Super Security in the City

Chapter 4651: Soul War

After some discussion, everything was quickly decided.

On the earth's side, Xuan Zhenghao, the **** emperor, Chen Ling, and the masters on the earth stayed behind.

Yang Jun took away all the masters of the Yanyang galaxy, and the masters of the Yanyang galaxy were originally a great secret. At the same time, Zhang Daoling and Dharma King Miaojue also went to Mars together.

On the earth side, the defense is also strict.

Even if the Imperial Tianzhou came to attack suddenly, as long as the earth could delay for a while, Mars could come to rescue in time.

The distance between the earth and Mars is not too far, and if there is too much movement in the short distance, they can be perceived by each other.

Earlier, Chen Yang and all the masters had also undergone various trainings in the Eternal Sky Xuanji Tu.

Therefore, at critical times, everyone can also enter the Eternal Sky Mystery Diagram to help unite in the battle.

At the same time, Luo Jun's Eternal Sky Mystery Map also stored a lot of vitality and strength. At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao gave almost all the pills on earth to Chen Yang...

Including the side of the Yanyang galaxy, the masters of various schools also took out the stored pills.

All of a sudden, there was a huge amount of pills in Chen Yang's Eternal Sky Mystery Chart, a total of five thousand trillion!

Five gigabytes is already a scary number.

In fact, all the masters on the earth did not add up to a gigabyte, and most of them came from the Yanyang galaxy.

The masters of the Yanyang Galaxy have obtained the supernatural power of the hole, and they are also very grateful to Chen Yang.

In addition, they also know that if this battle cannot be won, they will not have a good life, but if this battle is won, they will be free. That's why they put in so much effort, at all costs.

After the group is ready, they all hide in the Eternal Sky Mystery Diagram, ready to fight at any time!

Then Luo Jun and Wu Feier flew to Mars.

After arriving on Mars, Star Lord handed over the control of the Star Palace to Chen Yang.

The Star Lord asked Chen Yang to use the Star Palace to destroy the Imperial Tianzhou at all costs at the critical moment.

At the same time, he also told Chen Yang that he had counted the Imperial Tianzhou and a fake boat.

When hitting, don't be fooled by fake boats.

Luo Jun listened in his heart, so he also began to do more research on the Hall of Stars.

The star master was also on the sidelines to guide and solve doubts. After a long time, Chen Yang knew everything about the palace of stars. He operated and calculated the Hall of Stars and the Eternal Sky Mystery Diagram together, and then made a new discovery.

Time passes day by day...

Half a year is coming soon.

In the solar system, there is peace!

Luo Jun has been paying attention to the situation of the earth, Mars and the solar system.

The tranquility disturbed him.

Because at this point in time in the main universe, Lingzun has already started a war with the earth.

Everything about Lingzun before was just speculation!

And now, at least one thing can be confirmed.

That is, Lingzun's timeline has also been changed by himself.

On this day, Mars is still peaceful.

The Hall of Stars looks extraordinarily small on the dusty Mars...

Inside the Hall of Stars, Chen Yang sat cross-legged with the Star Lord.

The Star Lord has already dismissed some of the disciples and servants of the Hall of Stars. Their cultivation is too weak, and it is useless to stay here.

Suddenly, Star Lord and Chen Yang opened their eyes together.

There were fluctuations in the altars of both of them.

A very strange fluctuation, not like a crisis, and there are no other signs. Purely an instinctive sixth sense reaction...

"Come?" The two looked at each other and thought.

Originally, Chen Yang and Star Lord also thought about evacuating ahead of time before the Imperial Skyship arrived. Because the battlefield is not on the earth, and it doesn't have to be on Mars, it can be hidden first! But in this way, there are more variables. So, it's better to have a decisive battle... let's do it!

In the void, changes protrude...

Bang, a huge wave of energy light appeared across the sky, covering the entire ten-mile radius of the Hall of Stars!

Inside the Eternal Sky Xuanji Diagram, all the masters have already made preparations.

Chen Yang also passed the news to the masters, and quickly let Wu Feier enter his belly to form a spiritual state. In order to operate the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, one must practice spiritually, with the divine power of yin and yang!

Then, Luo Jun shrunk the Hall of Stars and put it into the Eternal Sky Mystery Map.

Then came to the arena with the star master.

At this time, in the void, the imperial skyship really appeared.

The Imperial Skyship is like a huge sky that completely covers the starry sky. Looking up, the dome in between is black with meteorite, as if it is boundless.

In the meteorite, there is another huge energy and electric light flickering.

And within a radius of ten miles, the light wave tightly covered this area, and the light wave could see layer after layer of energy condensation with the naked eye.

Luo Jun and Star Master sensed it with their spiritual sense, and immediately discovered that this is indeed the world's great formation against the secrets of heaven!

Moreover, Chen Yang also sensed the existence of the spirit of the dead.

In other words, the Taikoo Clan really appeared.

In fact, there is no need to doubt the existence of the Taikoo Clan.

Because without the help of the Taikoo Clan, it would be impossible for them to come to Mars so abruptly without the knowledge of the future master and the future spar.

In the void, a void gate suddenly opened.

From the void gate, the saint Long Ao came out in white.

He came out alone.

But both Star Lord and Chen Yang knew that he definitely did not come alone.

With a flash of Long Ao's figure, he came in front of Chen Yang and Star Lord.

Everyone has countless masters and magic weapons hidden in their hands, and no one can see the specific strength of the other party.

After Long Ao glanced at Star Lord and Chen Yang, his gaze stayed on Luo Jun, and he said, "Are you Chen Chen?"

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "That's right!" He was a little nervous in his heart, not because he was afraid of Long Ao, but because this battle was about the survival of the earth, and even the survival of the three thousand universes.

The relationship is too complicated to be nervous, and to be cautious!

This battle is really no less than a decisive battle with Daoist Hongmeng!

Long Ao's eyes changed slightly, and he said, "You are actually here? It seems that you have already guessed a lot of things."

Luo Jun said: "In the dark, everything has its own destiny. You have done a lot of things and made a lot of small tricks. Naturally, we will not sit still! But today, we really don't need to continue talking nonsense. Use whatever means you have.”

Long Ao nodded, then his body suddenly flashed back, and then a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

But it is... the Wanli Qiankun Pot!

There are countless spiritual people in the Wanli Qiankun Pot that believe in divine power!

After Long Ao's Wanli Qiankun Pot appeared, without saying a word, he began to use the divine power of faith. I saw the spout of the Wanli Qiankun Pot open, and the interior was extremely bright and dazzling.

Unprecedented energy fluctuations appear...

Once this energy is emitted, it cannot be resisted by manpower.

No matter how high the skill is, it won't work!

It won't work even if the universe emperor comes.

Unless there is an existence of the level of Hongmeng Daoist, it can resist it.

Or another team with the same belief in divine power can compete. Because this is not the power of one person, but the power of 20 million spiritual people united as one.

Over the years, Lingzun's people have all practiced Taoism. Everyone has a cultivation base, and there are many masters among them.

They have an extremely fanatical belief in the empire, so they can form such a terrifying belief in divine power.

This is a miracle that cannot be replicated!

Because no one can have what they've been through...

His homeland is broken, he has wandered in the universe for tens of millions of years, and he is struggling to survive with limited resources.

For tens of millions of years, I have always wanted to regain the earth, regain the glory of the past, and wash away the shame of the past!

They live for the empire!

It is also impossible for Chen Yang and Xingzhu to prevent Long Ao from using the Ten Thousand Miles of Universe Pot, because even if Long Ao is dead, there are still masters in the Ten Thousand Miles of Universe Pot that are exercising their divine power of faith.

At that time, the two of them will only die faster!

Chen Yang has no way to deal with this kind of power of faith, but he always remembers that the star master said that he can deal with the power of faith. But he didn't know how the Star Lord planned to deal with it...


Finally, the holy light in the Wanli Qiankun Pot condensed, and then a terrifying sword light slashed towards Star Lord and Luo Jun.

This sword light is so fast that it is unimaginable...

The time that does not give people any reaction, transcends time, space and everything!

The only law in this sword light is the Dao of Faith!

Pious, fierce!

Even though Star Lord is the venerable saint, he couldn't stop this sword.

Before Chen Chen could think too much, he quickly created the Eternal Sky Mystery Diagram and opened up the Star Space Formation.

This sword directly cut into the star space formation, and then broke through all kinds of space constraints of the star space formation, and entered the space spar.

There is a space ocean inside the space spar, and the space inside is endless.

However, this sword of belief in divine power ignores space, and quickly shatters and breaks countless spaces.

Seeing that going on like this, even the space spar will be broken by this sword.

This is the horror of absolute power.

With the pure power of space in Luo Jun's Eternal Sky Mystery Diagram, it is destined to be impossible to decipher it.

Fortunately, Chen Yang still had other preparations. He quickly moved the space spar and opened a hole, allowing this holy sword power to enter the magma world.

Afterwards, Chen Yang quickly launched all the magma powers to refine it.

In the Eternal Sky Xuanji Diagram, many masters also immediately helped Chen Yang run his divine power.

The terrifying divine power was suppressed, and after a short time, the power of the holy sword was finally dissolved.

After resolving it, Chen Yang's back was dripping with sweat.

This sword is too terrifying.

Compared with the power of Dragon Heaven Emperor, this sword is really far behind.

There is a feeling of facing Daoist Hongmeng for the first time back then.

At the same time, Chen Yang also knew that this sword was just an appetizer.

The power of the holy sword can continue to cut like this!

With the combined strength of myself and Eternal Sky Xuanjitu, how many swords can I withstand?

Back then, it was possible to catch the power of the Holy Sword, relying on the world power of the boat of one yuan, and the joint efforts of many earth masters.

But today, there are many top masters in the Eternal Sky Mystery Chart, but there are almost no ordinary masters. Although a drop of water is not much, it can gather into the sea!

The reason why Chen Yang didn't invite many ordinary masters is because the earth also needs protection! I can't bring all the top and ordinary ones.

Moreover, Star Lord said, he has a way to deal with the power of faith!

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