Super Security in the City

Chapter 4672: enter the dragon

The world of mountains and rivers can originally withstand certain attacks and convert the attacks into power. But that's not possible at the moment, because Chen Ling is using the Great Prophecy Technique...

At the same time, even if Chen Ling did not use this great prophecy technique, it would be difficult for Luo Jun to transform the power of so many masters. In the final analysis, Shanhe World is a filter, and it will definitely not work if it is overloaded.

The Taiyi Supreme and the True Lord Styx knew that their Tianyou particles were what Luo Jun was afraid of. The space crystal can contain a lot of power, but when Tianyou particles enter it, it will cause chaos. Therefore, the two men attacked more fiercely at this time, with the intention of disrupting Luo Jun's space power.

How could Luo Jun not know that when faced with the attacks of Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx, he immediately sent out two battle soul divine palms to repel them. After Luo Jun each captured one-third of the true body particles of these two guys, their strength was greatly reduced. Now it is easier for Luo Jun to deal with them.

Afterwards, the Holy Emperor and others also attacked and killed one after another.

At their level, all magic, illusions, and various sword formations and killings have no effect.

The most effective way is to gather all the divine power and then use the strongest avenue to kill!

Facing the attacks of these three Heavenly Emperors, Luo Jun immediately moved the star space formation to absorb their power into the space crystal.

In the space crystal, the divine power of the three heavenly emperors violently blasted away, and the laws of the great avenue shattered everything.

In an instant, huge waves surged inside the space crystal.

Even if the space crystal is extremely powerful, it is impossible to digest the power of the three emperors for a long time.

At the moment, it can only be suppressed reluctantly.


The three Heavenly Emperors, Taiyi Supreme and True Monarch Styx rushed over like crazy.

Luo Jun used the power of the magma world and the war spirit world to resist Taiyi Supreme and the True Lord Styx. He also used space crystals to absorb the power of the three Heavenly Emperors...

For a while, a short-term balance was formed.

Luo Jun could only be grateful that he had stored a lot of vitality and strength in the magma world and the fighting spirit world. Therefore, the magma world and the fighting spirit world can still help him a lot. Otherwise, with his pure strength, he would be far from being a match for Taiyi Supreme.

At this moment, there are battles and hardships!

While Luo Jun was dealing with the masters, he also had to pay attention to the situation on Chen Ling's side.

He found that Chen Ling had basically controlled Emperor Zhuotian and the ten divine beasts. If given some more time, he could kill the ten divine beasts and even Emperor Zhuotian.

The competition now is their own endurance. If Luo Jun's side collapses, everything will be over!

Luo Jun didn't bring the wormhole soul here, so he couldn't use the Dharma of Heaven and Earth and the ultimate sword from the east.

To perform magical arts such as the laws of heaven and earth, all your strength and mind must be united. Without the wormhole soul, Luo Jun's body is still lacking...

At the same time, Luo Jun also knew in his heart that he had to change his strategy.

If you keep fighting hard like this, you really don't have an advantage. He also found that he seemed to have entered a misunderstanding...

Because my strength has been too strong recently, no matter what master I encounter, I will not shy away from it.

This is bad!

So, change immediately.

When the three heavenly emperors came to kill, their left hands rotated the magma world, forming a sea of ​​fire and quicksand.

The right hand circulates the world of fighting souls, forming a long river of fighting souls...

In any case, it is to delay the opponent's attack with huge divine power.

After the power of the three Heavenly Emperors, Taiyi Supreme and True Monarch Styx came in, they immediately passed through the sea of ​​fire and quicksand.

Of course, the sea of ​​fire and quicksand cannot trap it, and it will be broken into pieces after a short while.

Later, their divine power entered the river of fighting souls.

Divine power keeps advancing in the long river of fighting souls, breaking all laws.

Finally, after Luo Jun waited for their strength to be weakened, he immediately operated the star space array to accommodate them into the space crystal.

Among the space crystals, everyone's attacks were already very weak. Luo Jun immediately used his divine power to suppress and resolve it.

As for the attacks from Taiyi Supreme and True Lord Styx, Luo Jun slapped his palms twice to scatter them.

boom! boom! boom!

The three Heavenly Emperors attacked and killed more and more fiercely, as if they didn't want money.

Luo Jun continued to defend.

No matter how the three Heavenly Emperors, Supreme Supreme Taiyi and True Monarch Styx came to kill them, they were all invincible for a while.

But at this time, Luo Jun also felt the pressure.

If he hadn't deliberately wanted to eliminate this group of people, Luo Jun would not have adopted this strenuous method of fighting.

He had already gathered all his strength and took the opportunity to leave.

He wanted to leave, but no one could stop him.


At this moment, Chen Ling finally killed all ten divine beasts.

Then, he said to the Zhuotian Emperor: "God said, you will perish!"

The terrifying purifying power was all suppressed on Emperor Zhuotian. A look of horror flashed in Emperor Zhuotian's eyes, and he felt that no matter how hard he tried to resist, he could not stop the coldness that chilled his heart.

He felt that his feet were melting, and then his legs...

Little by little, I feel like my body is being swallowed up and corrupted...

Unable to resist!

He wanted to roar, but he couldn't roar out...

In the end, he was purified in the world of great prophecy, and even the ashes disappeared.

After destroying Emperor Zhuotian and the ten divine beasts, Chen Ling immediately said to Luo Jun: "Let another one in."

Luo Jun was refreshed.

The formless realm has always trapped Luo Jun, so Luo Jun cannot travel freely in the formless realm.

While resisting the attacks of the masters, he sneered loudly: "Holy Emperor, you are really as stupid as a pig. Now your ten beasts and your brother have been killed by me. I may not be able to kill Taiyi and Ming today. He, but killing you three idiots is not a big problem. I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be killed next!"

The three Emperors of Shengtian had already sensed that their brother Emperor Zhuotian was dead, and knew that what Luo Jun said was true. They were momentarily shocked and confused.

Taiyi Supreme saw that the attacks of the Holy Emperor and the three men were slowing down, and immediately said: "Luo Jun is at the end of his strength. If he continues to attack fiercely now, he will die. Brother Holy Brother, we have paid such a huge price, are we all going to fall short now?" ?"

"You have a lifespan of countless tens of thousands of years... Now you actually sacrifice your lives for this so-called eternal life. Is it worth it?" Luo Jun laughed sharply, and then said: "Holy Emperor, I am too lazy to talk to you, come in and **** big breasts." Purify it!”

After saying that, he grabbed part of the curtain of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map and stretched out his big hand!

The curtain was a world of its own, like a big ball covering Luo Jun inside. At this time, everyone saw a large handprint formed of white cloth peeking out from the curtain. The big mudra is grabbing at the Holy Emperor...

The Holy Emperor was afraid for no reason and quickly retreated.

At this time, the attacks of the three emperors had slowed down, and the pressure on Luo Jun was greatly reduced.

Now that the Holy Emperor has retreated, Luo Jun is relatively relaxed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Supreme Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx immediately roared and killed them, truly desperate.

Luo Jun snorted coldly, but he used the star space array to absorb the Tianyou particles of the two people, and then let the Tianyou particles enter the space crystal.

These Tianyou particles are not their true body particles, so they are much less harmful.

Anyway, Luo Jun doesn't need to gather everyone's strength, so he will let Tianyou Particles go in and cause harm.

In a short period of time, nothing can change the situation.

The Mahamudra killer will go out, and the Holy Emperor retreats.

Luo Jun missed the opportunity and then went to catch Qiongtian Emperor with his backhand.

Emperor Qiongtian was also afraid and quickly retreated.

Luo Jun went to capture Emperor Wutian again.

Emperor Wutian saw that his two brothers were running away. How could he not be afraid? Back quickly…

Suddenly, only Tai Yi Supreme and True Lord Styx came to attack.

Luo Jun simply locked the two of them, ran the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram and swooped at them, and then shrouded them into the world of mountains and rivers.


After these two guys entered the world of mountains and rivers, Chen Ling's pressure immediately increased.

What's even worse is that these two guys don't belong to most of the creatures in the universe. The Great Gene Technique and the Great Prophecy Technique are almost ineffective in suppressing them.

This was something Luo Jun didn't expect.

Chen Ling also changed very quickly. He quickly removed the power of the great prophecy and returned the initiative of the mountain and river world to Luo Jun.

Previously, the reason why Chen Ling was able to deal with Emperor Zhuotian and the ten divine beasts was, firstly, because of his own great prophecy and great genetic skills, and secondly, because of the powerful divine power stored by Luo Jun in the world of mountains and rivers.

Now, Chen Ling, Zhang Daoling, and Dongfang Jing quickly went to Sendai to deliver divine power to the world of mountains and rivers.

As for the small amount of Tianyou particles in the space crystal, they were quickly defeated by Luo Jun. As long as they are not true body particles, the other Tianyou particles are still easy to deal with. When fighting against the Spirit Lord before, it was because the True Lords were trapped inside that it finally led to a certain degree of collapse. ωω

Luo Jun quickly used the divine power of mountains and rivers to kill Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx.

Suddenly, in the world of mountains and rivers, countless divine fists came to kill him. Supreme Supreme Taiyi and True Lord Styx did not dare to slack off at all and resisted with all their might.

At this time, most of Luo Jun's energy was in this world of mountains and rivers.

But the Holy Emperor and others did not know the truth behind this. Luo Jun pretended to be relaxed to the outside world, and suddenly turned the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram into a black cloak and put it on his body.

The formless realm still exists.

Emperor Shengtian and others did not take the initiative to attack.

Luo Jun shouted to the Holy Emperor and others in a cold voice: "Holy Emperor, if I didn't intend to kill Taiyi and Styx today, you wouldn't be able to trap me with all your tricks. Even now, if I want to leave, I can't. People can stop you. You took the initiative to attack me today, which was originally a bad cause, but I have also killed one of your brothers. This grudge can be written off. The premise is that you retreat...otherwise, don't blame me for doing anything to you in the future. You launch an endless pursuit. Taiyi and Styx are so afraid of me with their immortal bodies. Do you three brothers think you are stronger than them? I am now at the critical moment to suppress them. If you still want to kill them I, I will let them go today and leave. But you have to think about the consequences. You have to think about whether you want to become my enemy, or turn your hostility into friendship."

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