Super Security in the City

Chapter 3964: Conspiracy entanglement

Yuan Sheng and others left the Yunhai Immortal Territory with Immeasurable Light Star. They didn’t say much along the way...

Ten days later, Yuan Sheng and others left the Shura realm.

Outside the Shura realm, it is the vast sea.

The boat of destiny travels through the vast sea. At this time, Yuan Yuxian finally couldn't help it, and said: "Master, this Bai Qing... actually let Xiao Ling save him at all costs. Could he be... Luo Jun, the breaker?"

Sumiko said immediately: "I have been thinking about this all the time, now it seems that it is very possible!"

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man is also thinking about this issue, but everything is just a side word of Xuanyuantai."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Let’s focus on investigating the affairs of the eternal demon. In addition, some of Luo Jun’s trump cards and tricks are traceable. Look for an opportunity to play against Bai Qing and force him to show the bottom of the pressure box. Come out with tricks. In this way, we can also find out if he is Luo Jun or not."

Yuan Shengdao: "This is a way."

Xumizi said: "There is still a doubt in the middle."

Everyone looked at Sumiko.

Xu Yazi said, "Xiao Ling won't trust Xuanyuantai, but he let Xuanyuantai accompany us to the Rift World. Isn't he afraid that Xuanyuantai will reveal some of Bai Qing's secrets? If Bai Qing is really Luo Jun, he should let Bai Qingzang It’s right to get up. Let alone send Xuanyuantai to go with us!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The relationship between Xuanyuantai and Bai Qing is very good, so Xiao Ling couldn't kill Xuanyuantai. Moreover, Xuanyuantai also rescued Xiao Ling's people with Bai Qing. More importantly, Xuanyuan was actually Xuanyuantai. Taiwan doesn’t know Bai Qing’s true identity. Who should I send to accompany us to the Rift World? Xuanyuantai is the most suitable one if we think about it. There should be nothing suspicious about this."

Yuan Shengdao: "It is precisely because Xuanyuantai knows Bai Qing, so if he lets Bai Qing hide from us, it will be even more suspicious."

Xu Mizi said: "No matter what, the subordinates always feel that there are many doubts about Xuanyuantai, and the relationship with Xiao Ling is also quite suspicious. Xiao Ling is such a shrewd person, and Nuwa Empress once said that Xuanyuantai betrayed him. How can you not doubt the connection between Xuanyuantai and us?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "But Xuanyuantai has always been loyal to us. He is very smart and always has a way to make people believe him. When we met Xuanyuantai, it was all accidental. At that time, he was working for us. Be prepared to do something wrong... These can't be pretended. Master has also checked the many memories of Xuanyuantai, and there is no problem. I don't know why, Elder Sumeiko, you just can't trust him?"

Sumeko smiled bitterly and said, "I can't say anything, it's just a feeling!"

Yuan Shengdao: "In fact, we don't have to guess a lot now. Let's find a way to verify that Bai Qing. If we find the real Luo Jun, then Xuanyuantai will definitely be fine."

Xumizi said, "So in fact, the Holy Lord, you also suspected that Xuanyuantai might be Luo Jun, right?"

Yuan Yuxian said, "This is impossible! Because I have investigated Luo Jun. Luo Jun's character is a valiant, guilty, and hateful. When we ran into Xuanyuantai, what did he do? If he was in the holy city. Here, he went to those Fengyue places in disguise. But the behavior we met him for the first time, must not be disguised? It is Taishang Dao ancestor, and it is impossible to predict that we will just pass by. Plus he and Dao Lu Ya Those grievances were not from performances. I have experienced the depth of the hatred for several life-and-death fights! I suspect that Xuanyuantai is Luo Jun. It is sheer nonsense and extremely absurd!"

Yuan Shengdao: "It is indeed ridiculous to suspect that Xuanyuantai is Luo Jun, but it is also true that Xuanyuantai gives people a sense of unreliability. Xian'er, don't really fall into it. Being a teacher has always treated you very much. Don't worry, I think you will never have feelings for people like Xuanyuantai. Now, I feel a little skeptical in my heart for the teacher."

Yuan Yuxian's face flushed immediately, and said, "Master, Tu'er has absolutely no feelings for him. I just want to use this emotional pretense to confuse Xuanyuantai."

Yuan Shengdao: "That's good!"

Xumizi said: "Holy Lord, how do we verify Bai Qing's identity next?"

Yuan Shengdao: "If it is proved that Bai Qing is Luo Jun, the best way is to kill him on the spot. However, it is somewhat difficult to kill Bai Qing on the spot. You must also guard against those sages from making troubles. .Xu Mizi, you and the black corpse are waiting here. The old man has already explained that Xuanyuantai wants to lure Bai Qing out. The black corpse knows the breath of Xuanyuantai, so as long as Xuanyuantai comes, you should be able to stop it. Bai Qing."

Sumiko was a little worried, and said, "Holy Lord, if you are here, wouldn't we be able to sit back and relax?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man must go back to the temple with Xian'er soon. Besides, the old man still doesn't want to turn his face with all the saints. There will be danger. If Xuanyuantai and Bai Qing are here, you will test Bai Qing first, and try to figure out Bai Qing's hole cards before you play the killer. If it is not easy to kill, you don't have to force it."

Seeing that Yuan Sheng had arranged it, Xumizi could only obey at the moment, saying: "Yes, Holy Lord!"

After that, Yuan Yuxian and Yuan Sheng left together in the boat of destiny.

But Sumiko and the black corpse stayed behind.

Located in the Netherworld, there is a canyon deep in the seabed of the Nether Blood Sea, and the depths of the canyon are covered with many seaweeds. In the seaweed cover, a small crack suddenly appeared. In the crack, countless black mist particles began to flow outward.

In the cracks, black mist surging even more.

The cracks were originally full of rocks, mud, etc.! But at this time, the black fog particles opened up the world, and soon opened up countless spaces.

Wonderful workmanship, heavenly creation!

I don't know how long it took, a cracked world of ice and snow reappeared.

In the icy and snowy sky, a luminous body like the moon once again appeared.

The Star Palace of the Undead appeared on the highest snow mountain, and the ancestor with solemn expression and ice armor sat cross-legged in the Star Palace.

A pair of icy blue eyes burst out with dazzling light.

After that, he waved his hand!

Suddenly, the black mist surged!

The black mist particles that leaked from the crack all returned to the cracked world, and after that, everything in the outside world returned to normal, as if nothing had ever happened.

Shura world, in the fairyland of the sea of ​​clouds.

Since Yuansheng and his party left, Luo Jun, Xiao Ling and Bai Qing began discussing follow-up matters.

Luo Jun will talk in detail about everything that happened in the cracked world.

At the same time, he also started to suspect Bai Qing from Yuan Sheng, and then explained that he had led Bai Qing out and so on.

Bai Qing said with joy when he heard the words: "We just want him to doubt, this is the right thing to do!"

Luo Jundao: "Xiaobai, don't be so optimistic. If Yuansheng determines that you are me, he will not let you go."

Xiao Ling said, "That's right!"

Bai Qing said: "I know that this matter will definitely be dangerous, and we will surely solve it if we plan well."

Luo Jun looked very worried and said: "Sage Yuan used the power of Heavenly Dao this time, and he said that he would invite all the saints to the Yuanjie to witness him unload the power of Heavenly Dao. Moreover, he also ran to leave the Immortal King for you. Immeasurable Light Star, I have a feeling that he is brewing a great conspiracy."

Xiao Ling said solemnly: "I have this feeling too."

Luo Jun said: "Metaworld, you cannot go easily. To be precise, you must never go!"

Xiao Ling said: "Then you won't investigate the matter of using the power of heaven? If you don't investigate it, then all the saints will not be able to survive!"

Luo Jun said: "I don't think it's a problem of face and face loss anymore. The Yuansheng has a great plan, how can we not let him make us a step by step plan to death, if we don't follow his routine, we will fight Disrupt his plan, and if the plan is messed up, flaws will arise. It seems that I have to solve the matter here quickly, and then return to his side. Only in this way can I figure out what conspiracy he has."

Xiao Ling said, "But you must also pay attention to safety!"

Bai Qing said: "They must be convinced that I am the second elder brother before they can let the second elder brother go back."

Luo Jundao: "Actually, I also want to understand one thing now."

Xiao Ling and Bai Qing looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said: "It is always unlikely that Yuansheng will completely trust me, not because I have a problem. It is based on an intuition..."

Xiao Ling said: "The situation you said does exist. Once you have reached this level of cultivation, you will always feel some danger to the surrounding area. But if Xiaobai succeeds in disguising your identity, you will still be much safer."

Bai Qing said: "My danger is always much less, unlike the second brother who has to go deep into the tiger's den. So the second brother doesn't have to worry about me too much!"

Xiao Ling said, "No matter what, you must plan carefully. I am now a little worried. After Luo Jun, you lead Xiaobai out, they will arrange someone to deal with you. If Yuan Sheng and the black corpse squat together, the problem will be Big."

Luo Jundao: "Yuan Sheng will not squat, I can guarantee this!"

Xiao Ling said, "Oh, why did you say this?"

Luo Jun said: "If Yuansheng wants to guard Xiaobai, it means that he wants to completely tear his face. If he wants to completely tear his face, and knows that the fairy king is injured, then he will be in the fairyland. I’ll do it to you when the time comes. First solve one, and then catch Xiaobai directly, wouldn’t it be alright? He didn’t do this, which means that the time has not come. He has bigger, I guess he Will leave Xu Yazi to test Xiaobai, and let the black corpse wait by. If there are other sages intervening, he should be able to take the black corpse instantly. The black corpse, the black corpse and the original sage were the ones who attacked the Nuwa Empress. The relationship between them is very peculiar. I think the black corpse should be a kind of clone of Yuansheng, and some of the abilities displayed by the black corpse belong to the way of death. The way of death is controlled by Ye Sheng. The black corpse should be in the way of life. A part of the world. Because the way of life includes life and death!"

Xiao Ling was startled slightly, and said: "It turns out that there is such a connection in this. If you don't say it, I really can't think of this section!"

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