Super Security in the City

Chapter 4074: Fatal crisis

Before solving the undead ancestor, the undead ancestor was a thorn in Luo Jun's heart. Now, after the battle with the undead ancestor head-on, and successfully captured the undead ancestor. Luo Jun still feels uncomfortable... everything seems to go too smoothly.

It's so smooth that it makes people feel uneasy!

And I can't tell what's wrong, but my instinct is telling him that it's not right!

Luo Jun guessed that those ice-blue particles were afraid of ghosts, and he reminded the ancestor of the Taoist Dao. Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Pan Dao has also especially urged the saints to be careful of refining. It is impossible. Some clones of his undead ancestor can kill our saints, right?"

Luo Jun said: "It is indeed impossible. The ancestor of the undead is powerful in immortality. If you fight alone and abandon his immortality, no saint's ability is under him. So these ice blue particles are unlikely. Climate."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "It is true!"

Luo Jun said: "But the younger generation always feels uneasy, but they can't find the reason!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pan Dao actually feels a little too smooth."

Luo Jundao: "In this, there is another variable, that is Yuan Yunzhong. What did Yuan Yunzhong do with the undead ancestor? Or what agreement did he reach? Thinking about it, all kinds of speculations are out of place. !"

Taishang Daozu said: "Now we have divided the undead ancestors into 14 parts and suppressed them separately. Even if Yuan Yunzhong has any arrangements, it should be broken by us. If it goes well, it is normal. After all, we With the seven saints, plus the quasi-holy one, the semi-holy one, and your help, killing an undead ancestor is a matter of course!"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, the pain of everything explained, it's just my intuition!"

Taishang Taoist ancestor said: "Pan Dao also believes that my little friend, your intuition can't be wrong, but we have done things to the extreme. What will happen in the future, we can only meet, and then respond! Naturally, follow the law of nature, follow the law of nature !"

Daozu's meaning is very simple, all that should be done has been done, and then, it depends on God's will!

Luo Jun didn't have much to say, he really didn't know what to say.

The move to the north continues.

The saints marched northward into the nihility and never stopped.

Luo Jun was idle again.

Time passed quickly, ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past ten days, Luo Jun, Suzhen in black, and Bai Qing talked about his fatal instincts.

And said: "I now somewhat understand why he always suspected me when I was an undercover agent under Yuan Sheng's hands. And no matter how perfect I was, he would doubt it. It was because of this **** instinct! It was later confirmed. His intuition was correct. Unfortunately, although he had instincts, his actions were not decisive enough to kill me. Now, I also have this intuition and have already acted on the ancestors of the undead. Why, there is still a kind of instinct. What about the lingering feeling? It can't be that I'm too nervous and nervous, right?"

Black Suzhen and Bai Qing also knew that Luo Jun could not be too nervous. Luo Jun will be nervous immediately, but he will not be suspicious. The more dangerous and calmer he is!

The tranquility was finally broken on a certain night...

It seemed to confirm Luo Jun's intuition. This evening, at midnight...The Dragon Emperor and Fire Emperor finally left the Nether Blood Sea with the saints and palaces.

But at this moment, a terrifying energy wave passed from the Wa Palace.

The Wa Palace burst open instantly, becoming countless fragments. The Great Emperor Fuxi sensed the change and quickly shot it, using his supreme mana to suppress all the energy fragments and the fragments of the Wa Imperial Palace. In this way, the explosion did not affect the Heavenly Court Palace and Luo Jun's Lingxiu Palace.

But the original site of the Nawa Palace has become a ruin!

Among the ruins, Nuwa Empress' disciples Xuan Yi and Cai Yi rushed out embarrassedly.

Xuan Yi also hugged a person, and that person was... the Nuwa Empress!

The movement in the Wa Palace was really too great, and it soon alarmed everyone.

Princess Longji and others have been living in the heavenly palace, and they also came out at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Taishang Daozu and other saints all passed by and gathered in the square in the middle...

Hei Suzhen ran in front of Xuan Yi for the first time. She looked at the comatose Empress Nuwa, horrified, and said: "What's the matter?" While she was speaking, she asked Xuan Yi to place Empress Nuwa on her. On the ground, follow to check his palm.

Emperor Fuxi and the Supreme Dao ancestor also surrounded him.

The scene was crowded...All the saints were dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

Luo Jun squatted down beside Suzhen in black, observing the situation of Empress Nuwa intently. At this moment, he finally understood what was wrong in his intuition.

Na Xuan Yi told everyone that just now, she was meditating in the room. Suddenly, the energy fluctuated sharply in Empress Nuwa’s bedroom...

Then it exploded. Xuan Yi and Cai Yi quickly protected themselves, and then scanned the situation of Empress Nuwa's bedroom with divine consciousness. Xuan Yi found that Empress Nuwa was in a coma, so she quickly went to protect Empress Nuwa and brought her out. Cai Yi quickly merged with Xuan Yi, and then came out together.

Taishang Dao ancestor also came to investigate the situation of Empress Nuwa.

The ins and outs of the matter were quickly figured out.

Empress Nuwa is currently in no danger to her life, but the ice-blue particles have penetrated into the depths of her brain. It can be said that she has coexisted and died with Empress Nuwa...

As for why the ice blue particles suppressed by other saints were fine, but it happened that the ice blue particles suppressed by Empress Nuwa had a problem?

Taishang Dao Ancestor said to everyone: "Pan Dao felt that the icy blue particles in the depths of his mother's brain contained a grand purple qi... and in the energy explosion just now, a life heaven appeared. This life heaven is imperceptible, but But it really appeared again."

Black Suzhen was extremely anxious, and said: "Then how do I save my mother now? There must be a way, right?" She looked at Taishang Daozu pleadingly.

Taishang Dao Ancestor said in a deep voice: "The ice blue particles contain the grand purple aura. After these grand purple auras and the ice blue particles are fused, they cling to the nerves of the empress like an octopus. Pang Dao can't think of it for the time being. What method can get rid of the ice blue particles without harming the empress?"

"What happened to the explosion just now?" The lead saint couldn't help asking.

Saint Zhunti asked Fuxi the Great, saying: "Fellow Daoist Fuxi, you were the first to contact the energy explosion, how powerful is the energy explosion?"

Everyone looked at Emperor Fuxi again.

Emperor Fuxi looked gloomy because of an accident with his sister. At this time, when people asked him, he said in a deep voice: "The energy of the explosion is not too terrifying. It erupted from my sister. It should be in conflict with the ice blue particles. , Most of the energy has been digested internally. If I guess it’s correct, the ice blue particles changed when the girl was refining the ice blue particles. After that, the girl had to suppress it, but after all, it was not suppressed."

"It's incredible!" Donghuang Taiyi said, "This ice blue particle is just a clone of the undead ancestor, and it can actually break through the suppression of the empress."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "The empress does not have the power of independent heaven, and the icy blue particles suddenly burst out of the great purple qi and life heaven. It is normal for the empress to not check for a while. It is just that this great purple qi and life heaven. Poor Dao couldn't figure out what the matter was!"

Luo Jun groaned and said: "I previously suspected that Yuan Yunzhong had done tricks on the undead ancestor. Now it seems that she did tricks. I just don't know if this trick was a conspiracy with the two or something else. "

Suzhen in black hugged her mother, crying in sorrow.

Luo Jun put his arms around Suzhen in black and tried his best to give her the greatest comfort, but obviously, these were of no avail.

Taishang Taoist ancestor said: "Pan Dao needs to work with Fuxi Taoist friends to calculate this matter, and at the same time put the empress in the middle of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams. Susu, don't be too sad, no matter what you give, we all want empress. The rescue is good. The enemy's purpose is definitely not your mother's life!"

Black Suzhen's eyes are red and swollen, and said: "Everything depends on Dao Ancestor!"

After that, the Supreme Dao Ancestor asked all the saints to pay close attention to the ice blue particles in their hands, and then let all the saints disperse. He and Emperor Fuxi took the Empress Nuwa back to the Bajing Palace.

All the saints knew in their hearts that there would be no problem with the remaining ice blue particles. Because the main threat has already erupted from Nuwa Empress...

Luo Jun also returned to Lingxiu Palace with Suzhen in black...

Black Suzhen didn't say a word, but her face was full of worries. Luo Jun hugged her tightly, constantly comforting. He analyzed and said: "I was thinking before that when we fled to the land of nothingness, Yuan Yunzhong would have nothing to do. Now he injured your mother, just wanting to lead us to the Metaverse. The way to save your mother is in the Metaverse. …Susu, no matter what the world is in that Metaverse, I will accompany you. I know that you have lost your sister. I definitely can’t let you lose your mother again!”

Suzhen in black suddenly burst into tears.

She used to be firm and withdrawn, but over the years, with a son, a husband, and a mother, her heart has become much softer. If it was before, she would be desperate. Now that I can still sit here and cry, that is a big change.

Luo Jun comforted again...

Ray, it finally burst...

At this time, Luo Jun was not as worried as before. Before, he always wondered where the problem was, but now, everything is clear!

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