Super Security in the City

Chapter 3991: Battle of formations

Ye Qingming smiled at Suzhen in black, and said: "Girl Susu’s skills, I have heard a lot about it. Your experience is legendary. I admire you very tightly!" Although Suzhen in black is arrogant, But in front of Ye Qingming, he didn't have the arrogant capital, and he said modestly: "I'm really ashamed of Miss Ye's praise like this. Compared with you, my little skill is far worse."

Ye Qingming said: "That's not what I said, I just came into being." After a pause, he said: "Let's get back to the subject, just now, girl Susu, you said that we can fight Yuansheng and others. I can be accurate. Tell you, we can’t fight... Now Yuan Sheng has used the power of Heaven’s Dao, and he doesn’t mind continuing to use it now. If we all use the power of Heaven’s Dao, we are not opponents. Even if the Yuan Sheng makes an appointment with us, we don’t need the power of Heaven’s Dao. , We are not opponents either. The battle between Fuxi Daoist and the black corpse should be comparable. Between me and Yuansheng, after a long time, we will definitely lose. When I lose, the balance will be completely tilted. What it will bring will be a catastrophe."

Luo Jun and Black Suzhen suddenly lost their colors.

Only at this moment did the two fully realize the seriousness of the matter.

Luo Jun said, "Speaking of which, aren't we dead?"

Ye Qingming said in a deep voice, "The chances of living are indeed not high."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Since this is the case, Luo Jun, you and Susu will immediately go to Kunlun Realm to relocate soldiers. Miss Ye and I are here, relying on our geographical advantages to fight guerrilla warfare, delay the delay, and maybe still have a chance of survival! "They have actually sent people to Kunlun Realm, but at this time, in order to let Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen leave at ease, they didn't explain this level.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "I understand your painstaking efforts, but if I guessed correctly, you should have already sent someone to Kunlun Realm."

Emperor Fuxi was startled, then smiled bitterly, and said, "You kid, you are so clever that you can hardly imagine. It's no wonder that you can defeat the Lingzun and retreat safely under Yuansheng's hands. But you should also know that you stay here. There is no help here, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices!"

Luo Jun said: "If we are gone, you and Miss Ye will be defeated. We are here, there is a glimmer of hope."

Ye Qingming looked at Luo Jun, smiled, and said, "Is that so confident? It seems that you already have a plan to withdraw from the enemy."

Luo Jun shook his head and said: "There is no way to retreat from the enemy, but I have experienced too much despair of life and death, and I will never give up easily until the end."

Ye Qingming said: "Luo Jun, I know that you have a gulf in your chest, and there are many tricks and methods. However, you and Susu may not understand how terrifying the way of life is."

Luo Jun said: "Hey, I have really seen Yuansheng use the Heavenly Way of Life. Moreover, even if I haven't seen it, I guess it's amazing. If it's not amazing, can all the saints have such a headache?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I think there is no need for you two to stay here to take risks. You have a useful body, don't spend it here."

Luo Jun said: "Great Emperor, don't worry, and don't deny us first. I have been very inspired recently, and I think it can solve a lot of things. Just like today, I was overtaken by Yuan Sheng and the black corpse. At that time, I had not communicated with you. Come on, but I am not afraid at all. In the midst of it, I know I will turn the danger into a breeze!"

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly, feeling that these theories of Luo Jun depended on luck too much. He was also afraid that Luo Jun's luck would be exhausted!

After Ye Qingming pondered for a while, he said, "Luo Jun, girl Susu, I advise you to leave."

Luo Jundao: "It's impossible!"

Ye Qingming said: "You are reunited with Susu girl, do you want to take her to die together?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Yes, Luo Jun, don't be arrogant!"

Suzhen in black smiled and said: "Miss Ye, Great Emperor, we understand your kindness. But you really don't have to persuade...Even if we die, our husband and wife die together, and we die well. What I understand very well is, if Luo Jun really left, and you two were brutally killed. Then Luo Jun will not have peace of mind in the future!"

Suzhen in black knows Luo Jun too well.

Luo Jun cast a moving look at Suzhen in black.

His wife will always support herself selflessly and firmly, not hesitating to risk life and death.

At this moment, Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi gave up the idea of ​​persuading them to leave.

Ye Qingming said: "Since we don't leave, then we will think about how to support half a year."

Luo Jun said: "I am good at arranging the formation, they have three days to arrive. Then we will use these three days to deploy the formation, how about?"

Ye Qingming said: "But ordinary formations can't stop the power of the way of life!"

Luo Jun said: "You have Miss Ye, your death heaven, and the emperor's spatial heaven. The two heavens are combined with the dark thunder power of the element, and then with my invincible formation, this can't be regarded as an ordinary formation. Faith."

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi's eyes lit up and said, "Then it's up to you."

Emperor Fuxi said: "What formation are you planning to deploy? I can be considered proficient in the battle method. Tell me about it, maybe I can fill the vacancy by the side."

Luo Jun said: "I haven't figured out what formation to deploy... Before deploying the formation, I must first understand the power of your emperor, and the power of Miss Ye. After that, I also need to know that your magic treasure is in the emperor's pocket. How many good things, how many treasures and materials are available in this Qing Ming dynasty, how many people are available, and so on!"

"Sure enough, he is an expert!" Fuxi the Great awed in awe after hearing this.

Then, Ye Qingming showed the heavenly path of death and the holy realm of the dead in front of Luo Jun!

Emperor Fuxi also showed the heavenly realm of space and the holy realm of space!

Na Yuansheng and the others are still making calculations in the Nether Blood Sea. The Yuan Sage uses the power of life to merge with the Hongmeng Purple Qi and begins to solve the various equations of the Nether Blood Sea and so on!

He has now reached a very terrifying level of understanding of the way of life!

Therefore, even if the power of death is contained in the sea of ​​blood, it is all cracked by him.

At this moment, he and the black corpse felt the power of the Heavenly Dao of Death, and the power of the Heavenly Dao of Space...

"The old man hasn't arrived yet, they actually started to use the power of heaven." His eyes couldn't hide the look of surprise.

"What's wrong, Master?" Yuan Yuxian noticed that Master's expression was different, and immediately asked.

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "Ye Qingming used the power of the Heavenly Dao of Death, and at the same time the power of the Heavenly Dao of Space was used."

"Space heaven?" Xumizi said: "Isn't this the power of Fuxi's heaven? Is he in a sea of ​​blood? Is he fighting Ye Qingming?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "It can't be a duel, Fuxi is a man who understands the righteousness, and Ye Qingming is dedicated to the human race. The two of them can't fight each other..."

"Then why do they use the power of heaven for no reason?" Xumizi puzzled.

Yuan Sheng sighed, and said: "Some holes really can't be opened, and the binding force of the heavenly law and covenant is at this moment, and it is completely gone."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Master, isn't Fuxi seriously injured? Did he really come?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Yes, Fuxi has indeed come here. The places where these two kinds of heavenly powers are displayed are very similar!"

Yuan Yuxian said, "Is Fuxi's injury fake? If he was seriously injured, he wouldn't be able to come here."

Yuan Sheng said, "The words of Xuanyuantai are not credible."

Yuan Yuxian said, "I'm getting more and more confused. If Xuanyuantai had been telling lies before, it was their people. Why would Nuwa be tricked by me, and finally had to use the power of heaven? This doesn't make sense. Ah! Xuanyuantai knows my Eye of the Sacred Heart. If he were theirs, would he not tell Nuwa and let Nuwa guard me?"

Sumiko said: "Maybe it's a bitter trick!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Using the power of heaven, isn't the price too high?"

Xumizi said, "That's because Nuwa didn't know that we would send someone over. I think this makes sense!"

Yuan Yuxian was at a loss for words, and now he didn't know what to say.

Yuan Sheng said solemnly: "Xuanyuantai has a lot of problems, and he has a lot of tricks. From the point of view of the old man, don't worry about him, and don't guess about him. It's not too late to ask him carefully when he is caught. Don’t disrupt our direction just because of this little man Xuanyuantai!"

Xumizi said: "Holy Lord, Fuxi is here, is our plan still the same?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Naturally does not change."

Sumiko said: "But what if, other saints are also here?"

Yuan Sheng groaned: "The old man guessed that Fuxi came to discuss with Ye Qingming to let all the saints move to this sea of ​​blood. Therefore, it is impossible for the other saints to come in terms of time. If they all come, I can't hide the old man's intuition."

Yuan Yuxian said: "If we can kill Fuxi and Ye Qingming first, we will then occupy the Nether Sea of ​​Blood. In this way, even if the Heavenly Dao Fa Treaty does not deprive them of the power of the Heavenly Dao, they are also gone!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Yes, this is also an important reason for the teacher to come to the Nether Blood Sea. Both the Nether Blood Sea and Ye Qingming are too mysterious. If they are not solved, it represents countless unknown possibilities."

Yuan Yuxian said: "However, Master, there is still an important thing to consider right now. That is, why do they use the power of heaven together? It will not deter us, right?"

Yuan Sheng said solemnly: "Maybe, it's setting up an array!"

"Arrange the formation?" Xumizi and Yuan Yuxian said at the same time.

Afterwards, Yuan Yuxian sneered and said: "Under the whole world, there are people who dare to set up an array in front of you, Master? Isn't this a self-inflicted shame? No one's formation skills can surpass you, Master."

Yuan Shengdao: "Don't talk too much, you must know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky!"

Yuan Yuxian smiled and said: "If you talk about cultivation, I dare not say that you are number one in the world. But when it comes to formation, you are definitely number one in the world."

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