Super Security in the City

Chapter 4671: Holy Emperor

At this time, True Lord Styx was the first to speak, saying: "Luo Jun, Luo Jun, today I am going to use your old Chinese saying to describe you. There is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to **** and you just rush in." Come on!" After understanding Luo Jun's language, he was already familiar with Chinese culture.

Luo Jun said calmly: "Really?"

Taiyi Supreme stood by and said nothing.

True Monarch Styx said: "Let me introduce these four friends to you." But he pointed at the old man at the head and said: "This friend... is known as the Holy Emperor."

Luo Jun recognized the situation and immediately clasped his fists towards the Holy Emperor and said, "I, Luo Jun, have seen the Holy Emperor!"

The Holy Emperor was slightly surprised, but he also spoke in the Chinese language of the earth: "Little friend, I have heard about your ability. But you can't do anything without fail. It's too cruel for you to pursue you so relentlessly! "

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Thank you for your teachings, senior, but I believe in killing weeds without eradicating the roots. The spring breeze will bring new growth. After thinking about it, it is better to kill them."

A chill suddenly flashed in the eyes of the Holy Emperor, and he said: "You are indeed arrogant, then no wonder I am so ruthless."

Luo Jun said: "The matter has come to this, you must not show mercy." After a pause, he said: "However, there is no hatred between us. Seniors must consider the consequences if they want to intervene. Once you do it, you will be in trouble for ten thousand years." It would be a pity that your cultivation would be destroyed in one go!”

"What a boy!" At this time, Emperor Zhuotian next to Emperor Shengtian couldn't help but speak, and scolded: "My eldest brother kindly advised you, but you not only don't stop, but you are so arrogant. Come on, come on, let me see Let’s see what you are capable of.” After saying that, lightning suddenly struck.

I saw a golden bracelet appearing in his hand, with a golden bell on it. As his magic power activated, the golden bell burst out with dazzling light.

After that, he struck towards Luo Jun with a palm strike.

The golden bell quickly grew in size and crashed towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun took a quick look and saw endless golden light in the golden bell. Taking a closer look, you can see that the golden light in the golden bell is countless golden particles. Those golden particles are like an oven of heaven and earth, terrifying!

The divine power of this palm is very terrifying!

Emperor Zhuotian took action like this, and his strength was comparable to that of masters like Master Tongtian.

Luo Jun was not afraid, he just shouted!

The Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram immediately flew out and turned into a curtain to wrap the golden bell.

The moment it was wrapped, Luo Jun struck it with another palm

The divine power of Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram quickly wrapped around the golden bell and suppressed its use. If the divine power of mountains and rivers, the divine power of war souls, and the power of the magma world suppress it, no one will be able to stand up. In addition, Luo Jun came to kill the general with one palm, and immediately defeated all the power of Jin Lingdang.

Afterwards, Luo Jun grabbed the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram again. At the same time, the golden bell was thrown into the magma world. Not long after, the golden bell was burned by Luo Jun.

Poor Emperor Zhuotian is also a **** who dominates the universe. He has not encountered an opponent for many years. Today, as soon as he made a move, Luo Jun destroyed his weapon.

He wanted to explode and strike again. The Holy Emperor shouted hurriedly: "Second brother, please don't be reckless!"

Emperor Zhuotian had no choice but to endure it.

The remaining two Heavenly Emperors could not help but pale slightly when they saw how powerful Luo Jun was.

The Holy Emperor also said to Luo Jun: "My little friend's ability is indeed terrifying, but it would be too cruel for you to destroy my second brother's most precious innate bracelet."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "He attacked me first, and he deliberately took my life. If I don't kill him, it is already a great forgiveness."

The coldness in the eyes of the Holy Emperor was even worse.

True Lord Styx said in a deep voice: "Luo Jun, you don't need to show off your power too much. The reason why you are so powerful is because you have this magical magic weapon. If you are without the magic weapon..."

Luo Jun smiled at True Lord Styx and said: "You don't have to provoke the generals, even if you don't use magic weapons, but as long as you fight alone, I am not afraid of any of you. Especially you True Lord Styx... That's not a problem. You Do you want to give it a try?”

"You..." True Lord Styx was suddenly speechless.

Luo Jun said: "What am I? I'm a turtle!"

Taiyi Supreme spoke immediately and said: "Styx, if you don't fight with him, don't forget our purpose today!"

True Lord Styx reacted immediately, but then closed his mouth.

The Holy Heavenly Emperor and his entourage began to make eye contact with Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx.

Afterwards, the Holy Emperor said to Luo Jun: "It's already hard to be kind today..."

"I don't understand!" Luo Jun said, "I still have doubts in my mind. I hope seniors can clear them up."

The Holy Emperor was slightly startled and said, "What do you want to understand?"

Luo Jun said: "As the saying goes, everything in the world is bustling for profit. Everything in the world is bustling for profit! You are hiding here, why do you want to get involved in this dispute and end up losing your life? Taiyi and Ming What benefit has the river given you that is more precious than your lives?”

The Holy Emperor's face became more and more manic, and he said: "Little friend, you are too sharp, but you must be aware that your strength is easy to break. The four of us are here, and we have these ten formless beasts, as well as the help of Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx. That's it. The lineup, I am afraid that no one in the entire universe can match it. Why do you think you will definitely win, and we will definitely die? In my opinion, killing you is just a piece of cake! I know that you are very conceited. But I tell you that you know nothing about my formless world and formless realm."

"Oh..." Luo Jun said immediately: "Senior said it like this, and I will understand. You think it is easy to kill me. Secondly, Taiyi and Styx promised you the ancient cultivation method. Just like Styx previously Just like tempting Xuan Zhenghao, he also promised to help find a master to sacrifice his body so that you will not lose your human emotions."

At this time, the third brother named Emperor Qiongtian spoke. Emperor Qiongtian said: "You are indeed smart, that's the truth! So now, prepare to die!"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay, my head is here. If you are able, come and get it!"

At that moment, the Holy Emperor's eyes flashed with light, and he shouted: "Okay!" Then, he joined hands with Emperor Zhuo, Emperor Qiong, and finally Emperor Wu.

"In the formless realm, heaven and earth are reversed, there is no self and no other, no heaven and no earth!"

The four great emperors recited the incantation together. In an instant, the lake water on the ground rose into the sky, and the surrounding blue sky and white clouds turned into clouds of fire.

The fire clouds rolled, merged with the clear lake water, and finally evaporated endless white gas...

White mist evaporated instantly, turning the entire area into white.


At that moment, Luo Jun's mind went blank. His spiritual consciousness swept past, and there was nothingness and blankness in all directions. No one could be seen, and no one could be seen leaving...

This is the formless realm where heaven and earth are reversed, where there is no self or other, no sky, no earth, no sentient beings!

Luo Jun also changed extremely quickly at this moment, quickly driving the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

Then, the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map turned into a huge curtain, covering his entire body.

No matter what your nonsense is.


Emperor Zhuotian hated Luo Jun the most, so he took the lead in attacking and stabbed Luo Jun with his sword.

Originally in the phaseless realm, Luo Jun could not sense attacks from around him. By the time you notice it, it will be a little later. At the same time, it is unable to operate the peripheral magnetic field power.

It's just that Luo Jun's Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram formed a curtain. When Emperor Zhuotian's sword came to kill, the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram sensed it in advance, then unfolded the star space formation, and quickly wrapped Emperor Zhuotian into the formation. Then, Luo Jun also mobilized the world of mountains and rivers and led Emperor Zhuo into the world of mountains and rivers.

In that world of mountains and rivers, Chen Ling had already used the great prophecy technique!

At this time, the entire world of mountains and rivers is dominated by great prophecy.

The Great Prophecy Technique also contains the Great Gene Technique, so even Emperor Zhuotian must be controlled by it.

At the same time, Zhang Daoling and Dongfang Jing also worked from Sendai to provide Chen Ling with magical support. Not only that, Luo Jun also mobilizes his divine power to support Chen Ling at any time...

So after Emperor Zhuotian came in to kill the general, he felt that something was very wrong around him.

He couldn't move even if he wanted to. He had actually lost control of his body.

The moment Emperor Zhuotian took action, Emperor Shengtian and others were also busy...

The Holy Emperor came to kill him with a palm from a distance. Luo Jun used the star space formation to receive him, and introduced the power of his palm into the space crystal for digestion.

At the same time, ten divine beasts also came to kill him.

Luo Jun used the star formation to **** them all into the world of mountains and rivers.

Although the ten divine beasts were extremely powerful, they were quickly suppressed after entering the world of mountains and rivers. ωω

However, it was quite difficult for Zhang Daoling and others to help Luo Jun control these people at this time.

This kind of great prophecy also requires mana support and forms a mana competition. If the opponent's mana is too high, the Great Prophecy cannot suppress it.

At this time, the world of mountains and rivers can no longer withstand any more attacks. Any more and it will collapse!

Luo Jun knew what was going on, so he asked Chen Ling and his team to deal with the mythical beasts and Emperor Zhuotian in the world of mountains and rivers first.

The Holy Emperor, the Poor Emperor and the Wutian Emperor were also horrified at this time.

Because their brother Zhuotian Emperor suddenly disappeared out of thin air... and ten powerful divine beasts also disappeared directly. Originally, these ten divine beasts were very brave and terrifying in the formless realm, but they disappeared inexplicably and quietly.

Taiyi Supreme, True Lord Styx didn't dare to carry it, so he also took action against Luo Jun.

The Holy Emperor, the Poor Heaven Emperor, and the Wutian Emperor took a deep breath, and then attacked Luo Jun together.

Luo Jun did not dare to underestimate him, and quickly swung the War Soul Divine Axe, and fired out the Flame Divine Palm continuously. Rumble…

After striking out several palms in a row, the battle with the Holy Emperor and his entourage was immediately turned upside down, the space shook, and the phaseless realm rolled like a landslide and tsunami.

Luo Jun barely blocked this first wave of attacks and did not lose.

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