Super Security in the City

Chapter 4656: great victory

Luo Jun glanced at the battlefield, and then said: "I won't be able to suppress those five guys for long. You go kill the others quickly. I want to enter the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map to restore my vitality now..."

Feng Taxue and others also experienced the brutality of this battle. Everyone thought it would be easy, but when they actually fought, they found out how embarrassing it was. They knew that life and death were at stake, so they quickly joined the battlefield without saying anything more.

Luo Jun quickly entered the world of mountains and rivers in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, and then gathered the elixirs he had prepared previously.

In an instant, an infinite amount of pills poured into his dry body.

One hundred trillion pills entered the body as if they were free and were quickly absorbed.

He and Wu Fei'er were still in spiritual cultivation, so they became even more domineering when absorbed.

In the outside world, the spiritual masters saw the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map floating alone in the void, and they came to destroy it...

However, the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram is so powerful, how could it be destroyed so easily. The opponent's sword power came to kill, and the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram gently rolled up his sword power, and quickly absorbed the power into the star space formation. While Luo Jun was absorbing the elixir, he was paying attention to the battle situation outside, and at the same time, he was also paying attention to the situation in the magma world...

Another master from the outside came to kill him. In anger, he gathered the combat power of the War Soul World and struck with the War Soul Divine Axe, directly chopping the opponent into pieces.

Today's battle was a good one for Luo Jun.

The elixirs are almost endless!

In a short period of time, Luo Jun quickly absorbed the elixir while taking control of the overall situation.

When life and death were at stake, Luo Jun was not stingy at all in using Qi pills.

Soon he had absorbed all the thousand trillion pills, and his body was finally three-thirds full. Then, he continued to absorb the pills...

Then, he began to control the magma world. He operated the divine power of the magma world and also helped the Ancient God of Thunder to suppress those five guys.

The five True Lords are now being taken care of by Luo Jun and the Ancient God of Thunder. In a short time, it will be more difficult to gather them together.

As for the battle situation outside, Fang Xieyang died along with Long Ao. The five true kings were also suppressed by Luo Jun...

The setting sun suddenly fell over the mountain for Lingzun, and it was no longer possible to hold on.

Long Qianjue and Tian Qingge had both been completely killed. The remaining masters, the city lords could not resist and began to flee in all directions...

When they fled, the masters on Luo Jun's side showed no mercy and quickly pursued and killed them...

And at this time, Xuan Zhenghao, the God Emperor, and other masters also rushed over.

After coming over, there was a new round of massacre.

The human race killed the spirit master without any mercy.

Luo Jun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the situation outside.

Knowing that this battle to defend the earth is finally won...

What made him uneasy was that the original spiritual master was not dead, but this time he was almost dead. Many monks on the earth should have died, but they did not experience this at all this time...

This puts a huge burden on the timeline.

Hongmeng Universe will become more and more different from other universes...

As for how it will change in the future, Luo Jun can't say.

He felt that he could only take things so far.

As more and more elixirs were absorbed, after consuming three thousand trillion elixirs, Luo Jun and Wu Feier's mana returned to its peak state.

All the masters among the spiritual masters were dead, and only about half a million of the spiritual masters' common people were hidden in the magical artifacts. Fortunately, the magical artifacts were not broken, so they recovered their lives.

Xuan Zhenghao and others did not kill all the Ling Zun people.

The battlefield finally became quiet.

Luo Jun's side also suffered heavy casualties, and most of the palace masters survived. The masters who followed the palace masters were all killed and wounded.

Suonangcuo's brother Suonangjia, the four war gods of the Temple of Light, and Cang Jixiang all died in this battle. The only palace master who was killed was Lei Tianjue... Lei Tianjue and his men were wiped out.

Luo Jun was not relaxed at this time, because in the magma world, the five true kings were still alive.

Luo Jun felt that he had to suppress these five guys with all his strength at all times, otherwise if he relaxed a little, the five guys might reunite.

After a moment's thought, he made a calculation.

He circulated most of the Tianyou Divine Mist particles, and then distributed them to all the masters in the field, allowing everyone to suppress and seal them respectively.

In this way, although True Lord Styx and others cannot be killed, their power will be weakened after their particles are dispersed. In this way, Luo Jun's pressure will be greatly reduced...

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