Super Security in the City

Chapter 3989: Defeat the enemy

Yuan Sheng also looked at Luo Jun.

The two looked at each other instantly! Yuan Sheng's eyes contained a breathtaking chill, and this chill carried a natural supreme coercion. It was the saint who felt the pressure multiplied by the look in his eyes. People below the saint will have the urge to kneel and surrender.

But at this moment, Luo Jun did not flinch or shy away at all. With a trace of indifference and contempt, he looked at Yuansheng in this way. As if not affected by its coercion at all!

A look of surprise flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes!

No one in the world dared to be so bold in front of him.

This Xuanyuantai used to be cautious and spineless, but why has it changed like a person today?

"Xuanyuantai, seeing the old man, are you really going to bow down?" Yuan Sheng asked coldly. After that, he said: "You kneel now, and the old man allows you to come back to the old man."

"Haha..." Luo Jun laughed and said: "Come back to you? Continue to enjoy your suspicion? Or wait for your moodiness, afraid of being killed by you at any time?"

"So courageous!" Yuan Sheng was silent for a moment and cheered.

Yuan Yuxian and Xu Mizi looked at Luo Jun with unbelievable eyes at the same time. They really didn't expect Luo Jun to be so courageous that he would dare to confront Yuansheng face to face.

Luo Jun said lightly: "My courage is more than that. Yuan... Yuan Yunzhong, your real name is Yuan Yunzhong, right?"

"You're looking for death!" Sumiko yelled from the side, "Can you call the name of the Holy Lord?"

Luo Jun swept his eyes and said, "You dog is really noisy. If it weren't for your master's face, I would have to smash you today!"

Sumiko was startled, then smirked, and said, "It's up to you?"

Luo Jun said, "Could it be that you still want to fight with me alone? I advise you not to insult yourself, or hide behind your master and beg for mercy."

Sumiko can't bear it...

He is not stupid, he will easily hit the Luo army's aggressive strategy. I just felt that there was no problem in teaching this madman with his own cultivation. In addition, Yuan Sheng and others are still in the array, what is he to be afraid of.

At the moment, Sumiko said to Yuan Sheng: "Holy Lord, please allow your subordinates to teach this madman well!"

Yuan Sheng had complicated eyes, but he nodded and said, "Don't kill him!"

Xumizi said: "Yes!" After saying this, he walked out of the crowd, and said coldly to Luo Jun: "Today is all your own humiliation, don't blame someone for being ruthless."

Luo Jun glanced contemptuously at Sumiko, then looked up at the sky, and said: "You are not worthy, let your master do it, or let the black dog next to your master do it!"

"You..." Sumeiko was extremely angry.

Yuan Yuxian was also angry and said, "Xuanyuantai, are you crazy? Don't want to live?" She was really anxious for Luo Jun. In this world, no one can be so rampant in front of her master!

Luo Jun glanced at Yuan Yuxian, but after all he ignored Yuan Yuxian.

The black corpse has always been indifferent, but when Luo Jun said the word black dog, his eyes flashed with an invisible terrorist killing intent.

Xumizi fully felt Luo Jun's arrogance and contempt for him, thinking that Xumizi is the elder of the holy city, he is half-sacred! How can you endure being so despised by such a guy at the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm?

"Xuanyuantai, you are looking for death!" Xu Mizi's eyes were red, and he roared. In an instant, the Explosive Flame Holy Realm was condensed, the divine flame mixed in the cave, and the sacred power of the whole body also burst out. All kinds of dharma, all condensed in the palm.

Kill Luo Jun with a palm!

With this palm, Sumeko has no reservations, which is equivalent to a lifelong killer move!

He has such a strong support and backing behind him, so he doesn't need to hide any tricks at all!

This palm is also famous, for it explodes the Flame Sacred Thunder Palm!

Sumeko generally doesn't use this trick, unless she is on the brink of desperation, and will use this trick if she fights back!

When Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian saw Xu Mizi using this trick, both of them frowned slightly.

Obviously, Yuan Yuxian couldn't bear Luo Jun's death on the spot, and Yuan Sheng felt that he hadn't figured it out yet and didn't want Luo Jun to die so easily.

At that moment, Luo Jun also felt the crisis.

He deeply knew that Sumiko's palm was extremely terrifying.

Luo Jun quickly cultivated spiritually with Suzhen in black... Suzhen in black was still a little worried about not being able to succeed, but at this time, the two were surprisingly smooth and directly succeeded in fusion. This is why Luo Jun understands the urinary nature of Tiandao Pen, so he dares to be so bold.

After the fusion is successful, the yin and yang mana is immediately in the brain, and the body circulates smoothly, galloping!

"I'm coming!" Suzhen in black said to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun directly handed the control to Hei Suzhen. At this moment, Luo Jun felt as if he had returned to the days when he and Hei Suzhen were in the ancient world of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Hei Suzhen quickly mobilized Yin and Yang mana, and the power of the nine snow-capped mountains of Tiandao Pen was also mobilized by her.

At this moment, all the divine power in Luo Jun's body was mobilized. It also includes the supernatural power of Suzhen Black...

Suzhen in black quickly took out her palm, and the dark thunder in her palm formed a terrifying hole.

The form of Dark Lei Li is somewhat similar to Luo Jun's Wuwang Mixing Hole, but Yuan Sheng and others did not see much clues.


Smash the past with one palm!

Great Chaos Thunder Palm!

The yin and yang mana makes the dark thunder power more perfect, and instantly draws the power of the dark element world, the thunder and lightning world.

All kinds of dharmas, all condensed, finally form a big chaos thunder palm!


The two palms smashed together.

The divine power contained in the palm of Sumeko's Explosive Flame Sacred Thunder madly swept the world, and the terrifying divine flame burst out of it rushed into the sky, eclipsing Xinghe...

This force is terrifying and extinct, like ten thousand stars bursting together. Transit, time, space, etc. are all burned to ashes!

This is simply a killer move to destroy the world!

The Great Chaos Thunder Palm blocked the flood and tsunami of the Explosive Sacred Thunder Palm, and the dark thunder force rushed into the Explosive Sacred Thunder palm and immediately turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The power of the dark element makes Lei Li a qualitative change...


The two palms shook together, and the aftermath quickly spread to all directions.

The entire sea of ​​blood followed by raging waves!

Then, Sumeko only felt that the opponent's thunder power had unstoppable his Explosive Flame Sacred Thunder Palm.

The electric current seemed to carry the lightning of the entire universe, and he quickly backed away, but there was still a wave of thunder power rushing into his body.

When he was about to be unable to resist it, the black corpse waved his black sleeves and defeated the residual thunder power emitted by the Great Chaos Thunder Palm.

At this moment, Xu Mizi's face became pale, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his eyes were filled with fear and inconceivability.

It's not just Sumiko who loses her color...

A look of disbelief flashed in Yuan Yuxian's eyes.

In Yuan Sheng's eyes, surprise and complexity coexist.

Hei Suzhen returned her body's initiative immediately after she finished her display. After Luo Jun took the initiative, he snorted at Sumiko: "If you say you are a dog, you are a dog, and you are still a useless dog. In the future, in front of your uncle and me, stop barking."

Yuan Sheng suddenly stroked his palm three times, smiled faintly, and said, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

Luo Jun looked at Yuansheng without showing any weakness, and said, "Yeah, it's wonderful, right? I might as well tell you that more wonderful things are still to come. I have trusted you sincerely and bowed down to you, it's a pity , You didn’t cherish it. Then from now on, I have to be your enemy. And when I become your enemy, that is the beginning of your nightmare!" After a pause, he said: "I know, you will feel that I am If you are not ashamed, you will also say that I will not survive today. But I also want to tell you that I will not die today. This is the first official confrontation between the two of us. In the days to come, we will be confronted one after another. Slowly know what despair is!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Really?"

Luo Jun said: "Everything in the world regenerates and restrains each other. You found the five-grain shrine, the sacred tree, and restrained the human and snake tribe. Later, you found the Hongmeng Ziqi and took the lead. But in this world, I also gave birth to Yuan Yunzhong There are also people who live and restrain each other, and I, Xuanyuantai, was born to restrain you."

Yuan Sheng laughed, but he didn't show any anger, and then said, "Why don't we be more honest. At this time, you should always let the old man know who you are? You are definitely not Xuanyuantai."

Luo Jun said, "Haha...but I'm **** Xuanyuantai. If I'm not Xuanyuantai, how can I survive under your nose? Do you know where you fail the most? It's just that you don't know how to trust me. Me. Do things for you wholeheartedly, but you show great power in front of me. In the end I was poisoned to find you, how did you treat me? Give me false information that even a three-year-old child doesn’t believe, and you think I’ll use your information to find it. Taishang Dao Ancestor, will there be a way to survive?"

"But you survived after all!" Yuan Sheng said.

Luo Jun said, "That's my own ability, just like I didn't survive again and again under your hands? Only you know how many murders you have done to me. But I, just as I survived. Do you think this is my skill or yours."

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said, "You are definitely not Xuanyuantai!"

Luo Jun said: "Then who do you think I am? Luo Jun?"

A complex light flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes. At this moment, he also seemed to be a little puzzled.

"Haha, you guessed it right, well, I admit, I am Luo Jun!" Luo Jun said suddenly.

Yuan Sheng and others suddenly lost their color.

Yuan Sheng said: "You really are Luo Jun?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "I am, incredible, right? You have been thinking about the person you are looking for, and you have been under your nose for so long. Haven't you been a doubt? Then I will admit it today."

"No..." Yuan Sheng shook his head and said: "You can't be Luo Jun!"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Then who am I? Not Xuanyuantai, nor Luo Jun? Who am I? I remembered it for you, and I told you in detail. Is it just me who died? , Will you no longer be suspicious?"

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