Super Security in the City

Chapter 3955: Endless doubts

Yuan Yuxian said: "I'm already very happy that you can survive the catastrophe. But today I came out with you, because I have other important things to ask you."

Luo Jun said, "I know what it is. I am asking Xiao Ling what is the conspiracy of the condition, right?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "I should be clear about the cracks. The matter should start from the Asura world after the sword is in me."

In his narration, Bai Qing is the one who loves nosy.

Of course, he also beautifies himself a little bit.

He talked about encountering the ghost-faced man, including later, one of Xiao Ling's subordinates became a ghost-faced man after being poisoned.

He also mentioned that Xiao Ling entered the crack later, and his expression changed drastically after he came out, saying that there was something inside the ancestor.

"That's all I know." Luo Jun finally said to Yuan Yuxian.

He didn't want to disclose this to Yuansheng, but he had to disclose it.

Moreover, concealment is useless. If it is said that there is no danger, Yuan Sheng would not believe it either.

They are all fine people, who is more stupid than anyone?

After hearing this, Yuan Yuxian began to ponder.

She asked Luo Jun again: "Do you think my master has a chance of winning?"

Luo Jun said: "I really don't know about this, and I have never been in the cracks. I have never contacted the ancestors. But we can judge this way, Xiao Ling is not stupid, nor is it an inexperienced person. Human. If there is no danger at all, he would not mention such a condition."

Yuan Yuxian said: "That's true too!"

Luo Jun said: "According to me, why bother. It's better to directly attack Xiao Ling and others, or ignore his conditions and directly force him to hand over the immeasurable light star."

Yuan Yuxian said: "We need immeasurable light stars, but we don't want to completely tear our skin now. We can't do that unless we have to force it, understand?"

Luo Jun shook his head and said: "I don't understand!"

Yuan Yuxian sighed, and said, "Rearing my face now, it is equivalent to declaring war on the saints. It will make things a lot more complicated, and we don't need to do this now."

Luo Jun said: "That's it!" Then he said: "Well, what is the role of the immeasurable light star?"

Yuan Yuxian glanced at Luo Jun more and said, "You can ask this question in front of me. Don't ask in front of my master."

Luo Jundao: "Why?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "In the temple, many people are suspicious of you. My master is also suspicious by nature. If you ask like this, he will doubt whether you are the undercover of the human race."

Luo Jun suddenly became angry and said, "I am loyal to the temple and the Lord. Why should I doubt me? What is wrong with me?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Anyway, you listen to me."

Luo Jun felt a little frustrated, and said: "It's really boring. I gave up the human race, devoted myself to the Holy Lord, and worked hard to organize things for the Holy One, only in exchange for endless suspicion!"

Yuan Yuxian said, "Don't be discouraged. As long as you are genuinely loyal, sooner or later my master will completely trust you. After a long time, the authenticity can be discerned."

Luo Jun said: "What about you? Do you believe me?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I believe you for the time being."

Luo Jundao: "It doesn't matter what other people think of me, as long as you believe me, I will be satisfied."

Yuan Yuxian sneered and secretly said: "Xuanyuantai, Xuanyuantai, you pretend to be so affectionate, I'm afraid you don't believe it." She always felt that Xuanyuantai was a shameless person, good at rhetoric, but never Will really be affectionate.

Luo Jun saw through Yuan Yuxian’s inner activities, and said sincerely: “I know you don’t believe me. After all, I’m not very famous. However, people will always meet someone they really like in life. I am. I'm pretty sure you are the one I was destined for."

Yuan Yuxian was silent for a while, then smiled, and said, "These are all words used by mortals to coax the little girl. We have reached this state, and it is really meaningless to say this."

Luo Jundao: "I don't think so."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Oh?"

Luo Jundao: "From the avenue to the simplicity, things tend to return to their essence. There are two, three, four, five and so on behind the one. Each one is more than one. But in fact, one is the most profound and simple. The profound lies in the one. It is the beginning of all things. Many things go to the back and they must be unified. Just like beings, born from one, and finally return to one. No one can escape from this essence... come to the world as one and finally leave. , Or one, do not take anything. Love, mortals have. What about us? Should our love be more advanced? So what is advanced? If you don’t talk about love? If you don’t talk about love, you will be called advanced if you don’t pursue it. ?not necessarily!"

Yuan Yuxian looked at Luo Jun in surprise.

Luo Jundao: "Why? Do you think people like me shouldn't be able to say such advanced theories?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Not bad!"

Luo Jundao: "Although I used to have poor character, don't forget, I have never been a fool in my practice. I used to be a heavenly monarch in the heavens!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "That's true!"

Luo Jundao: "I'm a person, I've always been very low-key and talented. But outsiders always only see my handsome and chic, thinking I am a very superficial person. In fact, I have a lot of connotations!"

Yuan Yuxian chuckled and said, "You really have enough."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Your happiness is my greatest satisfaction."

Afterwards, he said again: "Let me see your injury." After speaking, he could not help but grabbed her wrist.

After exploring the mana, Luo Jun withdrew his hand.

Although eight years have passed, Yuan Yuxian's injury has not made much progress.

Luo Jun frowned and said: "Why is it still the same?"

Yuan Yuxian said bitterly: "It's pretty good to keep the same."

Luo Jundao: "I must try to help you get your soul wishful thinking."

Yuan Yuxian remembered something and said, "By the way, your injury was cured by the Chaos Lingvine. What about the Chaos Lingvine?"

Luo Jun said: "This is a long story again."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Lingteng is not here with you?"

Luo Jundao: "Not here! If I have time, I will tell you well."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Okay!"

The two should not stay here for a long time, so they parted. Before the separation, Luo Jun was a gentleman and did not make any excessive demands.

This makes Yuan Yuxian feel that he is getting more and more regular now.

After returning to Xianyu, Luo Jun did not immediately go to see Xiao Ling.

He also had to guard against Yuansheng's prying eyes.

It was not until the next morning that Luo Jun met Xiao Ling naturally.

The group of them went to the conference hall to wait first, and a rich breakfast was arranged in the conference hall.

Before Yuan Sheng and others came, Luo Jun talked about the meeting with Yuan Yuxian last night.

Luo Jun said to everyone: "It seems that they really don't want to tear their skin, and they don't want to start war in advance. But they are determined to win the immeasurable light star!"

Xiao Ling said: "It's not much different from what I guessed."

After everyone discussed it again, the conversation ended.

Soon after, Yuan Sheng and others came.

While having a meal, Yuan Sheng agreed to go to the crack.

Xiao Ling said: "The threat in the crack is real. When you have solved the threat inside, I will go in alone to make sure that the threat is really removed. So you don't have any opinions?"

Yuan Shengdao: "No opinion!" Then he said: "But we are also afraid that we will not find a real threat. Whether you should send someone in with us is also a guide."

Xiao Ling said, "This is no problem!"

Yuan Shengdao: "I will specify who to send in."

Xiao Ling flatly refused and said, "No!" He was really afraid that his people would die if they entered.

Yuan Sheng was startled.

Xiao Ling said: "Let Xuanyuantai take you there. I have already explained to him many things about the cracks. He has also personally experienced the ghost-faced people in the cracks... it's just right for him to go!"

Yuan Sheng was silent for a while, and said: "Okay!"

Luo Jun quickly set off with Yuan Sheng and others.

After leaving Xianyu for a certain distance, some people on Yuansheng's side began to attack.

Xumizi said: "Xuanyuantai, why did you say that Xiao Ling didn't appoint other people to accompany us in, but he wanted to appoint you? At the banquet that day, the Holy Lord expressed disdain for you. He was afraid that others would accompany us in. You got a black hand, but you are not afraid of it?"

Luo Jun coldly glanced at Xu Mizi and said, "So what do you mean?"

Su Yazi became angry immediately. He felt that this kid was not very capable and had a good attitude, and said, "I think you have a problem."

Luo Jun said: "Then you let the Holy Lord kill me."

Sumiko said: "You..."

Jonathan said coldly: "Xuanyuantai, Sumiko is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has the power to live and kill you. Pay attention to your words and attitude..."

Luo Jun said: "I have already said that if you are not satisfied with me, let the Holy Lord kill me. Or you kill me yourself, why bother talking nonsense?"

Jonathan was also at a loss for words.

Yuan Yuxian said dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

They are all riding on the boat of destiny, and the boat of destiny is moving fast at this moment.

Yuan Sheng glanced at Luo Jun and said, "You seem to be quite grieving!"

Luo Jun immediately said respectfully: "Subordinates dare not!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Let's talk about it, what are you complaining about?"

Luo Jundao: "Although his subordinates are stupid, they can feel a lot of things. The subordinates feel that, including the Lord, you, and others do not trust me much. Since joining the temple, the subordinates have regarded themselves as devoted and loyal. Geng Geng. But in the end it was still suspicion!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Trust takes a long time to accumulate slowly. Being angry for this little thing is too immature. Are you afraid that the old man will kill you? Or do you think you are qualified to be in the old man? Playing these little tempers in front of you?"

Luo Jun lowered his head and said, "Subordinates are convicted."

Yuan Sheng snorted coldly and said, "If you dare to do this next time, you are ready to die."

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Yuan Sheng then said to Jonathan, Sumiko, and Yuan Yuxian: "The reason why Xiao Ling sent Xuanyuantai to follow us into the crack, the old man knows the reason."

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