Super Security in the City

Chapter 3963: Ancestor body

Taishang Daozu said: "It can't be said that, we people also have original sin. Wasn't the Kepler immortal world calm back then, and our arrival brought them disaster. Although so many years have passed, But cause and effect never ends!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "It wasn't that we didn't give them a way to survive, but that they resisted desperately and refused to accept the reality. We can only take extraordinary measures!"

Taishang Taoist ancestor said: "Where there are creatures, there will be laws, fights, and reincarnation, there will also be cause and effect. There is no need to regret, just look forward. In the future, I will wait for the death of my body and I will have no regrets!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little melancholy, and said, "Is there really no regrets? A thousand catastrophes will not die, how hard it is!"

Master Tongtian said: "But Brother Yuanshi, you have to know that there is no real immortality! Stronger than the emperor of the universe, there will eventually be a day of death."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "That said, but I think we still live too little."

Deep in the seabed of the Shura world, in the cracks, in the palace of the undead...

After Yuan Sheng used the power of heaven, the ancestor struggled desperately among the vines and roared.

After a long time, the ancestor melted into a liquid here. The liquid finally formed a luminous body, which was the luminous body that everyone had seen in the sky before!

The luminous body burst out with silver brilliance, and countless black particles burst out of the silver brilliance.

In the golden light curtain of the ship of destiny, black particles immediately completely contaminated the golden light curtain.

From the outside, inside the boat of destiny is already a ball of black ink.


The fight has been going on, this is a fight between the power of the undead and the power of the heavenly way of life.

The Harmony Purple Qi is integrated into the Heavenly Path of Life, and the power of the undead and the Harmony Purple Qi are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

At this moment, the real battle between dragons and tigers is real!

Both sides are in a kind of fair fight.

Kill, tear, change, supernatural powers!

Sun, moon and galaxy, heaven and earth!


I don't know how long it took, outside the ship of destiny, trees and vines covered the entire void, covering all the black fog particles, and the desert became an oasis. It was originally a place full of life, but now it is full of greenery and full of vitality.

In the life boat, the luminous body was also refined into a silver liquid, and finally, it completely melted!

After the luminous body ablated, the black mist particles from the outside also disappeared with the smoke.

The black corpse was still suppressing the ice giant, and it seemed that it would not be able to suppress it, but after the ancestor completely disappeared, the ice giant in the forest of the sun also began to melt, and finally evaporated completely.

The Palace of the Undead continues to collapse...

All the ghost faces began to turn into black fog particles, and the black fog particles finally dispersed.

Luo Jun and Yuan Yuxian were originally hiding in the body of a ghost-faced man, but at this time they left the body of the ghost-faced man. Luo Jun is not a ghost-faced person, but only possesses some of their aura and can be hidden. So this kind of ablation has no effect on him.

When everything disappeared, all the chaos was calmed down.

Everything, restore peace!

Yuan Sheng received the boat of destiny, and the black corpse also received the net of Sen Luo, and released Sumiko. After Xumizi came out, he immediately thanked the black corpse and Yuansheng for their life-saving grace.

Yuan Sheng’s face was full of exhaustion, and he said to Xumizi: "Is Jonathan visible?"

Sumiko said: "The subordinates used to deal with an iceman, and then all the other three icemen came under siege. I'm afraid that Jonathan, Girl Yuan, and Xuanyuantai...have been poisoned!"

At this moment, Luo Jun and Yuan Yuxian flew in front of Yuansheng and others.

After Yuan Sheng saw Yuan Yuxian, he was overjoyed and said, "Xian'er, you are fine."

Yuan Yuxian saluted Yuansheng and said, "Master, thanks to Xuanyuantai's help this time."

Yuan Sheng looked at Luo Jun and said, "You can protect Xian'er, which is very good. But, haven't you been entangled by the Iceman?"

Luo Jun said: "There is indeed an iceman who is coming to kill his subordinates."

Xu Yazi's face changed slightly, and he said, "I can't get the upper hand when I fight the iceman. Can you knock the iceman back?"

Luo Jun glanced at Sumiko and said, "Naturally, I don't have the ability to take the Iceman's palms, and he almost didn't explain it. However, there is a demon mosquito in the lower body, and the demon mosquito absorbed the iceman's power and transformed it. As a pure yin power. I hide in the mosquito body, and use the power of the iceman to hide my breath, and then hide into the body of a ghost-faced man. The iceman can’t find me, he has always been busy enough, so I go I'm looking for you."

"That's it!" Sumiko suddenly realized.

Yuan Sheng listened to Luo Jun's explanation and understood the principle, and said lightly: "You are smart!"

Luo Jun hurriedly said: "Thank you for the praise from the Holy Master. The subordinates think that it is not a pity to die, but they must not let Xian'er have an accident."

Yuan Yuxian's face blushed slightly. She ignored Luo Jun's flattering, but worriedly said to Yuan Sheng: "You have displayed the power of heaven this time, what should you do next? Is it to be completely with the saints? Turn your face?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Don't worry, I have my own opinion. This time I didn't arrange it for the teacher, so you almost had something wrong."

Yuan Yuxian said: "This is an accident, it's none of your business."

Yuan Sheng perceives his surroundings, and finally sighs, "It seems that Jonathan is really bad, let's go!"

It was much simpler when the cracks appeared, and the black fog particles from the outside had already dissipated.

Moreover, the world in this crack is also beginning to collapse.

Yuan Sheng and others quickly left the world of cracks, and when they looked back, the cracks had completely disappeared.

After all, this so-wrenching crisis was resolved by Yuan Sheng.

But the mortal matter always solves one link, and it will trigger a new round of crisis.

The fairy world will never be peaceful...

In the cloud sea fairyland, Luo Jun came back with Yuan Sheng and others.

Xiao Ling led Fairy Qionghua, don't ask, Bai Qing still had a team of men to greet her.

When Luo Jun saw Xiao Ling, he approached immediately and said, "Return to the fairy king, the entire crisis of the crack has been resolved. The ancestor was also killed, and all the ghost faces in the crack, including the black mist particles, have disappeared. The entire crack world It also collapsed!"

Xiao Ling nodded.

Bai Qing looked at Luo Jun, he was very concerned, but he didn't show it.

Yuan Sheng clasped his fist to Xiao Ling and said, "Xian Wang, the old man has resolved the crisis in the cracked world according to your request."

Xiao Ling has been paying attention to Yuan Sage’s reaction, and there are a lot of ups and downs in his heart. I don’t know whether Yuan Sage is going to turn his face and punish him or want something else... Seeing Yuan Sage doesn’t mean to do it right now. Slightly relieved.

He also clasped his fist now and said: "Friend Yuan Dao is really amazing, I admire it! However, Yuan Dao's friendship seems to have violated the law of heaven and the power of Dao that day is also displayed. What should I do now?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The law of heaven is the main push of the old man and customized by himself. I am also very grateful to all the saints for their support to make the law of heaven to be successful. The old man is the founder, although the use of the power of heaven is indeed compelling. But the rules are the rules. After a while, the old man will invite all the saints to the Metaverse, and under the witness of all the saints, the old man will remove the power of the heavenly way."

"Metaworld?" Xiao Ling's heart sank.

Yuan Shengdao: "When the Nvwa Empress's power of heaven is removed, the old man invited you to go to the heaven. When it is the old man's turn, this position should be selected in the Yuanjie, Xiaoxian, this truth should be correct?"

Xiao Ling pondered for a long while, and said, "It should be so!"

Fairy Qionghua said: "Everyone, let's not talk about it here. A banquet has already been set up inside, please, please!"

After the banquet, Xiao Ling handed over Infinite Light Star as agreed.

Yuan Sheng took the immeasurable light star, and left with the black corpse and Yuan Yuxian.

Naturally, Luo Jun could not leave with Yuan Sage, because if he left with Yuan Sage, wouldn't he be the person who confirmed that he was Yuan Sage?

On the way back with Yuansheng, Luo Jun also confessed a lot of things. The many ins and outs of the matter have been explained clearly.

He told Yuan Sheng, all the experiences he had experienced during this trip to the Land of Nothingness.

Including later I met Donghuang Taiyi...

Luo Jun said to Yuan Sage: "When we first arrived in the Shura realm, we accidentally hit and saved Xiao Ling. When Xiao Ling arrived, he also brought his subordinates. One of his subordinates was called the Eternal Demon Lord. This Eternal Demon Lord used to be. We were suppressed on the earth by a heavenly monarch. I don’t know how they came to the immortal world... This eternal demon monarch and Bai Qing seem to know each other quite well, and their relationship is very good."

When Luo Jun talked about this, Yuan Sheng and others were slightly discolored.

"Eternal Demon Lord has been to the earth? How did the young white man get to know the Eternal Demon Lord when he was young?" Yuan Yuxian said.

Luo Jun said: "Eternal Demon Lord did not say clearly, but I asked Bai Qing, Bai Qing said very vague, but it seems that Bai Qing once saved his life. Eternal Demon Lord also said that Bai Qing's appearance has changed... they have It was very cryptic at the time, and it seemed that I didn’t want to go into details about the past. I don’t have to ask too much!"

"Later, there was one incident that was very shocking to his subordinates!" Luo Jun finally said: "We still met Eastern Emperor Taiyi after all. The Taoist Lu Ya was killed by Bai Qing, so Eastern Emperor Taiyi wanted to kill Bai Qing. Originally, The Eternal Demon Lord said that we are Xiao Ling’s subordinates, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has already agreed to let me and the Eternal Demon Lord go away. But the Eternal Demon Lord did not do it. He didn’t know what secret technique he used to burn himself and form a mystery. The passage allowed Xiao Ling to cross the passage and go directly from the Immortal Territory to the Land of Nothingness. Xiao Ling had a fight with Donghuang Taiyi."

"Sacrifice yourself, just to save Baiqing?" Xumeiko said: "This friendship is not easy!"

Yuan Sheng asked Luo Jun: "How about the outcome of Xiao Ling and Donghuang Taiyi?"

Luo Jun bluntly talked about the process of their duel, saying that Xiao Ling won a terrible victory and was seriously injured, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gave Xiao Ling Taiqing Dan and so on. Although Xiao Ling's injury is very good now, she still hasn't recovered.

Yuan Sheng had already known that Xiao Ling was injured. Seeing Luo Jun said this, he believed Luo Jun a little bit more.

After that, Yuan Sheng asked Luo Jun to stay here. It is best to find out Bai Qing's identity and take the soul Ruyi by the way.

Luo Jun naturally leads!

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