Super Security in the City

Chapter 3978: Beyond the fairyland

Taishang Dao Ancestor's eyes lit up, and then he said: "The words of Fuxi Daoist reminded the poor Dao. The poor Dao has always claimed that it is natural and natural, but I did not expect this. I am really ashamed and ashamed!"

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said: "Tao Pao, you now tie all your burdens together. As the saying goes, caring is chaotic. So, this is normal! Moreover, what is said below is not necessarily correct."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Anyway, this is a way!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Then it's so decided?"

Taishang Daozu asked Empress Nuwa, "What do you think of Empress?"

Empress Nuwa didn't want to take Luo Jun, but she knew in her heart that she could find Susu with Luo Jun. So she didn't say anything much, nodded, and said, "No problem!"

Originally, the Taoist ancestor Tai Shang wanted to give Luo Jun some runes, but now that he is going out with Empress Nuwa, he doesn't need it.

After this conversation, Luo Jun and Nuwa Empress left Daluoshan quickly.

After leaving Daluo Mountain, Empress Nuwa was too slow to abandon the Luo army, so she offered a mount for the colorful **** phoenix. The colorful **** phoenix is ​​full of colored glaze, gorgeous and beautiful. Each feather contains great divine power... This colorful divine phoenix has powerful energy in itself, and when the Nuwa Empress is flying, she will inject her own mana into the colorful divine phoenix. In this way, the speed of Colorful Shenfeng was so fast.

The colorful **** phoenix flew in the air with lightning, and Empress Nuwa led Luo Jun to a feather palace in the middle of the colorful **** phoenix. The feather palace is clean and bright, the roof is transparent, you can directly see the outside world.

Empress Nuwa came to the sun room in the palace and made tea by herself.

Luo Jun hurriedly followed by his side and took the initiative to make tea.

Empress Nuwa did not fight with Luo Jun, and withdrew her hand.

After the tea was brewed, Luo Jun respectfully presented the tea to the Nuwa Empress.

"Sit down!" After a long while, Empress Nuwa said to Luo Jun after drinking tea.

Luo Jun dared to sit down.

Empress Nuwa said: "Tell me more plain things. You said she has been obsessing about her sister's death all these years?"

Luo Jundao: "Back then, the prime minister was too strong, and he repeatedly provokes the Buddhist world, even the Bodhisattva dared to suppress it. Later, it caused the Blessed Venerable Yuanshen to suppress it."

He said all those things. He also talked to the Nuwa Empress before, but the details were not too detailed. Now that there is time, it is one to five to ten, and I have said it all.

After hearing this, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but smile and said: "Her temperament is exactly the same as mine."

Luo Jundao: "Now I think you don't seem to be irritable, Niang."

Empress Nuwa glanced at Luo Jun and said, "I am not sick, I will be irritable if I have nothing to do."

Luo Jun consciously failed to speak, so he could only choose to drink tea to hide his embarrassment.

Empress Nuwa then said, "That, what kind of world-sovereign, it is just a soul left by the Taoist Zhun mentioned."

Luo Jun always thought that the Blessed One was the Tathagata, but now it seems that it is not. However, Luo Jun had already understood that the Tathagata is not a person, but a respect for the Buddha.

It is actually correct to call Zhunti as Zhunti Tathagata.

Luo Jun asked Empress Nuwa: "Are you going to avenge this revenge?"

Mother Nuwa said: "What happened back then can't be regarded as the fault of Zhunti Yuanshen. But everything depends on Susu, what she wants, I have to support. I owe her too much..."

Luo Jun felt relieved in his heart, and felt that the Nuwa Empress also made sense. Then I was worried, in case Susu wanted to get revenge... Empress Nuwa supported her again. Even if Emperor Fuxi didn't want to, he would definitely help his sister.

In this way, it's over.

The battle of the immortal realm, and Yuansheng hasn't gotten up yet, and he's feuded first...

"What happened back then..." Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "The World-Honored One did keep his hands many times, but Su Su insisted, so that's why he got to that point."

Empress Nuwa was unhappy, and said, "What do you mean by this? Weird Susu?"

Although Luo Jun is usually afraid of the Nuwa Empress, he is still very brave when it comes to right and wrong and the safety of the human race. He said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "I am not blaming Susu. Susu is my wife. How could I blame her. The younger generation is to state an objective fact. At the same time, the younger generation also believes that we must not provoke past grudges at present. The younger generation believes that , The great grievances will be put aside for the time being. After dealing with Yuansheng, let’s talk about other things."

Empress Nuwa was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect that this guy had always been stubborn, and actually had a hard time. But when she thought about it, she also knew that this son was absolutely extraordinary. He had saved the earth, and even lurked under the hands of Yuan Sheng to bring back precious information, etc., so he would not be a timid person. In front of him, he only promised, in fact, it was only because of respect!

Empress Nuwa didn't get angry when she thought of this section. Just said: "Let's talk about it then."

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

After that, Empress Nuwa said, "Listen to you, do you and Susu have a child?"

Luo Jundao: "There is a son named Bai Xiaoning!"

Empress Nuwa was surprised, and said, "With Susu's surname?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes."

Empress Nuwa said: "Her idea?"

Luo Jundao: "Yes, she puts a lot of affection on her child. She feels that the child also has her sister's blood, so she gave him the surname Bai. I have no opinion on this!"

Niang Niang said: "Of course you shouldn't have any opinions."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly in his heart, and his mother-in-law must be towards his daughter.

He didn't talk too much to the Nuwa Empress, nor did he talk about Bai Xiaoning's rebelliousness. Anyway, he also understood that it was obviously unwise to say this in front of Empress Nuwa.

After that, Empress Nuwa didn't talk any more, and let Luo Jun find a room in the palace to rest.

Luo Jun couldn't help but ask Empress Nuwa, is it difficult to leave the fairy world? How long will it take to leave?

Empress Nuwa said: "It won't take too long to leave the fairy world. At my speed, one month is enough. As for you, if you don't lead the way, you will never find an exit."

Luo Jundao: "For cultivation bases like juniors, can you leave as long as you find an exit?"

Empress Nuwa said: "Even if you find an exit, you still can't get out. The immortal world has all changed under the influence of Hongmeng Ziqi. At the exit, there is a Hongmeng obstacle. This Hongmeng obstacle is enough for you to stay Always lost inside!"

Luo Jun thought of something, and said: "Then if the power of the heavens disappears in the future, will the pattern of the immortal world be restored to the previous one?"

Niang Niang said: "No! The pattern that has been formed can't be returned to before. The current pattern of the fairy world is not supported by Hongmeng Ziqi."

Luo Jun couldn't help asking: "What does that rely on?"

Niangniang Nuwa said: "It doesn't depend on anything, a complete ecosystem has been formed. Unless there is a stronger divine power to destroy this ecosystem!"

Luo Jundao: "So that's it!" After a pause, he said, "Then is it okay to take as many people away as you want?"

Mother Nuwa said: "The more people we bring, the more powerful the Hongmeng barrier will be. Therefore, we can't take too many people away. The Hongmeng barrier is a kind of thing formed by the entire ecosystem, and we are just a little more powerful. It’s just a person, and a lot of power comes from the immortal world, so it can’t compete with this entire system. Don’t say I can’t compete, neither can Yuan Sheng.”

Luo Jundao: "That's it!"

In Daluo Mountain, Taishang Daozu once again summoned the rest of the people to gather together.

At the banquet, Taishang Daozu told others that Luo Jun had already gone to find the spirit of the undead. As for Empress Nuwa, there is another secret mission, and it is a private matter, so it is inconvenient to disclose.

Yuanshi Tianzun was the first to say: "Should we people do something next? Brother, can't we just sit here and wait for death?"

Taishang Daozu smiled and said, "Junior Brother Yuanshi, what do you want to do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun stayed for a while, and then said, "Should we all move and look for the spirit of the undead."

Xiao Ling said, "Yes, sitting like this makes me feel uneasy."

Emperor Fuxi smiled silently beside him.

Fairy Qionghua rarely speaks, but she has always been by Xiao Ling's side.

Taishang Daozu said: "Sometimes hyperactivity not only does not help, but it makes the situation worse. It's not that you get busy, it's good. Junior Brother Yuanshi, you are a little uncomfortable? But it's not to blame you. In today’s situation, it is inevitable that even my brother will lose my mind."

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and said, "We also know the truth, but it's difficult to just want the unity of knowing and doing."

Taishang Daozu said: "At the moment we have to consider another thing, which is very difficult, but it seems that we must do it again."

Xiao Ling's expression sank, and said, "Dao Ancestor wants to integrate all of us?"

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor said: "Yes, that's exactly what I said. Poor Dao knows that it's very difficult...No one can let go of their own dojo, that is where we have worked so hard for many years!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "From the perspective of the next, although it is very difficult, we still have to do it. If we really wait until the Yuan Sheng soldiers come to the city, we will not be able to rescue, and it will be useless to regret it at that time."

Xiao Ling smiled bitterly, and said: "Xia is a rising star. After years of staying in the fairy world, she finally has a world. Now I want to give up, I really can't bear it! But anyway, Xia and Jian will obey the unified dispatch of Taoist ancestors."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "From the perspective of the poor Dao, as long as we can win in the future, then the entire fairy world is ours. If we lose, our own side of the world will not be able to defend. Therefore, the poor Dao is in favor of unified integration. This does not mean that It's not that because the proposal was made by the senior brother, the poor Dao agreed to it."

Xiao Ling said: "Tianzun doesn't need to explain more, we naturally understand your mood. All of you present here are good friends, who are very trustworthy, let alone have any selfishness."

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