Super Security in the City

Chapter 3990: Magical means

Yuan Sheng's eyes were deep and complicated, and despite Luo Jun's ridicule, he said nothing. Luo Jun said again: "As long as you can promise, you will absolutely trust me in the future and no longer be suspicious. I can consider returning to you again. But the premise is that from now on, I will not bow to you again. "

Yuan Sheng's eyes lit up and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Fake, I said I was thinking about it. I thought you would not agree, anyway, even if you agree. Then the result of my consideration will not come back. Yuan Yunzhong, I am more than you Understand you. Even if you let me come back to you today, in a few days, you will germinate again, and even become more prosperous. If I really go to your metaworld, then it will be impossible to survive or die! "

Yuan Sheng remained silent. After a while, he laughed and said, "Yes, yes! No one has really made the old man angry for many years. Xuanyuantai, you are the first!"

Yuan Yuxian sensed Master's murderous intentions, and immediately stopped in front of Yuan Sheng, wailing: "Master, please, don't kill him. He must have lost his mind and mad."

Yuan Sheng rushed to Yuan Yuxian and shouted: "Get away!" Then, with a wave of his sleeves, Yuan Yuxian swept Yuan Yuxian aside.

Yuan Yuxian retreated involuntarily, and then he felt a strong air pressure coming, which formed a turbulent wave and enveloped her. At this moment, she couldn't move even if she wanted to move!

This is the method of Yuansheng!

The semi-sage master is in front of him, and the ants are not as good!

What's more, Luo Jun is not even Half Saint...

But he also had to admit that the guy in front of him was full of weirdness.

Because although the guy in front of him was not even half-sage, he knocked the half-sacred Sumeko into the air with one palm.

"Black corpse, take him down, don't kill him!" Yuan Sheng stared at Luo Jun and said word by word.

The black corpse took his orders, immediately stepped forward, and then reached out his big hand.

His big hand protruded from the black robe, and it soared instantly.

Luo Jun only felt black in front of him, and his big hand directly covered the sky and sun, enveloping him.

Hei Suzhen went online immediately to take care of this matter on behalf of Luo Jun.

The speed of the black corpse is extremely fast, and it doesn't give people time to react at all. In front of the black corpse, all Luo Jun's reaction and speed actually slowed down. Compared with Luo Jun, Black Corpse's speed is several times faster. The level of each other is not the same...

But now, the complexity of Luo Jun's body is hard for outsiders to imagine.

Suzhen in black quickly performed a magic trick, dark shuttle!

She had already set several dark element coordinates in the distance when Yuan Sheng and others appeared.

If you set other mana coordinates, it is easy to be discovered. But the dark element is inherently hidden, and Suzhen in black is the emperor in the dark element, so the coordinates she quietly set are also difficult to find for the Yuansheng. What's more, it's still in the sea of ​​blood...

However, after the coordinates were set, it was extremely difficult for the black corpse to move.

Shuttle requires very harsh conditions!

No one interferes, naturally it is much easier. Once someone interferes, it is difficult to succeed.

It is almost impossible for a saint like Black Corpse to have the cultivation base to shuttle in front of him. Even a master like Master Tongtian, Yuan Sheng, facing the attack of the black corpse, it is difficult to shuttle successfully.

Yuan Sheng, Yuan Yuxian, and Xumizi all stared at the scene. When they saw the black corpse's big handprints, the general Luo Jun grabbed them into their hands without any suspense.

Then, the black corpse retracted his big palm and opened his palms in front of Yuan Sheng and others.

Everyone looked at the palm of his hand, and a strange scene appeared.

The black corpse's palm is empty, there is nothing...

"How is this possible?" Sumiko was shocked when he saw this.

A strange color flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes, because he didn't even see how Luo Jun escaped.

"Haha..." At this moment, a hundred meters ahead, Luo Jun appeared. He laughed and said: "Yuan Yunzhong, is it unexpected or surprised? You can't figure out what's going on, right? Tell you, there will be more things you can't figure out in the future. I said, you can't kill me today. . And next time, you will be more pleasantly surprised!"

Before the words fell silent, the Void Gate appeared behind him.

Luo Jun fell towards the back, and then he did not enter the gate of the void.

No matter how fast Yuan Sheng and others used their methods, there was no time to stop them at this time.

Then the void gate disappeared...

Yuan Sheng's face was green and he couldn't say a word. After so many years, it is really the first time he has been held back like this today!

At this time, Yuan Yuxian's imprisonment had also been lifted. She couldn't help asking the black corpse: "Brother Heishi, what is going on?"

The black corpse glanced at Yuan Yuxian, a trace of confusion and incomprehension flashed in his eyes, and then said coldly: "It's a bit strange, my handprints have formed a confined world, but he suddenly became pitch black in it. Even I couldn't penetrate the darkness in an instant, and after that, he disappeared."

"Master..." Yuan Yuxian looked at Yuansheng.

Yuan Sheng did not blame Yuan Yuxian for blocking before. In fact, he and Yuan Yuxian had a tacit understanding. If Yuan Yuxian didn't show his true feelings, how could Xuanyuantai believe that the intelligence was true?

Yuan Sheng was silent for a while, and said, "Xuanyuantai has a lot of weirdness, I'm afraid he may not be Xuanyuantai. His escape method is just a small method, which can't affect the overall situation. Don't let him mess up your confidence." He paused, and said: "I was relieved to meet him today. Facts have proved that this person is absolutely untrustworthy and unreliable. There are too many things hidden on his body, and it is tantamount to a hidden danger. The old man's intuition is not wrong!"

Yuan Yuxian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but for a while, he didn't know what to say. In my heart, it is even more messy. She almost couldn't tell her feelings for Xuanyuantai. Is it all acting, or is it true? Is he acting in the end, or does he have a bit of true affection? Has he ever told the truth? Who is he?

"Holy Lord, what should I do next?" Sumiko asked by the side.

Yuan Sheng's eyes were firm, and he said: "Proceed as planned!"

In the beautiful Qingming Palace in Qingming, Luo Jun saw Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming. Luo Jun and Ye Qingming are peers, and in many cases, they seem to be good friends. So he first bowed to Emperor Fuxi, and then said to Ye Qingming: "If you watch the show more, I guess I won't be able to come back."

Emperor Fuxi was silent.

Ye Qingming smiled and said: "I think you are very prestigious in front of Yuan Sage! You are still the first person to let Yuan Sage eat so much!"

Luo Jundao: "There will be more when I let him deflate in the future."

"You are amazing!" Ye Qingming gave a thumbs up and said, "I don't dare to brag!"

Luo Jun finished joking, and immediately asked Ye Qingming concerned: "Has Xiaoyu come back?"

Ye Qingming shook his head and said, "No! But don't worry, she has sent back a souvenir saying that everything is fine."

Luo Jundao: "Where is the souvenir?"

Ye Qingming said: "She gave me the souvenir, there is no need to show it to you."

Luo Jun immediately spoke earnestly and said: "Miss Ye, I really miss the whispers in my heart. I don't see her handwritten letter. I feel uneasy. I beg!" After finishing speaking, he said deeply.

Ye Qingming said helplessly, "Okay!" Then he took out a jade slip from the magic treasure bag and threw it to Luo Jun. Luo Jun took the jade slip and immediately rubbed it with mana. A familiar voice immediately appeared inside.

It's the voice of Xiaoyu!

The content is to report safety, and simply report what you have seen and heard, etc., and ask the master not to worry about Yunyun.

After Luo Jun listened, the boulder in his heart also let go. Knowing that Xiaoyu is currently safe, I feel relieved. After that, the jade slip was returned!

Then, Luo Jun communicated with Suzhen Black. Then Suzhen in black came out of Luo Jun's brain and returned to her physical state.

"This is..." When Emperor Fuxi saw Suzhen in black, he immediately felt that the tips of his eyes, ears and brows were quite similar to his own sister. He is a wise man, and he guessed his identity right away.

Luo Jun introduced Suzhen in black to Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi.

Although Suzhen in black was arrogant and lonely by nature, at this moment, in front of Emperor Fuxi, she still had to lower her arrogant head, bowed her head, and said, "I have seen the emperor!"

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said, "You should call me uncle!"

Black Suzhen's face blushed slightly, but she couldn't say anything.

Emperor Fuxi would not be embarrassed by Suzhen Hei, and said: "Your trip was quite smooth, Susu, how about your mother? Didn't you come with you?" Suzhen Hei said: "Mother said it was first. Go back to the Wa Palace."

Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming couldn't help but glance at each other, and they both sighed secretly in their hearts, what a pity!

In this situation, if the Nuwa Empress also came, you can sit back and relax.

After a brief retelling of the past, Luo Jun confessed to Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming not to reveal the identity or even existence of Suzhen Black. Because he wanted to respond to the enemy as a fit, so that would make the Primordial Sage doubtful.

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi naturally said that there was no problem.

After that, they began to discuss the current situation.

Luo Jun first asked Ye Qingming: "Can you stop Yuansheng?"

Ye Qingming said, "You can stop for three days at most!"

Luo Jun said, "Shall we take advantage of these three days and retreat?"

Ye Qingming said, "Once I leave this Qingming fault place, I will be found by Yuansheng in an instant." After a pause, he said, "But you can retreat first!"

Luo Jundao: "How is that possible, are we such people who are so greedy for life and fear of death?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right, Miss Ye, don't say anything like this anymore. Saying it out is to put us down."

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore."

Hei Suzhen is a militant character, and she said strangely: "With Miss Ye's ability, and the great Emperor you are there, plus me and Luo Jun, do you really need to evade them?"

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