Super Security in the City

Chapter 3993: Nether Flower

Ye Qingming said, "We can sit down and talk!"

Yuan Sheng sneered and said: "When the Humans first came to this planet of Kepler, they had the advantage. They didn't give us a chance to negotiate! They were right, the weak and the strong! Their only fault was that they didn't give us a chance to negotiate. Kepler's people are killed! Therefore, the same mistake, the old man will not make the same mistake again!"

Ye Qingming said: "Even if the universe is destroyed, you will not hesitate?"

Yuan Sheng said: "After the old man wins, the old man will consider how to relieve the disaster. But now it is the old man who has the advantage. In this case, you feel that with a few words from your Ye Qingming, the old man will give up this good situation, and then Waiting for the human race to counterattack in the future? Kepler people will be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered again?"

Ye Qingming couldn't continue.

She had guessed that it would be the answer...

In fact, both sides understand that going on like this will have serious consequences!

But at this time, no one can stop! Especially the Yuan Sheng who has the advantage, it is even more impossible to stop.

"But you haven't won!" Luo Jun said again, saying word by word.

Yuan Sheng stared at Luo Jun and said, "Do you think you can turn things around?"

Luo Jun said: "I can't, but naturally there are people who can. For example, the breaker!"

Yuan Sheng had doubts again in his heart, but he quickly said, "I don't want to guess who you are, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you." After that, he said to the black corpse: "Do it!"

The black corpse nodded and stood out!

I saw his dignity, his hands quickly forming a seal, and he actually directly displayed the Holy Land of Death.

The dense fog of death merged with his mixed hole, and the clothes of the whole person were even more windless!

Death turns into a flame of death, fused with death particles, and quickly forms a sword of death!

The sword of death is black, and there is a black flame jumping in the black...

From the appearance point of view, there is nothing too peculiar.

Following that, the sword of death swam like a swordfish, quickly slashing towards the enchantment of the Qingming Palace.


The sword of death slashed on the barrier of the Qingming Palace, and the blood in the barrier suddenly rose...

The water of the surrounding sea of ​​blood also surged.

The black corpse's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word, his palm stuck out, pushing the sword of death in the air.

Immediately behind the sword body of the sword of death appeared dense fog particles of death, and the dense fog particles formed vortices, and these vortices burned again to form the flames of death!

The death flame absorbs the surrounding death air, merges with the monstrous mana of the black corpse, and pours it all into the sword of death!

In this way, the power in the sword of death has become horrifying!

But the attack form of the sword of death is sharp to the extreme, this is a real breakthrough.

The enchantment is to guard the entire palace!

The black corpse is attacking one point. From this we can see that the black corpse is a very smart character.

The sword of death turned frantically, and the huge energy slashed towards the powerful enchantment of the Qingming Palace through the sword tip.

In that enchantment, the blood is crazy, the ghost particles are surging inside the enchantment, and the sea of ​​blood is surging outside, forming a tsunami state.

The whole enchantment began to falter!

Seeing this, Sumeko couldn't help but said: "This formation is enchanted, but that's it!"

"Stop!" At this moment, Yuan Sheng said suddenly.

The black corpse was slightly startled, a little puzzled, but still obediently received his magical powers and stopped.

Yuan Sheng leaned out the big purple handprint, stroked the **** enchantment of Qingming Palace with the big handprint, and then began to feel it.

Ye Qingming, Luo Jun, and Emperor Fuxi all stood still, motionless.

Yuan Sheng's big mudra began to exert force, the powerful energy, the mana was suppressed toward the **** enchantment. Inside the **** enchantment, blood particles surged wildly again, and the surrounding blood sea also became wild.

The enchantment continued to falter, but it never broke!

After a long time, Yuan Sheng stopped, glanced at the three of Luo Jun, and said: "This formation enchantment is quite novel, and it does not exist in the known formations. In other words, this formation is yours. It was created in these three days."

Ye Qingming said lightly, "Why don't Yuan Daoist talk nonsense, let's continue to break the formation!"

Yuan Sheng said coldly: "If the old man continues to break the formation recklessly, then this formation is truly unbreakable."

Ye Qingming said, "Really?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This formation is extremely clever. It seems to be drawing our power into this entire sea of ​​blood, which is why the sea of ​​blood is like a tsunami. In fact, this is an illusion! In this formation. , The barrier is integrated with Fuxi’s space holy realm. There is also a dead world in the space holy realm... Over and over again, and finally all the power is quietly transformed into pure energy. In this way, the more we attack, the more your formation will be. reliable."

Ye Qingming said lightly: "Since you have seen the mystery of the formation, there should be a way to crack it. We will look at your brilliant tricks."

Yuan Shengdao: "If the old man guessed right, this formation was arranged by Fuxi, right. You are proficient in Hetu Luoshu, good at deduction, and good at arranging formations."

Emperor Fuxi said: "We can't just sit and wait!"

Yuan Sheng said: "It's a pity, if you want to stop the old man with this kind of formation, then you would look down on the old man too much."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I don't dare to underestimate Fellow Yuan Daoist, but my ability is limited!"

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, but when he laughed, his eyes were cold. Following that, he said: "Then let the old man fill in some medicine for this formation."

After that, he took out a magical artifact.

That is a silver needle!

This needle has a lot of origin, and it is very famous, it is called Poxu needle!

The beard-breaking needle is a magical tool in the broken formation, there are four in total between heaven and earth.

Legend has it that this needle contains strange power and poison. Once it is pierced into the formation, many rules of the formation can be changed. Poisoning with toxins can make a strong formation break without attack.

Yuan Sheng condensed the beard-breaking needle, which was floating in the void in front of him, and the purple qi entangled the beard-breaking needle...

The gray air in the heavenly path of life quickly melted into the piercing needle...

Following that, the Shaker Needle slammed out with lightning, and slashed towards the **** enchantment.

With a sneer, the piercing needle hit the **** enchantment, but the **** enchantment was extremely tough.

No matter how hard it is to get in.

Yuan Sheng pushed it with his big hand, behind the Shake Needle, the gray life heaven appeared, forming a horrible vortex, and helped the Shake Needle to pierce the enchantment.

At this time, Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi did not dare to underestimate them.

The two immediately sat cross-legged.

Ye Qingming's Heavenly Dao of Death was quickly displayed, and the power of Heavenly Dao of Death permeated the entire enchantment.

Emperor Fuxi’s space and heaven also appeared...

In the enchantment, suddenly confusing!

At this moment, Yuan Sheng's eyes were cold.

Under his control, the shaver needle turned directly into liquid, immersing all of it in the **** enchantment.

Suddenly, the barrier shook violently, as if it was about to burst.

"Black corpse, attack!" Yuan Sheng shouted. Then he said: "Xian'er, Sumiko, you also do your best to attack each other! The internal structure of this formation has begun to change."

"Yes!" Yuan Yuxian and Xu Mizi responded in a sudden.

Without saying a word, the black corpse once again sacrificed the sword of death and slayed violently. The particles of death form a vortex, and they force the sword of death.

Yuan Sage also uses the Heavenly Way of Life as its power to affect the grand and purple energy, forming a terrifying sword of life, slashing on the **** enchantment.

The barrier shook violently, and it would break at any time!

But the strange thing is that the barrier is always almost broken!

After a long time, Yuan Sheng and others attacked more and more fiercely. What's amazing is that instead of breaking, the **** enchantment has become more and more stable in the shaky state.

"Stop!" At this time, Yuan Sheng's expression turned ugly.

He found something wrong!

Everyone immediately stopped.

Yuan Sage once again explored the big mudra to feel the blood-colored enchantment, and immediately found that the blood-colored enchantment was already quite different.

There are many nether flowers inside...Each nether flower contains the power of the heavenly path of death, the power of the heavenly path in space...

There are a thousand of these nether flowers!

Every nether flower is powerful and unmatched.

What makes him even more angry is that these netherworld flowers still have the power of the heavenly path of life...that is to say, if he forcibly attack and kill with the heavenly path of life, it will make these netherworld flowers more powerful. These nether flowers are helping the **** enchantment stabilize the entire formation...

"Master?" Yuan Yuxian noticed that something was wrong, and also saw the ugliness on Master's face.

She reached out her hand to sense the enchantment.

Soon, she also discovered the magic.

Yuan Sheng remained silent.

For a long while, he didn't say a word.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng said: "This formation was not made by Fuxi, you Fuxi absolutely have no such ability."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Fellow Yuan Daoist. This formation was created underneath."

"You don't have this ability!" Yuan Sheng snorted coldly, and said: "If you have this ability, you won't get into trouble and get caught up in miscellaneous qi. Ye Qingming doesn't have this ability either...could it be..."

His eyes fell on Luo Jun's body.

"Did you make this formation?" Yuan Sheng said incredulously.

Luo Jun gave a dry cough and said, "Sorry, I just fiddled with it casually. I didn't expect the effect to be good. Time is not enough! Otherwise, I can make a more seamless formation for you to play."

Yuan Sheng's eyes flashed with cold light, and said, "You really did it?"

Luo Jun said, "Besides me, is there anyone else who can get it?"

Yuan Shengdao: "It seems that not killing you is the biggest mistake the old man made in his life."

Luo Jun said: "That's wrong, your biggest mistake is not not killing me. It's not trusting me! If you treat me as a confidant, then the human race is the headache at the moment. You probably forgot, when I was working for you, They have nothing to do with me."

Yuan Shengdao: "Enough, you don't need to act in front of the old man."

Luo Jun said: "The matter has reached this point, I am nervous before acting with you. Do you still expect you to accept me again? You, the older you are, the more suspicion you get! If you continue to do this, no one will follow you."

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