Super Security in the City

Chapter 4657: timeline

The masters suppressed the five true kings respectively, and the God Emperor and Xuan Zhenghao each took a portion. Luo Jun had the most Tianyou Particles in his hands... But even so, Luo Jun dealt with it a lot easier. He then asked the Ancient God of Thunder, the Soul of Time and the Soul of Wormhole to suppress them in the magma world. Then all the Tianyou particles in the space crystal were cleared... Some of the Tianyou particles were the true bodies of True Lord Styx and others, while others were just pure power. The Tianyou particles in the space ocean are pure power!

Everyone gathered together to count the casualties. After that, Luo Jun proposed to put the remaining Lingzun people into the chalk world of the earth. Xuan Zhenghao had different opinions on this and wanted to eradicate the root cause. Luo Jun said that there was no need and said: "Grands and grudges are always endless. There are many spiritual masters in the chalk world. It's better to go and kill the spiritual masters there too, right? We are responsible for handling the crisis. The method should not be so barbaric, and I also believe we have the ability to suppress them."

As soon as he said this, Xuan Zhenghao and others stopped insisting.

The Star Master, the Future Master, and the Future Crystal have all been sacrificed together. Luo Jun and others mourned for the Star Master in their hearts... But now is not the time to be sad, because Luo Jun and others still have a big thing to do.

That means Mars has been destroyed...

Every planet in the solar system has its own role. Now that one is missing, there is an additional hidden danger.

I can't see any damage at the moment, but as time goes by, it won't be easy to tell.

Luo Jun and others worked together to find the fragments of Mars and then put them together.

Fortunately, the planets in this solar system are not comparable to the Death Star, so after they are brought together like this, Mars will heal automatically without doing anything else.

It just takes a little more time!

After bringing Mars together, everyone set up a barrier around Mars to prevent Mars from being hit again!

After doing this, return to Earth.

Now that the spiritual crisis has been completely resolved, Luo Jun can breathe a sigh of relief.

The next thing to be dealt with is the five ancient clans of True Lord Styx. If they are not dealt with properly, I am afraid there will be endless troubles.

After entering the earth, Luo Jun did not stay in the world.

Because now is not the time for children to love each other, the Taikoo clan urgently needs a solution.

Everyone gathered together in the One Yuan Boat, including the God Emperor.

Everyone was discussing the affairs of the Taikoo Clan, and everyone thought of various ways to refine the Taikoo Clan, but none of them succeeded.

There are too many mysteries in the Taikoo clan.

Xuan Zhenghao showed very strong curiosity about the Taikoo clan...

He really wanted to revive one of the ancient tribesmen, and then have a good conversation, interrogate, etc.!

Luo Jun was noncommittal about this, always feeling it was too risky.

Xuan Zhenghao thought that Luo Jun was too cautious. He felt that with everyone here, the five Taikoo clans could not change the world.

The discussion lasted for three days and three nights, which was really exhausting.

Luo Jun always felt very uneasy in his heart. It was difficult to explain this uneasiness clearly. It's like I forgot something big and didn't solve it...

But I can't remember anything...

He also felt that now that all the masters were gathered in the One Yuan Boat, even if these five ancient clans were released, they would not be afraid.

Where is the source?

Wu Fei'er didn't understand why Luo Jun was so worried...

She had never seen Luo Jun so worried before when the battle between Spirit Masters was still unresolved.

On this day, Luo Jun suddenly fell asleep in the Yiyuan Boat.

In his sleep, he dreamed that Xuan Zhenghao quietly resurrected the Taikoo clan. Then, this Taikoo clan merged with Xuan Zhenghao, and then drove the world power of the One Yuan Boat.

The world power of the One Yuan Ark was activated, and then a massacre was carried out on many masters in the One Yuan Ark. After the massacre, the ancient man frantically absorbed the fragments and power of the undead...

"Roar!" Luo Jun suddenly sat up on the bed, dripping with sweat.

Wu Fei'er was sitting cross-legged next to him. Seeing him like this, he suddenly lost color and said, "What's wrong?"

Fear flashed in Luo Jun's eyes, and he went to find Xuan Zhenghao. But suddenly, he stopped still...

Seeing how crazy he was, Wu Fei'er became even more frightened. She quickly shook his arm and said, "Luo Jun, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"That's it!" Luo Jun suddenly became excited.

Everything I didn’t understand finally became clear.

Everything that I couldn't figure out before was now figured out.

"Luo Jun, you..." Wu Fei'er saw him getting excited again and became even more frightened.

Luo Jun said to Wu Fei'er: "I understand why I feel something is wrong, because the bigger crisis is not these five ancient tribes, but that too many people who should die have not died. In this way, the people on the timeline There is too much pressure, and this may make it difficult to repair the timeline! Now, the timeline is about to repair itself. This dream is a reminder from heaven."

Wu Fei'er doesn't know why.

Luo Jun told Wu Fei'er about the dream he had just now.

Wu Fei'er is also a smart person, and he quickly figured out the joints.

Wu Fei'er said: "The timeline does have the ability to repair itself, but the bigger the problem, the harder it is to repair, right?"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "That's right! As long as something happened at a normal time, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to happen, and it didn't need to be repaired. But our current problem is that the Hongmeng Universe was out of control... because the Hongmeng Universe was out of control. , so I need to reshape the timeline. If many people who should have died were not dead, everyone who should have died would become a branch. After too many, it will become more and more difficult to repair."

Wu Fei'er said: "So what are your plans?"

Luo Jun said: "I want to give True Lord Styx's Tianyou Particles to Xuan Zhenghao."

Wu Fei'er said: "It's just that I'm a little worried about losing control!"

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said: "The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it with soil. What should be repaired must be repaired!"

Wu Fei'er said: "Okay, no matter what the result is, I will support you in doing it."

Luo Jun nodded.

Then, he and Wu Fei'er went to find Xuan Zhenghao. Afterwards, Luo Jun handed over all the particles of True Lord Styx to Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao was not too surprised when he received the true body particles of True Lord Styx. He just glanced at Luo Jun meaningfully, and he seemed to understand something.

After handing over True Lord Styx's true body particles to Xuan Zhenghao, Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er returned to his palace.

This palace is still inside the One Yuan Boat.

Because the matter of the Taikoo clan has not been resolved, Xuan Zhenghao has not let many masters leave.

That night, in a palace in Yiyuan Zhizhou, Xuan Zhenghao completely resurrected True Lord Styx.

True Lord Styx was dressed in a black robe, and his head was also covered by a black robe.

Looking towards him, he couldn't see his face, only his eyes.

These eyes seem to contain hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes and wisdom1

"What are your requirements for resurrecting me?" True Lord Minghe looked at Xuan Zhenghao and asked calmly.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Since you are free, why don't you just leave?"

A complex look flashed in the eyes of True Lord Styx, and he said: "You have many masters here, and one of them is very powerful. I have a hunch that if you give him a little longer, he can completely suppress me."

"You mean Luo Jun?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

True Lord Styx said: "Yes, that's him!" After a pause, he said: "If this person is not here, you will never win this battle."

After saying that, he added: "But it doesn't matter if you lose, the contract I signed with the Lingzun clan will be over. Their clan is destroyed, what else can I do?"

Obviously, the five True Monarchs of Styx wished that the Spirit Master would fail.

Xuan Zhenghao asked: "Has the contract been terminated now?"

True Lord Styx said: "Not bad!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Congratulations!"

True Lord Styx looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said: "We are not interested in the earth. As long as you are willing to let us all go, then we will leave the earth immediately and never come back. And, in return, I can give you some gifts .”

Xuan Zhenghao asked: "What gift?"

True Monarch Styx said: "The experience of cultivation, and some secrets you want to know."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I am indeed very interested in your Taikoo clan, but you should know that I am not the one who makes the decision here. The real person who makes the decision is Luo Jun. He has all the power of life and death!"

True Lord Styx said: "This person is difficult to deal with, and I feel that it will be difficult to negotiate a deal with him."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's true!"

True Lord Styx said: "You can let me go quietly."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Once I let you go, if you don't keep your promise, I will be criticized by thousands of people. You are a smart man, but you seem to regard me as a fool."

True Lord Styx said: "Then what do you want? I can cooperate with you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's have a good chat first. If we can become friends, maybe I can let you go." After a pause, he said: "In other words, maybe I need enough temptation."

True Lord Styx said: "It is not easy to seduce someone like you, and I don't know you well enough."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I want to ask you, what is heaven, what is earth? What is man? What are you? What am I?"

True Lord Styx was stunned for a moment, feeling that the question this guy asked was incomprehensible, but he seemed to be in a state of meditation.

After a long while, he said: "Heaven and Earth, you probably want to ask what the universe is. I'm sorry, although I have lived for billions of years, I don't know what the universe is... the only one who knows Yes, what does time represent?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "What does time represent?"

True Lord Styx said: "Time is nothingness to the universe. But time is life to living things. Human life is brilliant because of death! If people live without death, it will actually be very boring. "

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