldn't help sighing.

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord opened their eyes at the same time, and Bai Qing asked, "Second brother, what's wrong?"

The eternal demon also looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said: "Nothing." After a pause, he said: "By the way, how long did I sleep?"

Bai Qing said: "It didn't take long." He wondered: "In the evening, we were still chatting. Second brother, why do you suddenly have such no idea about time?"

Luo Jun was shocked and said, "What's the joke?"

Both the Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing were taken aback, and Bai Qing said, "What's the matter, second brother? You have been weird these two days?"

"Two days?" Luo Jun said: "What two days?" Suddenly he felt a chill in his back, and said: "You tell me, when did you meet Donghuang Taiyi's group of disciples?"

"I met it two days ago!" Bai Qing said.

"You..." Luo Jun asked again: "How long have I been in a coma?"

The eternal demon said: "This is not called a coma, right? Second brother, didn't you sleep for a while normally?"

Luo Jundao: "What is this and what? In my impression, it was the great disciple of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi Di Qingxuan who fought with me. I used the longevity fruit and the heavenly pen to successfully kill him, killing him. After the death of Emperor Qingxuan, I was about to help you. But at that moment, I felt that the world was spinning, no matter how hard it was to suppress tiredness, I passed out. If we met the group of Emperor Qingxuan two days ago, Then I should have fallen asleep for two days!"

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon looked at each other immediately.

"This..." Bai Qing said: "Second brother, you... did you really fall asleep for two days?"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Yes!"

Eternal Demon Lord said: "This is too magical, right? But I do feel that in the past two days, your second brother seems to be a different person. Could it be that the Heavenly Dao Pen is controlling your physical body?"

Luo Jun had already guessed that it was Heaven's Dao Pen at work.

After taking a deep breath, he began to ask them what happened in the past two days.

In the complementary descriptions of Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord, Luo Jun finally figured out everything.

It turned out that after he killed Emperor Qingxuan, he didn't faint to death, but stood still in a daze.

At that time, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Nine Infant Demon Saint Fight were on par. The Nine Infant Demon Saint is very powerful, and almost immortal, it is difficult to kill.

Bai Qing suppressed Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling steadily. But these two are the disciples of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and they have many secret techniques and trump cards. They also used various runes, and those runes were blessed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. So for a while, Bai Qing also failed to take them down.

The two sides are deadlocked...

With the death of Emperor Qingxuan, Jiuying Demon Saint, Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling were all panicked.

The Nine Infants Demon Sage had to flee first, and the Eternal Demon Lord couldn't keep the Nine Infant Demon Sages.

Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling also want to go...

Bai Qing bit on Cai Yuanzhi tightly, not giving him a chance to escape.

The Qingling took the opportunity to leave. Seeing that the Eternal Demon Lord couldn't catch up with the Nine Infant Demon Saint, he simply came to block Qingling's path.

At this moment, Luo Jun, who was in a daze, suddenly showed a strange red light in his eyes. Following that, he walked through with lightning and went to chase the Nine Infant Demon Saint.

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon took the opportunity to kill Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling.

They were thinking that Emperor Qingxuan was already dead, and there was no room for change at all. Let's kill it!

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord are not good men and women.

Not long after they killed Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling, Luo Jun returned with the body of the Nine Infant Demon Saint.

Nine Infant Demon Saint's nine heads were all beheaded.

In the presence of Bai Qing and the Eternal Demon Lord, Luo Jun completely refined the Nine Infant Demon Saints into ashes.

Both Bai Qing and the Eternal Demon screamed that the Luo army was powerful.

In this regard, Luo Jun at the time smiled faintly, and did not say much.

Next, Luo Jun spoke very little in his relationship with Bai Qing and the Eternal Demon Lord.

Occasionally, Bai Qing took the initiative to chat with him, but he also ignored them.

The Eternal Demon also felt that Luo Jun was weird, but the time was short, and he didn't think much about it.

After listening to Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord, Luo Jun fell into deep thought.

While thinking deeply, I felt terrified.

It turns out that the physical body will really be occupied.

It turned out that the feeling after being occupied was that he had been sleeping all the time, and there was no dream in the deep sleep.

"Is this kind of deep sleep the same as the feeling of death?" Luo Jun secretly asked.

"The Daobi in this day can actually occupy my physical body. The old man Hongchen painstakingly did all this for me. Is this digging my grave for me or promoting the secret?" Luo Jun couldn't help thinking.

"Do you really have no feeling at all?" Eternal Demon Lord asked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun nodded and said: "I didn't realize it. If I really feel a little bit, it is that my muscles are very sore after waking up! It's like being beaten by someone in my sleep, but I don't even know it. a feeling of."

Bai Qing had lingering fears, and said, "This is too scary."

The eternal demon said: "This can't work. I don't think the Dao pen of this day is a good kind. In these two days, he has not been too much over the rules, but I don't know why, I always feel that there is a kind of indifference in him. At the beginning. At the time, I thought it was my brother that you were in a bad mood, so I didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it carefully, that kind of indifference should be his innate indifference."

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "Although I am now integrated with Tiandao Pen, I still don't know much about Tiandao Pen. The current situation seems to be that as Tiandao Pen absorbs more things, its sense of autonomy becomes stronger. . This time, when solving the Emperor Qingxuan, I absorbed too many longevity fruits. In the end, my ontological consciousness was too tired, and it took the opportunity to come out." The eternal demon said: "This is an absolute hidden danger."

Luo Jundao: "But I can't get rid of it. It is different from the sword qi. Under the refinement of Tiandao Jinghuo, I and it are completely integrated and inseparable. I just don't know this Tiandao pen. Does his consciousness possess the memory of tens of thousands of years of consecrating gods and killing demons, or does it belong to a brand new memory."

Bai Qing said without hesitation: "It should be a brand new memory."

Luo Jundao: "How can you see it?"

Bai Qing said: "His eyes...I paid special attention to his eyes. The second brother, your eyes were warm and bright. And his eyes are very gloomy. I thought you were in a bad mood... now it is. All figured it out."

"Gloomy?" Luo Jun murmured.

Eternal Demon Jundao: "The Dao Pen used to kill countless, consecrated gods and killed demons that day... Maybe those memories made it uncomfortable and unhappy? So Xiaobai, why are you sure that it is a brand new memory?"

Without waiting for Bai Qing to speak, Luo Jun said first: "Heaven's pen has done countless earth-shattering events. If this consciousness has all the memories of the past. Then his consciousness is a very profound person, with vast stars in his heart. So. Even if it has hatred, even ambition, etc., it should be magnificent. Gloomy is a kind of petty, so I also think that this Tiandao pen is a brand new consciousness!"

Eternal Demon Road: "It makes sense!"

Bai Qing said, "No matter whether this Heavenly Dao Pen is good or bad, we can't accept it to occupy the second brother's body!"

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

The eternal demon said: "It seems that it has not been able to occupy Luo Jun's body. There must be many immature conditions... We still have time. When we see the fairy king, let's ask him for advice. Be sure not to let this Tiandao Pen finally succeeded!"

Luo Jundao: "I hope it will be useful!" Deep down, it is hard to hide his worry.

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