Super Security in the City

Chapter 4088: Tiansheng Temple

"You are the king? What a mad tone!" Yuan Sheng said: "But you can cultivate to this level at a young age. You can indeed be said to be a peerless wizard. From the perspective of the old man, even the once-destined king Luo Jun Compared with you, it is far from it. The old man also thinks he is talented, but compared with you, he is still a little worse. You are so young, if you live to a thousand years, long live, I am afraid that the emperor of the universe is like this All of you will be trampled under your feet!"

Mo Yu said: "Your heart is full of greed and desire, so you are eager to defeat many people. But to me, none of this is important. Everyone is like this. I can't ask for it! These cultivation bases, abilities, and I am like a cloud. The worst thing you did in your life was to kill Luo Jun!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Although Luo Jun was not killed by the old man, the old man is indeed responsible for his death. Moreover, the old man has always wanted him to die! It is also good for you to seek revenge from the old man."

Mo Yu said, "Don't worry, I will not let you go one by one!"

Yuan Sheng said: "You should think about it, do you have a future?"

Mo Yu said, "I don't have to think, no one on this planet can kill me!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Really?" Then his eyes were sharp, and he said, "Broken!"

As his sound waves dissipated in all directions, countless ripples suddenly rose, and after that, he returned to reality.

He turned to look at the black corpse and Long Xiaofeng.

The black corpse and Long Xiaofeng also walked towards him...

Yuan Sheng did not act rashly, and turned his head to look at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu stood still, his eyes still cold.

"Or illusion?" Yuan Sheng asked Mo Yu.

Mo Yu said: "If the black corpse doesn't take action, you will never get out."

Yuan Sheng looked at the black corpse and Long Xiaofeng again.

After Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng approached Yuansheng, they immediately clasped their fists and saluted.

Yuan Sheng suddenly shot at them.

Hei Zui and Long Xiaofeng couldn't help being taken aback, and said in shock: "Holy Lord...Master..."

Yuan Sheng ignored it, and continued to kill with the fist of life.

The Black Corpse and Long Xiao retreat steadily, and after a short while, they were smashed to pieces by the Primordial Sage.

"Yuan Yunzhong, your Dao heart is indeed very strong!" Mo Yu said at this time, and said: "I have to admit that in a short period of time, it is difficult for me to kill you!"

Yuan Sheng looked at Mo Yu and said, "Is there any other trick, just show it! Heart Demon Fantasy Realm, small carving skills!"

Mo Yu said coldly: "My purpose today is not you, I will come to you again if I have the opportunity."

After that, he turned around and left.

"Want to go?" How could Yuan Sheng allow Mo Yu to leave, and quickly probe his hand to catch Mo Yu. But when he was caught, Mo Yu had already turned into the air of a demon. With this catch, he caught nothing.

Yuan Sheng stood there and started thinking again. "Really gone? Or is this still an illusion?"

At this time, he looked at the black corpse and Long Xiaofeng behind.

Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng walked up.

"Master!" The black corpse shouted in a deep voice.

Yuan Sheng looked at the black corpse, and for a while, he was a little uncertain whether the black corpse in front of him was an illusion or a real black corpse. "If I ask him a question, I have the answer in my heart, and the black corpse will say the answer in my heart. So this method cannot tell whether he is true or not. This kid's devilish air is so powerful that it makes it difficult for the old man to distinguish between dreams and dreams. It's real."

Yuan Sheng fell into thinking.

Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng looked at Yuan Sheng suspiciously.

"The old man is thinking, are you the old man's illusion or a real person?" Yuan Sheng said to the black corpse and Long Xiaofeng.

Long Xiaofeng was slightly startled, and said: "Are you even the Holy Master hard to tell? But that kid's Heavenly Demon Realm is indeed terrifying!"

The black corpse said: "No matter how powerful his illusion is, he can't imitate the real death holy realm."

Long Xiaofeng said: "But it can simulate what we imagine in our hearts."

The black corpse ignored Long Xiaofeng, but continued: "Master, I am displaying the Death Sacred Realm. You can feel it in it and see if you can tell the truth?"

Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "Okay! Your death aura has a suppressive effect on the aura of the demon. When the death aura is strong enough, any illusion can be cracked!"

After that, the black corpse displayed the Holy Land of Death!

In the Holy Land of Death, the black mist rolled, and the breath of death was extremely strong!

Yuan Sheng sat cross-legged, feeling the breath of death quietly.

After a while, he was absolutely certain that this death breath was not an illusion!

Then he got up and said: "Okay, there is no problem."

The black corpse said: "Before we saw you surrounded by the demon storm, the situation is the same as Mr. Long. The subordinates saw you in pain and anger, and finally turned calm. The subordinates originally wanted to take action, but later saw that you could cope with it. , There was no shot!"

Yuan Sheng said: "You are right not to make a move!"

The black corpse said, "It's just that there was an accident in the end!"

"Accident? What's the accident?" Yuan Sheng was slightly surprised.

The black corpse said: "When he left, you shot and caught it, right?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Yes!"

The black corpse said: "At that time, we also rolled up a cloud of demon storm, but was quickly dissipated by the subordinates with death air. It was a bit strange that he was going to leave, so what did he blow us a storm of demon? ?"

Yuan Sheng pondered.

After a long while, he said: "This kid, absolutely can't just take it lightly. What he does has a purpose."

The black corpse said, "The subordinates feel so too."

Long Xiaofeng said: "It's impossible. If he blows a celestial demon storm, he can fascinate me to wait, right?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Maybe it is to plant the seeds of the inner demon, and then wait until the critical time to erupt."

The black corpse said in a deep voice: "It's very possible!"

Long Xiaofeng said, "This...what should we do now?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Well, the seed of the heart demon is nothing more than the heart demon in the end. Let's not be suspicious here. If we keep fear in our hearts, we will be demonized!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "The Holy Lord said yes!"

Yuan Sheng said to the black corpse again: "Continue to find the ancestor of the undead." After a pause, he asked Long Xiaofeng: "Let me see your injury."

Long Xiaofeng stretched out his hand.

Yuan Sheng took the pulse for him, and his mana penetrated into Long Xiao's body.

Soon, Yuan Sheng took his hand and said, "Fortunately, this kid's cultivation base is still semi-sage. If you reach the quasi-sage, this palm will only be absorbed by you. Even so, your injury will take ten days. For half a month, countless elixirs were consumed!"

Long Xiaofeng said, "I am ashamed!"

Yuan Sheng took out a small white porcelain bottle and said, "Take it!"

Long Xiaofeng knew that the pills in this small white porcelain bottle were all top-notch, and he was very grateful at the moment.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng said again: "Now don't rush to find the undead ancestor, let's wait for Xiaofeng's injury to heal, and then take action!"

Hei Zhai and Long Xiaofeng naturally had no objection. The three of them searched for a secluded place and then began to cultivate.

The black corpse was a little worried, and said: "A mere white cyan is already so powerful, I don't know how far the ancestor of the undead is now!"

Yuan Sheng said: "It is not clear, everything has to be seen with the undead ancestor before we can know it."

After about ten days of cultivation, Long Xiaofeng's injuries have healed.

After that, Yuan Sage and his party went directly to the undead ancestor. In these ten days, the black corpse has not been idle, and has already explored the dead sea of ​​the heavenly devil. At the same time, the whereabouts of the ancestors of the dead have been found!

They soon came to a seabed, which was covered by seaweed...

Yuan Sheng and his team went through the seaweed, found the crack, and then entered it smoothly.

After entering, the immediate environment is suddenly clear.

But it is no longer ice and snow, but green mountains and rivers, beautiful mountains and rivers.

The sun is shining, there is a lake in front, and the lake is sparkling.

Behind is surrounded by mountains...

This place is refreshing!

Long Xiaofeng couldn't help saying: "I originally thought that the place where the ancestors of the undead was located must be surrounded by demonic energy. But I didn't expect such a scenery to be more and more similar to those of the saints."

The black corpse was beside him but said nothing.

Yuan Sheng pondered. After a long time, he said, "This ancestor of the undead has gone through a lot of hardships and finally became a real person. Now it seems that everything is learning and enjoying. I am afraid that he is not as good as the demon of the day. The power of the kid’s devil is pure!"

After that, Yuan Sheng said again: "Let's go!"

Their spirits fired everywhere, and quickly locked the place where the undead ancestor lived.

In this world, space is huge.

Yuan Sheng scanned it and found that the world was divided into two plots. A small part of the land is green mountains and green waters, but most of the place is surrounded by the air of the demon, and maintains a channel that is connected to the dead sea of ​​the demon.

The land of green mountains and green water is a holy land, and the land surrounded by devilish energy is the magic land!

The ancestors of the undead live in the holy land, and in the magic land are countless demons rampant!

Among the holy places, there is a palace called Tiansheng Palace!

The ancestor of the undead is the master of Tiansheng Palace.

Yuan Sheng and his team flew quickly and arrived in front of the Holy Palace that day.

There is no enchantment outside Tiansheng Palace...

I saw the beautiful environment in Tiansheng Palace, clean and luxurious.

Outside of Tiansheng Palace is surrounded by artificial lakes and beautiful mountains in the distance!

Although the world is already in chaos and the world is suffering infinitely, but the magnificent scenery here makes people cry.

Yuan Sheng and his party did not enter the Tiansheng Palace. Yuan Sheng shouted outside: "The ancestor is on the top, and Yuan Yunzhong is on the bottom. Come and pay a visit!"

He yelled three times in a row, and after three times, he stopped speaking, and then waited quietly.

After a while, a figure appeared in the holy palace that day.

The figure quickly came in front of the Yuansheng trio...

After seeing the incoming person clearly, Yuan Sheng couldn't help being surprised...

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