Super Security in the City

Chapter 3988: Yuan Sheng shot

After Black Suzhen remembered something, she said, "By the way, given the current situation, I have an idea." Luo Jun said, "Well, what's the idea?"

Black Suzhen said: "I will not come out first, so I will hide my body in the thought of the Lord's Tribulation. My soul is hidden in your mind... If you really encounter an enemy, you can be surprised!"

Luo Jun's eyes lit up and said, "Good idea, but you are a little wronged!" Suzhen in black smiled and said, "What is wrong with this, haven't we all been like this before?"

If Suzhen in black was hidden in Luo Jun's magic bag, she would definitely not be able to hide from the eyes and ears of a master. But if it was hidden in Luo Jun's brain, it was the saint who had come, and he would not be able to detect the existence of Suzhen in black.

In fact, few people dare to hide other masters in their own brains. This is too risky.

In addition, if the opponent is in a physical state, hiding in other people's minds, it will also be very dangerous. And Suzhen in black is the most special existence, and the cooperation between her and Luo Jun is truly seamless!

Next, Suzhen in black did what she said, hid her body, and then entered Luo Jun's brain in a state of spirit.

Luo Jun took a deep breath, feeling that his body was still extremely relaxed, and he felt confident.

Continue to fly in the sea of ​​blood, as fast as electricity.

But after a few hours, Ye Qingming still did not contact Luo Jun. This made Luo Jun a little depressed and anxious, and secretly said: "If Ye Qingming was there, he would never have not contacted me for so long. Could something really happen?"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling anxious.

He was worried about Ye Qingming, and also worried about what could happen to Moyu here.

But the Netherworld Blood Sea is extremely mysterious, and even the Primordial Sage can't decipher the mystery. How could he break through the mystery and find Qing Ming Que land?

"What's the matter?" Suzhen in black felt Luo Jun's anxiety, and interrogated in her mind.

Luo Jun said: "If there is nothing wrong with Ye Qingming, she will definitely contact me. We have been here for so long, but she has not been moving. I am a little worried."

Suzhen in black said, "Could it be that she was unhappy when she saw you took me?"

Luo Jun was dumbfounded and said: "What kind of thinking is this?" Then he woke up and said with a wry smile: "What do you think, Ye Qingming is a sage cultivation base, how can you look at me? She is a serious and decent person! Suzhen in black said, "Isn't my cultivation base high? Isn't I serious and decent?"

Luo Jundao: "..." At this time, it was true that he was not in the mood to flirt with Suzhen in black.

Hei Yi Suzhen also knows the severity of the matter, and said: "Okay, I will tell you a laugh. Don't worry, I heard my mother say about Ye Qingming. Ye Qingming is the ruler in the sea of ​​blood, so nothing will happen. questionable."

Luo Jun said: "Ye Qingming told me before that Yuan Sage couldn't break her Nether Blood Sea. But it's not possible that Yuan Sage can understand the life and heaven more powerfully, maybe he can break her Nether Blood. The sea is over."

Black Suzhen sighed slightly, and said, "No matter how much we guess, it's useless. Let's look for it carefully first!"

Luo Jun nodded.

In the nether blood sea, in the blue sky...

In Qingming Palace, Ye Qingming sat cross-legged in the center of the palace.

Emperor Fuxi guarded her by her side.

Around Ye Qingming, the sea water in the sea of ​​blood had poured in. But the sea did not submerge the palace, but revolved around Ye Qingming in the air.

There are countless blood red particles in the sea water...

From the outside, you could see countless faint red lights on Ye Qingming's snow-white cheeks.

After a short while, Emperor Fuxi felt that Ye Qingming in front of him had become extremely far away, as if he was in front of him, but it seemed to be in the sea of ​​stars.

The sea completely blocked him and Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming's face was extremely solemn.

After a long time, Ye Qingming finally opened his eyes.

The sea water separates...

Emperor Fuxi came to Ye Qingming and asked with concern: "Miss Ye, what's wrong?"

Ye Qingming said: "The Origin Sage is here, he has brought the black corpse, Yuan Yuxian and another half-sage, I don't know that half-sage."

Emperor Fuxi was taken aback, and said, "What are they doing here rashly? Have they already understood our plan and want to destroy it in advance?"

Ye Qingming said: "It's not impossible for him to understand our plan. After all, he is a very smart person. He guessed that everyone would relocate. This is not too difficult!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's a pity that I haven't had time to go back. This is not easy. By the way, Miss Ye, can your ghostly blood stop them?"

Ye Qingming said solemnly: "It could have been stopped, but now that Yuan Sage is here...that means he has a way to crack it. So it must be impossible to stop it now."

Emperor Fuxi took a deep breath and said, "It seems we need to fight back."

Ye Qingming said: "No need!"

Emperor Fuxi was startled and said, "What does Miss Ye mean? How can I be greedy for life and fear of death, leaving allies aside!"

Ye Qingming said: "I understand the feelings of fellow Daoists. It's just that since Yuansheng dares to come, he must be fully prepared. Adding you, I'm afraid it will not help. I can handle it alone, and I should be able to last for a while, you go back and move first. reinforcement!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Netherworld Blood Sea is still under your control. You quickly sent your subordinates to take me to the Daluoshan Rescue Soldier to Kunlun Realm. Let's deal with it together, and it will last longer!"

Ye Qingming's eyes lit up and said, "This is a way!"

After that, Emperor Fuxi took out the warrant. Ye Qingming called a subordinate, asked him to take a warrant, and quickly rushed to Kunlun Realm to move rescue soldiers. After this, it will take half a year to say nothing about it... After half a year, what will it look like? Who can tell?

In another hidden place in the sea of ​​blood, Yuan Sheng wore a golden robe and sat cross-legged.

Guarding around him are the black corpse, Yuan Yuxian, and Sumiko.

Yuan Sheng looked solemn and closed his eyes tightly.

The purple sacred power surrounds him, and in the surrounding, the nether water is also integrated into the sacred power.

The holy power soaked the sea of ​​blood into purple, and the purple holy power quickly spread around the sea...

Yuan Yuxian and others didn't dare to disturb, so they waited patiently.

After a long time, a strange look flashed across Yuan Sheng's face, and then he opened his eyes.

Yuan Yuxian immediately asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

The black corpse was indifferent and seemed to be indifferent to everything.

Yuan Shengdao: "Ye Qingming is fighting against the old man in an attempt to disrupt the old man's secrets. But everything she has done is in vain. At most, the old man will spend more time!"

Xumizi said: "Now that Ye Qingming can win the Holy Lord, your old man, it is her glory."

Yuan Yuxian's heart was as thin as a hair, and said: "Master, my disciple saw that you looked different just now, did you have a different discovery?"

Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "My teacher hasn't found Ye Qingming yet, but he accidentally found another person. You are all familiar with this person."

"Who is it?" Yuan Yuxian couldn't guess how.

Sumeko couldn't guess it either.

They all looked towards Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Shengdao: "It's Xuanyuantai!"

At this moment, Yuan Yuxian's heart jumped suddenly and couldn't help wondering: "Why would he appear here?"

Sumiko said: "Hmph, what's weird about this, it must be that he has completely taken refuge in the pig and dog saints."

Yuan Sheng said: "He seems to be looking for Ye Qingming too, but Ye Qingming is fighting against the old man, too late to control him."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Could he be familiar with Ye Qingming?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The old man doesn't know what the specific situation is, so I'd better go to him and ask him, hum, he must have had a wonderful recent experience!"

Yuan Yuxian's heart clenched tightly, and the palms of her hands were also sweaty. Secretly said: "When we meet this time, Master is afraid that he will kill him. What should I do? How should I deal with myself?"

Yuan Sheng ignored these complicated thoughts of Yuan Yuxian, and then took everyone to go quickly.

Luo Jun was searching for Ye Qingming’s Qingming Que land. At this moment, suddenly a sense of crisis came...

He had already noticed that it was not good, but he knew better that it would not help to run away indiscriminately at this moment.

After a while, there are so many people around the sea...

The pressure like a mountain came quickly, and there was a murderous intent in the middle.

In the next moment, Yuan Sheng, Black Corpse, Yuan Yuxian, and Xu Mizi came to Luo Jun.

Suzhen in black immediately asked Luo Jun: "What's the situation?"

Luo Jun introduced to her in his mind: "Oops, this is Yuansheng, this is a black corpse..."

After the introduction, he said: "It's not a dead end. They came here, indicating that Ye Qingming should be fine. If I guessed right, Ye Qingming should have blinded the Primordial Sage with a sea of ​​blood just now. Yuan Sheng was looking for Ye Qingming. As a result, he did not find Ye Qingming, but instead found me. Right now, Ye Qingming can know everything here."

Suzhen in black said: "Okay, I don't care about everything else, everything is up to you!"

Luo Jun replied with a word of yes.

After Yuan Sheng and others arrived, they did not surround the Luo army.

If they were two half saints, if the two saints had to deal with a Xuanyuantai like a great enemy, then that would be a real joke.

When Luo Jun was talking to Suzhen in black, they only saw Luo Jun in a daze, but didn't think of anything else.

At this time, Luo Jun returned to his senses and looked up at Yuan Sage and his party. When she glanced over Yuan Yuxian's eyes, she immediately felt the worry and struggle in her eyes.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that Yuan Yuxian had some true feelings for him. However, this is actually not important at all, nor can it affect the occurrence of anything. Yuan Yuxian would not betray the Kepler tribe for this feeling. Luo Jun will not lose his mind because of this...

"Bold!" Seeing that Luo Jun was indifferent at the moment, Xumizi immediately shouted: "I saw the Holy Lord, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

Luo Jun glanced at Xumizi, snorted coldly, and then looked at Yuan Sheng...

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