Super Security in the City

Chapter 4649: The star master summoned

Star Lord said: "The trajectory of the Imperial Skyship has changed."

Chen Yang and Wu Fei'er were startled, Chen Yang said, "It's changed, what do you mean?"

The star master said: "The imperial skyship has always been heading towards the earth at full speed, but recently, not only did the skyship not move forward, but it was heading in the opposite direction."

Chen Yang's heart couldn't help sinking, because this was absolutely impossible in the original time trajectory.

It seems that his arrival has changed many things.

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't help but said, "Don't they come to Earth?"

Xingzhu said: "This is impossible."

Wu Feier said: "Obviously, they are re-planning. They should now find that the strength of the earth is getting stronger and stronger, so the original plan may not work."

Luo Jundao: "The last time Feier and I returned to Earth, we were besieged and killed by Tian Qingge and others in the Lingzun Empire, and then I slaughtered them all. This incident may be a fuse..."

Star Lord looked at Chen Yang and said, "Have you been besieged by them?"

Luo Jun nodded.

Xingzhu said: "In the main universe, there is no such thing, right?" Chen Yang said: "Of course, if this happened in the main universe, I will only have a dead end."

Star Master said: "But you said you killed them all."

Luo Jun said: "It seems that they were all killed, but one of them, Tian Qingge, is very cunning. I'm not sure if he is really dead."

Xingzhu said: "Regardless of whether Tian Qingge is dead or not, so many of their masters have gone and never returned, obviously they will be taken seriously." Chen Yang said: "Yes, but at that time I had no other choice. Whether to kill or not, would startle them."

Xingzhu said: "The essence of the problem is not that you alarmed the high-level of the empire, but that everything has changed." Chen Yang said: "But having said that, even if they return, you won't be so concerned, right? Is there something more serious?"

The star master said: "You are right. It's not scary just because they return. It's just that after a few days of their return, I can no longer detect the imperial skyship. Even if it is the master of the future, the future spar will launch together , but they couldn’t find the trajectory of the Imperial Skyship. Now the Imperial Skyship seems to have been destroyed and doesn’t exist anymore.”

Chen Yang and Wu Feier were shocked.

Yang Jun said: "This... If you don't take action, no one in the world can destroy the Imperial Skyship. How did this happen? They can't be detected now. If they change their minds and change their course, then your place will become dangerous .”

Wu Feier was taken aback, and said: "Husband, what do you mean, they might come to deal with the Star Lord and the Hall of Stars?"

Luo Jundao: "It may not be impossible. They have always been afraid of the Hall of Stars. Back then, I thought that if they took the lead in dealing with the Hall of Stars, the earth would be very passive. Because we dare not send People come to help Star Lord and you come to protect the Hall of Stars, so the Earth dare not relax its defenses."

Star Lord took a deep breath and said, "If you just come to deal with me, I won't be afraid."

Luo Jun said: "You mean, there are more terrible things?"

The Star Lord sighed, and said: "Since I have the future master and the future spar, I have seen too many secrets, I am afraid that my life will not be long!"

Luo Jun and Wu Feier glanced at each other, and then, Luo Jun said: "In the future, the more you spy, the less accurate it will be. What will happen in the future, this junior can't tell. Soon, where does this start?"

Xingzhu said: "The more you understand, the more terrifying you will feel!"

Chen Yang said, "Even you think it's scary?" Wu Fei'er said, "You must have discovered that Lingzun and his gang are doing terrible things, right?"

The Star Lord nodded, and said, "That's right!" After a pause, he said, "If my guess is correct, the reason why they were able to hide the Imperial Skyship was because they alarmed the Primordial Clan."

"Prime Ancient Clan? What kind of existence is this?" Chen Yang and Wu Fei'er had never heard of it.

Xingzhu said: "The Taikoo tribe has existed in the universe for billions of years or even longer, and the existence in it is immortal. The Taikoo tribe is not a person on a certain planet, but a powerful and incessant The practice, evolution, absorption of the fragments, essence, and breath of the dead in the universe, and finally promoted to... the ancient clan. This kind of cultivation method is very evil. After becoming the ancient clan, you will lose all perception and emotion. If you want to restore This kind of perception, unless there is a very powerful master, such as a master of the ninth level of the creation realm, who sacrifices his life and reaches a contract. Only in this way can this Primordial Clan recover their perception and emotions."

"The Taikoo tribe..." Yang Jun murmured, "I never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence in the world. They have no perception and emotions, that is to say, they won't feel anything when the universe collapses or the avenue is destroyed. Such a Although a person is alive, it is almost as dead.”

The star master said: "That's right!" Then he said: "The Taikoo clan should not have existed. After becoming the Taikoo clan, the consequences would be very serious. Normal people would not choose to become the Taikoo clan. The reason why there is a Taikoo clan is because Because some great practitioners cannot accept death and are afraid of death, and finally obtain this way of death by sacrificing their lives, so as to achieve immortality. Immortality is actually a kind of torture! After becoming an ancient tribe, you must go to the star gate Earth, the star gate forbidden area is located deep in the universe. In that place, the aura of death is strong, and they can find peace there. Otherwise, they will feel extremely painful when they leave the star gate forbidden area."

"Why is it painful to leave the star gate forbidden area, isn't it immortal?" Wu Fei'er asked.

The star master said: "Out of the forbidden area of ​​the star gate, they will feel unbearably hot all over their bodies, and their body energy and the entire universe seem to be repulsed. In fact, this is also a kind of energy conservation. Because they have no opponents, if any When they appear, no one in the world can restrain them."

Wu Fei'er said, "What if it's the Daoist Master Hongmeng?"

Xingzhu said: "I have never met Daoist Hongmeng, but think about it, Daoist Hongmeng will definitely be able to deal with the Primordial Race. Daoist Hongmeng is an existence that can destroy the three thousand universes, and no other race can compare with him !"

Chen Yang returned to the topic and said, "Star Master, now your speculation is that someone from the Imperial Tianzhou sacrificed himself, and then found the Taikoo Clan?"

Wu Fei'er said: "What's the matter with this sacrifice?"

Xingzhu said: "Sacrifice your life, sign a contract, and open a door. After signing the contract, the existence of the Primordial Clan can obtain the flesh, perception, and emotions of the sacrificer. After that, the Primordial Clan can come out. Generally speaking, masters at the ninth level of the creation realm are the proud sons of heaven. This kind of sacrifice is very cruel. The sacrificer will be swallowed by the Primordial Clan and become their flesh and blood. No master is willing to do such a crazy thing..."

Yang Jun said: "But there are definitely people in the Lingzun Empire who are willing to do this."

Wu Feier said: "What if the Taikoo tribe doesn't do anything for them after devouring their flesh and blood?"

The star master said: "That's why a contract will be signed. Once the contract is not abided by, the master's flesh and blood it devours will produce energy changes. This is the same thing as a problem with the dosage of the medicine!"

Luo Jun said: "If the people of later generations want to eliminate the existence of saints and the like, shouldn't they sign a contract and find a Taikoo clan to do it?"

Xingzhu said: "It is not easy to communicate with the Taikoo Clan, because the Taikoo Clan itself is top-secret. Moreover, signing a contract and sacrificing their lives is not enough. It takes several masters to unite and sacrifice together to open that door. The Taikoo Clan After getting the sacrificed flesh and blood, the body's energy and magnetic field will change, and after coming out, it can withstand everything in the outside world."

"From before to now, no one has ever released the ancient tribe!" Star Lord finally said.

Yang Jun said: "Now you think that they must have released the Taikoo Clan, don't you?"

Star Master said: "Not bad!"

Luo Jun said: "If that's the case..."

The star master said: "If this is the case, I'm afraid, the earth will not be safe! The death spirit of the Taikoo tribe can deceive the future master and the future spar. At the same time, after the people of the Taikoo tribe come out, they will definitely catch more masters to sacrifice They just need to add some clauses in the sacrifice, and they can make the Taikoo tribe that appeared later work for the Taikoo tribe that appeared earlier."

Chen Yang said: "Do you think I can't beat the Taikoo?"

Star Lord glanced at Chen Yang, and said: "Your current strength is very strong. If I don't rely on the Hall of Stars, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent. It's just that the strength of the ancient tribe lies in its inability to kill! This seat believes in you We can fight against one of the Taikoo tribe, but there will not be only one Taikoo tribe. Moreover, we will face more opponents from the Lingzun Empire, as well as the world power of the Empire Tianzhou, etc. What I am even more afraid of is, The ancient tribe will catch more masters and release more ancient tribes."

Luo Jun said: "I always feel that you don't have to be too pessimistic when soldiers come to cover you up. In my opinion, Daoist Hongmeng is the biggest threat."

Xingzhu said: "That's the case, but right now we have to deal with it carefully, if one is careless, what's the future?"

Luo Jun said: "What you said is that the meaning of the younger generation is not to underestimate them. It is to be optimistic..."

Star Master said: "You are right."

Luo Jun continued: "We are now preparing for the worst."

Xingzhu said: "Worst plan, what do you mean?"

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