Super Security in the City

Chapter 3968: Heavenly Mystery

In the immortal world, the situation is changing, and in the vast sea, it is impossible to see the illusion and the truth.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another year passed.

In this year, since Yuansheng used the power of Heavenly Dao, the fairy world has been in peace. Yuan Sheng spoke out early and asked all the saints to come to Yuanjie to witness him let go of the power of heaven. But all the saints did not go, Yuan Sheng urged several times, which made all the saints feel extremely embarrassed.

On this day, the Metaverse, the Holy City, the Temple Palace...

Yuan Sheng was entering concentration, and suddenly, the steward in the palace, cursed shadow, reported: "Enlighten the holy lord, Xuanyuantai is seeking to see you outside the palace."

"Xuanyuantai?" Yuan Sheng was startled slightly, then he said: "Let him come in!"

After the curse went down, the black corpse was still waiting outside.

Not long after, Xuanyuantai in a green robe walked in, came to Yuan Sheng, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Subordinates, see the Holy Master!"

This Xuanyuantai is... Luo Jun.

There is no one else in the palace.

Yuan Sheng glanced at Luo Jun faintly, and said, "Do you come back this time on behalf of the human race or on my Kepler race?"

Luo Jun bit his scalp and said: "The subordinates have obtained half of the soul wishfulness, and they are returning from the task."

Yuan Shengdao: "You really have the abilities and great abilities. With long sleeves and good dance, you can be tactful wherever you want, like a fish in water!"

Luo Jundao: "Subordinates are extremely frightened!"

Yuan Sheng said: "As far as the old man knows, Xiao Ling already suspected you last time and injured you seriously. Not only did you not die this year, but you brought back your soul Ruyi? How did you do it?"

Luo Jun's forehead was sweating, and then he said: "Subordinates...return to the Holy Master, it was Xiao Ling negotiated with Taishang Daozu to let the subordinates come back. They planted a strange poison on the subordinates, which must be within the corresponding time. Go back and get the antidote, otherwise, the subordinates will undoubtedly die."

Yuan Shengdao: "They should know that the old man has the ability to read memories."

Luo Jun said: "The Taishang Taoist ancestor should write memories for his subordinates using the law of natural secrets."

Yuan Sheng was slightly startled, and said, "There are still such magic techniques in the world?"

Luo Jun said: "The natural secret of heaven is to let your subordinates immerse themselves in the secret of heaven, and always believe in some nihilistic memories. When you explore again, your subordinates always think according to the original memory, and you can change the memory. The magical effect."

Yuan Sheng was silent for a while, and then said, "Could it be that you have long ago had this secret method. The old man used to investigate your memories, and all of them are fake?"

Luo Jun was terrified and said: "There is no such thing, Holy Master, subordinates... It's so difficult!" After speaking, tears fell.

Yuan Sheng said slowly, "You don't need to call Qu, I will check your memory, and see how mysterious your natural secret technique is."

Luo Jun said: "Yes!" After saying this, he got up and came to the front of Yuan Sheng, and then sat cross-legged.

Yuan Sheng stood up, put out his hand to touch the top of Luo Jun's head, and then urged the mana to penetrate into Luo Jun's brain.

During this investigation, Yuan Sage looked from the beginning, General Luo Jun met Bai Qing, and then fought with Taoist Lu Ya, slashing the immortal flying knife in his body. And later encountered the ghost face man in the Shura world, etc., all saw it clearly.

In the land of nothingness, the Eastern Emperor Tai was all sorts of things, and they all saw it clearly.

But Luo Jun made changes to Fengming's Three Demons, and did not mention that the Ice Emperor had joined. He arranged everything in a reasonable manner, and he knew in his heart that the place of nothingness was too far away from here. Even if Yuan Sheng wanted to explore those things clearly, it would have to be many years from now. In those matters of Fengming Three Demons, he was completely able to kill people. Outsiders want to check, but they can't find out why.

Luo Jun also did not reveal the affairs of Emperor Qingxuan and others, but only showed the duel between Xiao Ling and Donghuang Taiyi. These memories of his have been tempered and calculated repeatedly in the past few years, so that there are no loopholes in them. In the depths of his memory, he himself thought things were like this.

Therefore, Yuan Sheng absolutely cannot find any flaws in this!

After that, Yuan Sheng started what happened after Chaluo's army was severely injured by Xiao Ling. This section began to have some faults and appeared chaotic.

Yuan Sheng finally received his magical powers, and said coldly: "With this kind of natural secret technique, they think you can fool the old man?"

Luo Jun said bitterly: "Returning to the Holy Master, the subordinates could have used the natural secrets of nature better. But under your majesty, it is really difficult for your subordinates to stabilize the natural secrets."

Yuan Shengdao: "Okay, then remove your natural secrets, and the old man will come and see the real situation."

Luo Jun was relieved and said: "Yes!"

Yuan Sheng then once again chased Luo Jun's mind, and saw those plans of Taishang Daozu and Xiao Ling. Among them, Xiao Ling wanted to kill Luo Jun, but Luo Junxiao took advantage, saying that Yuansheng wanted immeasurable light stars, there must be a big conspiracy, he was willing to penetrate into the depths of the Yuansheng, and then to find out the Yuansheng final goal. He also suggested that he could be given some poison. If he can't get useful information back then, he won't be able to escape.

That's how it understood the emotions and reasoned the movements, and finally persuaded Taishang Daozu and Xiao Ling.

As a result, everything becomes reasonable.

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but admire Luo Jun's clever tongue.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng retracted his mana and asked Luo Jun: "You are doing ghosts on both sides now, what did you plan to do in the end?"

Luo Jun was extremely bitter, and said: "All his subordinates are doing for you, the Lord. I dare not say a loyal mirror of the sun and the moon, but this time it arouses their suspicion because it is also because of your orders from the Lord to do things. That’s what happened. Later, the subordinates just wanted to live. I thought that as long as they didn’t die right away, there would be variables. The subordinates also knew very well that between the saints and you, the odds of winning are not great. The anger is so powerful, and Mr. Black Corpse is helping. So in this troubled world, the subordinates just want to live as hard as they can. The subordinates also believe that you must have a way to get rid of the poison. Or, you will give it to you when the time comes. Some of the subordinate information that is enough to convince the saints is actually false. At that time, it will be able to confuse the saints, and the subordinates can obtain the antidote from the saints, it will be countless!"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly, and said: "You have even thought about the future."

Luo Jundao: "Subordinates... just want to live. In order to live, they don't care about shame, dignity and other things. Everything in the world can only be felt and enjoyed by living. When I die, fame, fortune, and Dao are all vain!"

Yuan Shengdao: "You are indeed a very smart person, but the old man still has to advise you not to be clever!"

Luo Jundao: "Thanks to the Lord that you can respect it, and admit that your subordinates are smart people. Subordinates believe that a truly smart person will never dare to play tricks in front of you."

Yuan Sheng said: "You know it!" After a pause, he said: "You said you brought back half of your soul Ruyi?"

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Why is it half?" When he read Luo Jun's memory, he didn't read it completely.

After all, it is too time-consuming to read them all.

Reading the memories of others is a time-consuming task and requires a lot of analysis.

So Yuan Sheng didn't understand what happened to that half of the soul's Ruyi?

Luo Jun said: "There is one more thing to report to the subordinate, which is also related to why the subordinate brought back half of the soul."

Yuan Shengdao: "Say!"

Luo Jundao: "They have always been very cryptic, but their subordinates suspect that Bai Qing is the breaker Luo Jun you have been looking for."

Yuan Sheng's face changed slightly and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun was amused, knowing that Yuan Sheng's expression change was deliberately made. Acting to the end immediately, he said seriously: "The subordinates are just speculating."

Yuan Shengdao: "You start to speculate from the evidence?"

Luo Jundao: "First, the Eternal Demon Lord died for Bai Qing. The Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing seem to be old friends of the earth. Second, Xiao Ling did nothing for Bai Qing. Third, the other saints too. He attaches great importance to Bai Qing, and also took out his soul to heal his injuries."

Yuan Shengdao: "It is too arbitrary to conclude that he is the breaker Luo Jun based on these few points."

Luo Jundao: "This is just the feeling of the subordinates, they are very defensive to the subordinates, so more, the subordinates can't detect it."

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, the old man understands."

Luo Jun said again: "The soul of Ruyi was used by Bai Qing for half, and his subordinates asked for the remaining half. They said that they wanted to find something to win your trust. After they thought about it, they agreed. Only then can the subordinate bring back half of the soul." After speaking, he took out something.

The thing was completely dark, like a black fleshy bone. But right now only half is left...

The broken part of the soul's wishful thinking was banned by magic, so that the soul's divine power inside would not leak out.

In the soul's wish, the power of the soul surges, as if it contains a world of souls.

Yuan Sheng took the Soul Ruyi, and then Mana went into it to check. When mana entered it, he was aware of the incomparably pure soul power. This soul power was icy cold, but extremely nourishing, immersed in it, and extremely comfortable.

Very pure, clean, without a trace of impurities.

Yuan Sheng immediately affirmed that there is nothing wrong with this soul's wishful thinking.

At the moment, he returned his soul Ruyi to Luo Jun, saying: "This thing can restore Xian'er's cultivation base, you go and give this thing to Xian'er."

Luo Jun took the soul and said: "Yes, Holy Lord!" After a pause, he said: "Poison on his subordinates?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The poison you are in is very strange, sometimes there is no time, there are many secrets. The old man has to make a little preparation, and I will see if there is a way to crack it tomorrow."

Luo Jundao: "Thank you holy lord!"

After that, he withdrew from the temple pavilion.

After leaving the palace, Luo Jun immediately went to see that Yuan Yuxian.

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