Super Security in the City

Chapter 4652: All means exhausted

The Wanli Qiankun Pot was controlled by Long Ao. After Long Ao unleashed a holy sword power, he turned around and used the Wanli Qiankun Pot to unleash two more holy sword powers. In an instant, two holy swords were unleashed, one to kill Luo Jun and the other to kill Star Lord.

Long Ao was a little shocked that Luo Jun could receive the power of a holy sword. After being shocked, he felt normal. Since the other party was prepared, it would be strange if he was killed by his own sword.

Facing the power of the Holy Sword, Luo Jun groaned in his heart and couldn't help but want to complain that the Star Master didn't bring such a deceptive weapon. It was you, the old man, who said there were ways to deal with the power of faith, so I made these arrangements. You are coping now!

At this moment, the Star Lord suddenly stopped in front of Luo Jun.

Luo Jun's eyes suddenly filled with tears, Oh my God!

You finally took action.

After the Star Lord stopped in front of Luo Jun, the two holy swords struck at the Star Lord at the same time.

A bright crystal suddenly appeared in the Star Master's hand. That crystal is exactly...the future crystal!

The future crystal is not the same as the time crystal, but it is a more magical existence than the time crystal. Because it contains the most sacred future time.

The future is unobservable, but this does not mean that the future does not exist.

Everything in the future is already determined. If someone observes it but does not make any changes, the future trajectory will not change. But if someone observes it and does not make any changes, but reveals the future to others, and others make changes accordingly, then the future will also change.

The time in the future is more fantastic and mysterious than the time of the time crystal.

When the two holy swords came to kill, the future crystal in the Star Master's hand suddenly bloomed with a strange light. This light was so dazzling that people could not clearly see the situation ahead.

After the two holy swords struck into the future crystal, the Star Lord also disappeared.

Then, the future crystal suddenly turned into a divine light and headed towards the Wanli Qiankun Pot!

"Use my body to seek the spirits of all worlds!"

"With my blood, seek the light of the universe!"

"With my soul, I seek the power of all realms!"

"With my life, I will shatter the life of the sky!"

"Zhou Ji Hurt Curse, sacrifice!"

The star master recited the spell quickly, and everything happened in a flash of lightning.

"The light of grains of rice!" Long Ao was not afraid of the Star Lord's spells and damage, and quickly drove the Wanli Qiankun Pot to shoot out infinite sword power!

The terrifying sword power came like a crazy tide and quickly enveloped the future crystal. Monstrous sword power, belief in the avenue, beheading!

The power of the divine power of faith in this Wanli Qiankun Pot is overwhelming and irresistible.

Luo Junru was among them. Even with the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, he could only hold on for a moment.

But at this time, the future time power in the future crystal also burst out. Those sword energies are moving forward with lightning in the future time, but they are never able to truly resist the future crystal.


At this moment, the future crystal broke through the sword light storm.

Long Ao couldn't help but change his expression.

The future crystal stone was extremely fast and finally reached the Wanli Qiankun Pot.

"Faith barrier!" Long Ao turned the Wanli Qiankun Pot wildly.

Countless light wave barriers immediately appeared in the Wanli Qiankun Pot to block the future crystals, but at that moment, time suddenly distorted weirdly.

The future crystal seems to have traveled through the future, which means that there are barriers here at the moment, but there will be no barriers here tomorrow. The future crystal traveled through the future, instantly broke away from the shackles of this barrier, and then entered the Wanli Qiankun Pot.

In the Wanli Qiankun Pot, Fang Xieyang is presiding over the formation!

Seeing the future crystal killer coming in, he immediately worked with the masters to use the power of faith of the spiritual people to wrap the future crystal.

But at this time, the time on the future crystal was distorted to the extreme. All power cannot stop the future crystal stone from moving forward...

Originally, the power of faith was so powerful that it could break time, space and even fate.

But the time in the future appeared and was distorted to such an extent that it was completely beyond the expectations of the spiritual masters.

The future crystal suddenly froze in the Wanli Qiankun Pot, and then began to explode.

Light, bright light, unprecedented light...

The future crystal shattered inch by inch, and finally exploded violently, rumbling...

This kind of explosion destroys the heaven and earth, triggers emotional fluctuations in the universe, and resonates with the whole...

Infinite power and crystal fragments blasted in all directions.

All the resistance in Wanli Qiankun Pot was in vain at this moment.

Long Ao felt that the Wanli Qiankun pot in his hand was extremely hot, and it instantly turned red, and finally small cracks began to appear...

"Damn it!" Long Ao couldn't help but be horrified and said: "What a star master, he actually sacrificed the future crystal and his own saint's life to activate the ancient divine curse of Zhouji Injury Curse. You are so cruel!"


The Wanli Qiankun Pot finally exploded!

At the moment of the explosion, Long Ao quickly dodged and entered the interior of the Imperial Sky Boat.

At the same time, the Imperial Tianzhou also opened a void gate.

In the Wanli Qiankun Pot, the Heavenly Chong Tower appears.

That day, the heavy tower flew toward the imperial sky boat like lightning...

By this time, the explosion had occurred.

The infinite explosive power flooded the Tianzhong Tower.

Long Ao takes the first step...

The force of the explosion finally blasted away the barrier of Imperial Tianzhou's anti-Tianji World Technique.

As a result, the power of the world in the Hall of Stars was restored.

The world power of the Imperial Sky Boat was also restored. In the Imperial Sky Boat, Tian Qingge, Long Qianjue and other senior officials have been presiding over the Imperial Sky Boat. At this time, seeing the anti-Tianji world formation broken, he immediately activated the power of the world.

Under their operation, the power of the world formed a large snow-white handprint to grasp the Tianzhong Tower, but it was to protect the Tianzhong Tower.

In the Tianzhong Tower, many spiritual people have suffered heavy casualties...

They are in chaos at this moment, and it is difficult to form the power of faith.

In addition, the aftermath of the explosion was too severe, so the masters in the Tianzhong Tower just wanted to escape into the Imperial Sky Boat.

Luo Jun saw this opportunity, and at the critical moment, the spirit of running time protected his whole body.

The aftermath of the explosion rushed into the time storm of the Time Soul and was immediately resolved. Although the explosion was powerful, after all, Luo Jun was not at the center of the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Jun desperately asked all the masters to work together to drive the magma world, and then formed a flaming axe!

The Flame God Ax rushes to kill the Sky Tower before the world power of the Empire Tianzhou!


This flame god's ax struck the Heavenly Heavy Tower and immediately broke through the layers of barriers of the Heavenly Heavy Tower. The masters in the Tianzhong Tower spurted blood...

You know, Luo Jun's ax is not simple. Even the power of the magma world that gathered a group of masters and the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, as well as Luo Jun's own powerful strength...

Such tyranny can certainly break through the Sky Tower!

At the same time as the Tianzhong Tower was broken, the fragments exploded. The lives and injuries of Lingzun's people in the Tianzhong Tower were even more severe. Countless wails, screams, and moans came out...

Flesh and blood flying...

The world reverses, and the aftermath destroys everything...


Fang Xieyang and a group of masters worked hard to protect the surviving Lingzun people.

The world power of the Imperial Sky Boat finally arrived in time, and captured Fang Xieyang and other masters, as well as the remaining Lingzun people, and quickly absorbed them into the Imperial Sky Boat.

Luo Jun did not dare to delay, quickly grabbed the star palace, and followed the whole person into the star palace.

The purpose of the existence of the Hall of Stars is to destroy the Imperial Sky Boat. Now that the Imperial Sky Boat is right in front of us, it is natural to destroy it.

Inside the imperial sky boat, there were screams everywhere, and there were heavy casualties, and there was no time to react.

Luo Jun had already done various research on the Hall of Stars, and now he was quickly operating the power of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram in the Hall of Stars. In the Eternal Sky Mystery Map, all the masters help Luo Jun to activate his divine power. The divine power then entered the center of the Hall of Stars...

Then, the world power of the Star Palace was fully activated.

When this power of the world is activated, electric light flows and stars shine brightly, causing the heaven and earth to tremble!


The Hall of Stars rushed towards the imperial sky boat with all its strength.


The Hall of Stars quickly crashed into the Imperial Sky Boat.

Then came the explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth. The entire Mars could not withstand this explosion. The huge energy wave penetrated into the interior of Mars, and the Mars began to crack and finally exploded.

At that moment, the Hall of Stars also turned into countless fragments.

The Imperial Sky Boat couldn't withstand this kind of explosion, and it quickly exploded into countless energy fragments. These energy fragments turned into countless storm energy and splashed away in all directions.


The aftermath continues…

The sparks also disappeared at this moment.

In the center of the storm, Luo Jun did not die.

Naturally, he would not die. In a flash, he left the center of the storm and arrived in the void above.

In the void, Luo Jun stood proudly, looking at the broken imperial sky boat, his eyes seemed to be thinking.

It was at this moment that the energy in the void below fluctuated again, and then, a huge imperial sky boat appeared again.

It turned out that the imperial sky boat that Luo Jun and the Hall of Stars killed just now was a fake boat.

What originally arrived was the real Imperial Sky Boat, but after the power of the world was restored and when the Palace of Stars attacked and killed, the Imperial Sky Boat began to switch between true and false.

The real Imperial Sky Boat quickly escapes from its shell, while the fake Imperial Sky Boat takes the damage!

This kind of transformation of golden cicada out of its shell has been practiced for many years...

So at this time, dealing with the Hall of Stars is a familiar process.

Luo Jun couldn't help but eclipse when he saw the imperial sky boat appearing.

It was at this time that the power of the world in the empire's sky boat started to move again. Then, the power of the world sent out countless circles of light waves that enveloped Luo Jun within a radius of ten miles.

This is the endless divine power of the world. Once it is enveloped, even Luo Jun will have a hard time escaping.

At the same time, a gate to the void appeared in the imperial sky boat.

Following that, Tian Qingge, Long Ao, Fang Xieyang and others walked out of the Void Gate.

After Tian Qingge came out, he smiled at Luo Jun and said: "Mr. Luo Jun, now the Star Master has detonated the ancient divine curse and is gone together with the future crystal. Your Palace of Stars has also been destroyed... Do you have any other methods? ?”

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