Super Security in the City

Chapter 3976: Tears of death

The ancestor Taishang began to talk about the conspiracy of Yuan Sheng about the law of heaven. Xiao Ling, Empress Nuwa and Fairy Qionghua were all speechless.

Xiao Ling said: "I just said why Yuan and someone chose to tie their hands and feet to engage in such a heavenly law. It turns out that he was secretly moving such terrible thoughts."

Although Empress Nuwa was indignant, she didn't say anything.

Taishang Daozu said: "This is also normal. Then Yuan and our human race are as deep as the sea, so naturally they want to move. The poor Dao guessed that there was a conspiracy at the beginning, but thought that the law of heaven was beneficial to us. So I agreed. If something goes wrong, it’s not terrible. What we have to do now is to eliminate the impact."

Xiao Ling said: "It's just that the spirit of the undead has been wiped out by the Yuan Sage. I knew this before. I shouldn't have let the Yuan Sage go to the cracked world."

Empress Nuwa said: "It's just that this news is accurate? I have great doubts about it!"

Taishang Daozu said: "The news has gone through the preliminary calculations by Peng Dao, and there is no problem. Specifically, Pang Dao still wants to calculate with Daoist Fuxi. If Pang Dao and his calculations are done together, there is no problem, so there is no problem. ."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Taozu, this matter is related to the survival of the human race, let's start as soon as possible."

Taishang Daozu smiled slightly and said: "After the banquet is over, we will start the calculation."

Emperor Fuxi nodded.

Taishang Taoist ancestor said to everyone: "To invite you together today, one is to deal with the problem of the law of heaven. The second is to think if we can’t solve the law of heaven, how should we come from? Solved the law of heaven. The issue of the covenant does not mean that the matter is over. There are still many issues to be dealt with between us and Yuansheng."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "If the issue of the Heavenly Dao Law cannot be dealt with, it should be said that there will be no follow-up. At that time, who can be Yuansheng's opponent? Yuansheng will show mercy to our men again?"

Niang Niang said, "You won't be merciful if you want to come."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "That’s not the case. Yuan Sheng’s Heavenly Dao Law will take about 20 years to complete. If we are sure that this problem cannot be solved, then we have to think about whether we should leave the immortal world in advance. Big, we want to leave, and he can’t catch it all at once. There is no need to know that he will die and stay here. If we can solve the matter of the heavenly law, we must be more cautious, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the Yuansheng, surprise it Killing can be regarded as a peaceful life in the immortal world. This is a matter that is very debatable... But this matter is not something that our third Kunlun brothers can do well by closing the door, so the poor Dao invited you all. "

Niang Niang said, "Why did Dao Zu miss the three Western teachers? Is it impossible to believe it?"

Taishang Daozu said: "It's not that you can't believe it. It's just that the Western religions are too close to the Metaverse and too far away from us. They come to participate, and the confidentiality is not enough. And they are easy to be targeted and dealt with by the Yuansheng. Once they turn around in life and death situations, don't we all have to give up all our efforts?"

Xiao Ling said, "Dao Ancestor's concerns are indeed reasonable!"

The Master Tongtian said: "But with these considerations, we also need to ventilate with them. Don’t create a barrier and push them to the Yuan Sage. Peng Dao also believes that in the face of righteousness, the Western Two Sages will not Make a silly choice."

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Tongtian Junior Brother is also very reasonable and necessary. Recently, we really want to send someone to the Western world. For this candidate, I think it is most suitable for you to go to Tongtian Junior Brother."

Master Tongtian stood up and an inspector, said: "Please follow the decree of the brother!"

Taishang Daozu smiled slightly and said: "Junior Brother's trip is also full of danger, so be careful."

Master Tongtian said: "Senior brother, don't worry!"

After that, the Taishang Dao Ancestor continued: "Next, there is something to say about the poor Dao, that is, even if we successfully solve the heavenly law covenant, it will be difficult to capture the Yuansheng. In the follow-up, we need to work together...always disperse , It’s easy to be defeated by Yuansheng one by one. Yuansheng does not die for a day, and it is hard for us to have peace!"

Mother Nuwa said: "When the Wugusheji sacred tree happened back then, it was because Yuansheng didn't kill him and let him escape. If he was killed back then, it would be difficult for him to be today."

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled bitterly, and said: "If we said that, when we first came to the immortal world, wouldn’t it be easier to slaughter the Kepler people directly? This funeral is often unpredictable, so we are now Regret is also useless."

Tai Shang Taoist ancestor said: "The planet Kepler was the most suitable place back then. We stayed in, but they did not want to fight. It is inevitable to fight. As for killing them clean, this is not the work of our Taoist family. In this world, calamity is always unavoidable. We do evil and also benefit. The calamity pushes us forward, and it may also make us perish. This is the principle of Taoism, and there is nothing to regret."

Bai Qing said: "The universe is a great reincarnation, and we are all in reincarnation."

"Well said!" Fuxi Great Emperor praised Bai Qing's words and said: "Little friend Bai Qing is young, but he has such cultivation skills. Looking at his words and deeds, his roots of wisdom are deeply admirable!"

When the other saints heard this, they all praised Bai Qing.

Bai Qing immediately got up, blushing and said: "The kid is showing his ugliness, and the seniors are here, the juniors dare not bear it!"

All Saints laughed.

This was just an episode, and soon everyone was back to business.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "In the final analysis, the power of heaven is the most harmful thing. If everyone does not use the power of heaven, then Yuansheng is not afraid to live. If we can use the law of heaven to treat everyone's way of heaven. The strength, including the Yuansheng’s, is removed, so you can sit back and relax."

Luo Jun's expression suddenly changed.

Taishang Daozu was a very observant person. He saw the change in Luo Jun's expression and said: "Little friend Luo Jun, what are you thinking?"

Everyone looked at Luo Jun's side.

Luo Jun got up and made a round of gestures to everyone, and then said: "I came to the immortal world from the gate of eternal life. I have mentioned this point with all the seniors."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!"

Luo Jun continued: "There is a way to eliminate the power of the Dao of Heaven. The younger generations have not said it, just don't want things to develop in that direction. Because the more you develop, the more things will become out of control. Let the grievances end. Here in Hongmeng Ziqi, perhaps only those of us will perish in the end. But if we continue to develop, the entire universe may perish. This is not alarmist!"

Master Tongtian said: "What the little friend said coincides with what the big brother said. Did you see anything in the gate of eternal life, little friend?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Speaking of which, the Emperor of the Universe drove away the Lingzun. The Lingzun will later return to Earth. This looks very similar to the current situation in the fairy world, because we planted it all back then. After the return of the spirits, it is not so simple to want to occupy the earth. They are used to the wanderings of the universe, and they want to pump away some of the earth's material and let the earth wither for nearly a hundred years. Therefore, we can only fight back, in desperation. , Susu and I went together to destroy the arc element. It was precisely because the arc element was destroyed that the aura was born. Yuan Sheng used the aura and the qi to create the purple qi. Therefore, the immortal world today is The situation has a lot to do with the younger generation."

Emperor Fuxi said, "You don’t have to blame yourself. You didn’t plant this cause. Moreover, you saved the earth smoothly. I also believe that the development of things will definitely not go toward the destruction of the universe. Among them. There must be a solution."

Taishang Daozu said: "Little friend Luo Jun, can you elaborate on what you saw in the gate of eternal life?"

Mother Nuwa said: "I am also very interested in the gate of eternal life, Luo Jun, you can also tell us how to find the gate of eternal life, what is inside?"

Luo Jun had never told everyone about the gate of eternal life.

Because he feels that the gate of eternal life is a secret, it is not suitable to say more. Every time the saints inquire, he vaguely prevaricates. The saints are also knowledgeable and interesting people, and they don't want to say when they see him, they will not continue to ask.

But right now, when his mother-in-law asked, he would naturally not hide it. At the moment, he told me some of what I had seen and heard at the gate of eternal life. But he didn't talk about those things between himself and the Great Universe, and he always felt that they couldn't be revealed.

He also talked about the enquiry follow-up in the gate of eternal life, the spirit of the undead.

Combine the spirit of the undead with the grand purple aura, refine it with the fire, and then you can refine the tears of death. Pour the tears of death into the purple qi, and the power of heaven will be destroyed.

Luo Jun did not go on, but said: "After the tears of death appear, we are getting closer to the collapse of the universe. We are dying step by step. If we develop to the end, it will really be overwhelming."

Yuanshi Tianzun asked, "What about the follow-up?"

Luo Jun said: "Sorry, Yuanshi senior, the juniors really can't continue talking, the secret cannot be revealed too much."

Taishang Daozu said: "It's not right. What the little friend said is almost the same as the calculus of the poor Dao."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It also roughly corresponds to my calculation."

Xiao Ling said: "Have we found a way to break the power of the heavens, and can't use it? Are we really going to die and not go that way? This seems difficult and contradictory."

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "Yes, we have a lot of scruples here, but Yuan certain people do everything. Such a style of play is impossible. According to the poor road, whoever is strong will have to be scrupulous. We are the weak side now, we have to take the advantage back first. Wait until we have the advantage, and then we can save the universe. We have to save ourselves first, and then our homeland and the universe! We are all dead, even if the cosmic flood is surging? "

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