Super Security in the City

Chapter 3971: Sun and moon know my heart

Luo Jun later said to Yuan Yuxian: "Frankly speaking, if someone uses my life and yours to make a choice, it is difficult for me to choose you. If I say, I will choose you, it is too untrue. "

Yuan Yuxian frowned slightly, and said, "If you don't tell me, I also know. But you don't have to say this."

Luo Jundao: "Yes, there is really no need to say this. I just want you to know that no matter how it changes in the future, my heart is true at this moment."

Yuan Yuxian said: "It's enough."

In the following days, Luo Jun lived quite peacefully. Yuan Sheng also talked to Luo Jun, saying that he still couldn't get rid of the poison on his body. Luo Jun also knew that he could not deal with this poison...This poison was indeed concocted by Taishang Daozu for Luo Jun, and if he didn't get Taishang Daozu's secret gene sequence within the specified time, his life would really be in danger.

To deceive a master like Yuan Sheng, it is natural to do a full set of drama!

The world is changing, and the immortal world seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is turbulent. Luo Jun was in a state of doing nothing in the temple. Yuan Yuxian told Luo Jun, don't worry. If you go to the Taishang Daozu report too quickly, the other party will also be suspicious. Therefore, it is necessary to allow time to settle, and to come up with a good rhetoric, and finally to find the Taishang Daozu to detoxify.

Yuan Yuxian has other worries, and said: "When the time comes, if they believe your rhetoric, will they really detoxify you?"

Luo Jun was taken aback, and said: "You mean, Dao Ancestor Taishang might not abide by his promise? This shouldn't be possible. Dao Ancestor Taishang is a magnificent Dao Ancestor, he wouldn't do such a thing, right?"

Yuan Yuxian suddenly sneered and said, "Probably in your eyes, my master is despicable and untrustworthy. How can he be untrustworthy. But Taishang Daozu is one and the same, right?"

Luo Jun touched the back of his head, then said: "I admit, I really think so."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The saints of the human race don't have less blood on their hands than my master. When we slaughtered our Kepler tribe, they were not soft at all. These days, they can become saints and achieve success. A thousand catastrophes are indestructible, a few have no original sin, and a few have no extraordinary means? A few are not cruel? Of course the Taoist ancestor will not kill you face to face. If he wants you to die, he will detoxify you first. , Let you go again. Arrange someone to kill you halfway, what can you do?"

Luo Jun pretended to be shocked, and said: "What should I do?"

He also understood in his heart that what Yuan Yuxian said was correct.

Ordinary people who look at the saints like Taishang Daozu naturally feel that their morals are noble and the mountains stand up. But when facing their own vital interests, the saints also have black belly methods. They treat mortals, of course, they are amiable.

Yuan Yuxian said: "At that time, I beg Master to let Senior Brother Black Corpse pick you up."

Luo Jundao: "I'm afraid that the Holy Lord won't agree to let the black corpse go on an adventure." Yuan Yuxian was dazed, then sighed, and said: "It is indeed a difficult problem."

Luo Jundao: "I will keep an eye on myself, but if Mr. Black Corpse responds, I can naturally sit back and relax. I am afraid that the Holy Lord would wish me to die."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Don't worry, I will think of a perfect solution for you."

Luo Jun said, "Well, thank you, sister Xian'er."

Yuan Yuxian said, "It's a shame to say this."

Time passed quickly, and three months passed in a flash.

During these three months, Luo Jun had nothing to do. When I was doing nothing, I was not idle at the same time, so I often asked Yuan Yuxian to go out together. Yuan Yuxian never refused Luo Jun every time...

They will watch the sunset by the sea, and taste the delicacies of the world in the street cafes.

Sometimes, when at the beach, Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but snuggle on Luo Jun's shoulders. At this time, Luo Jun just gently hugged her fragrant shoulders, but did not make any further movements.

Yuan Yuxian accompanied Luo Jun, in fact, a large part of it was because Yuan Sheng asked her to do so.

She herself is willing to do this, and many times, she is immersed in it. She couldn't tell what kind of feeling she had for this Xuanyuantai. Said it is love, but still lacks some... Said it is a good impression, but it is more than a simple good impression.

On this day at the beach, the setting sun fell on the sea level and gradually disappeared.

In the sky, there are only red clouds...

Luo Jun said to Yuan Yuxian: "Before your master said that I would help him with two things, you can accept me as a disciple. Do you want me to talk to him about this matter? I have already done one thing, and there is only one last thing left. One thing."

Yuan Yuxian was slightly startled, and then quickly said, "Don't mention it."

Luo Jundao: "Why?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "You are such a smart person, why do you ask me?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I want to know if what you think is the same as what I think. Maybe from your mouth, I can better know something about your master's attitude towards me."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Why don't you just ask me, why bother to cover up?"

Luo Jundao: "Information revealed unintentionally is more informative."

Yuan Yuxian gave Luo Jun a white look, and said: "You have a lot of thoughts." Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "If you change places with me, I'm afraid you will have more thoughts."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Really? If I were to change places with you, would you protect me?"

Luo Jun said without hesitation: "I will take the opportunity to marry you!"

Yuan Yuxian's face blushed suddenly, and only felt that his heartbeat speeded up a little, some looking forward to it, some scared, and some disgusted...

She had no idea what was wrong with herself.

After that, the two got back to business.

Yuan Yuxian said: "My master doesn't trust you. The reason for distrust... is pure intuition. It's not your problem."

Luo Jun's body was shocked.

He could always feel the distrust of Yuansheng, but he did not expect that the reason for the other party's distrust was... this **** intuition.

"It's really not easy for the primordial sage of this dog day. Even if Lao Tzu does it seamlessly, it will eventually be no match for his intuition." Luo Jun secretly said in his heart.

Yuan Yuxian continued: "Therefore, it is impossible for my master to accept you as a disciple. If you mention this matter, he will drag you. In the end, he will even find you a mortal task. If you go to mention it, it is equivalent to It’s to embarrass myself."

Luo Jun couldn't help being frustrated, and said: "It seems that I should go directly to the Taishang Dao ancestors and forget it, so why should I keep lingering like this?"

Yuan Yuxian was taken aback and said, "How dare you say this? I don't want to live anymore? My master really wants to make you uncomfortable. There are at least a hundred ways."

Luo Jun said, "Then what do you think I should think? How should I do it?"

Yuan Yuxian said, "Don't be discouraged. After this incident, I will definitely let Master restore your freedom. He doesn't trust you, so he doesn't need you."

Luo Jun stared at Yuan Yuxian and said seriously: "Yuxian, everyone is an adult and a smart person. I can say that I have never had any affection for anyone in my life, but you are the only exception. I hope you don’t lie to me... Will you really fight for my freedom? You can fight for it, I am grateful. You can’t fight for it, or if you are not sure, I will think of another way. I told you I’m afraid Death, I want to live. In order to live, I can do whatever it takes to survive."

Yuan Yuxian said: "As long as you don't do things that I'm sorry to our Kepler people, I will definitely protect you and return you to freedom. If you have an accident because of this, I will live and die."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, thanks to your promise, I will die without regret."

Yuan Yuxian said afterwards: "By the way, I still have one thing unknown."

Luo Jun said: "Huh?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "You are with me this time, you are very gentlemen everywhere. Does this seem to be incompatible with your personality?"

Luo Jun said, "Isn't it? People who don't cherish will make me unscrupulous. How restrained and respected I am for you, it means that I cherish you more." Yuan Yuxian went silent.

"What are you thinking about?" Luo Jun couldn't help asking when she saw her not talking.

Yuan Yuxian smiled, but said nothing.

She asked herself, is there really no heartbeat? If it really doesn't, how can it be painful and hesitate?

She finds it ridiculous... She has been practicing diligently for so many years, knowing the destiny, fighting with people, fighting with heaven, fighting with herself... She has never been concerned about emotional matters. Sometimes, she also imagined that unattainable love. Although she is more than a thousand years old, she is a young son in love... She has imagined that the person she loves is a white knight with sword eyebrows and stars. Clean eyes and eyes, with compassionate feelings, and unparalleled ability...

But the reality is so absurd...

She was actually moved by such a middle-aged man...

The behavior of this middle-aged man was still so despicable...

Yuan Yuxian hated herself a little.

But love has fallen!

On this day, Yuan Sheng summoned Luo Jun in the palace hall.

"Xuanyuantai, how is your poison now?" Yuan Sheng first expressed concern.

Luo Jundao: "In a short time, there is no major problem, thank the Lord for your concern."

Yuan Sheng asked: "How long is the time left for you by Taishang Daozu?"

Luo Jundao: "It's been less than a year."

Yuan Sheng said: "It will take a year to get to Kunlun Prefecture from here, shouldn't you be leaving now?"

Luo Jundao: "It's true."

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, you go down to clean up, and you will leave today."

Luo Jun was taken aback at once, and said, "Holy Lord, how do your subordinates leave? Going like this, without any information, isn't it just looking for death?"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said: "Don't worry, I will give you enough information to exchange your life." Luo Jun was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, Holy Master!"

Yuan Shengdao: "After you go back, tell them that the old man’s conspiracy is to remove the power of the heavens. Then let them share the power of the old man’s heavens. After that, the old man can pass the signed heavenly law agreement. Controlling them can even extract all their power of heaven. Once they swallow the power of the old man’s heaven, it is tantamount to embarking on the road to death. The old man has been planning the heavenly law for this day."

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