Super Security in the City

Chapter 4644: Suppress the horizon

Still grinning, Chen Yang said, "Senior Tianya, don't get angry!"

Chen Tianya is not a person who has no city at all, he quickly calmed down, then sneered again, and said: "You are right in what you said. According to the past, I really wouldn't talk nonsense with you. But I just see you unhappy, so today I must reveal your true face of hypocrisy in front of everyone."

Luo Jundao: "In fact, my personality is to choose the straight rather than the melody. Back then, I had no other way to deal with Chen Hongmeng. He was protected by the magnetic field in the great world. , my cultivation base is a bit higher, so it is extremely mismatched with his magnetic field. If I want to take his life, I can only get close to him first, so that he will have a close intention to me. Only in this way can I successfully take his life .Otherwise, it is very likely that I will be struck by lightning, and my success will fall short! I originally planned to take his life before taking his life."

"So, you are publicly admitting that you are despicable and shameless?" Chen Tianya said.

Luo Jundao: "In the case of Chen Hongmeng, I admit that my means were despicable, but I don't regret it. If I could do it all over again, I would never take his life. I would kill him directly. It's done."

"You..." Chen Tianya couldn't help being extremely angry. "He has never met you before, why do you force him step by step to the point of no return?"

Luo Jundao: "People will always encounter many setbacks and enemies in this life, especially Chen Hongmeng, as the king of destiny, will encounter more setbacks and dangers. When facing danger, someone He will stick to his heart, and some people will go to the devil's way. If he can really stick to his heart, his fate will not be transferred to me today. As for me, Senior Tianya, you can stand here and anger me, In fact, you have to thank me for my kindness. If I were tough enough, you don’t know how many times you would have died.”

"It's up to you?" Chen Tianya obviously didn't believe it, and said sharply.

Yang Jun said: "That's right, it's up to me! Here today, let alone no one is your helper. I'm a little arrogant, even if everyone helps you, even if the emperor has the power of the world. But as long as I am in this yuan boat, I will help you." If I want to kill you, no one can stop me."

It's really not that he is bragging, because he also knows the boat of one yuan very well.

The power of the world of the boat of one yuan has to be assisted by the divine power of everyone, so that it can be better played. And inside the boat of one yuan, Luo Jun can destroy everyone's cooperation at any time. Therefore, even if Xuan Zhenghao used the power of the world, Luo Jun would not be afraid inside the boat of one yuan.

Today, although the power of Chen Yang is difficult to compete with the power of the world. However, he has the Eternal Sky Mysterious Plan.

The Eternal Sky Mystery Map can absorb this kind of power into the space spar!

Chen Tianya laughed back angrily, and said, "What nonsense!"

Luo Jun said: "At this moment, I don't think we need to use our tongues. If you say that I, Chen Chen, are despicable, and you, the Devil Emperor, are by no means a good person, I don't know how many people have been contaminated in your hands." The blood of innocent dead souls. You even... Forget it, don’t worry about it.” He wanted to say that he even killed Chen Hongmeng’s mother, Lin Qian, but he couldn’t get it out of his mouth.

He couldn't help but think of his father and mother. The complicated emotions made him feel extremely tight in his chest for a while.

Chen Tianya also had a premonition that Luo Jun was going to say something about Lin Qian, but he was a little surprised that the other party swallowed the words again. Immediately, he stopped talking and said: "Okay, let's start, let me see how capable you are now."

Xuan Zhenghao and the others knew that this battle was inevitable.

They retreated one after another.

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help explaining to Luo Jun: "I heard from the God Emperor that he has the primordial fire seed and the thunder seed in his body, and the two powers are very strange."

Knowing that he was worried that Chen Tianya would collapse the boat of one yuan, Luo Jun immediately said, "Don't worry, I can hold him down!"

Xuan Zhenghao knew that Luo Jun was an extraordinary person, so he felt relieved immediately, and said, "Be careful!"

Wu Fei'er is not worried about Chen Yang, she now has blind admiration for him, and feels that Chen Chen is almost invincible.

Luo Jun and Chen Tianya stood facing each other in the void.

Luo Jun stretched out his hand and said, "Senior Tianya, please!"

Chen Tianya was not polite either, his eyes instantly lit up, and then he cast a kaleidoscopic spell, turning into ten Chen Tianya.

These ten Chen Tianya quickly surrounded Luo Jun, and then spewed out the original divine flame together!

The terrifying primordial divine flame is extremely ferocious, and under the contamination, the masters of the third and fourth levels of the creation realm will be wiped out in an instant.

You know, Chen Tianya is also at the eighth level of the Creation Realm now!

Facing these primitive divine flames, Chen Yang didn't dare to push too hard, and took the lead in running the wormhole primordial spirit to form a wormhole vortex.

The wormhole vortex surrounded Luo Legion, so all the original flames were killed into the wormhole vortex.

In the wormhole vortex, the wormhole particles strangle violently, and cooperate with the super brain spar to decompose the original divine flame.

All of a sudden, it was difficult for this primitive divine flame to defeat the wormhole vortex!

"Tianlei Kill!" The ten Chen Tianya changed their moves very quickly, and at the same time gathered ten Thunder Killers towards the wormhole whirlpool.


The wormhole vortex was smashed into by ten primitive sky thunders, and there were signs of collapse immediately.

Luo Jun quickly drove the time soul, and the time soul immediately entered the wormhole vortex, stabilizing all the power of the sky thunder. In this way, the wormhole vortex was given time to slowly disintegrate. As a result, the ten thunders were also suppressed...

Right now, Chen Tianya is making moves!

Chen Tianya is not a vegetarian either. After Chen Tianya chopped off ten thunders, he gathered the ancient **** of thunder in his palm.

The ancient thunder **** turned into the ancient thunder **** gauntlet.

Chen Yang punched three times in an instant!

The power of each punch is the power of thunder!

Big Thunder integrated his Dao Law, with a crushing and smashing posture!

Luo Jun knew very well what Chen Tianya was capable of, and he didn't mean that he could be killed with a single punch. At the same time, I also know that there is a primitive thunder seed in the opponent's body...

The power of his three big thunder punches does not care about attributes at all, it is to crush the opponent's divine power with absolute power.

The power of the Primordial Thunder God is already extremely powerful, and coupled with the blessing of Luo Jun's own mana...

The power of these three punches was definitely not something Chen Tianya's body could bear.

The three punches hit the three black-clothed Chen Tianya respectively. After the three punches passed, the power of the thunder carried the law of the supreme avenue, bursting out with incomparable divine power, instantly smashing the three black-clothed Chen Tianya into countless thunder particles . The black thunder particles are also mixed with golden flame particles...

Luo Jun knew that Chen Tianya was not easy to kill, so while smashing the three clones, he turned his big hand again, and grabbed all the thunder particles of the three clones. When I grasped it in my hand, I felt that these thunder particles were full of vitality, wanting to fuse together and grow again. Luo Jun will give these thunder particles a chance, but they will all be suppressed into the time soul.

Time Yuanshen quickly formed a time storm and isolated all the thunder particles. After the thunder particles were separated, their power was greatly reduced, and they couldn't move immediately!

In the scene, Chen Tianya only had seven clones left.

Chen Yang then unleashed another Thunderbolt fist, one punch at a time, and quickly defeated three more, and suppressed them all into the Time Yuanshen.

So at this time, there were only four Chen Tianya clones left on the scene.

The attacks of these four Chen Tianya have weakened, and they are completely unable to shake the wormhole primordial spirit.

Seeing this, Chen Tianya quickly fused the four clones together, and then slammed into the Time Primordial Spirit.

It seems that they want to gather thunder particles and restore their strength.

How could Chen Tianya give him this opportunity to run the Immemorial Thunder God Sword quickly, and force Chen Tianya back with one strike.

Luo Jun followed and operated the wormhole primordial spirit, forming a wormhole magic fist!

At the same time, the Taikoo Thunder God formed the Taikoo Thunder God Fist!

The ancient thunder **** and the wormhole primordial spirit seemed to be bombarding the past desperately, and the power of each punch was extremely fierce!

Chen Tianya could only cope with it immediately!

"Break it!" Seeing this, Chen Chen shouted loudly, and punched him with all his might!


In an instant, Chen Tianya's body was smashed into pieces by the divine axe, and countless thunder particles scattered in the void.

Chen Yang then grabbed it with a big hand, took it all in his hand, and put it into the time soul again.

Thunder particles are powerful...but as long as they are suppressed separately, these thunder particles cannot turn over under the divine power of time.

Chen Yang's Time Primordial Spirit is simply the nemesis of these thunder particles, limiting their power and speed.

At this time, Chen Tianya, the demon emperor who dominates the world, is under Chen Tianya's hands, like a three-year-old child, he was easily defeated! All the heroes at the scene were stunned when they saw it.

Luo Jun ignored everyone, and then turned the wormhole soul into the time soul. After the wormhole spirit entered it, he found some thunder particles and decomposed them with superbrain stones. That is, the original thunder seed and fire seed can be separated from the thunder particles little by little. Although this work is time-consuming and laborious, once it is completed, even if Chen Tianya closes all the thunder particles in the end, he will be just a useless person at that time.

Chen Yang peeled off the energy of the thunder particles little by little...

This kind of high-intensity, high-density work not only requires strong mana support, but also requires terrifying computing power to break it down.

In the world, except for Luo Jun, no one can do it.

Afterwards, Luo Jun swallowed the time primordial spirit and the wormhole primordial spirit together with Chen Tianya.

Xuan Zhenghao and his group saw that the winner had already been decided, so they all surrounded them.

"Is Chen Tianya dead?" Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help asking.

Luo Jun shook his head and said: "Not yet, I've trapped him in the Time Primordial Spirit. But it's not difficult to kill him, just slowly decompose his particle power!"

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