Super Security in the City

Chapter 4669: Nianci returns

True Lord of Nothingness had an instinctive fear of Luo Jun, so he nodded and said: "I am True Lord of Nothingness!"

Luo Jun said: "First of all, you are very lucky. Because we have found a way to kill you, you should have seen the fruits of our labor. We can now absorb two drops of your Tianyou God's blood in one day. This The progress is indeed very slow, but this is because the emperor...oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce it to you. The emperor is now also a member of your ancient tribe." Zhenwu Zhenjun is not clear about the twists and turns, he knows Xuan Zhenghao is already a member of the Taikoo clan, but he doesn’t understand how Xuan Zhenghao became a Taikoo clan member.

Luo Jun and others were also very patient and told the process to Zhenjun Wu.

Luo Jun also showed True Lord Nothingness some of the true body particles of Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx, etc.

After hearing this, Zhenjun Wu couldn't help but be horrified and said: "The Supreme Supreme One is here too? He is not even your opponent? How... how is this possible?"

Wu Fei'er said: "The facts are right in front of us, nothing is impossible."

Luo Jun got straight to the point and said: "I think our current speed of extracting the blood of Tianyou is still too slow, and things will change if we are too late. So I want to find one or two people to cooperate..."

They don't dare to cooperate with the four true kings here, for fear that something will happen. It is best to subdue one or two and kill one or two, so that it will be safer.

This is also the plan that Luo Jun and the others came up with after careful discussion.

True Lord Niwu is also a smart man, and he immediately understood what Luo Jun and the others meant.

"What if I don't agree?" Zhenjun Wu asked.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said: "The places are limited, first come first served. If you want to give up, then we will find the next one... If you all don't agree, then we can only **** slowly. Wait until I have sucked enough. After getting the blood of Youshen, our progress will speed up. Of course, you can also pray to Taiyi Supreme and those people to save you."

Luo Jun immediately said: "I'm here to discipline them whether they come back or not."

Xuan Zhenghao added: "In order to prevent Taiyi and Styx from inviting more ancient tribes, we specially captured some of their true body particles."

True Lord Xuwu knew that Xuan Zhenghao and the others were telling the truth, and he couldn't help but feel extremely discouraged.

He didn't want to kill each other, but he couldn't say the harsh words.

Luo Jun said at the right time: "You must speak carefully and have no regrets about what you say. If you don't agree, we will try to ask other True Lords. If anyone agrees later, the first one will **** your Tianyou Divine Blood."

True Lord of Nothingness knew that Luo Jun's words were not an empty threat, and his body trembled for a moment. Heaven and man were at war in his mind, and he didn't know what to do.

Upon seeing this, Luo Jun said: "Okay, True Lord of Nothingness, you are really a real man, I respect you." After a pause, he said to Xuan Zhenghao and others: "He doesn't agree, let's ask True Lord Daluo again."

"No, I agree!" Zhenjun Wu was shocked and said loudly.

"Really agree?" Luo Jun and others were amused in their hearts, but their faces were cold.

Sweat dripped down the back of True Monarch Nihility, and at this moment, all the energy in his heart was gone.

Luo Jun said: "Even if you agree, let's swear an oath with the blood of Tianyou God. From now on, you will follow us wholeheartedly and be loyal to the emperor. Don't have two minds. If you have two minds, your Taoist mind will be unstable and your true body will perish!"

This oath has a strong binding force on the Taikoo clan, but this binding force is not absolute. If you violate it forcefully, there won't be much harm in a short period of time.

But over time, one's own Taoist mind and the strength of the true body will be greatly damaged.

So I have no choice but to break my oath!

The reason why Luo Jun and others wanted to kill half and keep the other half was so that these people had no way to retreat. Because you have even killed your companions, how can you come back?

If the four true monarchs were to just make an oath, they might break their oath together with just one bite of their teeth.

At this point, the True Lord of Nothingness can only follow a dark path to the end. Then he swore an oath to the blood alliance of Tianyou God...

After the oath was completed, Luo Jun asked Zhenjun Wu to contribute some of the blood of the God of Heaven. It will be much easier to contribute automatically... Zhenjun Niang has no capital to resist, so he can only agree. Xuan Zhenghao absorbed his Tianyou divine blood, and his body became much stronger.

Later, Luo Jun resurrected Zhenjun Lingluo.

This True Lord Lingluo was a woman, and she was also an immortal-level existence back then. But now I can no longer see her appearance clearly...

Luo Jun did the same thing to her and made her swear an oath.

When True Lord Lingluo saw that True Lord Wu had already surrendered, he had nothing to say and swore an oath with the blood of Heavenly Nether God.

After that, he contributed some of Tianyou Divine Blood. Luo Jun wanted them to be physically disabled, so that they would no longer be able to summon the Ancient Clan.

The problem must be solved from the root.

After doing this, Luo Jun wrapped Xuan Zhenghao, True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness with the divine power of yin and yang. Let the three of them increase their power to absorb the true body particles of Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx.

A month later, Xuan Zhenghao's strength was completely restored and he was making progress!

All the divine blood of Tianyou drawn by True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Niwu was given to Xuan Zhenghao.

As for the true body particles of Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx, all of them were digested. After the blood of Tianyou God was drained, those Tianyou particles were like ownerless souls. Xuan Zhenghao breathed it all into his body.

After doing this, they will deal with the remaining True Lord Tianhen and True Lord Da Luo.

After another month, the Da Luo Zhenjun and Tianhen Zhenjun were all absorbed. Xuan Zhenghao absorbed all the blood of Tianyou God alone, and all the particles were digested by Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao's strength has reached the level of a true king, and he is a very powerful true king!

After doing this, Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

At least now there is a way to deal with these ancient tribes, and there is no need to painstakingly find some undead to purify the fire.

Then the next step is to find Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx.

Luo Jun also knew very well in his heart that Tai Yi Supreme and True Lord Styx must be able to sense that the true body particles have been destroyed... These two people have a sense of crisis. Once he goes to chase them, then Supreme Supreme Tai Yi and True Lord Styx will You will definitely keep running away...

After thinking for a long time, Luo Jun decided to take Zhang Daoling and Chen Ling and his wife to hunt down Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx.

The God Emperor and Xuan Zhenghao continue to guard the earth.

As for the experts in Yanyang Galaxy, they can go back to their own planets. Luo Jun was too embarrassed to keep them trapped on the earth...

As for why Xuan Zhenghao and the two True Lords were not taken along, it was because there was a special connection between the Taikoo clan. If Luo Jun takes them with him, it will be equivalent to carrying a signal device with him. Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx can know their location at any time.

Before setting off, Luo Jun made a lot of preparations. The first is to conduct multi-faceted perception and calculation of the auras of Supreme Taiyi and Lord Styx. This was prepared before swallowing their true body particles. Luo Jun calculated and locked their auras. Now even if they escape to the ends of the earth, Luo Jun can still know.

Then, he will go through his wormhole soul.

When the time comes to capture Taiyi Supreme and True Monarch Styx, they can also shuttle directly to the wormhole Yuanshen through the wormhole.

He planned to shuttle there first, then let the wormhole soul approach the earth, then form a wormhole, and then shuttle back directly...

After everything was ready, Luo Jun and his party were ready to set off again.

At this moment, something surprising happened to Luo Jun.

That means Chen Tianya is back...

He didn't come back alone, he also brought Chen Nianci, Shen Mo Nong, and Mo Yu...

Chen Tianya was going out to find Chen Nianci, and he successfully found Chen Nianci and his party. Chen Nianci and his party suffered a lot in the void...

Fortunately, Chen Tianya arrived in time and successfully brought them back.

Luo Jun thought for a while, postponed his departure, and then met with Shen Mo Nong, Chen Nianci and his party.

The meeting place was in the Zhenguohou Mansion in Tianzhou Imperial City.

Chen Tianya is here too!

Luo Jun appeared in the courtyard, and Chen Tianya was in front of the gate of the Hou Mansion.

He was dressed in black and looked very cold.

Chen Tianya was in a very complicated mood. If it weren't for Luo Jun's reminder, he would not have thought of going to Nian Ci and the others. If he didn't look for it, Chen Nianci and the others might have died in space...

Today, Chen Nianci is twenty-two years old and a handsome young man.

It was exactly the same as what Luo Jun remembered.

It's just that this Chen Nianci is extremely gloomy...

But that’s not his fault, because his experience was different.

Mo Yu is also twenty-one years old. He is tall and graceful, and is extremely beautiful.

She was still so quiet, as if she had been left in a corner by the world.

Before Chen Tianya could speak, Chen Nianci had already come out first.

They looked at Luo Jun together.

Chen Tianya spoke first and said calmly: "You are not welcome here."

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said: "I'm not here to do anything. I just think there are some things that should be said!" Then he looked at Chen Nianci and said: "Nianci, you know what happened between me and your father? How many?"

Chen Nianci's eyes were deep and cold, and he said, "My grandfather said you are not welcome here."

Luo Jun felt distressed and said: "Nianci, you can treat me as an enemy or a bad guy. But no matter what, if you talk to someone like me for a while, it will only help you and there will be no loss, right? "

Chen Nianci said: "If it weren't for you, my father would still be my father. It was you who forced him to split again and again, and finally he was completely lost!"

"You are wrong!" Luo Jun said: "The reason why I am standing here is because your father wants to destroy the three thousand universes and kill me and my family. Even if I don't show up, he will still go this road."

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