Super Security in the City

Chapter 4469: escape from birth

Luo Jun made the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit turn into a wave of fire and cruise outside the Dharma King's Palace... Since the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit has completely decomposed and fused the surrounding breath with the super brain spar, even a ruthless character like the Holy Dragon Dharma King can't detect the big The arrival of the **** of destiny.

Luo Jun asked the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to come over, but he didn't actually expect the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to succeed in one fell swoop.

But you have to take this step...

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit perceives everything around it, and perfectly blends with the surrounding atmosphere... and soon noticed the existence of the Holy Dragon King. Of course, he didn't know that it was the Holy Dragon King, he only knew that there was a very powerful character in this palace.

At the same time, the Emperor Dragon King was also found.

The Dragon King is meditating cross-legged in the bedroom.

It is not easy for the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to enter, because the fire waves are isolated in the palace. Once you go in hastily, you will be noticed immediately by Huanglong Fawang and others.

As a result, it seems that we have to wait.

Either wait for the Holy Dragon Dharma King to leave, or wait for the Emperor Dragon Dharma King to come out. In short, we must find an opportunity to subdue the Emperor Dragon King Lightning and sneak into the Emperor Dragon King's body at the same time.

If it is possible, it is also possible to directly kill Huanglong Fawang.

While waiting for the Emperor Dragon King, Chen Yang simply let the Great Destiny Yuanshen wander around again to check the situation in other places.

Walking with the waves of fire, like the normal fire wind blowing in the flame temple, it is soundless and colorless, and it is difficult to detect.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen visited the Flame Temple within an hour and collected a lot of information at the same time. Those pieces of information are many fragments in the void... These fragments are difficult for other experts to collect.

Because these fragments belong to the fusion of thoughts, languages, and brain waves of the Flame Temple... very complicated and messy...

Even a top expert can only feel the existence of various molecules and substances, but cannot distinguish the specific information sources in the molecules and substances.

But the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit is different, because the super-brain crystal in the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit can calculate all complex molecules, substances, etc. clearly.

Of course, for some teleportation, the encrypted information will not be leaked. Even if leaked, it would be difficult to decipher.

The deciphered messages are not too hidden.

Chen Yang knew about the Dharma King's Palace, Vulcan Basi, the Presbyterian Council, and the existence of the Vulcan Queen from various messages.

I also know that there are many formations and palaces in the ground below the Flame Temple, and countless disciples hide in them, supporting the formations, and practicing their cultivation at the same time.

Once the Flame Temple activates the Flame God Mountain Formation in the temple, the power will be extremely terrifying!

Luo Jun thought to himself, if he finds an opportunity to kill Huanglong Fawang directly, then the original golden flame will not be blasted. I also have time to decipher the original golden flame. The source of everything is the Emperor Dragon King...

The Flame Temple is powerful, so there is no need for me to confront them head-on, or to fight to the end, it is not worthwhile.

At the same time, he also understands that it is not so easy to kill Huanglong Fawang quickly. If one's own body arrives, it is possible to kill the enemy with the three primordial spirits.

But in that case, it would be almost impossible to get away by yourself.

If you have time, it will be much easier to find a place to raise your cultivation level by yourself first!

Unfortunately, everything is too hasty!

Time is too urgent.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen waited around cruising around until around eight o'clock in the morning. At this time, the flame temple began to be lively.

Countless disciples gathered on the square to perform some prayer ceremonies.

There are also some serving servants who prepare various meals and send them to each division and hall...

In the hall of Fawang, there was also a morning meeting, the bell was melodious, and the door of the hall was wide open...

As the doors and windows of the hall were opened, waves of fire and wind of fire swept towards the Fawang Hall.

All the decorations, materials, etc. inside will not catch fire because of the fire waves.

The servants also felt very comfortable being blown by the fire waves.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit drifted into the bedroom of the Dragon King with the waves of fire. At this time, the King Dragon had finished washing and was dressed neatly. He needs to pay his respects to the Holy Dragon King...

Just as he was about to go out, Luo Jun ordered the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to act.

At that moment, the Great Destiny Yuanshen transformed into a Great Destiny whirlpool.

The black aura of fate enveloped the Dragon King and even the entire dormitory...

After covering it, the main body of the Great Destiny Yuanshen appeared in front of the Emperor Dragon King, and then, the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword condensed the power of divine law, and killed it with one sword.

In the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword, the power of thunder and the power of heavenly dragon are combined, the power of one sword is absolutely terrifying!

Facing such a terrifying sword strike in the great vortex of fate, the King of Dragons did not panic at all.

The appearance of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit did not surprise him either.

Instead, he smiled coldly, and then, a door of fire appeared behind him.

He quickly escaped into the gate of flames, and then disappeared.

The Flame Gate also disappeared.

Obviously, the other party was indeed prepared!

At this time, countless golden flames suddenly appeared above and below the entire Dharma King's Hall. The flames covered the sky and covered the earth with surging waves, and quickly enveloped the Dharma King's Hall.

The heat wave rolled, and the blazing breath filled the air.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit didn't do what he thought, condensed the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword again, and slashed towards the flame wall in front.


Thunder pierces through, and the strength of this sword can cut through the ages.

Just at this moment, abyssal magma quickly emerged from the flame wall, and this sword seemed to be cut into the magma ocean.

In the magma ocean, there are countless flame spirits, and the flame spirits quickly bite into the sword energy, quickly melting the sword energy into nothingness.

This sword had no effect at all.

Immediately afterwards, a door of fire appeared in front of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit.

The Flaming Queen, the Emperor Dragon Dharma King, and the Holy Dragon Dharma King walked out of the Flame Gate.

Huanglong Fawang pointed at the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, with boundless hatred flashing in his eyes, and said: "Your Highness, Master, this is the person who killed my eldest brother, second brother, and third brother. But his ability is very strange, he can transform There are quite a few clones. I don’t know if the body in front of me is the main body or the clone.”

Flame God said afterwards: "It doesn't matter whether he is the avatar or the main body, as long as he is captured, everything will be decided!"

King Shenglong is wearing a white robe and looks solemn. He looks about seventy years old. He stood up and said, "Your Highness, let me capture this thief!"

The Flame Queen nodded and said, "Okay!"

The Holy Dragon King stared at the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and said word by word: "It was you who took our fire crystal and killed the three apprentices of this king?"

Great Destiny Primordial Spirit sneered, and said, "That's right, it's me, so there's no need to talk nonsense, let's do it!"

Shenglong Dharma King simply nodded, and then stretched out his big hand.

His big hand quickly formed a gold fiery big handprint.

The cultivation of the Holy Dragon King has reached the eighth level of the Creation Realm, which is already the power of the beginning. The power of primordial beginning can better mobilize the divine power of the world and the four directions, and every palm and punch is several times stronger than a master of the seventh level of the realm of creation!

And the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit is only the strength of the fifth-level peak of the Creation Realm, how can it compete with the Holy Dragon King?

The golden fiery big handprint quickly traveled through the void distance, and directly captured the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit in the handprint.

The Flaming Queen looked at each other coldly, and did not forget to remind: "Don't take his life!"

King Shenglong said: "Don't worry, Your Highness!"

At this moment, the Great Destiny Yuanshen only felt that his surroundings were surrounded by a world of flaming golden threads. These flaming golden threads contained the power of eternal divine flames, and seemed to be able to melt everything.

This kind of flaming divine power attacked and killed him, which immediately made his soul and body extremely painful.

His skin was torn apart, and his blood was about to be ignited...

Neither the power of fate nor the power of time can stop this kind of divine flame smelting.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit knew in his heart that it was fortunate that the other party wanted to keep alive. If the other party directly killed him, he might be wiped out in this instant.

Chen Yang observed the situation from a distance and was also taken aback. Ben also knew that the Flame Temple was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The flaming golden thread bit the inside of the body of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit...

Like countless golden tentacles, entangled in it, and started a terrifying melting and adsorption.

And at this time, the super brain spar in the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit also began to play a role, quickly calculating the composition of these flame gold threads, etc...

After a short while, the Super Brain Stone will perfectly decompose its internal structure.

The eyes of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit were bloodshot, and with a loud roar, he suddenly jumped into the void, and escaped from the flaming golden silk handprint of the Holy Dragon Dharma King.

At the same time, the Great Destiny Yuanshen rushed outside holding the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword.

The Holy Dragon King was stunned for a moment, just now he felt that he had controlled the opponent to death, and he was about to exhaust the vitality of the opponent...

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly slipped away from his hand like a slippery loach without any warning.

"Want to leave?" After regaining his senses, Dharma King Shenglong was furious, and once again reached out and grabbed the back of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit like lightning.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen quickly sacrificed the fate vortex on his back.

After the mahamudra of the Holy Dragon Dharma King was caught in the vortex of fate, his hands were filled with the energy of fate and the divine power of time. He doesn't care about these messes, and strives forward to grab...

Although his speed was fast, he quickly broke through the energy of fate and the divine power of time. But after all, it was delayed for a moment, so in the end it gave the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit time to breathe.

The flame wall is still blocking, and the Great Destiny Yuanshen has decomposed the mystery of the flame wall from the flame gold silk big handprint.

Slashing with a sword, it miraculously opened a hole.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit quickly rushed out of the opening, and everything happened in the blink of an eye.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen rushed out from behind the Dharma King's Palace, and Luo Jun quickly responded...

A void gate followed.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit rushed into the Void Gate, and left the enchantment of the Flame Temple in a flash.

Originally, the gate of the void could not be successfully opened in the barrier of the flame temple.

However, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit wandered around the Flame Temple for a long time, and just now had a taste of the power of the Holy Dragon Dharma King's flame gold thread. Invisibly, he analyzed the enchantment of the Flame Temple and various situations.

In this way, the gate of the void was successfully opened, and then escaped.

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