Super Security in the City

Chapter 3952: Immeasurable star

Yuan Sheng came to the Shura realm half a year ago. He did not come alone, but came with his black corpses, as well as Jonathan, Sumiko and Yuan Yuxian.

After they reached the Shura realm, they did not take any other actions. Just came to the fairyland of Yunhai as a guest...

Yuan Sheng came, and Fairy Qionghua didn't dare to neglect, so he warmly received them and his party.

Fairy Qionghua also asked Yuan Sheng what his purpose was for coming. Yuan Sheng said that it was his disciple Yuan Yuxian who was injured, and he heard that the immortal king Xiao Ling had an immeasurable light star on his body, hoping to use the immeasurable light star to heal Yuan Yuxian's injuries.

Fairy Qionghua said at the time: "My fairy king does have immeasurable light stars, but I have never heard that immeasurable light stars can heal people."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, and said: "My disciple's injuries are quite weird. Everything under the earth is mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. The old man did a lot of research before he came to Xiaoxian Wang for help from this immeasurable star of light."

Fairy Qionghua didn't dare to reject Yuansheng, fearing that Yuansheng would do something radical. She declined first, saying that the fairy king went out and wandered and didn't know how long it would take to come back. If he comes back, he will tell everything to the fairy king.

Yuan Shengdao: "We are not in a hurry, we can wait for the immortal king to come back here."

Fairy Qionghua naturally didn't want to stay with them, so she said it was inconvenient.

Yuan Sheng took his disciples and subordinates to wait outside the fairyland.

Fairy Qionghua was helpless now, so she sent someone out to wait for Xiao Ling in secret. She did a lot of effort to send people out, and sent several groups of people to confuse Yuansheng.

After Xiao Ling and Luo Jun, Bai Qing entered the Shura realm, they learned the news that Yuan Sheng and others had arrived.

After Luo Jun heard this, he felt strange and said, "I know that Yuan Yuxian’s injury was caused by the use of the Eye of the Sacred Heart when she conspired with the Nuwa Empress. With your immeasurable light star, she can never be saved. I think it’s false that Yuan Sheng said that he would use immeasurable light stars to heal injuries, but it actually has another purpose!"

Xiao Ling's face was solemn, and said, "What is the purpose of his coming this time?"

Luo Jundao: "Let Xiaobai go to Kunlunzhou immediately and invite Taishang Daozu to come?"

Xiao Ling said: "One go, one come, three months."

Bai Qing said: "We won't go back right now. If we don't go back, Yuan Sheng will wait forever."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "I ran back now, Yuan Sage must already know."

Xiao Ling said: "It seems that we have to act according to the original plan."

Before coming back, Luo Jun discussed with them how to face Yuansheng.

Yuan Sheng likes to read people's memories. Fortunately, Luo Jun can tamper with memories.

Daoist Lu Ya is dead, this matter cannot be contained in paper after all.

Yuan Sheng knew that Taoist Lu Ya had been chasing Luo Jun, and after Luo Jun, he ran to the land of nothingness. The emptiness is reminiscent of Chaos Spirit Vine...

These things are secretive, but how can Yuan Sheng be unable to find out some secrets.

Therefore, Luo Jun must handle everything well.

They have already made up the story...

Luo Junhui told Yuan Sheng that he met Bai Qing by chance on the road, and then discovered that this guy has an extraordinary cultivation base. He felt the faint threat from Taoist Lu Ya, so he deliberately went to make friends with Bai Qing.

After that, he and Bai Qing killed Taoist Lu Ya together.

But while killing Taoist Lu Ya, he was also hit by Taoist Lu Ya's Zhanxian flying knife. Relying on Heavenly Desolation Divine Art and Demon Mosquitoes, he barely survived.

After that, Bai Qing helped him find the Chaos Spirit Vine.

The part where I naturally disappeared to see Taishang Daozu...

Anyway, Luo Jun also absorbed Daoist Lu's Slashing Gourd, so he could sense the Chaos Spirit Vine in the end.

When they arrived at the Asura Island, Luo Jun and Bai Qing happened to encounter the ghost-faced man in the crack and so on. They helped Yunyun and had friendship with Xiao Ling. I met the eternal demon again... Luo Jun would tell Yuansheng that the eternal demon and Bai Qing are good friends, and they seem to be good friends on the earth, and so on.

He would not tell Yuan Sheng directly that Bai Qing was Luo Jun. He will quietly guide Yuan Sheng some information, let Yuan Sheng be himself to think that Bai Qing is Luo Jun.

This is the plan they thought on the way back.

True and false, false and true...

It must be impossible for all the lies, how can all the lies deceive Yuan Sheng.

Now that he had to go according to the original plan, when Luo Jun came back, Xiao Ling and Bai Qing would inevitably appear together.

Therefore, it is not feasible to invite Taishang Daozu.

Xiao Ling said: "Since it comes, let it go. It's just that right now, there is no time to get your black hole spar."

Bai Qing said: "Then let's re-create the black hole spar, it's still half a month from here to the fairyland."

Luo Jun was slightly surprised, and said: "How do you know that my black hole spar can be rebuilt?"

Bai Qing stayed for a while, faintly, a trace of panic flashed deep in his eyes. But he hid it well, and said with a smile: "You have said a lot about black hole spar, have you forgotten it? The black hole spar was made by you. Anyway, no one in this fairy world has seen a black hole spar. Let's Make a similar one, and just bluff people! I have learned all of your moves and so on!"

Xiao Ling said: "That's okay! Right now is my problem, and it is also Luo Jun's problem for you. If Yuan Sheng can be convinced that Xiao Bai is Luo Jun, then this trip will be considered as passing. After that, Yuan Sheng will absolutely pass. Trust you."

Luo Jundao: "Hope!"

How difficult is ahead...

But still have to go on!

After sorting out the memory and regaining the appearance of Xuanyuantai, Luo Jun and his party quickly headed towards the Yunhai Immortal Territory.

Xiao Ling actually didn't want Luo Jun to appear as Xuanyuantai, because when she was in the heaven realm, Empress Nuwa said in front of everyone that Xuanyuantai had colluded with Yuansheng.

Luo Jun also feels helpless, because if he pretends to be something else, even if he wears the human skin mask of Yuansheng, it is impossible to deceive Xiao Ling during his long-term relationship with Xiao Ling. Can only appear as Xuanyuantai.

Xiao Ling said: "Then we have to figure out all kinds of rhetoric."

Luo Jundao: "Don't worry, I have already thought about it. The key is how you trust me, this has to be said." Xiao Ling said: "I know."

Half a month later, Luo Jun, Xiao Ling, and Bai Qing returned to the fairyland of Yunhai. Luo Jun didn't go to see Yuansheng directly. If he went to see him directly, many lies would be self-defeating. Because in Yuan Sheng's eyes, Luo Jun seemed to be his undercover agent.

The day after Xiao Ling came back, Yuan Sheng took Yuan Yuxian, Jonathan and Sumiko, and the black corpse came to pay respects.

The black corpse is as cold as ever, and it seems that he is a fight with the ghost-faced man.

Xiao Ling, Fairy Qionghua, Luo Jun, Bai Qing and other confidantes met Yuan Sheng.

He held a very strong welcome ceremony.

After the welcome, you are seated.

During the dinner, Xiao Ling toasted and apologized, and said to Yuan Sheng: "Friend Daoist Yuan came from afar and he is a distinguished guest of my Xianfu. Jiannei doesn't understand human affection and worldliness, and it is really a sin to keep Yuan Daoist away from the door. Sin. I have already scolded Jiani fiercely, and I also ask fellow Yuan Daoist not to blame."

Yuan Sheng immediately said: "Don’t do this to the fairy king. If so, you will be the old man. The old man is bringing people here this time because he has something to ask the immortal king. This trip is really abrupt. The immortal king doesn’t blame him I am very grateful."

When they were talking, Luo Jun pretended to look at Yuan Yuxian with fiery eyes and concern.

Yuan Yuxian avoided seeing him, indifferent, as if he didn't know Luo Jun.

Luo Jundun looked very disappointed and sad in fashion.

Yuan Sheng glanced around, pretending to see Luo Jun. After seeing Luo Jun clearly, he couldn't help but change his face and said, "Why is this person here?"

Luo Jun stayed for a while.

Some people are not sure what medicine is in this Yuansheng gourd.

Xiao Ling smiled slightly, and said: "When I was in the heavens, Empress Nuwa once said that he was a traitor and that she had taken refuge in Yuansheng you. But I would never believe it."

Yuan Sheng said coldly: "Huh, this person is called Xuanyuantai, which is a terrible thing. The old man really did not expect that there are such despicable people in the dignified fairyland. Nvwa said that the old man is like this. Collusion between people is really nonsense."

Xiao Ling said: "When I first saw Xuanyuantai, I also had many prejudices against him. But after getting along for a long time, I discovered that this brother Xuanyuan is also a man of good temperament. Moreover, he and the little brother Bai Qing are kind to me in the fairyland. So we Xianyu treat him as a distinguished guest. If you have a grudge against him, Fellow Yuan Daoist, but no matter what, please don't hurt your peace in this Xianyu."

Yuan Sheng said: "The old man has no grievances with him, but he doesn't bother to sit with him. Yuxian, tell me about the good things he has done."

Yuan Yuxian immediately talked about how Xuanyuantai abused Guan Qing, killed Feng Xian and so on.

After Xiao Ling heard this, she changed his face and said to Luo Jun: "Mr. Xuanyuan, what this girl Yuan said is true?"

Before Luo Jun spoke, Bai Qing got up and said, "The Immortal King, this matter is a misunderstanding. Brother Xuanyuan has already told me that it was Guan Qing who seduced him back then, and later he had to collude with his Taoist companion Feng Xianlai. Baby."

"Do you believe this too?" Yuan Yuxian sneered, and said: "The cultivation level under one step is very high, but why doesn't the mind seem to work well?"

"Xian'er, you must not be rude!" Yuan Sheng reprimanded Yuan Yuxian in time.

Yuan Yuxian pretended not to be willing to shut up.

Bai Qing glanced at Yuan Yuxian coldly, and said, "Zai Xia and Brother Xuanyuan are living and dying together. Don't you believe him, you want to believe in others?"

Xiao Ling thought for a while, and said, "Mr. Xuanyuan shouldn't be such a despicable person, Fellow Yuan Dao, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this."

Yuan Sheng said: "Misunderstanding? He hired it himself." After speaking, he looked at Luo Jun sharply and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun would be afraid of Yuan Sheng's majesty, thinking to himself, I'm a group with you! Then he said: "I have not recruited, Senior Yuansheng, you want to kill me, I am a dead end. But I would rather die than surrender! I accidentally ran into Emperor Fuxi's injury, they wanted to kill me, and said that I was Traitor. All these are misunderstandings!"

Yuan Sheng couldn't help being impatient, and said: "You..."

Xiao Ling said, "There must be a misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Fellow Yuan Daoist, let me find out slowly." After a pause, he said: "Let's drink and drink!"

Yuan Sheng wouldn't be able to pursue it any more, after all, he was on Xiao Ling's territory.

After the matter was turned over, Yuan Sheng explained the purpose of this visit.

When Xiao Ling heard this, he wondered: "I have never heard of the immeasurable light star that can heal wounds. I don't know where the wounds of the Yuan girl came from?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Returning to the fairy king, I am ashamed of this matter, but it is because the little girl accidentally got into trouble during her practice and hurt her god."

Luo Jun secretly said in his heart: "It's really nonsense more than one, everyone is lying to me, I lie to you, playing Infernal Affairs."

Xiao Ling said, "May I check the injury for Miss Yuan?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Then there will be a King Lao."

When she finished speaking, she stretched out her snow-white arms.

Xiao Ling protruded a strand of gold in the air, and the gold quickly wrapped around her wrist...

After a long time, Xiao Ling retracted the golden thread and said to Yuan Sheng: "It seems that the envoy is really hurtful. There are indeed immeasurable light stars in the next, but I really don’t know how to use immeasurable light stars as the element. The girl heals."

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