Super Security in the City

Chapter 4645: I see

Zhang Daoling said: "Little friend Chen Tianya, what do you plan to do with Chen Tianya?" He also knew that there was such a wonderful relationship between Chen Tianya and Luo Jun.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing also surrounded him, Dongfang Jing said: "Chen Tianya is also full of evil, even if he was killed today, it would not be regarded as an unjust killing." Chen Ling sighed and didn't say much.

Anyway, Wu Feier meant to respect Chen Yang in everything.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Now that the catastrophe of Lingzun is just around the corner, and it's time to employ people, he must not be killed."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's just that Chen Tianya acts evil, and sometimes it all depends on his personal preference. He hates you so much now, it's hard to guarantee that he won't turn against you in the future. At the critical moment, let us all be defeated!"

Chen Ling said in a deep voice: "This possibility is also possible. No one can be sure what Chen Tianya will do."

Everyone said what you said and what I said, but it seemed that they all agreed to kill Chen Tianya.

Luo Jun also knew that it was safest to kill Chen Tianya completely. It's just that he can't do it anyway...

Immediately said: "I understand what everyone said. Don't worry, everyone, I will handle this matter properly, and then I will give you an explanation!"

Xuan Zhenghao and the others understood his feelings, and seeing him say this, it was hard to push him any further.

But right now, there are still many masters in the boat of one yuan who have also seen today's scene. They began to have doubts about Yang Jun's character...

Once a crisis of confidence occurs, the consequences will undoubtedly be serious. Especially in the future, it may be necessary to unite as one to deal with the enemy...

Luo Jun didn't take it too seriously, but raised his voice and said to the masters of the One Yuan Boat: "Tomorrow at this time, I will explain everything to everyone!"

After finishing speaking, he and Wu Feier left the Yuanzhizhou together.

Luo Jun and Wu Feier came to an island in Tianzhou.

It's winter now, and the north wind is howling...

It's snowing on the island, and the snowflakes are flying...

Chen Tianya let go of Chen Tianya's thunder particles, and then those thunder particles merged automatically, and finally slowly returned to Chen Tianya's appearance. And Chen Tianya still has a small amount of thunder particles in his hands, the internal energy of these thunder particles has been decomposed, so Chen Tianya can't feel these thunder particles anymore.

If Chen Tianya decomposed all the thunder particles in this way, Chen Tianya would obviously be dead.

Chen Tianya stood on the spot, and it took a long while before he fully recovered his memory. And the body is in a weak state!

Luo Jun said lightly: "Now you should believe that I'm going to kill you, right?"

Chen Tianya was speechless.

After a long time, he said in a cold voice: "If you want to kill, then kill, if you want to cut, then cut, why bother talking nonsense! Do you still want me to kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Of course not!" Luo Jun said.

Chen Tianya said: "Since I don't want to kill him, then I have to leave."

"Wait!" Chen Yang hurriedly stopped.

Chen Tianya sneered, and said, "Repent?" Yang Jun said, "I said I wouldn't kill you, senior, but I didn't say that I would let you go."

Chen Tianya couldn't help feeling angry, and said, "How are you doing?"

Luo Jun said: "I want to have a frank and honest chat with you, senior."

Chen Tianya said: "I don't seem to have anything to say between you and me." Luo Jun said: "Don't seniors wonder why I want to target Chen Hongmeng like this?"

Chen Tianya's body trembled, this was indeed something he was very interested in. Immediately couldn't help but said: "Are you willing to say it now?"

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!"

Chen Tianya thought for a while, then sat down and said, "Say it!"

Luo Jun thought about it for a long time when he came out, and he definitely didn't want to tell Chen Tianya the truth before. He felt that even if he told the truth, it was impossible for Chen Tianya to forgive him... because Chen Hongmeng was his son, Chen Tianya.

But Chen Chen chose to say it now because he had other solutions.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he said, "The thing is like this... Then he started to talk about his birth..."

The more Chen Tianya listened, the weirder he became, he said, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about, are you making fun of me and Chen Hongmeng?"

Luo Jun said: "Senior, don't worry, just listen to me slowly. I never came to make such a joke with you on purpose..." Chen Tianya thought about it carefully, and felt that the person in front of him was also a character, so he shouldn't have It was so boring, so I lost my temper right away.

Luo Jun began to talk about the first meeting with his father...

In fact, these are already different from those in the Hongmeng universe. Because in this primordial universe, Chen Yang had already intervened prematurely.

Luo Jun talked a little bit about those things with his father, those things with Chen Yihan, and how he beat Chen Yihan later. Then Chen Yihan felt remorseful, and wanted to recognize himself as his big brother.

Until the end, Chen Yihan did not hesitate to die in order to protect Ling'er!

When Chen Tianya heard this, he froze. There was distress, sadness, and shock in his eyes.

At this moment, Chen Tianya's mood was obviously extremely complicated.

Luo Jun continued to talk, and finally talked about the Imperial Tianzhou, where his father blew himself up to save himself. Then he left a letter saying that he had already gone to his mother Lin Qian's grave to kneel down to admit his mistake and so on.

Chen Tianya listened silently...

Luo Jun began to talk about various things in the fairy world, and finally talked about the multiverse, the appearance of the Hongmeng Daoist, and the big calculation gene technique and so on!

"Don't tell me, this Primordial Daoist is..." Chen Tianya was extremely shocked.

Luo Jun said: "Chen Hongmeng is indeed the Taoist master of Hongmeng!"

Afterwards, he told the story of the Three Thousand Universes, and how Master Hongmeng persecuted him step by step.

Even with the help of Supreme Time, he saw his family members being killed in advance and so on. As a last resort, I traveled back with a conscious body...

"The above is the reason why I want to kill Chen Hongmeng!" Luo Jun said: "The reason why I wanted to take his life in the first place was to act in his identity and make up for the timeline as much as possible. Unexpectedly, in the end it was Fall short!"

Chen Tianya felt unbelievable, and was speechless in a daze.

But soon, he had the answer in his heart. He knew that what Chen Yang said was true... There were a lot of doubts and incomprehensions in his heart, but now, all doubts suddenly became clear.

I see!

From the beginning to the end, Wu Feier didn't interrupt.

After Chen Tianya was silent for a long time, he looked at Luo Jun again and said, "You tell me this, do you want me to let go of my hatred?"

Wu Feier said: "Actually, you can't talk about hatred. Because Chen Hongmeng is still alive..."

Chen Tianya said: "I've heard a lot. Although Hong Meng is still alive, I'm afraid it's not him anymore."

Wu Feier immediately said: "So you think my husband forced all of this? But don't forget, in the original timeline, my husband did not appear. But Chen Hongmeng still became the unfeeling and unrequited Hongmeng." Daoist! What does this mean? In fact, the previous husband also explained that Chen Hongmeng himself is a person who will go to extremes when he encounters oppression and danger. Why did the Daoist Hongmeng appear? Isn’t it because he met Dangerous, he also chose to split. So, whether there is my husband or not, Chen Hongmeng will eventually become the Daoist of Hongmeng!"

Luo Jun also added: "In the three thousand universes, most of the universes are similar. Only Chen Hongmeng is very different among the three thousand kings of destiny. It can be said that he is the smartest one. "

"The smartest?" Chen Tianya murmured.

Chen Yang said: "He is the smartest, but I can barely survive until now because of my status as the King of Destiny in the main universe. I should probably be the one with the best luck and comprehensive strength! This is what I have experienced. Compare the conclusions drawn after thinking about it."

Chen Tianya fell silent, for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Senior Tianya, do you believe my words now?" Chen Yang asked.

Chen Tianya looked at Luo Jun, and said in a deep voice, "If you want to kill me, it's as easy as flipping your palm. Besides, Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Ling also want me to die. So, the reason why you want to tell me these things is just to keep me life, right?"

Yang Jun said: "That's right! Because it's easy to let you go, but I'm afraid that you and Lingzun will come to deal with us in the future. If you don't work through your thinking, it's like putting a time bomb around us. But I will kill you!" You, or let someone else kill you, this is absolutely impossible for me."

Chen Tianya said: "I am already alone now, and this earth is indeed without me to miss."

"No!" Luo Jun immediately said: "Don't you have any nostalgia for Nian Ci? Now that Chen Hongmeng has achieved this virtue, don't you worry about Nian Ci?"

"Nianci?" Chen Tianya's eyes lit up immediately. "Nianci, my grandson! Yes, he is my only memory."

"I'm going to find him!" Chen Tianya continued. There was light in his eyes at last...

Luo Jun said: "Are you going to look for it now?"

Chen Tianya said: "Yes, I know that Nian Ci is no longer on the earth, so what does the life and death of the earth have to do with me?"

Luo Jun said: "If you want to leave, I will naturally not stop you. But the earth is your hometown after all, and it is also Nianci's hometown."

Chen Tianya frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

Luo Jun said: "Today in the boat of one yuan, we had an unpleasant quarrel. If you leave now, senior, those people probably think that I have killed you. In the future, we will have to deal with Lingzun together. If they I have another opinion, which is very unfavorable for the overall situation.”

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