Super Security in the City

Chapter 3977: Susu whereabouts

Empress Nuwa said: "I agree with Taoist Yuan Shi and Taoist Xiao Ling that Yuan is overwhelming us by virtue of his grandeur and purple qi and life, and he is not too concerned about the subsequent development. , Then it might as well just follow Daozu’s compromise method and flee the immortal world first."

The Lord Tongtian was beside him but he didn't say a word.

Taishang Daozu wry smile threw the question to Emperor Fuxi, and said, "Fuxi Daoist friend, what do you say?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "The considerations of both parties are reasonable. Yuan Sheng controls the way of life, and it is indeed difficult to defeat. But if the tears of death are allowed to appear, I am afraid of the great destruction in the future. For a while, I will not I know what to say and what to support." After a pause, he said to Luo Jun again: "Little friend Luo Jun should be the most clear about future changes, so what do you think of young friend Luo Jun?"

Luo Jun fell into contemplation, he was very opposed to the direction of tears of death. But now, he thought again that he destroyed the arc element back then, wasn't it because he was forced to do so?

Now, the immortal world seems to have reached the time to be forced.

Is the destruction of the universe the fate?

The entire universe has become a zombie universe. At that time, can you bear it?

But Yuanshi Tianzun was right in one sentence, first you have to live, and then you can think about whether you can bear the consequences. Just like back then, if there was no destruction arc element, I am afraid that the earth would have already died.

The earth is still there, so they still have a chance to fix their mistakes!

Turning his head and thinking, it is the Human Race that the Primordial Sage wants to destroy. Human race is just a drop in the ocean in this vast universe.

In order to save themselves, can the human race push the universe to the brink of destruction?

But... people are selfish!

Luo Jun thought about it, and finally smiled bitterly: "Although we already know the consequences, the younger generation can't give the correct answer. We are not reconciled to sit and wait for death."

Nv Wa Niang Niang said: "In fact, this is possible. We also have an advantage now, that is, we know some of the follow-up development. After we solve the power of the heavens, we start to control and try not to let the last link come. Now we need to solve the problem first. It’s the immediate urgency, and the immediate urgency is solved, and then consider how to extinguish this disaster."

Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled and said: "What the mother said and what the poor Dao thought coincided with each other! Wonderful, wonderful!"

Taishang Daozu said: "This is an extremely difficult decision to make. Back then, he was a poor master, Hongjun ancestor who made the decision to come to Kepler. The matter is more relevant. The consequences are even more unimaginable. However, as long as a decision is made, it is considered a poor idea. All future sins and sins should be borne by the poor Tao. ."

His words will come out, and everyone is in awe!

The reason why Taishang Daozu is respected by everyone and called him Daozu is because he is a person of high personal quality, and he is responsible and does not shirk.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Regardless of his sins and sins, anyway, even if the sky falls, Master Tongtian and I will advance and retreat together with the older brother."

Master Tongtian said: "Exactly!"

The others immediately said together: "We are all advancing and retreating together with Daozu!"

Taishang Dao Ancestor then said: "Okay, everyone understands what you mean by Poor Dao. So, for now, our first task is to solve the shackles of the Heavenly Dao Law, and then see how to destroy the power of the Heavenly Dao. Junior Brother Tongtian Discuss with the two western sages... urge them to bring Qi disciple's men to Kunlun first to join them. Those of us who are twisted together can have a chance of winning. In these years, the reason why we have been threatened by Yuansheng is because we wait for each other. Guarding one's own dojo, too scattered."

Master Tongtian said: "Yes, brother, I will try my best to make this happen!"

After the banquet, the Master Tongtian set off.

Yunxiao and Bixiao still stay in these eight palaces...

In addition, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi began to calculate the situation of the spirit of the undead together.

Empress Nuwa, Xiao Ling, Fairy Qionghua, Bai Qing, and Luo Jun all lived in Bajing Palace. Yuanshi Tianzun asked Yun Xiao and Bi Xiao to entertain you, and he would sit and talk with Xiao Ling, Qionghua Fairy and Nuwa Empress from time to time.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing often listen to them, and they have also benefited a lot.

About ten days later, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi left the customs.

Everyone greeted them immediately, and they were all full of expectations.

However, the faces of Taishang Daozu and Fuxi were not good.

In the main hall of Bajinggong, everyone was seated again.

At this time, the Lord Tongtian has not returned...

Taishang Dao Ancestor sighed and said: "Pan Dao and Fuxi Dao friends originally thought that the spirit of the undead will not die away. How do you know that in the calculations, there is no trace of the air of the undead. Could it be this undead? The Qi has really been completely wiped out by the Primordial Sage?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's not necessarily. I searched for a long time in Hetu Luoshu. Although I didn't find the spirit of the undead. But I still saw some turning points in the nine palaces. This turning point means that we will not be defeated by Yuan Sheng. From the next point of view, there is still hope."

Taishang Daozu said: "There is nowhere to start in the vast immortal world. We don't have much time, only twenty years."

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said: "We can't deduct it, and it's normal. Because we are not breakers..."

Taishang Dao Ancestor's eyes lit up and said: "The breaker!"

Everyone looked at Luo Jun in unison.

Luo Jun suddenly felt the pressure, but at the same time, he also had some habits. For so many years, he has been doing things that are unlikely to be possible!

So he stood up and said: "The juniors don't know where to find the breath of the undead, but they will do their best to find and facilitate this. The arc element is destroyed because of me, and the juniors also hope that all cause and effect are in the juniors. End here!"

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Little friends, don't be too pressured. You must know that it is up to people to get things done. Life or death is a matter of negligence. We have done our best, and there will be no regrets!"

Luo Jundao: "The younger generation has been taught."

Bai Qing stood up and said, "For the matter of looking for the spirit of the dead, let my second brother and I go forward together, so that we can take care of each other."

Luo Jun said hurriedly: "Never!" Bai Qing suddenly became a little unhappy, and said, "Why not?"

Taishang Daozu smiled and said: "The Yuan Sage now thinks Xiaobai you are Luo Jun. If you go out, it is too unsafe. Once you look at it, many things will be exposed. The little friend Luo Jun will go out alone, but it will be much safer."

Luo Jun said: "Exactly!"

Bai Qing had no choice but to say: "Okay!"

Taishang Taoist ancestor said again: "Although this matter is urgent, it is not in a hurry. There are always many dangers when walking in the rivers and lakes. Little friend Luo Jun, you should stay for a month. We old guys will find a way to help you. Do some spells so that you can take it on your body to defend yourself."

Luo Jun said, "Thank you so much for the younger generation."

After the banquet ended, Empress Nuwa stopped Luo Jun. Luo Jun was very respectful in front of the Nuwa Empress, and did not dare to make any inconveniences. And he was always a little guilty, feeling that he had lost Su Su.

In a corridor of Bajing Palace, Luo Jun bowed and shouted: "Manny!"

I'm always embarrassed to yell my mother or something...

It's more appropriate to call her a niangniang.

Empress Nuwa said indifferently, "Follow me!"

Luo Jun nodded.

This time, Empress Nuwa took Luo Jun to find Emperor Fuxi first, and then took Emperor Fuxi and Luo Jun to find Taishang Daozu alone.

In the quiet room of Taishang Daozu, everyone met.

After seated, Taishang Daozu smiled and said, "Come here, just say anything." He is a human spirit, knowing that meeting in private like this is definitely something inconvenient to say in front of others.

Empress Nuwa immediately said that she had a daughter back then, and then she also said that her daughter Suzhen entered the gate of eternal life with Luo Jun.

Empress Nuwa finally said: "I think about it, I think Susu is probably still wandering outside the immortal world. Daozu, you and my eldest brother are proficient in deduction, it is better to let Luo Jun provide some information, and then infer it to see if Can find Susu."

Luo Jun stayed for a while, and then felt that he was really stupid, and he had forgotten to use the available resources.

After all, he has always been too busy since he came to the fairy world.

At the same time, he was not worried that Suzhen in black would be in danger, so there was no such an urgent need to find Suzhen.

But he is not in a hurry, does not mean that the Nuwa Empress is not in a hurry.

After the Taishang Dao ancestor and Fuxi Great Emperor heard the words, they said at the same time: "Of course you can!"

After that, Luo Jun provided them with the message and breath of Suzhen in black, and even the spiritual imprint.

After the provision, Luo Jun and Nvwa Empress left first.

Three days later, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi invited Luo Jun and Nvwa Niangniang into the quiet room to talk.

Luo Jun's mood also began to get excited, he thought in his heart, if he and her yin and yang spiritual cultivation, many things can be easily solved, and there is no need to be so afraid of heaven.

Taishang Daozu first said: "We have found the whereabouts of Susu girl."

Empress Nuwa was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun was also excited.

Emperor Fuxi said: "After repeated calculations, we have determined that Susu is on the periphery of the immortal world, but we have never found a door to come in."

Empress Nuwa said: "In that case, I'll go out and welcome her in."

Luo Jun said, "I'll go with you. After I go out, I can get in touch with Susu. You go out alone, like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "This... this one goes one after the other, one is not good, maybe twenty years will pass."

Empress Nuwa said: "I'll go alone."

Luo Jun wanted to go...

But I didn't dare to ignore this great event in the fairy world.

At this time, Fuxi the Great said: "Finding the air of the undead is illusory, it is better to follow the trend. Maybe the air of the undead is not in the fairy world, so we can't calculate it? From the next point of view, let Luo Jun follow his sister. go together."

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