Super Security in the City

Chapter 4136: Great achievement

The little Zhou Tian in Luo Jun's body formed a chaotic furnace, using his own spirit and chaotic divine power to create a chaotic divine fire! This divine fire burned Li Changye's icy blue particles. Under such circumstances, Li Changye was also in great pain, suffering inhuman torture both physically and mentally.

Both of them were in so much pain!

This is true mutual torture!

Luo Jun didn't know how to vent his pain... He never imagined that it would be the last goodbye when he watched Xiaoyu being taken away on Earth that day!

All kinds of regret, pain, all erupted at this moment. It seems that only such torment and pain can give a little peace of mind!

But at this time, Li Changye couldn't take it anymore.

In Luo Jun's little Zhoutian world, he began to rely on his own will to summon the undead army!

His call was vague, just let the undead army rescue him desperately.

So, the undead army below moved.

The undead army began to rush here, and those who couldn't fly directly rushed to the enchantment of the human race's secret realm. The masters who can fly directly penetrate the barrier and kill Luo Jun. For the real person, Donghuang Taiyi took the lead.

Luo Jun is now in a state of great loss of vitality, where he can withstand the attacks of Real Fortune and Taiyi Donghuang.

Xuan Zhenghao, Mother Nuwa, and Ye Qingming immediately took action. They couldn't just sit back and watch Luo Jun be killed, and their figure flashed, and immediately stepped forward to stop Real Fortune Creation and Dong Huang Taiyi. The Taishang Daozu, Emperor Fuxi and others saw that the undead army was being launched from the outside world, and immediately went to stabilize the enchantment.

The enchantment of the human race secret place requires all human races to activate together, and then resist. But it has always been unable to stop so many undead legions... Once the undead legion rushes into the secret place, the efforts of the human race will be destroyed.

The situation is in crisis...

After Xuan Zhenghao made his move, he came to Luo Jun and shouted loudly, "Luo Jun, stop now. If this continues, the entire human race will be destroyed."

Luo Jun raised his head and immediately felt the changes around him.

After he took a deep breath, he spit out all the ice-blue particles that Li Changye had transformed into.

After the ice blue particles floated in the void for a while, they returned to Li Changye's body. Li Changye's face was pale at the moment, and he was sluggish. After seeing the situation in the outside world, he quickly activated his consciousness and asked the real person, Dong Huang Taiyi, to stop attacking. It also made the undead legion calm and returned to its original place!

A huge crisis has dissipated.

Gu Yue flew to Li Changye's side for the first time, and her eyes were full of concern. She supported the crumbling Li Changye, her eyes were red, and she said, "How are you?

Seeing her red eyes, Li Changye immediately felt that everything was worth it, smiled slightly, and said, "I can't die!"

"You lost!" Luo Jun stood up and stared at Li Changye coldly. "We agreed before that if you lose, what will happen? You have to let me deal with it and never launch the death army."

Li Changye was stunned, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

He did say this in public, but when he made the promise, he never thought that he would lose.

Over the years, he has been so smooth. At the peak, when the entire human race was added together, he was not afraid. I really didn't expect to be defeated by a Luo Jun today. In his eyes, Luo Jun was nothing but ants.

With tears in her eyes, Gu Yue grabbed his hand tightly.

How could Li Changye be someone who didn't keep his promises in front of Gu Yue? Immediately, he gritted his teeth and said to Luo Jun: "I just launched the death army, which is a subconscious reaction of me under your burning and killing. Now you want to kill or cut it, please do as you please, I will not start the death army any more. Yes!"

"I punished you just now, but also myself!" Luo Jun said coldly: "Now, I will kill you completely with green grass seeds, just like killing Yuan Yunzhong's old dog."

Li Changye couldn't help trembling slightly. It was not easy for him to become a human being, and he came to this world to walk around, and he also experienced the beauty of love. Now that he is really going to die, how can he not be afraid?

But afraid, is it useful?

Luo Jun's mood was so complicated that he did not intend to kill Li Changye at this time, but he wanted to let Li Changye taste the fear of death. He's going to do everything he can to torture this beast.

So, he condensed the power of chaos in his hands!

Golden light flashed in his fist.

Seeing that this punch went on, Li Changye was about to be defeated again.

At this moment, Gu Yue stopped in front of Li Changye, raised her head, her eyes were firm: "Hold on!"

"What are you? Dare to interject here, get out!" Luo Jun scolded rudely.

"Luo Jun, I don't allow you to insult Gu Yue!" Li Changye pulled Gu Yue behind him and said angrily to Luo Jun: "Gu Yue is a human race, and she has always advised me to be kind to the human race by my side. She is worthy of any of your human race, how can you scold her?"

"If I want to scold, I will scold, if I want to kill, what can you do? Don't think that you can threaten me with this army of death, and anger me, I care about your mother's fairyland and the life of the human race!" Luo The army shouted.

Li Changye stayed for a while, but he didn't expect this Luo Jun to be so popular! In his impression, this Luo Jun has great love and sacrifices himself for the sake of righteousness. Why are you acting like a demon king of chaos now, who is more willing than yourself?

At this moment, Gu Yue stood in front of Li Changye again, faced Luo Jun, and said sincerely: "Mr. Luo Jun, you have sacrificed a lot for the human race, but now you have lost your beloved daughter, this is indeed my husband's sin! "

The sound of a husband immediately made Li Changye tremble and almost fainted. He was so excited that he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

Gu Yue ignored Li Changye's mood, and continued to say to Luo Jun: "You want to avenge your beloved daughter and kill my husband, it is only right and proper! But what if you kill him? Can he come back to life again? No! On the contrary, he is dead, but you will always be in pain. I have an idea, you will kill me with a tit-for-tat. In this way, let him live in pain forever. At the same time, he can help you go to Earth and save Miss Bai, isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"

"Absolutely not!" Li Changye was so moved that he almost burst into tears when he heard that Gu Yue was about to sacrifice himself. He only felt that his life had come to this point, and what more could he ask for. He immediately grabbed Gu Yue, hugged him tightly, and said, "I'm dead now, and I have no regrets, thank you, Gu Yue!"

Lonely Moon's tears also fell silently.

At this time, Luo Jun opened his mouth and said, "You have a good idea. Your name is Gu Yue, right? Well, if you are willing to die for him, I will fulfill you!"

"You dare!" Li Changye angrily stopped in front of Gu Yue and looked at Luo Jun angrily.

"Why don't I dare?" Luo Jun laughed and said, "Is this very painful? I tell you, this is not the most painful. When this woman really dies, you can understand what real pain is. I also tell you that as long as it is what Luo Jun wants to do, there is nothing I dare not."

Li Changye was completely dumbfounded!

At this moment, he seemed to truly understand Luo Jun's pain and suffering.

For a moment, he felt that he had lost Gu Yue, and there was an indescribable fear in his heart attacking him...

Can't regret it!

He looked at Luo Jun in front of him and knew that Luo Jun was now in a state of no regrets.

"Luo Jun, I understand what you mean." Li Changye took a deep breath and said, "Although I didn't kill Mo Yu myself, I can't blame her for her death. Fortunately, Bai Suzhen's matter is not What I caused, I can make up for you now. After you save Bai Suzhen, I will pay for my life, how about it? I can swear to you that I will not do any small things in the middle. I will cherish you to save Bai Suzhen This time, because this time will be the little time I have left to live."

Luo Jun fell silent.

Things have come to this point, and it doesn't make much sense to fight and kill again.

All the anger and pain were all vented out in this battle.

Luo Jun ignored the crowd, acquiesced to Li Changye's proposal, turned around and returned to the Lingxiu Palace.

Seeing that Luo Jun finally gave up, Li Changye and Gu Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They both looked at each other and cried with joy!

When Taishang Daozu and others saw this, they also breathed a sigh of relief. The storm was finally over for a while...

In the Lingxiu Palace, Luo Jun sat cross-legged, absorbing the divine power of chaos and making up for the lost vitality in his body.

This battle gave him a thorough understanding of his own abilities, and now he has truly achieved the power from his heart, and with the movement of his thoughts, he can arouse the vitality of heaven and earth!

He could have done this before, but not as smoothly as he does now!

It's like the power of the car is different... It used to take eight seconds to accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers, but now it only takes one second...

When he realized the divine power in his body, he also found that his eighty-nine profound arts were gone... The nine-turn Primordial Spirit was completely annihilated.

Although he had mastered the Eight or Nine Profound Techniques in the past, it is impossible to have it again now. Because the Eight Nine Mysterious Art is a transformation technique, the flesh and blood in his body and the mana are now too terrifying, and it is not enough to want to change as desired.

This is also the reason why none of the saints can even though the Eight Nine Mysteries are powerful.

When the body is large, it is impossible to change at will.

The ship is hard to turn around!

In the bedroom, Luo Jun sat cross-legged on the bed, condensed golden light in his hands, and when his heart moved, the golden light turned into a Chaos Thunder Sword! The golden chaotic divine power surrounds the thunder sword, and the thunder light flickers...

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