Super Security in the City

Chapter 3956: Deep in the crack

Everyone looked at Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng said indifferently: "Because Xiao Ling didn't trust Xuanyuantai, he sent Xuanyuantai out. Even if he died, it doesn't matter." Then he said to Luo Jun: "You should reflect on why everyone does. Don't trust you much? Is it your own reason?"

Luo Jundao: "The reason is clear to the subordinates!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Really? Come and listen."

Luo Jundao: "Xiao Ling is a more upright person. His subordinates had misbehaving in the past, and Nuwa Empress also said that his subordinates are traitors. Although the subordinates found a reason and excuse from Xiao Ling, they wanted to come to him. I believed it in my face, but I didn't believe it all in my heart. It's just that his subordinates and Bai Qing had rescued him, so he couldn't tear his skin."

Yuan Sheng knew that Luo Jun and Bai Qing had saved Xiao Ling's people, and immediately said: "What you said is reasonable. Then why don't people here trust you much?"

Luo Jundao: "The subordinates dare not say!"

Yuan Shengdao: "It doesn't matter if you say it straight!"

Luo Jundao: "This is because you don't trust me. The attitude of the people below depends on your attitude."

Yuan Sheng was stunned and said, "You are so bold."

Luo Jun continued: "The subordinates used to have bad character, but an honest human race will not take refuge in yours. After all, the human race and the Kepler race are hostile. Although there is no war, they are between each other. They are not fools. There are some things that your subordinates shouldn't say, but now that you allow them to say them, they will speak all of them directly."

Everyone looked at Luo Jun.

Yuan Yuxian looked worried.

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, you have said everything!"

Luo Jundao: "In your temple, my cultivation level is indeed not ranked. But it does not mean that my role in the temple is also not ranked. As the saying goes, it is good to use people. , The suspect does not need to. Since you use me, you should believe me. Right now, your subordinates have to face the enemy's blade, but also fear your suspicion, which is too boring. The subordinates are not undercover. Why do you need to be under such pressure? Of course, you save the lives of your subordinates. Now that you have reached this point, it is impossible to leave."

Yuan Sheng stared at Luo Jun and said after a long while: "The old man said that trust needs to be accumulated slowly."

Luo Jundao: "Yes! The subordinates are now sincerely taking refuge, so they are a bit more headstrong, and I will tell you what I think. Please convict the Lord!" After speaking, he knelt down.

His remarks are actually for his own purposes.

Because a person who pretends to take refuge will be careful everywhere, like walking on thin ice.

What he performed was sincere, and of course he showed his dissatisfaction.

People are imperfect.

The more perfect, the more suspicious.

Sure enough, after his performance, Yuan Sheng and others were relieved.

A grumbling guy, where is the undercover agent?

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng said: "Get up and do your business well in the future. At a certain time, you will get all the trust of the old man. Following the old man, you will not suffer."

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said: "Yes, Holy Master! His subordinates will definitely do their best and die!"

Jonathan and Sumiko also expressed their views that they would get along well with Luo Jun in the future.

Luo Jun apologized to the two, saying that he was too reckless, and hoped that they would give more advice in the future.

Yuan Sheng then asked Luo Jun: "How did you stay with Xiao Ling?"

Luo Jundao: "The process is more complicated. Holy Lord, you will be clear about the memory of your subordinates when you investigate."

Yuan Sheng didn't bother to check it, knowing that if there is a problem with this product, he wouldn't let him check it, so he said: "You can talk about it roughly."

Luo Jun explained all the pre-arranged rhetoric.

After speaking, Jonathan and Sumiko were surprised: "You actually cut the fairy flying knife in your body without dying?"

Luo Jun said: "I swallowed the mosquitoes, and the Heavenly Desolate Divine Art I cultivated was quite mysterious, so I managed to survive. But it was a lifetime of nine deaths..."

Jonathan and Sumeko suddenly realized.

Yuan Shengdao: "Since I found the Lingvine, how did I release the Lingvine?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Bai Qing found the Lingteng, that kid is quite loyal. He promised Lingteng that he won't embarrass the Lingteng. He wanted to let go of the Lingteng, and his subordinates didn't dare to disobey it! At that time! I have just been sucked away from the sword, and my body is weak. In many places, I have to rely on Baiqing!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Where did this Bai Qing come from? I think he seems to be very young, and he has actually cultivated this level of cultivation."

Luo Jundao: "The subordinates also asked him, but he said that he had followed his master to practice in the mountains since he was a child. If you ask more, he doesn't say that the subordinates should respect his privacy."

Yuan Sheng and others suddenly became interested in Bai Qing.

Luo Jundao: "Bai Qing is indeed very loyal to people. He is a friend to make... The subordinates actually want to draw him under your command, but the subordinates can also see that he will never He will come. If his subordinate's true identity is revealed, it is estimated that he will kill his subordinate."

Yuan Shengdao: "When you have a shallow friendship with him, he is willing to give up his life for you. Such a person is indeed impossible to win."

Luo Jundao: "His Holy Land is also quite strange."

Everyone can't help but look at Luo Jun. Yuan Sheng asked: "How strange?"

Luo Jun said: "It's the sacred realm of the heart demon. There are countless heart demon sent out. The subordinates are really wondering that he is so young that he can control the heart demon and regard the heart demon as his own holy realm. He is now a cultivator. Shallow, if he waits for his cultivation to reach the quasi-sage, after the sage, his heart demon will definitely be a master of good fortune, extremely terrifying!"

Jonathan was a little disapproving, and said: "He doesn't have the power of heaven, he is a phantom after all!"

Yuan Sheng ignored Jonathan and meditated: "It's the first time the old man has heard of it with the mind demon. The origin of this Bai Qing must be investigated!"

Luo Jundao: "Yes, the subordinates must check his ins and outs clearly and clearly."

Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "Okay, this matter is left to you."

"Yes!" Luo Jun said.

The group was talking, and time passed quickly.

Two hours later, they finally came to a crack in the depths of the ocean floor.

The periphery of the crack is covered by a lot of seaweed, and it is impossible to see where the crack is. The crack had been sealed by Xiao Ling with holy power.

Everyone could easily feel the sacred power of Xiao Ling.

Yuan Sheng received the boat of destiny, and everyone fell in front of the seaweed. Following that, Yuan Sheng's sleeve robe lightly waved, and suddenly, a gentle sacred force swept over, pushing all the seaweed to other places.

At the crack, the purple sacred power left by Xiao Ling slowly flowed.

Occasionally there was a shock inside the crack, which seemed to contain a huge terrifying power.

Yuan Sheng didn't think much, then stretched out his fingertips, and a golden light condensed at the fingertips, which quickly cut through the purple sacred power left by Xiao Ling.

After a while, the purple sacred power was cut apart.

A large amount of black mist immediately gushed out of the crack, and the black mist quickly enveloped everyone. The black mist quickly turned into countless black tentacles and grabbed everyone, tearing everyone away.

The black mist tentacles also grabbed Luo Jun. Luo Jun only felt that the black mist tentacles had super corrosive power and wanted to dive into his flesh and blood.

If the cultivation base is below the creation realm, I am afraid that it will be quickly broken by the tentacles, and then poisoned and become a ghost-faced person. Fortunately, Luo Jun's group of people are highly cultivated and have powerful mana protection, so although the tentacles are poisonous and strong, they can't break their defenses.

Yuan Sheng said: "Since this thing wants us to go in, let's go in!"

When everyone saw what he said, they naturally obeyed.

So, instead of fighting against those tentacles, follow the pull of the tentacles and enter quickly.

The tentacles wrapped everyone, and in the blink of an eye, everyone was pulled into the crack.

After they entered the crack, the crack did not close, but continued to release black mist outward.

After the group of them entered the crack, outside the crack, Xiao Ling, Bai Qing, Fairy Qionghua, and Mo Wen floated towards them.

They followed from a distance, not too close.

However, it should be impossible to hide from Yuan Sheng's eyes and ears, but Yuan Sheng also didn't bother to care about it.

At this time, Bai Qing was a little worried, and said: "Second brother going in like this, I don't know if it will be dangerous, Immortal King, why don't you let me and second brother go together?"

Xiao Ling put down the barrier so that the conversation would not be heard by other people, and she spoke with her thoughts.

Only a few of them can hear this idea.

After doing the confidential work, Xiao Ling said: "Luo Jun is a pretending Xuanyuantai, Xuanyuantai is Yuansheng's subordinate, send him, the problem is not big. You want to pretend to be Luo Jun, how can you go in for the adventure together? Woolen cloth?"

Bai Qing knew that Xiao Ling's words also made sense, but deep down in her heart, she still couldn't hide her worries.

The black mist became thicker and thicker, and countless tentacles tore towards Xiao Ling and the others.

Fairy Qionghua changed color slightly and said, "It seems that this crack must be sealed again."

Xiao Ling said solemnly: "They should be sealed."

Sure enough, right here, golden sacred power began to appear from the crack, and that golden sacred power quickly sealed the crack.

The black mist tentacles in the outside lost the energy support of the cracks and turned into black mist again.

These black fog quickly drifted into the sea.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xiao Ling said to everyone: "You are waiting outside here, I want to go in."

Fairy Qionghua was taken aback, and said: "You didn't say you want to go in? This crack is isolated from the outside world. If you go in, if you are entangled by the Primordial Sage, after he kills you, he tells the outside world that the creature in the crack will kill you. Kill, what should I do?"

Xiao Ling hugged Fairy Qionghua lightly, patted her fragrant shoulder again, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't be so distrustful of me. Since I dare to go in, I am sure of coming out alive."

Fairy Qionghua said: "I'll go in with you, and at any rate there will be a caregiver. If something happens to you, we won't be able to live alone."

Xiao Ling refused, saying: "I am easy to walk alone. If you go, I will be distracted."

His attitude was firm, Fairy Qionghua had no choice but to obey.

Later, Xiao Ling broke the seal of Yuansheng and entered the crack.

After he entered the crack, he sealed the crack again.

After Luo Jun followed Yuan Sheng into the crack, he immediately felt the icy cold.

The place where they are is no longer the bottom of the sea, and there is no sea water...but an ice sheet with no marginal...

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