Super Security in the City

Chapter 3951: Eternity is gone

After a long time, the world finally calmed down.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing struggled to resist in the aftermath of the storm, and only then did they finally see the situation clearly.

In the circle, Xiao Ling's body was bathed in blood, and her condition was extremely tragic!

But Donghuang Taiyi was already standing outside the circle, but his clothes were intact, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing couldn't help being surprised when they saw this.

Luo Jun had a foreboding that Xiao Ling might have used some secret technique to harm the body, so although he won, he was injured more severely.

Xiao Ling quickly put on a snow-white robe, the blood on her body quickly disappeared, and the wound healed. But his complexion is still not good... Obviously, the trauma is easy to cure, but the internal injury is hard to heal.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing came to Xiao Ling's side. Luo Jun asked with concern: "The fairy king, you..."

Xiao Ling smiled slightly and said, "I can't die!" After that, she threw a fist at the Donghuang Tai and said, "I hope Mr. Wang can keep his promise."

The Eastern Emperor glanced at Xiao Ling and said: "You don't hesitate to use the original forbidden technique for this Luo army. Your injury has not lasted three or five hundred years, I am afraid it will be difficult to heal. Is it worth it?"

Xiao Ling smiled and said, "It's worth it."

Donghuangtai together: "For the immortal world, for the human race?"

Xiao Ling said: "Not bad!"

Donghuangtai together: "I didn't expect you to be a person with great love."

Xiao Ling said: "There are many life flowers in the fairyland, and it is okay to pick life flowers. So I didn't regret it when I killed people. Right now, someone wants to destroy the entire life flower field, that is something I cannot tolerate. The human race is the entire life flower field, it doesn’t matter if you pick some flowers. If you want to destroy the human race, no!"

Donghuang Taiyi: "What the saints can't do, do you really think that a Luo army can turn things around?"

Xiao Ling said: "I only know that people like us cannot stop Yuansheng. I don't know whether Luo Jun can turn things around. But at least, he is a hope. If there is no hope, then It's the saddest thing."

Donghuang Taiyi was silent for a long while, and then said: "Fine, nothing, I will look down on you Xiao Ling after all. You can become the Immortal King and have today's achievements. There is indeed something extraordinary. My grievances with Luo Jun, So far, I will not mention it again from now on."

Xiao Ling was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Mr.!"

Luo Jun immediately clasped his fists and said, "The juniors are really ashamed. From now on, they should do their best to work hard for the survival of the human race and strive to live up to the love of the predecessors and the fairy king!"

Bai Qing did not speak, but followed suit.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Jun, then took out a jade porcelain vase from his sleeve, and said: "Xiao Ling, this is Taiqing Pill, there are ten in total. If you take them all, within ten years, the injury will be healed!" After speaking, he raised his hand and threw out the porcelain bottle.

Xiao Ling took the porcelain vase and said, "Thank you, Mr. Taiyi!"

Dong Huangtai glanced at everyone, and then took Guan Qing and Zhenjun Poison Corpse away. Before leaving, he said, "These two disciples of mine will always stay in Eastern Emperor Mountain, and all your secrets will not be revealed."

In an instant, they disappeared between the vast world.

After Xiao Ling watched them leave, her complexion suddenly changed, and she spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior Immortal King?" Luo Jun and Bai Qing couldn't help losing their color when they saw this.

Xiao Ling glanced at Luo Jun and Bai Qing, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Donghuang is really good at it. If I only talk about cultivation base and strength, I am really not his opponent. It is a pity that he does not have the power of heaven, if he has the power of heaven. Strength, should be a great help for us."

Luo Jun once again bowed to Xiao Ling and said, "Thank you, Senior Immortal King, for your life-saving grace."

Xiao Ling smiled faintly and said, "No need to say anything, you know, I saved you because you are the breaker."

Luo Jundao: "No matter what it is, the younger generation will always remember your life-saving grace to me!"

Xiao Ling said, "Well, let's not talk about it anymore. Now I need to find a place to rest and recuperate."

Luo Jun remembered the Eternal Demon in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "By the way, Senior Immortal King, my eldest brother is eternal? Why didn't he see him?"

Xiao Ling's eyes became serious.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing couldn't help being shocked when they saw this. They were both smart people and immediately guessed the terrible situation.

Luo Jun shook his body and said, "Impossible."

Xiao Ling said bitterly: "When Eternity accompanies you to set off, he knows that there will be such a day. This time is too far away from the fairyland. If I want to come in time, I can only create one by burning the eternal life source. Channel. Only that kind of channel can sense me...this is the only way."

"But it's not going to die?" Luo Jun said: "Big Brother Eternal's mind is very powerful, almost immortal?" He still held hope in his heart.

Back then, the eternal demon could survive with a trace of the mark, but how could it not be possible now?

Bai Qing also looked at Xiao Ling expectantly.

Xiao Ling said, "Eternally, he... won't come alive again."

Luo Jun couldn't say a word.

What else can he say?

At this moment, all the strength in the body seemed to be drained.

Rivers and lakes... cruel!

When you kill others, they will also kill your relatives and friends.

Since you are in the arena, you have to accept it.

"Luo Jun, Bai Qing, don't be too sad. This is not necessarily a relief for eternity." Xiao Ling glanced at the two of them and sighed: "He has his wish. For him now, maybe It's the best ending."

Luo Jun ignored Xiao Ling.

He suddenly felt that death was very close to him, and it seemed to be very far away.

No matter how near death, it is not real death.

But some people just die suddenly like this...

He remembered many bits and pieces that he had with the Eternal Demon Lord, and finally understood the thoughts of this elder brother. The Eternal Demon Lord didn't want to die, he had always been the most anxious to return to the Asura world.

Later, after meeting Donghuang Taiyi, he repeatedly wanted Donghuang Taiyi to calm down his anger.

But Donghuang Taiyi never gave this opportunity.

The eternal demon originally could not die, but for his own sake, he finally chose death resolutely.

Can you do this kind of deep friendship?

He felt that he was inferior to the eternal brother.

Is it worth dying for others?

Obviously it's not worth it, and it's not worth dying for anyone.

Even dying for one's own children is not worth it.

But... when you want to do this, the consideration is not whether it is worth it or not, but a clear conscience!

Follow your own emotions.

Three years later, Luo Jun, Bai Qing, and the fairy king Xiao Ling returned to the Asura realm smoothly.

In the past three years, Luo Jun often dreamed of the Eternal Demon at the beginning, but then he dreamed less.

He was not in sorrow.

He has long been used to seeing too many joys and sorrows...

The Shura realm is not Luo Jun's destination, but how to go next still requires many considerations. During the three years of coming back, Xiao Ling had been recovering from injuries most of the time. Outsiders could not see any clues to his injuries.

But Luo Jun knew in his heart that his injury was really serious.

Fortunately, the Taiqing Pill given by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi did indeed have miraculous effects. After three years of cultivation, Xiao Ling's injury has also healed a lot. Luo Jun also took out some longevity fruits to Xiao Ling, and Xiao Ling took some and found it very useful. Xiao Ling told Luo Jun that his injury would take some time no matter what. Originally, he would not suffer such severe injuries, but if he wanted to defeat Donghuang Taiyi in a circle, he did not want to suffer too much from each other, so he could only use the method of hurting himself.

Originally, it took three to five hundred years for this injury to heal. That magical Taiqing Pill can make him heal within ten years, which is already a great blessing.

At the same time, during the past three years, Luo Jun, Xiao Ling, and Bai Qing have also been discussing what to do next...

They discuss Yuansheng...

Yuan Sheng's wolf ambition is needless to say.

How to deal with Yuan Sheng?

Luo Jun also had no way, his cultivation base was too weak. What the saints can't do, what can he do?

He can only take one step, watch one step, and follow the trend.

There is no road in the first place, and there will be a road as you walk!

Xiao Ling and Bai Qing were worried, worried that Luo Jun would be suspected by Yuan Sheng if he ran too far this time. Yuan Sheng left agarwood pill in Luo Jun's body. Although he didn't know what Luo Jun was doing, he could know where Luo Jun went.

Xiao Ling also said: "As time goes by, Yuan Sheng can't find the breaker Luo Jun for a long time, and maybe he will gradually suspect you. Plus you came out this time, more or less revealing some secrets."

Luo Jun is also worried about this, but he has no other good way.

At this time, Bai Qing thought of a way and said: "What if Yuan Sheng is allowed to see the breaker Luo Jun? I will pretend to be the second brother."

Xiao Ling's eyes lit up.

Luo Jun said anxiously: "How can this be done? It's too dangerous."

Xiao Ling said: "It's not necessarily dangerous. Let Xiaobai appear on the stage. With his ability, outsiders will not believe it. Because his talent is still above you... Then let him stay by my side as much as possible. Or Dao Ancestor's side. Xiaobai doesn't need to do anything...All he needs to do is to convince Yuan Sage that he is Luo Jun. After Yuan Sage confirms that he is Luo Jun, you will be extremely safe by Yuan Sage's side."

Luo Jun remained silent.

Bai Qing said: "Second brother, let me pretend to be you. This is the matter of the entire Immortal Realm, the entire human race. You fight bravely in front, and I should also do something."

Luo Jun knew this was the best arrangement, and finally agreed to it.

For the human race, adventure is always inevitable.

Xiaobai is taking risks, and he is also taking risks. This is not because he is greedy for life and fear of death.

Therefore, Luo Jun and others decided to go to the Shura realm first. After entering the Shura realm, Luo Jun was going to take Xiaobai to the heavens to fetch the black hole spar he had left behind and some other treasures. After all, the black hole spar is his standard configuration for Luo Jun!

However, after returning to the Shura realm, Xiao Ling got a piece of news, which disrupted Luo Jun’s plan...

That is, Yuan Sheng has taken action against the Shura world...

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