Super Security in the City

Chapter 4650: Extreme crisis

Luo Jun said: "The worst plan is that the Taikoo tribe really appears, and then they come to attack the Hall of Stars in secret. What if they directly attack the Hall of Stars from a long distance with the power of the world?"

The star master said: "This is not a problem. The star halls in this seat will immediately use the power of the world to defend when they feel the attack, and then launch an attack."

Wu Feier said: "Which one is stronger and weaker when the Palace of Stars and the Imperial Skyboat fight against each other?"

The star master said: "The Hall of Stars is naturally no match for the Imperial Skyboat."

Wu Feier was stunned, and said, "So sure?"

The star master said: "I have studied this matter with Fashen very early on. With the size of the Imperial Tianzhou and the accumulation of so many years, it is impossible for us to create a magic weapon that can rival it. Yes. The power of our world is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Imperial Tianzhou! Based on this situation, we have found another way, so from the beginning of the construction of the Hall of Stars, we had the idea of ​​dying with it. The Hall of Stars The instant explosive power is very strong, and the penetrating power and explosive power cannot be resisted by the Imperial Tianzhou."

Chen Yang couldn't help admiring the words, and said: "This is really a good way, just as it is extremely difficult to build an empire. It is relatively easy to destroy an empire... When building, few people embrace destruction The mentality to build. And the Hall of Stars was prepared to be destroyed from the beginning, so it can have this effect!"

The star master said: "The power of the world, wealth and rights, etc., to this seat and to the God of Dharma, are just floating clouds! The only thing that this seat and the God of Dharma want is to protect the peace of one side!"

Luo Jun said: "It is a great fortune to have God of Dharma and Star Lord on the earth!"

The star master said: "Wouldn't it be a greater blessing for the earth to have you."

Wu Feier smiled and said: "I don't think you two need to praise each other, let's think about how to deal with it next."

Luo Jun then returned to the subject and said: "Since the Imperial Skyboat cannot launch a surprise attack on the Hall of Stars, how will they deal with the Hall of Stars? Once the Imperial Skyboat arrives, we can start the self-destruct procedure. If the Imperial Skyboat does not come, We can sweep everything away with the power of the world of the Hall of Stars. Even if the Taikoo Clan comes, I don't think it will work!"

Star Master said: "So, if they want to come, they must have a new method. A method that can suppress the Hall of Stars..."

Wu Feier couldn't help but said, "Is there such a way?"

The star master nodded and said: "Yes! In the absolute space, as long as you have enough power, you can create absolute rules."

Chen Yang and Wu Feier said together: "I would like to hear more about it!"

The star master said: "This seat has repeatedly deduced that they are likely to land on Mars with the imperial spaceship by surprise, and then wrap Mars with the power of the world and the dead spirit of the ancient race. After that, they will use the art of anti-secret world In this way, some information and matter in the power of the world will change. Once the information and matter change, the power of the world will be difficult to form. To create this kind of anti-secret world technique requires extremely powerful energy Therefore, once the imperial skyship lands on Mars, after using this technique, their world power will not be able to kill the enemy. Because their world power will be used to maintain the anti-secret world technique... Once it cannot be maintained, this technique will immediately be destroyed It was destroyed! At the same time, the anti-secret world technique will also form a barrier to surround us, preventing us from breaking through and leaving."

Chen Yang and Wu Feier suddenly lost their color.

Luo Jun murmured: "The anti-secret world technique, there is such an operation, it really opened my eyes!"

Star Master said: "The universe is huge, and there are many strange things and spells in it. Therefore, no matter what happens, it is not surprising, nor surprising!"

Chen Yang said: "If that's the case, they descended on Mars by surprise, and then suppressed your world power. If you attack together with the masters of the ancient race and the saint in Fengyun Pavilion, you will definitely die. Once you die ...The Hall of Stars will still fall into their hands. At that time, the earth will die beyond death, and there is simply no power to fight back!"

At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help sweating when he thought of the consequences.

Because it's horrible.

Originally, he was full of confidence and felt that the Spiritual Venerable was nothing to be afraid of. With his careful preparation, the Spiritual Venerable should be a doomed situation!

But now after chatting with the star master, I suddenly feel that I have no chance of winning at all.

"And..." Chen Chen said in a deep voice, "Lingzun still has a very powerful power of faith, which suppresses the power of the world, but still has the power of faith."

The star master said: "Originally, I was thinking of Xuan Zhenghao's world power to deal with the power of faith, but now... once the battlefield changes to Mars, Xuan Zhenghao's world power will not be used."

At this moment, Wu Feier said: "I don't think it's so troublesome, just move the Palace of Stars to Earth."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "This is a way!"

The star master said: "The anti-secret world technique can also be applied to the earth. Once it covers the earth, all the power of the world on the earth will not be able to be used. It is indeed a way to move the palace of stars to the earth, but it is not the best way. .And after the Taikoo tribe joins, things will become more variable. When the Taikoo tribe fights with us, we may win or lose. But once the Taikoo tribe invades the civilians...the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, use the earth as a battlefield, and Not a wise move!"

Luo Jun immediately said: "It seems that you already have a way to deal with it."

Xingzhu said: "I did have some ideas, so I specially summoned you and my wife to discuss."

Luo Jun said: "Tell me, we will try our best to cooperate!"

The star master said: "The power of faith of the spiritual master is not the biggest threat. At that time, I will have a way to deal with it! However, after dealing with the power of faith of the spiritual master, the next thing will be handed over to you, Luo Jun Here we go. It's a difficult task..."

Chen Yang and Wu Feier's expressions changed immediately.

Both of them understood Star Lord's implication. Obviously, after dealing with the power of faith, Star Lord may no longer be around.

The star master continued: "The Hall of Stars, this seat will be handed over to you. Because the Hall of Stars is an important bargaining chip, if the Hall of Stars is gone, they don't need to use the art of anti-secret world. So As soon as it comes, the imperial skyboat can be pulled out. The imperial skyboat can be pulled out, and everything will be over!"

Chen Yang nodded: "The junior understands!"

The Star Lord said again: "You have the Eternal Sky Mysterious Plan with you, then everything will be up to you. How to deploy manpower, how to deal with the masters of the Lingzun and the Taikoo Clan, everything will be up to you."

Wu Feier said: "Can you attack the Imperial Skyship from the outside and destroy the Imperial Skyship?"

Star Lord shook his head and said: "The Imperial Skyboat has huge energy. After launching the anti-secret world, external attacks will be absorbed by the Imperial Skyboat. It is impossible for you to break the Imperial Skyboat and the energy knot formed by the Skyboat in a short time. Boundary...and once the empire's skyship cannot be broken, and the guards on this side of the Star Hall are empty, the consequences...will be disastrous!"

Wu Feier said: "So that's how it is!"

Luo Jun said: "From now on, it seems that we can only fight them to the death in Mars, under the suppression of the Imperial Tianzhou."

Xingzhu said: "This seat means that."

Luo Jun said: "This change is really great. It actually changed the battlefield from the earth to Mars."

The star master said: "The task is arduous, and you must not fail. Also, you must completely wipe out all the ancient tribes that appear. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome in the future!"

Wu Feier said: "But you said, the Taikoo clan is immortal."

The star master said: "Immortal is only relative. Break them into pieces, suppress them, and then refine them with the undead pure fire for a certain period of time, so that they can return to the spirit of the undead."

"Undead Purifying Fire?" Chen Yang said, "Where can I find this Undead Purifying Fire?"

Star Lord said: "I don't know where to find the Necrotic Purifying Fire, but after the dust settles, you have enough time to find the Necrotic Purifying Fire."

Luo Jun smiled wryly.

Wu Feier said: "Use the future spar to calculate the net fire of the undead."

Star Lord said: "Without roots, evidence, and media, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. How do you calculate it?"

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry about the fire purification of the undead, let's think about it."

The star master said: "The general situation is like this. How to deal with it next, you go to discuss with Xuan Zhenghao. All this is very likely to happen, but it does not mean that it will happen. Moreover, Maybe there will be other changes."

Luo Jun said: "If the earth is too empty, they are likely to turn their heads to the earth."

The star master said: "That's right! So people need to be guarded on the earth. Lin Zhan and Xuan Zhenghao have to be on the earth."

Wu Feier said: "If it is confirmed that they have reached Mars, can the experts on Earth come to support them?"

The star master said: "If you come, you can't come in."

Wu Feier said: "This..."

Luo Jun said: "Things are really difficult!"

The star master said: "It's better to go to the earth sooner than later, and then gather a certain amount of power to return quickly. The earth must be guarded, and this side must be guarded even more."

Chen Yang nodded, and then he and Wu Feier left Mars and quickly returned to Earth.

After returning to Earth, he found the God Emperor.

The God Emperor has returned to Earth with Chen Tianya, but now Chen Tianya has left Earth.

Together with the **** emperor, he came to the one-yuan boat, and in the one-yuan boat, Luo Jun told all the things in front of him.

Xuan Zhenghao and the others also frowned after hearing this.

After discussing with each other for a while, the group decided that Mars is the top priority at the moment... Mars can't go wrong.

Once the Hall of Stars is destroyed, but the Imperial Skyship is in good condition, then everything will be over!

And the earth can't help it!

The next step is to see how the personnel are arranged.

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