Super Security in the City

Chapter 4137: life and death

Luo Jun stared at the Chaos Thunder Sword in his hand. Now he can completely materialize this sword, using Chaos divine power and magnetic field as raw materials! Then you can recreate your own magic weapon based on this Chaos Sword.

The black hole spar is an outdated magic weapon.

As long as he wants, he can create a magic weapon that is more suitable for him.

Only now, he is not in the mood.

After the catharsis just now, the pain and suffering in my heart have indeed been reduced a lot. But after calming down, deep down, he felt even more uncomfortable and desperate.

"Everyone's death, there will be someone behind to bear the pain!" Luo Jun felt that although he had the supreme divine power, he could slaughter countless creatures, but death was indeed too cruel. The artifact is in hand and cannot be used easily...

"Life and death are unavoidable!" Luo Jun murmured: "For outsiders, a person's death is just a settling of dust! For Xiaoyu, it is an eternal disappearance."

He couldn't help but think of the late Luo Ning. Before he knew it, she had passed away for hundreds of years...

And those people in the world he cared about have also turned into dust.

He also thought of his father, his younger brother Chen Yihan and so on!

"You're all gone, and I'm still alive... One day, I'll turn into dust!"

Thinking of this, Luo Jun felt a little more relieved.

The deceased is gone and cannot be traced!

After Luo Jun took a deep breath, he decided to work hard for Susu.

After all, the living have to continue to live.

Three days later, Luo Jun's vitality returned to its peak state. Immediately, he left Lingxiu Palace and came to Bajing Palace.

This time, he met with Taishang Daozu alone.

The Bajing Palace has always been very quiet. At this time, there is no one else in the Bajing Palace.

In the quiet room, Taishang Daozu was wearing a white Taoist robe, sitting cross-legged, with immortal wind and Taoist bones!

Luo Jun bowed to Taishang Daozu and said, "Junior made a rash act a few days ago and almost caused a huge disaster. Today, I came to apologize to Daozu!"

Seeing that Luo Jun's heart was calm, Taishang Daozu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, and said, "Little friend, sit down!"

Luo Jun took a seat next to him.

Taishang Daozu said again: "Speaking of which, it is us saints who can't stop you. What you want to do, we are not qualified to accuse you, let alone stop you!"

Luo Jun said again: "Thank you Daozu for understanding!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pin Dao also feels very sorry about Xiao Yu. Her talent is indeed the most outstanding among the people that Pin Dao has ever seen... Unfortunately, Heaven is jealous of Yingcai!"

Luo Jun said bitterly: "I hope she doesn't have such talent. In that case, she won't come to this circle of right and wrong."

Taishang Daozu said: "My condolences!"

Luo Jun nodded.

Taishang Daozu continued: "Next, does the little friend want to go to Earth?"

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Well, you have done enough for our Immortal Realm. After you go to Earth, if you don't want to come back, you can't come."

Luo Jun was slightly surprised and said: "The younger generation knows a little bit about the current situation in the fairy world."

Taishang Daozu smiled bitterly and said: "Pin Dao naturally hopes that you can come back to the fairyland. With you, many things will turn around. It's just that you have sacrificed so much for the fairyland, and the poor Tao also..."

Luo Jun said: "The Dao ancestors don't have to think like this, the fairyland is the fairyland of all the races, not the Taoist ancestors alone. You don't have to carry all the responsibilities and sins on your own body. Besides, the fairyland is now a tumor, and it is also a The big poisonous pustule, if we don't solve it, I'm afraid it will implicate the whole universe in the future! Since this junior has this luck on his body, he should also run for it! This is also for myself and my family!"

Taishang Daozu couldn't help but sighed: "No wonder the little friend will be the destined son of heaven. Among the monks today, few people can think about the overall situation like you. Few people can be as profound and righteous as you."

Luo Jun said: "Daozu has won the prize!"

After chatting for a while, the two returned to another topic.

Taishang Daozu said: "You have two problems when you go to Earth. The first is whether Li Changye still has the ability to send you there. The second is whether he will interfere with it... If he does something on the passage..."

Luo Jun said: "These are indeed problems, and we have to guard against them."

Taishang Daozu said: "Fortunately, Emperor Xuan is also here, and we can discuss it with him."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

After that, Taishang Daozu sent someone to invite Xuan Zhenghao over.

Xuan Zhenghao came over quickly.

After he came, he said hello first, and then took a seat beside Luo Jun. He said to Luo Jun with concern: "Are you okay?"

Luo Jun smiled lightly and said, "I'm fine."

Xuan Zhenghao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

Then, Taishang Daozu talked about Luo Jun going to Earth and expressed his worries.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Li Changye should not dare to interfere with it. After Luo Jun goes to Earth, he can also communicate with us by means of the magic number array. If there is any problem, Li Changye will not want to live. We warned him in advance. After all, it's not a big problem! I just don't know if he has the ability to send Luo Jun over now."

Luo Jun said: "We don't need to speculate here, just call him over and ask and we'll know."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "That's true!"

Not long after, Li Changye also came to the Eight Views Palace.

After Li Changye came in, he honestly greeted Taishang Daozu first, and then sat down at the bottom. He didn't even dare to see Luo Jun... This was impossible before. Back then, what kind of existence was the ancestor of the undead? That is the master who will be afraid of three points when Yuan Sheng sees it...

Back then, Luo Jun was just an ant in front of him.

Whether it is a human being or a living being, once it is contaminated with emotions, it will become soft and expose its weaknesses!

Of course, Li Changye's low-key life is not just because he fell in love with Gu Yue. More importantly, Luo Jun has become more powerful now. In the battle three days ago, Luo Jun actually defeated Li Changye!

At the same time, the human race still has the means to kill Li Changye, so Li Changye can't be low-key now!

Xuan Zhenghao first told Li Changye about the consequences if he interfered in the passage, etc.

Li Changye immediately said: "I sincerely want to make some compensation this time, so I will never make trouble."

Xuan Zhenghao said lightly: "That's what you said, but your reputation is not that good. You have done a lot of double-sided things back then!"

Li Changye was immediately embarrassed!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Your undead army will indeed pose a great threat to us, but it is not difficult for us to surround and kill you in the undead army. Therefore, you have to consider it yourself!"

Li Changye said: "I will!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Then do you think you can send Luo Jun over now?"

Li Changye said: "In the past, there was no problem. Now I still need to determine how powerful Luo Jun's energy body is... So I don't dare to jump to this conclusion!"

Xuan Zhenghao was stunned, then sighed and said, "If you can't send him there, then you will lose your only value."

Li Changye was bitter in his heart, but he didn't say anything. After that, he cautiously said to Luo Jun: "I need to check your pulse!"

Luo Jun didn't say anything, just extended his hand.

After Li Changye took his pulse for a while, he said, "It's not a big problem, but I need to prepare!"

Luo Jun said, "If I bring Susu with me, can you send us over?"

Li Changye hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not a big problem!"

Luo Jun sneered and said, "I'm afraid you're treating us as fools. I saw that when you took the pulse for me just now, you frowned and knew that you couldn't do it. Send me alone, you still have problems. Plus Susu, you can't do it. But you say you can do it now, which means you're ready to run, doesn't it?"

A trace of panic flashed in Li Changye's eyes, and he said, "No, I will never run away!"

Xuan Zhenghao said lightly: "Li Changye, you are still a little bit scheming in front of us. If you can do it, tell me honestly. You have already killed Xiao Yu, now for yourself, do you still want to bring Luo Jun to the other side? Miss Susu is exhausted to death? Do you really think that we people dare not kill people? "

Taishang Daozu's face also became serious, and said: "Li Daoyou, this is a matter of life and death, and it is not a joke."

Li Changye glanced at them, complaining in his heart, knowing that the three in front of him were all first-class smart people. It's not good for me to play tricks in front of them... I immediately said: "Now Luo Jun's energy is too strong, if I do it reluctantly, there will be great risks. Once the channel collapses, I will be scattered everywhere in the universe. , and he would also be killed by the energy of the explosion. This risk... I dare not take it."

"So you're really going to escape?" Luo Jun said coldly.

Li Changye fell silent.

When Luo Jun thought that he might not even be able to save Susu, he suddenly became irritable, suddenly got up, and said sternly, "Li Changye, **** you!"

Li Changye's dead souls were all gone, and he got up immediately, but he was afraid that he would be defeated by Luo Jun when he was caught off guard. He hurriedly said: "We still have time, we can still find a way together. Miss Susu also has nearly a hundred years. As long as you can reach the earth smoothly in this hundred years, it will be much easier for you to find the Sun Poison Fire. With so many of us together, we can always think of a way. I'm just a little bit short, and even if I can't do it now, as long as my skills improve, it will be feasible at that time."

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