Super Security in the City

Chapter 3969: Heaven and Earth

Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but said: "Since the world is so powerful, if you learn this trick with your master, wouldn't it be easy to surpass all the saints?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The black corpse broke Bai Qing's heaven and earth law with one finger, but in that finger, he already felt the power of the heaven and earth law. The black corpse can feel it as a teacher. So it is very Regrettably, although I have learned the past and present for my teacher, I can't learn that trick of heaven and earth. That is to say, with that trick, you can be sure that Bai Qing is Luo Jun."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Since Bai Qing is Luo Jun, there is really no doubt about Xuanyuantai's identity."

Yuan Shengdao: "Xuanyuantai really shouldn’t have any problems, but this guy always feels unreliable as a teacher. The more you use it, the more you feel uneasy... You can’t say that he has problems, you can only say that it’s the instinct of being a teacher. In the middle, I feel that this person is always untrustworthy! After finding Luo Jun, the teacher had planned to kill this Xuanyuantai no matter what, in order to get peace of mind."

Yuan Yuxian's face changed drastically, and her breathing became quicker. But for a while, I didn't know what to say.

Her expression changed, and Yuan Sheng was in full view. Yuan Shengdao: "Reluctant?"

Yuan Yuxian sighed and said, "Master, in front of you, the disciple doesn't want to hide anything. I just think that people are not plants and can be ruthless. I can feel the pain and helplessness of Xuanyuantai, between the disciple and him, I have also gone through some life and death dangers. The last time I met the ancestor of the undead, if he hadn't stood up to save him, the disciple would have been dead like Jonathan for a long time. So when I heard you said that he was going to kill him, the disciple could not be calm!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Because of emotion and reason, you really shouldn't kill Xuanyuantai."

Yuan Yuxian said: "If you are really worried, Master, let him go and let him go. Since then, I will not owe him anything. Even now, I am not afraid of him leaking anything. And the disciple believes that with his cleverness, he will not reveal anything."

Yuan Sheng said: "It doesn't matter if he will reveal anything, but if he is not used anymore, he must die."

Yuan Yuxianton felt bitter, and then said: "In this way, no matter what he does or doesn't do, you won't trust him. Because this is your instinct."

Yuan Shengdao: "Intuition is a very strange thing, without reason. But this thing has been saved as a teacher several times!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Since this is the case, if the master wants to kill him, then kill. Although the disciples have reluctance and pity for him, they are still not worth mentioning when compared with you, the master, and our Kepler clan. ."

Yuan Sheng smiled and said: "Now I have changed my mind as a teacher and decided not to kill him for the time being."

Yuan Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The sages have trouble sleeping and eating today. They want to know what they are planning for the teacher. It's better to use Xuanyuantai's mouth to tell them something so that they can feel at ease."

Yuan Yuxian said: "We don't trust Xuanyuantai, and they may not trust Xuanyuantai."

Yuan Shengdao: "We must let Xuanyuantai know the truth, but this truth must be the truth we give to Xuanyuantai."

Yuan Yuxian said: "You mean, first give Xuanyuantai false information. Then let Xuanyuantai discover our true purpose by accident. But we deliberately revealed this true purpose to him?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Xuanyuantai will do whatever it takes to save his life in order to survive. Whether we can convince them or not depends on our hard work."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple understands."

Yuan Shengdao: "Well, this matter is also in a hurry, you go down and take this soul ruyi first, so that you can heal your injury sooner."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes, Master!" After a pause, he said again: "Now that we have found the breaker Luo Jun, shouldn't he do anything but let him continue to grow?"

Yuan Shengdao: "This Luo Jun is still under the protection of the saints. We want to do it. It is impossible. When the game is set up, let's deal with him. But think about it, he must have escaped by then. He Since we are the breakers and we want to kill him, it is not that easy. Right now, let's do the immediate things first. After all, only the things in front of you can be found."

Luo Jun returned to his Xuanyuan Palace, and the butler Yanzong came to serve him diligently.

Luo Jun asked Yanzong to prepare the bath water.

Yanzong immediately ordered the next person to do it. After that, Luo Jun said to Yanzong: "I am a little tired today, you don't need to be here anymore, go back and rest. After I take a bath, I will be in meditation!"

Yanzong said, "Yes!"

After Yanzong left, Luo Jun entered the palace.

There is a bathtub in the bedroom, and several beautiful maids have prepared bath water, and they have sprinkled fairy dew and some delicate fairy flower petals in the bath water.

Luo Jun shook the maids, then took off all the clothes, and walked into the bathtub without a trace.

The heat and Sisi Dew soaked into the skin, making Luo Jun feel comfortable and comfortable.

It’s like being immersed in a gentle nest...

During this period of time, he was really tired. Coming from the wind and dust, exhausted...

Now that I finally have a moment of peace, how can I not enjoy it?

Before reaching the Metaverse, he was nervous.

Now that I have finally turned in the papers, I can settle down for a few days.

Luo Jun closed his eyes and sank to the bottom of the bathtub.

At this moment, everything around it seemed to have been isolated.

Many past events in my mind drifted by like a glimpse of light, and many people and things began to appear.

Luo Jun couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He didn't understand that he had been mixed for so long and had gone through so many hardships of life and death, why this life is still so difficult. It's even more difficult to mix than before...

Be cautious all the time now, all the time seems to be worrying about life.

This is too licking blood, right?

He couldn't help but miss those easy days...

When you are at ease, sometimes you still feel bored, that is purely cheap!

Floating life can only steal this short half-day leisure. Tomorrow, he still has to continue dealing with the old thief Yuansheng!

After taking a shower, Luo Jun put on clothes and returned to the bed, and then began to settle down.

Entering concentration is the most enjoyable moment for ascetics. You can wander in vain and feel the relationship between mana and the world.

The next day, Yuan Sheng summoned Luo Jun again. This time it was for Luo Jun to continue to explore the poison in the place and to capture some toxins for research. After that, Yuan Sheng asked Luo Jun to return to his bedroom and wait.

After Yuan Yuxian was moisturized by his soul, his injuries were completely healed ten days later.

The whole person is radiant again, and seems to be diligent in practice.

Yuan Yuxian specially invited Luo Jun to eat a meal in her own bedroom.

When eating, Yuan Yuxian retreated everyone and set a barrier to ensure that no outsiders came to snoop.

"I made this thousand-year-old bamboo shoots by myself, and I made this jasper dragon beard soup by myself. You can try it!" Yuan Yuxian whispered softly.

Luo Jun naturally gave face, and after eating, he gave her a thumbs up and praised her cooking skills. After that, he sighed and said: "I really hope that one day, all the world will be settled, this world will be occupied by your master. The two of us simply leave the fairyland and wander around and find a beautiful planet to stay. In fact, it is very happy. "After a pause, he said: "But these are all my wishful thinking, whether you want it or not, I don't know. Whether I will survive in the end is still unknown."

Yuan Yuxian stayed for a while.

I don't know why, when the other party said that she would leave this troubled place together, her heart moved, and she felt that it turned out to be what she yearned for.

Yuan Yuxian looked at Xuanyuantai in front of him, wondering what had happened to him. Why do you feel that strange to such a middle-aged uncle with poor conduct?

She knew from there that Xuanyuantai in front of her looked like a middle-aged uncle. In fact, on the inside, he is a very interesting and charming man?

"If that day really comes, I am also looking forward to it." Yuan Yuxian said sincerely.

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "And you will definitely not die. Don't worry, Master will not let you die."

Luo Jun suddenly lowered his head and said, "You don't have to comfort me. I know very well in my heart that the most likely thing for me is to die in the hands of your master."

Yuan Yuxian shook her body and couldn't help but said, "Why do you think this way?"

Luo Jundao: "I can't say why, just intuitive. In fact, I am also a self-knowing person. Although I and you have shared tribulations, if you want to choose between your master and me, there is no difficulty in choosing. ."

Yuan Yuxian was stunned.

She stared at Luo Jun, suddenly feeling turbulent, grabbed his hand, and said solemnly: "As long as you don't do things that I'm sorry to our Kepler people, I will keep you anyway."

She felt that her heart had been messed up, and she had already decided a few days ago that Master wanted to kill him, and she could accept it. But now I heard him complaining so much, but I couldn't help but make a promise to him.

Luo Jun also looked at Yuan Yuxian, and at this moment, he also felt her sincerity. Knowing that this girl is not absolutely unfeeling. In a trance, he felt that he seemed to be despicable again, using her feelings in this way...

"I know..." Luo Jun said after a moment of silence: "If I am smarter, I should tell you not to ruin the relationship between you and your master because of me. But in fact, I just want to hold tightly. Your thighs, ask for a way to survive. After I came back this time, I felt very depressed. Only when I was in the bath, I felt safer when I was immersed in the bathtub."

Yuan Yuxian could feel his panic, comforted softly, and said, "I will definitely protect you, I promise!"

Army Commander Luo breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled, and said: "I won't hide it from you. After you say this, I feel that my life is much safer. I'm really... very afraid of death."

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