Super Security in the City

Chapter 4141: man in white

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "But in this universe, there is no trace of Luo Jun, which means that he is probably not in this universe."

"What?" After hearing this statement, the saints were all horrified.

Although these saints have already cultivated and participated in creation, they still cannot understand this universe! He didn't even understand this universe, but at this time Xuan Zhenghao said that Luo Jun was no longer in this universe. This makes the saints feel that his statement is a bit far-fetched...

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "I'm not lying. If the passage is destroyed, there will be a huge explosion. The intensity of this explosion is unimaginable. Generally speaking, even Luo Jun's ability cannot withstand this. It exploded. And why hasn't he died? It is very likely that at a critical time, he opened the gate of chaos again. Luo Jun is now proficient in the power of chaos, so it is not uncommon for him to open the gate of chaos when he was dying. What is the gate of chaos? Where it will lead, no one can say! So I think everything is possible!"

"If that's the case, can he come back?" Empress Nuwa couldn't help asking.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can't guarantee this. Who can tell what will happen in the future? But there is one key point that I can tell everyone. This may clear everyone's doubts!"

Everyone looked at Xuan Zhenghao!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is a problem in the universe, and this problem is not a single problem here. Maybe the entire universe, including the multiverse, is in trouble! Luo Jun is likely to be the overall breaker, invisible, with the hand of fate. We are pushing everything to happen. All we can do is to do everything right in front of us! There may be a reason for Luo Jun's every step. Look carefully, he has experienced so much in the fairy world, and finally What did he get... What he got is the power of chaos. The power of chaos is the key to open the door of chaos!"

And when Luo Jun entered the black vortex transformed by Ye Qingming, he felt as if he had entered a black cocoon. Inside the silkworm cocoon, a thick black fog filled the air. This thick fog was icy cold, but extremely pure. He visited with mana, and immediately felt that the thick fog was bottomless and boundless.

Then, she felt that there seemed to be countless meridians in the dense fog. These meridians were connected with the black passage and became an indestructible barrier!


The black vortex began to accelerate, piercing through all barriers, through time, through space...

Luo Jun is experienced in this kind of shuttle. The last time he experienced the pain of squeezing, but this time because of Ye Qingming, he felt nothing.

Everything is going smooth!

Luo Jun waited patiently.

Soon, three days passed.

Seeing that he is about to rush out of the channel and reach the vicinity of the earth...

Accident happened suddenly.

The boundless crisis and fear suddenly rose from Luo Jun's heart, and he was horrified...

It was also at this moment that Ye Qingming appeared from the black vortex. Her pretty face was full of horror...

"What?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

Ye Qingming said: "Someone followed our passage, he is destroying the passage!"


At this moment, the outer channel suddenly burst.

The passage of particles and the time and space of the universe suddenly produced violent friction.

Absolute crisis!

Luo Jun and Ye Qingming's eyes suddenly lit up, followed by countless explosions and shining particles, like a thousand troops covering the sky and the sun.

It was an extremely terrifying scene, and it could instantly blow Luo Jun and Ye Qingming to pieces.

This kind of explosion is the original undead body of Yuan Sheng, and it will be blown up into hundreds of millions of fans. In ten or eight years, it will not be able to slow down. And Luo Jun and Ye Qingming didn't have this ability, so they were dead ends.

Ye Qingming suddenly raised a black vortex behind her, her body's strength increased rapidly, and anxiously said to Luo Jun: "This place is close to the earth, I will do my best to block the explosion, you protect the body of Yuanyuan!"

Everything is in the blink of an eye...

Luo Jun saw the determination and tears in Ye Qingming's eyes, but he didn't expect her to be so desperate for herself.

But how could he let Ye Qingming sacrifice for himself like this?

At the critical moment, Luo Jun quickly sent Xiaoyao Hall into Ye Qingming's arms, and hugged Ye Qingming tightly. "Help me save Susu!" Then, his chaotic divine power formed a golden light that protected his body.

At the same time, Luo Jun detonated all the hundred trillion pure Yang Pills!

The power of pure yang is like a prison and a sea, all of which are directly absorbed by his Great Devouring Technique.

The boundless chaotic divine power formed a sea of ​​golden light, which enveloped Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming burst into tears and shouted loudly: "No!"


The explosion is finally here...

A deafening cracking sound came... but Luo Jun felt his ears ringing and couldn't hear anything.

In a daze, he only felt that the energy of the explosion penetrated all his chaotic divine power.

When he was about to be killed, a golden gate appeared in front of him.

Ye Qingming grabbed him and quickly entered the golden gate.

When the aftermath of the explosion rushed towards the golden gate, the golden gate quickly disappeared.

Luo Jun felt like he was drowning in a lake, suffocated, uncomfortable... I faintly heard a woman calling Luo Jun, Luo Jun... The voice was small at first, but gradually became clearer.

Luo Jun suddenly woke up!

The explosion just now made his internal organs, as well as all the small world power in his body, all messed up.

The mana in the brain is even more chaotic!

But fortunately, the root was not injured, so as time passed, the power in the body began to slowly return to its place!

He opened his eyes and quickly sat cross-legged.

Then he saw Ye Qingming's eyes were dripping with tears, and his face was full of anxiety.

Luo Jun was a little puzzled, when did he have such a deep relationship with her?

Seeing Luo Jun wake up, Ye Qingming burst into laughter and said, "It's great that you're fine."

Luo Jun glanced around and found that he and Ye Qingming were still in the void of the universe.

"We didn't die?" Luo Jun was pleasantly surprised when he regained his senses, and asked Ye Qingming with concern, "Are you alright?"

Ye Qingming shook his head and said, "I have nothing at all."

Luo Jun said eagerly: "Susu?"

Ye Qingming took out the Xiaoyao Palace and said, "It's okay!"

After the Xiaoyao Temple is reduced, it looks like a model!

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Qingming asked again, "Your body?"

Luo Jun immediately took luck and felt the pain in his meridians. The explosion just now damaged his meridians, and he instantly swallowed the hundred trillion pure Yang Dan, which also caused a lot of damage to his body. Fortunately, this is because his body has a large capacity. If he replaced it with other masters of the same level, he would have been killed by the medicinal power of Chunyang Pill.

"I'm fine, just cultivate for a few days!" After Luo Jun finished speaking, he asked again: "Who is destroying the passage? He can actually follow us into the passage, how did he do it? Where is he now?"

Ye Qingming frowned and said: "This person got on the bus in a mysterious way after the passage was formed. At that time, the construction of the passage was still in the fairyland. Obviously, he was well prepared! This person's power is extremely powerful. , and the energy is strange, it can cling to the outside of the passage, and withstand the friction force outside the passage. However, he could have started early, but why did he start near the earth? Does he also want to come to the earth? "

Luo Jun paled again and said, "Can you see what he looks like?"

Ye Qingming said: "No!"

In the void of the universe, dark and peaceful.

Luo Jun's sense of unease became stronger.

Ye Qingming's expression also became serious.

Luo Jun swallowed the Xiaoyao Hall in one mouthful, thus protecting it perfectly. He decided to ignore the rest and repair the injury quickly.

Ye Qingming protects Luo Jun from the side.

Minutes passed by...

Soon, twenty-four hours passed. Luo Jun hastened to repair the scars on the body's meridians, and by this time the injury was more than half healed.

But at this moment, in the darkness ahead, a figure appeared.

The man was still 100 million miles away, and I saw him take three steps. After three steps, he came to Ye Qingming and Luo Jun.

But seeing that he was wearing a loose holy white robe, the robe was moving without wind in the void at the moment.

He had bare white feet and a black hat on his head! On the other hand, there was a black ink-like mask on his face. The mask had no shape, but only revealed a pair of eyes.

There is something weird about this man!

Luo Jun took a deep breath and stood up. Divine Sense instantly shot at the mysterious man in white, only to feel that the aura of the man in white was chaotic and seemed to be absent. It turned out that he couldn't feel the depth of his cultivation at all...

Luo Jun has also come into contact with many saints, and every time he can feel the pure holy power of a real saint.

But this man in white is different...

Obviously, the man in white has a very high level of cultivation, but Luo Jun can't feel it right now.

The only thing that is certain is that the man in white's cultivation is above his own.

If Luo Jun wasn't still injured, he wouldn't be afraid of the man in white. He thought about it, although he was injured, but there was Ye Qingming by his side, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with this man in white. But since the man in white dared to come alone, he must be sure.

Thinking of this, Luo Jun became more vigilant in his heart.

"Who is Your Excellency? It seems that you have never heard of a person named Your Excellency in the Immortal Realm? Why did you take great pains to find this place? Could it be that you have a grudge against you?" Luo Jun stared at the man in white and asked word by word.

The man in white stared at Luo Jun, but did not speak.

Luo Jun's heart was a little nervous when he was stared at by the man in white, and he said, "Could it be that Your Excellency is a mute?"

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