Super Security in the City

Chapter 4670: Formless

Chen Nianci looked at Luo Jun and said, "So do you want to educate me today?"

Luo Jun said: "Can we find a place to have a good talk?"

Chen Nianci hesitated and couldn't help but look at Chen Tianya who was standing aside. Chen Tianya knew that Luo Jun was determined to resolve Chen Nianci's knot, so he nodded and said, "Nianci, don't run away or be afraid."

Chen Nianci pondered for a moment and nodded immediately.

Later, Luo Jun took Chen Nianci to an island.

Luo Jun said: "Nianci, actually it doesn't matter to me how you feel about me. Your love and hate will not have any impact on me. I am not afraid that you will come to me in the future. Seeking revenge. Because my opponent is an existence that can break three thousand universes and make the three major temples fearful. How can I be afraid of you among the enemies? "

Chen Nianci knew that Luo Jun was telling the truth and said, "Yes, everything you said is true. But so what?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "My son is also called Nianci! When I look at you, I will think of him. You are all the same good children. I hope you can grow up happily."

Chen Nianci said: "You said it so lightly. If it were you, could you pretend that nothing happened?"

Luo Jun said: "No one asked you to pretend that nothing happened, but they didn't say that you should always be depressed, unhappy, and torture yourself." After a pause, he said: "You should know more about my life experience. Many of your father's earlier experiences were my experiences..."

Chen Nianci fell silent.

Luo Jun said: "You also need to understand that it was not me who made your father become like this. I also said that he would be like this whether I appeared or not. This was his personal stress response to danger...without me , as the King of Destiny, he will still face many dangers. After facing these dangers, he will still choose to split himself."

Chen Nianci looked at Luo Jun, but finally fell silent.

Luo Jun said: "I'd better tell you my story!" Then he talked about his personal experience. Of course, he didn't mention many love affairs, but focused on the things with his son Chen Nianci.

Later, he talked about his son's incomprehension, the crisis in the Imperial Tianzhou, Nianci was poisoned, and he rescued Nianci and was trapped in the Imperial Tianzhou. My father sacrificed his life to save others...

He also said that his son later married Xiao Ai and Bao'er, and established Tianya Palace and so on!

When Chen Nianci heard this, she was shocked and couldn't help but look at Luo Jun again: "Where is sister Xiaoyu?"

Luo Jun sighed.

Chen Nianci immediately asked anxiously: "What's wrong with her?"

Luo Jun said: "She is very good, you don't have to worry, but her heart is not with my son. Later, my son also saw this..."

Chen Nianci became decadent.

Luo Jun patted Chen Nianci on the shoulder and said: "Nianci, you are a very good child. In this universe, your responsibility is even greater. In the future, you must protect your mother, Bao'er, Xiao Ai and the others. You also Don’t you know? Your second uncle Qin, uncle, and uncle Fu are all no longer alive. "

"What?" Chen Nianci couldn't help but turn pale in horror after hearing this.

For a moment, I couldn't wait any longer and wanted to leave.

Luo Jun said: "I will leave the earth soon. After solving the problem of the ancient tribe, I will basically not appear on the earth in the future. You must cheer up, don't live for others, and live your own value. , do you know?"ωω

Chen Nianci was anxious, nodded, and then said: "Uncle Luo Jun, I have taken note of what you said today. Thank you for telling me so much. I will live a good life in the future!"

Then he left.

After Chen Nianci left, to Luo Jun's surprise, Mo Yu also came over.

Mo Yu's cultivation level is already very good, and now he has reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm, and is only one step away from the first level of the Creation Realm.

This time, Shen Mo Nong and his team were able to survive in space thanks to Mo Yu.

After Mo Yu arrived, he sat down in front of Luo Jun.

She said to Luo Jun: "A long time ago, I felt that something was wrong with my godfather. Later, I heard Grandpa Tianya say something about you..."

Luo Jun knew that Mo Yu was an extremely smart person, so he immediately said, "If you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

Mo Yu said: "I have thought about it for a long time. The reason why my godfather became like this is because of your appearance. But you appeared because my godfather forced you to have no way out. Right?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, he not only forced me to have no way out. I am just a small existence in the three thousand universes. He pushed the three thousand universes to the point of collapse, so the Temple of Time The supreme time had no choice but to cheat and let me come back to deal with him."

Mo Yu said: "So, it's not your problem that my godfather turned bad!" Luo Jun said: "I hope he is a good person. If he is a good person, then now, I should live a peaceful and happy life in my universe. life."

Mo Yu said: "It's exactly the same as I thought!"

Luo Jun looked at Mo Yu and felt that she was indeed very transparent.

Mo Yu continued: "What happened to me in your universe? How is she?"

Luo Jun's eyes became complicated.

Mo Yu's heart tightened and she said, "She's dead?"

Luo Jun hurriedly said: "No!" After a pause, he said: "It's just that I don't know whether I should say it, but there is an unusual connection between you and her. If I tell you, it shouldn't be a bad thing!"

Immediately, he told everything about Mo Yu in the main universe, the Holy Realm of the Inner Demon, pretending to be Bai Qing to accompany him, and finally waited...

Mo Yu fell into silence after hearing this. He didn't speak for a long time, as if he was in a daze.

Luo Jun didn't bother her, and knowing this was quite shocking to her.

After a long time, Mo Yu said: "Mr. Luo Jun, thank you for telling me these things."

Luo Jun said: "You are much luckier than my Xiaoyu. I hope you will be happy in the future."

Mo Yu nodded and said: "I will definitely do it!" After a pause, he said: "I don't have too many ideas or requirements in the future. I just want to protect my godmother and Nianci. As long as they are well, I will Happy."

Luo Jun said: "Protecting them is certainly your responsibility, but it is not the whole of your life!"

Mo Yu smiled slightly and said: "But this is the lifestyle I like!"

Luo Jun said: "That's good!"

After doing all this, Luo Jun left the earth without regrets.

Some distance after leaving the earth, Luo Jun asked the wormhole spirit to form a wormhole.

After three days and three nights, the wormhole was completely formed. Luo Jun led everyone through the wormhole quickly, and then jumped countless light years away...

In the void, the ancient thunder **** turned into an ancient thunder dragon and flew with lightning.

In the belly of the ancient thunder god, in the glazed jade pot...

Luo Jun, Wu Fei'er, Chen Ling and his wife, and Zhang Daoling confirmed the Taoism together...

Now Chen Ling's cultivation has reached the early stage of the ninth level of creation realm.

As for Dongfang Jing, it is much worse, at the sixth level of Creation Realm. But she has always been supportive.

While confirming, Chen Ling is also learning from Luo Jun's method of transforming three pure things into one spirit. Luo Jun also generously gave the Qi of the Three Purities to Chen Ling. However, the Qi of the Three Purities could not be learned just by wanting to learn it, so in the end he returned without success.

As for one Qi transforming into three pure beings, even though Chen Ling knew that his method was not authentic, he had practiced it to this point and found it difficult to change it.

The ship is in danger of turning around!

Half a year later, Luo Jun and his party finally secretly approached Supreme Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx.

Luo Jun's wormhole spirit is always waiting near the earth.

Although they are far apart, Luo Jun can still sense the wormhole soul from a distance and control the wormhole soul.

Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx are hiding in a secret purple nebula in the universe...

Luo Jun and others shuttled into the purple nebula, and they seemed to have entered a long corridor.

The corridor was surrounded by purple clouds. Among the purple clouds, thunder flashed and purple light suddenly became violent!

It was like walking in a wormhole, and suddenly it shook, and then it came to a blue sky and white clouds.

I only saw this place... whether it was in the sky or underground, there was blue sky and white clouds.

Very weird!

Looking carefully, there is a lake stretching across the sky in the middle...

It turns out that the blue sky and white clouds below are reflections.

Apart from that, there is nothing else!

Luo Jun asked Chen Ling and others to hide on the immortal platform of Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, and at the same time, he was already in a state of spiritual cultivation with Wu Fei'er.

It can be said that Luo Jun was already in his prime at this time.

He shouted to the sky: "Taiyi, Styx, I, Luo Jun, are already here, why are you still so timid and hiding your head and tail? If you have any means, use them all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, figures flickered in the void!

The first ones to appear were the Taiyi Supreme and the True Lord Styx.

There were four figures following closely behind.

The four figures all looked like human beings, but they were also strangely shaped. The only thing that is certain is that they are all old people...

The leader, the old man, has spikes on his back, a single horn on his forehead, and a pair of extremely large feet.

Most of the other three old men looked like this.

Anyway, in Luo Jun's eyes, these four old men all looked the same.

Along with the four old men came ten divine beasts. The ten divine beasts were extremely large, as if they were ten hills. Each divine beast has unparalleled huge energy. Some mythical beasts contain fire, some contain thunder, some contain strange dimensions, some contain poisonous gas, some are extremely crazy and powerful...

Luo Jun shot over with his spiritual thoughts, trying to get some information.

The four old men were restrained, but could not see anything. However, the ten mythical beasts revealed some information...

Luo Jun noticed that this place was called the phaseless realm!

These ten mythical beasts are all raised by four old men...

When Luo Jun saw this huge lineup, he was completely unfazed, because he knew that the other party must have been prepared without even thinking about it.

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