Super Security in the City

Chapter 4468: Pope's Hall

Chen Yang couldn't help being very surprised. He didn't expect that there are eight habitable planets in such a galaxy!

This small galaxy is also filled with countless pieces of information. These information fragments come from the energy fragments after the death of various creatures, and the breath left after various masters use mana, etc.!

Chen Chen quickly grabbed the information, and then learned that all of the Yanyang galaxy are practicing planets.

There is a fire temple in the fire star!

The remaining seven planets are Thunder Star, Earth Star, Holy Music Star, Water Soul Star, Void Star, Time Star, and Light Star!

Thunder Star is in charge of the Temple of Thunder, and Earth Star is in charge of the Temple of Earth. In turn, the holy sound star is the holy sound temple, the void star is the nihility temple, the time star is the time temple, and the light star is the light temple.

After Luo Jun clarified the information, he suddenly felt a headache. This is simply a terrible hornet's nest!

Among the eight great temples, the Temple of Time is the most mysterious and powerful. The Temple of Time has never been involved in the battle, and no one dares to provoke the Temple of Time.

Among the other seven temples, the most powerful one is the Temple of Light.

The Void Temple controls the power of the void and the power of darkness, and its strength is also extraordinary.

For so many years, several major temples have been fighting openly and secretly, entangled endlessly.

Luo Jun took the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot and turned the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot into the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword.

Then, he quickly flew towards the flame star.

In the Yanyang galaxy, the distance between the planets is quite far, but for Chen Yang, that is not too long a distance.

It only takes about two hours to fly to Flame Star.

Soon, he came to the periphery of Flame Star.

The periphery of the flame star is also wrapped by the atmosphere...

Before approaching the flame star, Chen Yang first visually measured the size of the flame star. This flame star is ten times the size of the earth...

"Such a large area cannot be completely covered by the barrier." Chen Yang came to a conclusion in his mind.

If you want to cover the flame star with an enchantment all the time, it will consume countless mana every day.

Chen Yang quickly penetrated into the atmosphere of Flame Star, and then came into Flame Star.

Entering the flame star, I felt a kind of hot stuffiness.

In the air, countless hot air rolled, and the wind blew, as if there were waves of fire.

Luo Jun felt that if ordinary people from the earth came here, they would definitely not be able to bear it. breathing is a problem...

He could feel the presence of air in the sky, but very little. He took a big breath, but what entered his lungs was a wave of fire, as if it was about to burn his stomach. There is very little air...

"Humans who can survive on Flame Planet must be used to the environment of Flame Planet. People on Earth feel uncomfortable coming here, and maybe people here will not be used to it when they come to Earth."

At this time, Chen Yang was in the southern midair of Flaming Star. It's night in the southern sky...

The night was like splashing ink, and the fire waves and sweltering heat made Chen Yang feel a little depressed.

Scanning in all directions, locked on the 100,000 mountains below, and then fell down.

Among the mountains, fiery red trees stretched into the sea.

According to the plan he had thought up a long time ago, Luo Jun first launched the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen showed his true body in front of Chen Yang, and he soon looked like Chen Yang.

Even the clothes are exactly the same, all in white, elegant and dusty.

Luo Jun handed the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword to the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and said, "Go, go and find the Emperor Dragon King!"

The Great Destiny Yuanshen nodded, received the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword, and quickly flew into the void.

When Luo Jun was treating Meng Qingchen, he collected many auras of the Emperor Dragon King, so now he is also clear about the whereabouts of the Emperor Dragon King.

He has a close connection with the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit. Not only can he monitor the Quartet through the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, but he can also control the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit through the air.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen flew in the void with lightning, passed through a vast ocean in the blink of an eye, and then came to a sky above where the waves of fire were more intense.

Chen Yang's consciousness was in the brain of the Great Destiny Primordial God, and when he looked around, he found that there were actually a hundred volcanoes within a thousand miles below. Below the volcano, all the magma seems to be connected together to form a magma ocean.

Shooting in all directions with divine sense determined the location of the Flame Temple.

The Fire Temple is located on the Huoyao Mountain below. The Huoyao Mountain has a special geographical location. Within a hundred miles, four volcanoes surround the Huoyao Mountain.

The surrounding area of ​​Huoyao Mountain is full of trees and flowers. These trees are all fiery red, and the flowers are also fiery red.

Even at night, these trees and flowers sway like lights from thousands of houses.

During the burst of spiritual thoughts, he also knew that these trees were all Vulcan trees, and the flowers and plants were Vulcan flowers and Vulcan grasses.

On Huoyao Mountain, there is also a tree god.

The tree **** is 100 meters high and covered with branches.

Inside every stalk is a flame. . .

Seen from a distance, the tree **** is like a large lantern show, emitting dazzling fire.

The Flame Temple is also blood red all over, and it is magnificent.

The entire Huoyao Mountain is surrounded by an enchantment. The trees, flowers and underground magma in the Huoyao Mountain all form a terrifying and cyclical system.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit stood outside the barrier, looking at the barrier in front of him like a fiery cloud.

Chen Yang felt that time was precious, and he was too lazy to procrastinate, so he let the Great Destiny Yuanshen break into the barrier directly. It is not difficult to break into such a large enchantment. The role of the enchantment is more to monitor...

After the Great Destiny Yuanshen entered the barrier, he quickly eliminated his body and hid his body in the Yuanshen's thoughts. It turns itself into a cloud of black mist...

The black mist quickly absorbed the surrounding fire waves, flowers and plants, etc.

After absorbing, use the super brain spar to absorb and decompose the fire wave and other various breaths.

Not long after, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit disguised itself as a fiery red mist...

Floating in the void, and gathering with those fire waves, it seems to be one.

In the Flame Temple, the person in charge of the enchantment is the Elder Yehuo of the Presbyterian Church.

There are a total of twelve elders in the Presbyterian Church, and Ye Huo is at the bottom.

In the magma layer of the ground, there is a hall, and a magic circle is arranged in the hall.

Yehuo was in the center of the magic circle, quickly communicating with the great elder Fanxiu with his spiritual thoughts.

"Brother..." he called out.

Fanxiu was also practicing in his dormitory, he couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and said: "What?"

Ye Huo said: "Someone just broke into the enchantment by force, but in the blink of an eye, this person disappeared. Now I am urging the enchantment to search around the interior, but I haven't found the existence of this person."

Fan Xiu was taken aback, and said, "There is such a thing?"

Yehuo said: "I'm worried that the visitor is not kind."

Fanxiu said: "It doesn't make sense, it will disappear for no reason."

Ye Huo said: "I have to spend some time to investigate slowly." Fanxiu said: "Okay, you investigate as soon as possible, I will report to the Queen of God!"

Ye Huo said: "Okay, big brother!"

Fanxiu did not leave the dormitory immediately, but quickly communicated with the Queen of Fire God through divine thoughts.

In the Vulcan Palace of the Flame Temple, the graceful and luxurious Flame God Empress, who was dressed in a fiery red dress, was also cultivating cross-legged.

This time point is already very late, and most practitioners are in a state of practice.

The Vulcan Empress doesn't look more than seventeen or eighteen years old, her beauty is suffocating. There is luxury in the beauty, and immaturity in the luxury, she is simply a stunner in the world.

When her third eye is not open, it is nothing.

Therefore, she is very similar to the human women on Earth.

To be precise, the humans on Flaming Planet are very similar to the people on Earth.

It is precisely because of this that Huanglong Fawang and others think that Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi are peerless beauties.

Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen definitely grew up in the aesthetics of the Huoyan Star.

"Your Highness!" Fanxiu said in a deep voice, "Just now, Yehuo reported that someone broke into the barrier, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. The intruder has a lot of skills, and we must be vigilant if the person who comes is not good!"

The Flame God Empress opened her beautiful eyes, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, this palace knows."

Fanxiu said: "I have ordered Ye Huo to investigate urgently. Your Highness, do you have any other orders?"

Flame God said afterwards: "Don't make a fuss, you continue to do your own thing. I will deal with this matter!"

Fanxiu was slightly surprised, and felt that the God Empress seemed to have a plan in mind.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Fan Xiu replied after thinking for a while.

The super-brain stone of the Great Destiny Yuanshen can analyze and absorb all energy. Therefore, it itself has become exactly the same as the breath here.

It is precisely because of this that Elder Yehuo, Fanxiu and others were unable to detect the existence of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit.

At this moment, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit wrapped up countless waves of fire and fluttered around.

These fire waves on the earth are hot winds and heat waves.

But here, in the fiery waves, there are real sparks and flames.

The Flame Stars are very used to this, and flames are their love.

They can be with the flames, even when a volcano erupts, to them it is like a waterfall on earth...

The Great Destiny Yuanshen quickly came to a palace behind the Flame Temple...

This palace is the Dharma King Hall where the Emperor Dragon Dharma King lives...

In the Flame Temple, there are the Presbyterian Council, the Hall of the Fawang, and the Eighth Division of the Vulcan God...

The masters of the entire Flame Star are gathered in the Flame Temple. They must be united, otherwise they will not be able to resist the invasion of other temples.

The Flame Temple has a total of 80,000 disciples...

And every year, the Flame Temple will absorb outstanding talents to enter the Flame Temple.

Once entering the Flame Temple, for ordinary people, it is like flying into the sky.

In the Hall of Dharma Kings, Dharma King Bailong is not the head of Dharma Kings.

The head of the Dharma King is the master of Bailong Dharma King and others, known as Shenglong Dharma King.

Huanglong Dharma King and others are all disciples of Shenglong Dharma King.

The cultivation of the Holy Dragon Dharma King is at the eighth level of the Creation Realm, and his absolute merits and good fortune are absolutely amazing!

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