Super Security in the City

Chapter 4140: life and death unknown

Xuan Zhenghao is a serious person, he told Luo Jun not to rush to Earth first. Because he wants to clarify some things before letting Luo Jun act. Although Luo Jun was impatient, he knew that he would be able to sail the Wannian Ship with caution, and he knew that Xuan Zhenghao was not a person who was aimless, so he still responded.

In this way, things going to Earth still have to be delayed.

Taishang Daozu has already begun to prepare for Luo Jun to go to Earth. Empress Nuwa was also very happy when she knew that the passage could be successfully built. Taishang Daozu asked Empress Nuwa, the Great Emperor Fuxi, and Zhunti, and led these people to ask for medicine pills one by one. All the saints knew that Luo Jun was going to use it, so they all generously donated money...

The saints have been in charge of the Immortal Realm for many years, and it is unimaginable that they will save one by one. They are also very generous, and Taishang Daozu quickly raised one hundred trillion pure Yang medicinal pills to Luo Jun.

One hundred trillion pure yang pills are not small energy bodies, but compared with Luo Jun's energy bodies, they are only a drop in the bucket. So it's no problem to bring these pills with you.

After three days, Xuan Zhenghao found Luo Jun and said, "I have no more doubts, you can start preparing to go to Earth!" Luo Jun said curiously, "Why are there no doubts all of a sudden? The idea of ​​the fusion of those two forces. Understood?"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "Understood."

Luo Jun said: "What's the reason?" Xuan Zhenghao smiled lightly, and said, "It's hard to explain clearly, I'll tell you later." Luo Jun felt that Xuan Zhenghao was a little mysterious, and said: "There are things that are not clear to explain. I can understand it myself!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Forget it, the secret cannot be revealed for the time being. I just figured out some problems. Anyway, there is no problem with your passage to the earth this time, so hurry up and prepare. , then get ready to go!"

Luo Jun saw that he was always unwilling to speak, and he couldn't force it. In addition, I really wanted to save Susu quickly, so I didn't ask any more questions.

Three days later, Luo Jun had already picked up some magical instruments from the Da Luo treasury of Taishang Daozu.

At the same time, he also brought Xiaoyao Hall and one hundred trillion pure Yang medicinal pills on his body.

Suzhen in black is frozen on the ice bed of Xiaoyao Palace!

Above the Eight Views Palace, all the saints gather!

Lonely Moon is here...

Under everyone's attention, Li Changye began to perform divine magic and turned himself into a demon particle.

The demon particles evoke the power of the demons between heaven and earth, and merge all methods into one furnace...

About two hours later, a black door appeared in front of Luo Jun and Ye Qingming.

The channel has become…

This time the channel completion time is much shorter than the last time.

The last time Li Changye took three days.

Probably practice makes perfect...

After the formation of the black gate, Ye Qingming also began to perform divine magic, but seeing the magic seal on her hands, the magic seal naturally produced a black aura of death. The breath of death quickly became dense, forming a vortex. After this vortex was formed, Ye Qingming himself entered the vortex...

Luo Jun said goodbye to everyone, and then entered the black vortex.

Under the gazes of everyone, the black vortex rose into the air, and then rushed into the black door. After the black vortex entered the black gate, the black gate soon disappeared.

There was nothing in front of Taishang Daozu and the others.

However, this scene is not unusual. After Luo Jun entered the black gate last time, the black gate also disappeared. But three days later, black undead particles appeared in the void, and then Li Changye returned.

Think about it this time, it will be the same operation!

Taishang Daozu and others waited calmly.

Empress Nuwa was not very familiar with this process, so she was a little worried and asked Taishang Daozu: "This..."

Before Taishang Daozu could answer, the Great Emperor Fuxi smiled first and said, "You don't have to worry, sister, Li Changye will be back soon. Once he comes back, it means that the matter is done."

Empress Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

The rest of the saints were relieved when they heard the words...

Minutes passed by...

Soon, three days passed...

According to the last experience, Li Changye will return successfully in about three days.

But now the situation is no turbulence...

Li Changye showed no sign of returning.

Taishang Daozu was patient and felt that there was no problem, and it was impossible for the time to be so consistent every time.

The rest didn't say anything.

Everyone has this patience.

Just soon, another day passed.

Li Changye still hasn't come back...

"This..." Empress Nuwa was not calm, because her daughter also went with her.

Taishang Daozu said: "Maybe the form is different this time, so Li Changye will take longer to come back, let's wait patiently!"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "According to the truth, this passage is to send Luo Jun and the others directly. After Luo Jun and the others pass, Li Changye must come back quickly, otherwise he will get lost in the passage and his body will be scattered all over the universe. , that's unacceptable. So, it shouldn't be that long."

When the saints heard Xuan Zhenghao's words, they immediately lost their color.

Taishang Daozu is not very calm.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "But in terms of their power form, it is unlikely that something will go wrong. Why haven't they come back yet?"

All the saints were worried.

Taishang Daozu said: "Let's wait, wait, wait!"

Xuan Zhenghao frowned and said, "I hope I think too much."

They keep waiting!

That Gu Yue's heart was also tight, and she couldn't say a word. The world is concerned about Luo Jun's safety, but she is worried about Li Changye's safety in her heart. Li Changye had the idea of ​​leaving before, but he stayed because of her persuasion. If something happened to Li Changye because of this, how could she forgive herself?

Time goes by every second...

Soon, another day passed...

Li Changye still hasn't come back!

Three more days have passed...

Li Changye still did not come back.

Nine days have passed...

Li Changye still hasn't come back!

All the saints waited for nine days in the sky above the Eight Views Palace.

At this point, they can no longer deceive themselves.

"Xuanhuang, according to you..." Taishang Daozu asked.

All the saints looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Empress Nuwa is the most anxious!

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at everyone and said, "I think we shouldn't make too many guesses. Before Luo Jun went, I had already set up the formation. What happened to him? As long as he is still alive, we can infer his position. If it can't be inferred, it means that he is no longer alive."

In the revolving hall of Biyou Palace, all the saints have arrived.

Xuan Zhenghao, the Supreme Daoist, and the Great Emperor Fuxi sat together in the middle of the formation.

Xuan Zhenghao's quest is a great formation for the pursuit of heaven's secrets!

Take the Heavenly Mystery Diagram as the core of the formation, and take Luo Jun's spirit as the guide!

This formation is not difficult, it is easy to make.

However, when ordinary experts arrange this formation, they can only find people at a certain distance. And after Xuan Zhenghao cooperated with Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi, that is, as long as people are within the Three Realms and Five Elements, they can find them.

Empress Nuwa was always anxious.

She thought it was a logical thing, but there was such a side effect.

Xuan Zhenghao, Taishang Daozu, and the Great Emperor Fuxi circulated the supreme holy force and transported it to the Heavenly Mystery Map.

Then, this spirit formed a light spot!

In the picture of good fortune, a vast universe was formed, and the light spots flew quickly in the universe.

This search took three days.

All the saints and that lonely moon are very patient, they have been waiting by the side, waiting.

After three days, Xuan Zhenghao finally stopped searching.

Empress Nuwa's face was already very ugly, and she asked, "Have you found it?"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Empress Nuwa, then shook his head and said, "I didn't find it!"

The saints had already guessed the result, but at this time, when Xuan Zhenghao said it himself, he still found it difficult to accept. Mother Nuwa was shocked and said, "What do you mean by not being able to find it?"

How could she accept this result?

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi were also not clear about the result, they were only responsible for providing holy power.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "If you can't find it, it means death! However, Luo Jun should not be dead."

"Emperor Xuan, tell me if you have something to say!" Taishang Daozu said extremely heavily.

After Xuan Zhenghao got up and glanced at the saints, he started pacing back and forth.

Although everyone was anxious, they should not push Xuan Zhenghao too much.

Xuan Zhenghao muttered words in his mouth, kept mumbling, his expression sometimes frowned, sometimes stretched, sometimes puzzled...

After a long time, he stopped and seemed to be talking to himself: "Originally, there would be no problem with the plan. This channel is extremely stable. But why is there a problem? The person will not be Li Changye, because once the passage is destroyed, Li Changye will bear the brunt of the worst! This person is an outsider... Few people in the world can make trouble in this passage, Yuan Sheng is dead... The black corpse is dead, the dragon Xiao Feng is also dead... We saints are all there. There is only one person... That is the unknown, the one who came from the Chaos Gate. It must be him... I thought this was the worst plan. This has developed. Damn…”

"Emperor Xuan..." Emperor Fuxi couldn't help but said, "Is Luo Jun still alive?"

This is also the concern of all saints.

Xuan Zhenghao looked up at the saints, and then said: "Luo Jun is still alive... This is based on the spirit that I have mastered. This spirit comes from Luo Jun. If the body is gone, this spirit will be lost. God will speed up the disintegration. But now this spirit has not accelerated disintegration, which shows that Luo Jun is still alive."

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