Super Security in the City

Chapter 3953: Crack conditions

Yuan Sheng said: "The King of Immortal doesn't know something. My disciple's practice is a bit different. If the old man uses the power of immeasurable light and stars and integrates his own practice to heal her, it should have a miraculous effect."

Xiao Ling couldn't help but change his expression, and said, "Friend Yuan Daoist does this mean?"

Yuan Sheng hurriedly said: "The fairy king should not misunderstand, the old man just borrowed for a moment."

Xiao Ling said: "This really cannot be borrowed, because Wuliangguangxing has been integrated with my magic weapon Yunhaixian Mansion. There is also a close connection between Yunhai Xianfu and me. Therefore, Wuliangguangxing definitely cannot be borrowed. Come out, I hope you don’t make it difficult for you, Yuan Daoist!” After a pause, he said, “I think Lingtong is hurting his soul and he has no worries about his life. Why don’t you think of another way?”

Yuan Sheng said: "The old man has some ways to make Immeasurable Light Star unscathed from your Yunhaixian Mansion. This is not too troublesome. I hope the Immortal King can make it easier!"

Xiao Ling remained silent.

Luo Jun also felt the difference of Yuan Sheng this time. Before all the saints, Yuan Sheng maintained a humble posture. But today, Yuan Sheng has shown an aggressive attitude in the faint.

Xiao Ling also saw the meaning of Yuan Sheng.

"What if I don't agree?" After a while, Xiao Ling smiled faintly and said, "Is Yuan Sheng going to kill him?"

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, and said: "The Immortal King's words are serious. The old man just hopes you can make it easier. It's best not to hurt everyone's harmony!"

His words are even more obvious, it's better not to hurt your peace! Obviously, if Xiao Ling insisted not to give, then he would have no choice but to hurt his harmony.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing both felt headaches, let alone Xiao Ling's injury now, even if there was no injury, they were definitely not Yuan Sage's opponents!

Why is this Yuansheng suddenly going to start publicly?

After all, Xiao Ling is a person who has passed through the world, and will not be unreasonably reckless, so she said to Yuan Sheng: "The immeasurable light star is an important thing in my fairyland. Whether it can be loaned or not is not my sole decision. Yuan Dao. Friends, can you give me three days and I will discuss it with the people."

Yuan Sheng said: "Three days is too long. One day, how?"

He became more aggressive.

At the same time, he is also showing his attitude to Xiao Ling, that is, he is determined to win!

Fairy Qionghua and the rest of Xianyu's staff were angry.

Xiao Ling took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

After that, Xiao Ling asked his subordinates to arrange Yuan Sheng and others to rest on the most noble floor of Xianyu, the top floor of the cloud.

After Yuansheng and others entered the top of the cloud, Xiao Ling's face was extremely heavy.

He summoned Luo Jun, Bai Qing, Fairy Qionghua, and his confidants, Mo Wen, who had achieved a semi-sage cultivation base.

Among Xiao Ling's subordinates, Mo Wen had the highest cultivation level.

Fairy Qionghua is a quasi-sage, but she is not considered Xiao Ling's subordinate.

Xiao Ling is a rising star in the entire fairy world, so the background is not deep.

In the conference room, Xiao Ling first told everyone that the Genting Palace was separated from this place, and he had also cleared all the breath of Yuansheng and set up a barrier here. Their conversation is absolutely top secret.

After that, Xiao Ling smiled bitterly: "In the past, Yuan Sage met with us, and he could still pretend to be upright and righteous. Now it seems that he doesn't want to pretend to continue."

Luo Jundao: "It seems that Yuan Sheng still doesn't want to really turn his face. He obviously doesn't want to kill you. If you want to kill, you can just pretend to be your identity and do it."

Xiao Ling looked at Luo Jun and said, "You mean his main purpose is my immeasurable light star. He knows that I will not give it, so he wants to use this threatening method to persecute me? In fact, he also Don't want to do it, right?"

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Fairy Qionghua said: "The Immeasurable Light Star is very important to Xianyu. If he really only borrows for a while, it's okay. I'm afraid he won't pay it back..."

Xiao Ling said: "He is definitely not as simple as borrowing, even if it is returned, I am afraid that it will return useless things."

Fairy Qionghua was taken aback and said, "You mean, he might take away all the energy of the immeasurable light star?"

Xiao Ling said, "It's very possible!"

Bai Qing was curious, and said, "What is so special about this immeasurable light star? What is the reason why Yuan Sheng came to capture this immeasurable light star?"

Xiao Ling said: "The immeasurable light star is a very small planet. The immeasurable light can produce countless auras, and it has the effect of reviving plants. I have traveled all over the universe and I have never encountered such a peculiar immeasurable light star. Existence."

Fairy Qionghua added: "However, in addition to replenishing aura and generating immeasurable light to kill the enemy, the immeasurable light star does not seem to have any other effect. Although unique, it is not a particularly powerful artifact. It is just immeasurable light. The combination of stars and Yunhaixian Mansion can make the entire four seasons system of the fairyland more stable. The immeasurable light star is very important to the fairyland, but it does not seem particularly important to others."

Xiao Ling said: "Now it seems that this immeasurable light star must be something that Yuan Sage needs very much. That's why he will not hesitate to tear his skin to take it."

Fairy Qionghua said solemnly: "At the moment, if you don't hand it over, you may not be sure that he will actually do it. What should we do?"

Don't ask: "Please save the soldiers when you go down to Kunlun Realm?"

Xiao Ling shook her head and said, "It's too late."

Bai Qingyan turned around and said, "I have an idea!"

Everyone immediately looked at Bai Qing.

Bai Qing said: "The Immortal King, why not mention a condition to Yuan Sage. Since Yuan Sage doesn't want to really tear his skin, it means there are conditions to talk about. Everyone, don't forget the crack... Let Yuan Sage go to the crack and eliminate the ancestor. Just go. Said this is a big threat in the fairyland, if he can help us solve it, give him immeasurable light stars!"

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

"A good way!" Xiao Ling was overjoyed.

Qionghua Fairy and others are also overjoyed.

Luo Jun did not speak.

Bai Qing asked Luo Jun immediately: "What's wrong, second brother? Do you think it's wrong?"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "I can't talk about something wrong. I always think it's a scary existence. The more we mix, the magic box will be pulled out. But want to come, since this thing is already Existence, then we are inevitable. I think this method is still feasible. Let Yuan Sheng face it, it is best. I don’t know if he will agree..." After a pause, he said:" In addition, if you decide to do this, it would not be reasonable for me to warn him."

Xiao Ling said: "This is easy to handle. Now you are with us, how can you have a chance to warn you? After he agrees to come down, you will find opportunities to warn you. At that time, he will go or not, yes. For us, it's all good. If you don't go, then he won't have the face to be immeasurable."

Luo Jun said, "That's what I meant. It's best that I accompany him into the crack and find a way to provoke the ancestor out. If the ancestor killed Yuan Sheng directly, his grandmother would lose a hundred balls. You can pat your **** and go back to my earth."

The matter was so settled.

A day later, Yuan Sheng and others came to the conference hall for a meeting.

Luo Jun, Bai Qing, Fairy Qionghua, and Mo Wen also attended this meeting.

Sitting on the main seat, Xiao Ling first said: "Friend Yuan Dao, after this day and night of discussions, we have also got results here."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Presumably the result should be a happy one for everyone."

Xiao Ling said: "We are willing to hand over Infinite Light Star!"

The people on Yuan Sage's side were instantly happy, except for the black corpse, still expressionless.

"But..." Xiao Ling said again.

Yuan Sheng expected that Xiao Ling would raise conditions, and said: "If there are any requirements and conditions, even if the fairy king raises them, what we can do here will definitely be met."

Xiao Ling said: "The Immeasurable Light Star is a very important thing in our Immortal Territory, but it is a pillar. Without Immeasurable Light Star, the strength of the Immortal Territory will be greatly reduced!"

Jonathan next to Yuan Sheng couldn't help but speak, and said, "The Immortal King's words are very bad. We are just borrowing the Immeasurable Light Star, not to take away the Immeasurable Light Star!"

Xiao Ling said: "After the immeasurable light star is separated from Xianfu, it will take time to reintegrate."

Yuan Sheng smiled and said: "The fairy king has a request, just say it!"

Xiao Ling said: "Well, I'll just say it straight. In the fairyland, there is a hidden threat. As long as Yuansheng can help us solve this hidden threat, then I will send the immeasurable light star to Yuan. Holy you."

"Really?" Yuan Sheng couldn't help but smile.

He is not afraid of any threats, there is no existence he is afraid of in this world.

Xiao Ling said: "This threat comes from a crack in the seabed, and there are terrible creatures inside."

Yuan Yuxian said in disbelief: "In this world, there are still creatures that make the fairy king feel terrible?"

Bai Qing said lightly: "If our fairy king is alarmist, wouldn't it be better? You can easily complete this condition, and then take away the immeasurable light star!"

Yuan Yuxian was stunned.

A suspicion flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes. He did not rashly agree, but asked Xiao Ling: "I don't know what kind of terrible creature it is, can the fairy king elaborate on it?"

Xiao Ling said: "Actually, I don't know much, but vaguely feel that it is very threatening. If Yuan Daoist is hesitant, then forget it."

Yuan Sheng pondered for a while, and said: "Well, the old man will take this fate for the fairy king. The old man will face the great danger."

Xiao Ling said, "In this way, there will be labor."

Yuan Sheng said again: "Where is the location?"

Xiao Ling said: "The other party is very secretive, and may even change from time to time. I can lead you fellow Yuan Daoists."

Yuan Shengdao: "Okay, but we still need to make some preparations here. Let's go tomorrow."

Xiao Ling said, "It's so good."

After the meeting, Yuan Sheng and others returned to the Genting Palace again.

In the Genting Palace, Yuan Sheng also set up a barrier, and then began to discuss with his men.

Yuan Yuxian first said: "Master, this group of people has been holding back the bad for a day, and finally put forward this condition. It is absolutely uneasy and kind."

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