Super Security in the City

Chapter 3947: Outstanding

Luo Jun became more and more worried about Tiandao Pen.

He knows what a brand new consciousness represents...

He had come into contact with Chen Tsing Yi, who was a brand new consciousness, and Chen Tsing Yi was called the Demon Emperor, but it was so evil that people could not imagine. Including Chen Wuji, Chen Wuji was educated by himself...

He also thought of his father Chen Tianya.

Judging from these lessons in history, after a new consciousness is born, it usually does not develop in a good direction.

At that time, if the Heavenly Dao Pen had mastered his body and possessed a monstrous mana, he would definitely miss this body very much. In order to obtain this body forever, this Heavenly Dao Pen will definitely use everything.

After re-entering the state of internal breath, Luo Jun began to feel the heavenly pen in his body.

He felt that the Heavenly Dao Pen had completely merged with his body.

Nine snow-capped mountains are faintly embedded among the cells connected. The nine snow-capped mountains form one body and become a world again.

The body is a big world, and the nine snow-capped mountains represent the heavenly pen to become a world in the world.

Luo Jun frowned slightly, feeling very disadvantaged.

Because he can't control the nine snow-capped mountains, and the nine snow-capped mountains can rampage in his physical world.

This is not good for oneself.

When confronted with Emperor Qingxuan this time, Luo Jun couldn't write those ancient words at all. However, he was pressing the Tiandao Pen with a desperate heart. Fortunately, Tiandao Pen didn't want to die, so he worked hard to cooperate, and finally succeeded in writing the ancient characters and killed Emperor Qingxuan with this.

"I must take a good look at the relationship between me and Tiandao Pen." Luo Jun secretly said.

In the past few years, Dao Qi has been troubled, and he has always regarded Dao Qi as his greatest enemy.

Deep down, the worries about Tiandao Pen have alleviated.

But this time, the Tiandao Pen actually didn't know it, and the ghost unconsciously took control of his body, which made him shudder!

"Heaven's pen is integrated with me. If I die, it will die. Therefore, I also have a place to restrain it. However, I am afraid of death. I am a planet, and it is a master in the planet. This is me and Its current relationship. How does the planet restrict the master? Rely on the magnetic field of the heavenly path? The heavenly path in my planet is my mana, but the mana of the heavenly path pen is hidden above me, so it is difficult for me to suppress it."

"There is still time, we must think of a surefire plan!"

That night, Luo Jun was running the mana in his body, and there were a lot of clues in his mind. Sometimes it seemed that he had found a way, and sometimes he felt that there was no solution.

Luo Jun is not discouraged. He is always optimistic and likes to solve difficult problems.

On the second day, Luo Jun and his party continued to rush towards the Shura realm.

They couldn't wait to return to the Shura realm as soon as possible, because they felt that this emptiness was too dangerous.

Thinking about it carefully, the five disciples of Donghuang Taiyi had all died in their hands.

After the Eastern Emperor Taiyi knew it, it would be strange if he didn't go crazy!

It's just that no matter how anxious they are, this place is still too far away from the Shura realm. They fly non-stop day and night, and it will take three years to return to the Shura realm!

In three years, no one knew what would happen in it.

Luo Jun had no idea whether he could return to the Shura realm alive.

He died thinking that he died, so just don't hurt Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing.

But this is also impossible. The three are already tied to the same chariot, and they are destined to live together and die together.

Luo Jun also thought about separating from each other, but the Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing were also involved. They can also be traced when the other party traces it over. By then, the opponents will be defeated one by one, and they will only die faster.

Luo Jun talked to them about all the worries, and said that he was very sorry for putting them in danger of life and death.

The Eternal Demon Lord was very annoyed when he heard it, and told Luo Jun to stop talking such nonsense in the future. What is a brother of life and death? At this time, what are you talking about?

Bai Qing was even more straightforward, saying: "Speaking of Lu Ya, I killed him. I'm dead, and that's not injustice at all."

There is a mysterious fairy mountain in a certain space in the Void Land, and this fairy mountain is Donghuang Mountain!

Donghuang Mountain was originally not in the void, but the crustal plate of the immortal world has undergone tremendous changes. The saint Donghuang Taiyi simply uprooted the entire Donghuangxianshan, and then moved to the land of nothingness.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't like the turmoil in the red dust, and he didn't get the power of heaven by chance. He also knew the great turmoil that might occur in the immortal world, and in order to avoid being affected, he lived in seclusion in this emptiness.

In Donghuang Mountain, spring is shining brightly.

The four seasons here are like spring and the scenery is picturesque. The spiritual trees in the mountains are dense and stretch for hundreds of miles.

There is also a Donghuang Lake running through the entire Donghuang Mountain...

On the top of the mountain, there is an Eastern Palace.

The Eastern Palace is gorgeous and magnificent, just like a heavenly palace.

There are hundreds of people in Donghuang Mountain and thousands of servants...

The servants do not know how to use magic, they serve the people of the Eastern Emperor in the Eastern Palace. The place of residence is in the continuous homes at the foot of Donghuang Mountain. Every day there will be Donghuangmen people who will be responsible for picking up them.

In the Eastern Palace, inside the bedroom, a middle-aged man dressed in a golden robe with a disheveled hair was leaning on the bed very casually.

There is no one else in the palace.

This man looks solemn and upright, giving people a sense of not anger and prestige. At this moment, even if I lay and put it on so lazily, it still makes people feel that the heavens are still there.

The man is...Tonghuang Taiyi.

Eastern Emperor Taiyi held a jade slip in his hand, which was brought by Taoist Lu Ya's disciples Guan Qing and Zhenjun Poison Corpse.

Guan Qing and Zhenjun Poison Corpse have gone to rest.

The Eastern Emperor had known that Lu Ya was dead... and sent his disciples to investigate this matter.

What he didn't expect was that Guan Qing and True Monarch Poison Corpse actually found them.

He rubbed the jade slip carefully.

In fact, he was not too sad about the death of Taoist Lu Ya.

Many people know that Taoist Lu Ya is his illegitimate son. He has never married a wife in his life, nor has he admitted that Taoist Lu Ya is his son.

But back then, he had a preference for Taoist Lu Ya.

Therefore, some saints also know the relationship between Taoist Lu Ya and him.

It’s just that it’s been so many years...

His heart has become extremely hard.

Many emotions in Hong Chen can no longer make him fluctuate, including the death of Taoist Lu Ya.

He sent his disciples to investigate this matter, more to maintain face.

Maybe many people in the world don't know it, but if those saints knew that Taoist Lu Ya was killed, and his Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't have any response, then what else would he have in the high ranks in the future?

When he reached his state, perhaps many wealth and other things didn't matter.

But face, you still have to care about it.

After a long time, the Eastern Emperor Tai first began to perceive the information in the jade slip in his hand.

In that jade slip, there are some mental journeys of Taoist Lu Ya.

This is a personal habit of Taoist Lu Ya, and he has the habit of keeping records.

This jade slip was given to Guan Qing and Zhenjun Poison Corpse when Taoist Lu Ya set out for the last time.

There are a lot of information in the jade slips, the earliest one comes from a thousand years ago.

The information was dull to Donghuang Taiyi, and there was no mention of him as a master and father in it.

Watching and listening...

After a long time, Donghuang Taiyi finally heard some useful information.

"Feng Xian is dead... When I heard the news, Pang Dao was very sad. Feng Xian was Pang Dao's youngest disciple. When Pang Dao was traveling in the red dust, he found a seven-year-old man in the sky above a mass grave. Feng Xian. Feng Xian saw Poor Dao’s Qibao Yuzhou flying in the air, shouting to the immortal. Poor Dao found it interesting, so he fell down, and was surprised to find that he had spiritual roots. After inquiring, he found out about him. All the family members were killed by the bandits. So they took them back to the door..."

"Feng Xian is a child who knows how to be grateful. For so many years, he has always respected and loved Poor Dao in his heart. No matter how difficult it is, I want to find something good and give it to Poor Dao. He is also very partial to him. Although we are not father and son, we are better than father and son. Sometimes when you think about it carefully, Feng Xian is far worse to Xiang Dao than Feng Xian to Xiang Dao."

"Feng Xian died. It was a letter from Guan Qing. At that time, he and Guan Qing became a Taoist couple, which was a testimony to Pian Dao. Guan Qing told Pian Dao that it was Xuanyuantai in the Heavenly Court who killed Feng Xian. This Xuanyuan Before Taiwan, he was also a heavenly monarch. He coveted Qing'er's beauty. He not only forcibly occupied Qing'er, but also killed my disciple Feng Xian, which is really hateful. If you don't avenge the disciple's blood, you don't deserve to be a man."

"Qing'er is pitiful, and Pin Dao officially accepted him under his sect to pass on his profound arts! Pin Dao brought Qing'er and the poisonous corpse out of the mountain."

"In the heavens, there is no Xuanyuantai! It seems to have escaped after hearing the news... It is a pity that Emperor Fuxi has been unable to retreat and cannot explain the matter to him. Poverty Dao swears not to kill Xuanyuantai, and swear not to be a man!"

"I searched all over the immortal realm, but never saw Xuanyuantai again, hateful and hateful!"

Eastern Emperor Tai sighed slightly and said, "Lu Ya, Lu Ya, you have also cultivated to the point of quasi-sage. Why are you still so attached to the pitiful emotions between people?"

Continue to look down.

For a hundred years in between, I was looking for Xuanyuantai.

This day...

"Qing'er and the poisonous corpse actually found Xuanyuantai, good, very good, Feng Xian, the teacher can finally avenge you."

"Today, Pandao finally found Xuanyuantai. The evil thief hid in the heaven. Pandao went forward without fear of Emperor Fuxi. I think that Emperor Fuxi is reasonable. But Emperor Fuxi still stays behind closed doors after all. . But Xuanyuantai still came out to fight, this evil thief's cultivation base is less than the nine levels of creation, but the mana is surprisingly terrifying. Poor Dao can't completely defeat it with a full palm. At that time, he disappeared strangely again. Hateful, hateful..."

"All signs indicate that there is still a force behind Xuanyuantai. In the hundred years since he disappeared, I am afraid that he has taken refuge in more powerful people. Initially, I am afraid that it is Yuansheng. Only Yuansheng can protect such evil. Thieves. Although Qing'er and Poison Corpse were saved by Yuansheng last time, Pan Dao never believed in Yuansheng!"

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