Yuan Yuxian really admired his master's formation skills. For so many years, her master Yuan Sheng has been studying the formation method painstakingly. Arbitrarily deploy a small array, it can be breathtaking!

As for the formation protection of the temple in the Metaverse, the Yuansheng deliberately did not set it too mysterious. He didn't want outsiders to know his details!

At this time, Yuan Sheng did not respond to Yuan Yuxian’s praise, but said indifferently: "The world is not as narrow as you understand it. This is the number one in the world, and it is even more important to mention it. When you feel that you have become The first time is when the tragedy begins. Xian'er, believe it or not, maybe we can meet someone who is more powerful than a teacher this time?"

Yuan Yuxian was taken aback, and then said: "You have taught that the disciple's words are indeed immature, some Meng Lang. But you said that this time you can meet the formation skills above you, how can the disciple believe it!"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly, but no longer argued.

Yuan Yuxian no longer entangled with this question, thinking of something, and then said: "It seems that the situation in the Nether Blood Sea has become complicated. Xuanyuantai has also been involved inexplicably, and the disciple thinks about it now and feels that there is something in it. Many strange things. It seems that under the surface of many things, there is the shadow of Xuanyuantai. What role does he play in this?"

Yuan Sheng said: "As the teacher just said, don't talk about Xuanyuantai! There are too many messy things on Xuanyuantai, dazzling and charming eyes. When we focus on him, we are going in the wrong direction. We are now in the wrong direction. If you are strong, follow the right path. In this way, the little tricks of the evil demon will appear ridiculous."

Yuan Yuxian and Xu Mizi were startled when they heard the words, and then felt that Yuan Sheng had few words and showed their wisdom! Now they said together: "Yes!"

Yuan Yuxian followed and said: "Master, I still have one thing unknown."

Yuan Sheng was very patient with Yuan Yuxian, smiled slightly, and said, "Ask!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Since you said that you want to follow the right way, why should we come to the Netherworld Blood Sea? Wouldn't it be better to stay in the holy city and try to complete the heavenly law quickly? Once we deprive them of their heavenly power, The entire fairy world has been mastered for us!"

Yuan Sheng glanced at Yuan Yuxian and said, "Xian'er, this question you are asking cannot be said badly for the teacher, but you can't say it well! You have not understood what the teacher said thoroughly!"

Yuan Yuxian said, "Master, please solve your doubts!"

Yuan Sheng said: "It seems that once the heavenly law is completed as a teacher, everything will be fine! However, our enemy is not a clay puppet, they will not fail to take action!"

Yuan Yuxian said solemnly: "But... they didn't find the right direction!"

Sumeko was listening, not daring to interrupt easily.

Yuan Shengdao: "We let the enemy know something, we think the enemy does not know our details. In fact, what we think is different from the real details of the enemy. Before the result is revealed, everything is possible! We are again How can we sit at home and wait for the answer to be revealed? The Nether Blood Sea is a very important strategic location. Occupying the Nether Blood Sea and killing Ye Qingming, we will block the enemy’s path. , I also found a way out for ourselves! We have not made any moves before, because there are still many details in the heavenly law agreement that have not been completed, and the skin is not suitable for tearing. Moreover, the life of the teacher, the heavenly way, has not realized the point where it can crack the ghost of blood. Now, the time is just right...but you have also seen that Fuxi has already come...they have also started to act."

Yuan Yuxian suddenly realized, "The disciple has been taught!"

Sumiko said: "The Holy Lord is far-sighted, wise and martial, and his subordinates admire it!" After a pause, he said: "We can only do it now, but Fuxi and his group can move in early. They are only now. It is really foolish to want to relocate!"

Yuan Sheng sneered and said: "It is impossible for them to relocate earlier. They must only move after they feel the real bone erosion crisis. Otherwise, who can persuade whom? Their helplessness lies in each of them. They are all smart. But when a group of smart people are together, often no one can convince anyone. For them, they are lucky that there is a Supreme Dao ancestor. If there is no such a great Dao ancestor, they will always be a mess!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Master, should we try to get rid of Taishang Dao ancestor?"

Yuan Shengdao: "That's so easy!"

Yuan Yuxian said, "The disciples believe that there will be such a day."

Three days later, Yuan Sheng finally broke through all the obstacles in the Nether Blood Sea.

The distribution of the entire Nether Blood Sea is no longer mysterious in Yuan Sage’s brain, and even the distribution of some seaweeds deep in the seabed is clear in his mind. After that, Yuan Sheng directly opened the door of the void, and brought Xu Mizi, Yuan Yuxian, and the black corpse to the outside of Qingmingque.

Qing Ming Quedi was originally hidden in a secret space, but it was not hidden at this moment, but directly revealed.

The sea of ​​the Nether Blood Sea has submerged the Qing Ming Que land, which is like a lost world deep in the seabed.

In front is the Qingming Palace in the Quedi, and the outside of the palace is a **** enchantment.

Yuan Sheng and his party came to the main hall gate of the Qingming Palace...

At the same time, Ye Qingming, Emperor Fuxi, and Luo Jun greeted them.

Of course, they did not leave the enchantment of Qingming Palace. Then, across the enchantment, they looked at Yuan Sage's group from a distance.

It was only twenty meters away in the middle.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen are already in a state of yin and yang, so Yuan Sheng still doesn't know that there is Hei Suzhen.

Ye Qingming walked in the forefront, but was the head. But before she had time to speak, Luo Jun walked out of the crowd and laughed at the Yuan Sheng across the barrier, "Yuan Yunzhong, Yuan Yunzhong, you really don’t have a long memory! I said, you My nemesis is me. When you met me, the days of smooth sailing are gone forever. Three days ago, it was your first time to deflate. You remember, this meeting will be your second time to deflate. And the third time, it will be your death date!"

"Xuanyuantai, you're too much!" Yuan Yuxian couldn't help standing up and shouting sharply, "Do you still have any respect for my master? I used to treat you with a sincere heart in vain."

Luo Jun glanced at Yuan Yuxian, his eyes flashed bitterly, but his emotions also flashed by. He did this deliberately... or staying behind in everything... He wasn't sure whether he would need Yuan Yuxian in the future, but he just didn't want to block this road. After sorting out his emotions, he sighed and said: "Yu Xian, it's not that I don't fear your master. It's that he never gave me a way to survive! Now, I have taken refuge in Ye Sheng, and I will not have any trouble with you before. I am confused, but from now on, I will be upright and upright! From now on, we will be our own masters. The vows of the mountain alliances that we have talked about, let's void!"

Yuan Yuxian shocked!

At this moment, there was an unspeakable sadness spreading deep in my heart.

Once she thought she was a hunter, and in this relationship, she was hunting Xuanyuantai.

But at this moment when she heard the other party easily say all the previous invalidations, she realized that she was the prey. The opponent is a better hunter!

She held back the tears that she wanted to come out of her eyes, sneered, and said, "Xuanyuantai, everyone used to act on occasion, you shouldn't mention it."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Indeed, you shouldn't mention it!"

In his mind, Suzhen in black said: "According to my instinct, this girl has at least a genuine affection for you!"

Luo Jun responded to Suzhen in black with thoughts, saying: "Blame me, too good!"

Suzhen in black said, "I'm pooh!"

Yuan Sheng ignored Luo Jun's arrogant words, but directly looked at Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi. He chose to ignore Luo Jun and didn't scold Luo Jun, just like the feeling that adults disdain to quarrel with children.

"Fuxi Dao friendly means!" Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "The last time I saw Fuxi Daoist friend, I was still angry, but this time he has completely recovered."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's just a good luck to be in Xia, and luckily to get a life. Listening to your tone, it seems that you don't want to recover in Xia!"

Yuan Shengdao: "It doesn't mean that, your Excellency has recovered, it is gratifying!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Friend Yuan Daoist, you have always said that you want peace in the entire fairy world. I don't know if you are here today, why are you doing this?"

A chill flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes: "Kill!"

Emperor Fuxi shook his body.

This is the first time he has seen Yuan Sheng speak his heart unscrupulously, and no longer hide the murderous intent under that hypocritical face!

Luo Jun is not surprised at this!

After a long while, Emperor Fuxi said: "Who to kill?"

Yuan Sheng said coldly, "Kill all of you, today, none of you want to leave!"

Ye Qingming spoke at this time.

She said to Yuan Sheng: "Friends Yuan Dao, I know we don't need to talk nonsense between us. The reason, grudges, and grudges are all clear in each other's hearts."

Yuan Sheng said: "The old man has no grievances with you, and he doesn't want to kill you. But the old man knows your position, so he doesn't plan to bother with you."

Ye Qingming said: "I have another thing I want to talk to you, I believe you are not in a hurry at this moment, right?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Let's talk!"

Ye Qingming said: "Now you control the Harmony Purple Qi and the Heavenly Path of Life, and you are already the strongest existence. What if you kill the human race? Can the dead souls come back to life? If you continue to fight like this, in the end What will happen, needless to say, you should also know in your heart. At that time, not only the human race, the immortal world, but the entire universe will be destroyed. Under the cover of the nest, there will be an egg. You will not understand this truth. !"

Yuan Sheng said lightly: "The old man understands this truth naturally, but the war has already begun and it is impossible to stop. The only way to stop is for one party to be destroyed by the other!"

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