Super Security in the City

Chapter 3962: Heavenly Dao collapsed

When the decisive battle between Yuan Sheng and the ancestors reached white-hot, the Sky Meteorite Bow had already been completed on Yuan Sheng's head.

Following that, the Heaven's Meteorite Arrow shot out suddenly!


This celestial meteorite arrow carried the might of the heaven and the earth, and directly shot through all the obstacles and obstacles, and finally hit the head of the ancestor.

After that, the ancestor's whole body exploded, and finally turned into countless fragments.

Those fragments were about to melt into the black fog particles quickly, how could Yuan Sage give the ancestor the opportunity to quickly sacrifice the boat of destiny in his hands. Like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the boat of destiny quickly sucked the body fragments of the ancestor into the interior.

Yuan Sheng stood outside the ship of destiny, and a golden light curtain emerged from the ship of destiny, covering the fragments of the ancestor. Yuan Sheng quickly completed the seal, urging supreme mana.

His powerful mana and sacred power are mixed, and finally poured into the ship of destiny.

Inside the golden light curtain of the ship of destiny, two divine powers representing life and death appeared, and finally formed a golden flame and a dark flame. The two flames strangled those fragments like dragons...

Those fragments struggled wildly in the flames, forming a tornado-like existence.


Countless fragments collided violently, trying to break free from the shackles and break free of the golden light curtain.

Yuan Sheng looked solemn and suppressed with all his might.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the fragmented struggle was still fierce.

I don't know how long it lasted, and the fragments finally began to liquefy, and finally formed a dark blue liquid.

Countless dark blue liquids want to gather together.

But Yuan Sheng did not give these dark blue liquids a chance, but separated them with two divine fires and refined them separately.

This refining continued for a long time, and finally the dark blue liquid began to evaporate.

At this moment, the black corpse finally came to Yuansheng's side.

The black corpse shouted in a deep voice: "Master!"

Yuan Shengdao: "How about your side?"

The black corpse said, "Sumiko was rescued by me. Jonathan and Yuxian, as well as Xuanyuantai were missing. It is very likely that they have been poisoned."

A trace of pain flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes, and said: "Xian'er..."

Afterwards, he said to the black corpse: "Did those four ice men solve it?"

The black corpse said: "It can't be solved, no matter how it is refined, it can't be refined. I refine it with the flame of death, refine it into a liquid, and evaporate it, and they can be resurrected as usual."

"What?" Yuan Sheng couldn't help being shocked.

The black corpse said: "I'm trapping them in the net of the forest for now, but I can't stay for too long."

Yuan Sheng looked at the dark blue liquid in the boat of destiny, and said, "None of the four ice men can be killed, let alone this ancestor."

The black corpse remained silent.

Yuan Sheng continued: "The ancestor is the source of the power of the undead. If you solve this ancestor, everything will melt."

The black corpse still didn't speak.

The dark blue liquid did not evaporate under Yuan Sheng's refining.

The dark blue liquid not only did not evaporate, but broke through the shackles of the flame at an accelerated rate and gathered together.

The dark blue liquid gradually began to condense together, and finally shook the body, gradually returning to the appearance of the ancestor.

The ancestor is not covered in strands at this moment, but there are many ice blue scales on his body...

The whole look looks terrifying.

At this time, the two flames could no longer cause any harm to the ancestor.

The ancestor suddenly looked up to the sky and roared wildly.

Then, the black mist particles and the ghost-faced people from the outside world were culled as if they had gone mad.

They rushed forward, and together with the many black mist tentacles, they pounced on the boat of destiny.

It was densely packed, and culled layer by layer, with the intention of tearing apart the golden light curtain of the ship of destiny.


The ancestor also transported the mana to the limit in the golden light curtain, and immediately, the energy surging between heaven and earth violently.

Yuan Sheng's expression became more solemn.

The black corpse wanted to help but couldn't, he almost couldn't control the ice giant in the net of the forest.

If this continues, the ancestor will open the boat of life and regain control of the initiative.

At this time, Yuan Sheng's mana had been consumed too much.

Finally, a ray of determination and determination flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes.

"Nie Hu, you are looking for death by yourself!" Yuan Sheng yelled coldly.

After that, he finally sacrificed the power of the hidden life heaven. At that moment, the dazzling holy light bloomed above his head again.

The holy light goes straight into the sky!

In the clouds, Hongmeng purple qi surged, and finally turned into purple light and poured into Yuansheng's head.

Yuan Sheng's mana turned into a gray life heaven!

The power of heaven is poured into the boat of life.

After receiving the help of the gray heavenly power in the life boat, the dark and golden flames suddenly roared.


After violent tearing, the dark **** flame and golden **** flame merged with the power of heaven and immediately turned into endless water.

The endless water is tumbling and rushing, washing the ancestors!

After the first ancestor came into contact with the endless water, he suddenly screamed.

The endless water soon began to change, turning into trees and vines to entangle the ancestors. Numerous new shoots grew from the vines, and the new shoots gave rise to fine vines, which penetrated into the body of the ancestor.

More than that, countless trees and vines of life also grew out of the light curtain of the boat of life. These tree vines grow rapidly and grow into countless green vines.

The green vine rushed out, absorbing all the black mist particles in.

The Ghost Face Man was entangled by green vines, and was quickly squeezed into black mist particles.

After all, Yuan Sage displayed the power of Heaven's Dao that he didn't want to display the most.

Life is infinite change.

It can be life, it can be death, it can be life!

Time, fate, and luck!

At this moment, outside this undead star palace, Xiao Ling has been watching coldly. Suddenly, he saw the purple qi in the sky shooting downward. Suddenly his complexion changed: "The power of the heavens? Yuan Sheng was forced to use the power of the heavens. When he exerts the power of the heavens, he can also arouse the cosmic purple energy. It is not easy. It is just that he exerts the power of the heavens. Later, will he abide by the law of the heavens and remove the power of the heavens? I am afraid that he will not. He has great ambitions, and this ambitious plan depends on his power of the heavens. How can he remove the power of the heavens? Once he If he refuses to let go of the power of the Dao of Heaven, then the Law of the Dao of Heaven will be forcibly torn up. At that time, the war is probably going to be advanced. Maybe, he won't abide by this agreement and will kill me directly. "

At this moment, Xiao Ling felt an unprecedented crisis.

He felt that everything was out of control.

"Take Qionghua away and find Dao Ancestor and them?" Xiao Ling said: "If Yuan Sheng didn't have this thought, but I escaped early, wouldn't I be a joke?"

Rao Xiao Ling has always been quick-witted, and facing this situation at the moment, he also feels a little helpless, and only feels that how he goes is wrong.

"It would be great if Yuan Sage died here directly, but unfortunately, he has displayed the way of life, and there is a high probability that he will not die." Xiao Ling secretly said.

At this moment, Xiao Ling couldn't make up his mind.

"I still can't go. I really can't, so I will fight Yuansheng. Although I am not his opponent, after using the power of heaven, it should be okay to try to escape." After Xiao Ling pondered for a long time, he finally settled. idea.

Luo Jun and Yuan Yuxian also felt a different situation at this time, they felt the grand purple air surging in the sky.

Yuan Yuxian's expression suddenly changed: "Master actually displayed the power of heaven?"

Luo Jun was taken aback.

At first, he wanted to see Yuan Sage embarrassed, and even hoped that Yuan Sage would display the power of heaven.

But at this moment, when Yuan Sage truly displayed the power of Heaven's Dao, he was shocked to come over, this is not a good thing!

There seems to be only one result of this matter, that is, Yuan Sheng refuses to shed the power of the Heavenly Dao, and then tears up the Heavenly Dao Law Covenant. Although no one wants to see this result, it is an inevitable direction. How could Yuan Sheng shed the power of heaven! The power of this heavenly Dao is the only reliance on which he has been transcending into the holy, surpassing all the saints!

"It's a big game now, and it's gone." Luo Jun secretly said.

Luo Jun and Xiao Ling reacted the same.

At this time, in the Kunlun Mountain Eight Views Palace on Kunlun Island, Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Master also noticed that Yuan Sheng had displayed the power of heaven.

"Yuansheng actually displayed the power of the heavens, who can force him to this point?" Yuanshi Tianzun said in amazement.

Master Tongtian said: "The position is in the Shura realm, but Daoist Xiao Ling hasn't used the power of the heavens yet, so why did he use the power of the heavens first?"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "It shouldn't be fighting against Daoist Xiao Ling. From the perspective of Poor Dao, no one in the entire immortal realm can force him to use the power of heaven. Unless it is besieged by several people...but those few Who will go to besiege? I’m waiting here, the Western Second Sage and others are still in the Western world. In the Shura world, what is happening at this moment?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Should we check it out at this time?"

Taishang Daozu said: "Things are getting more and more complicated, and we are more and more unable to leave at this time. It will take two months at the earliest to reach the Shura realm from here. After two months, nothing will be too late. Hold the base camp and watch quietly. Change it!"

Master Tongtian said: "It can only be so, I really don’t know what will happen next. Yuan Sheng has activated the power of the heavens, according to the law of the heavens, he has to remove the powers of the heavens. But we all know that he can’t get rid of it. The power of the heavenly way. In this way, we have to tear up the heavenly law covenant. Once the law covenant is torn, then it will be a card."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Don't be too pessimistic, think about it, since Yuansheng used the life heaven. That means that there is a powerful opponent in the Shura world. If Yuansheng wants to start the war now, he will start the war early. Being inactive for a long time means that he doesn't want to. Even if he tears up the heavenly law, he won't do anything about it. Just doing it right now is not good for us, and it's not good for him!"

Master Tongtian said: "That's true!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "Hey, this world is a peaceful one. Everyone keeps their own boundaries. How stable. But this Yuansheng can't be a good individual! He has to make trouble everywhere!"

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