Super Security in the City

Chapter 4674: Return to eternal life

After Luo Jun read the letter, his melancholy became even more profound.

I just feel that this universe is very big and very small at the same time. What is the relationship between myself and this universe? Are you considered a person in this universe? Why is everything so clearly divided?

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, and the poem suddenly appeared in his mind.

Whoever abandons me will not be able to retain yesterday’s day!

The Ancient God of Thunder carried Luo Jun and his party forward with lightning in the void. The purpose of this trip was to find Wusheng. To enter the gate of eternal life again through immortality, the gate of eternal life is like a super computer that can check everything in the universe.

Wu Fei'er told everyone that her godfather Wu Yongsheng has been approaching her, not too far from the earth. You can find it in just a few days!

This news excited everyone.

Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Ling, his wife and Zhang Daoling knew that they could enter the door of eternal life, and their hearts were racing and excited!

No matter how advanced their cultivation is and how broad their knowledge is, they still find it difficult to calm down when facing this legendary door to eternal life.

It is worth mentioning that the True Lord Lingluo and the True Lord Niwu were also brought along by Xuan Zhenghao.

Normally, Xuan Zhenghao would strictly control True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness, not giving them a chance to appear!

In the glass jade pot, everyone discusses the Tao together during the day, and at night they live in their own precepts.

Everyone has his or her own villa.

In the evening, Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er talked about the letter that Suzhen Heiyi left for him. He said to Wu Fei'er: "Qingchen is no longer alive, Zi Yi is far away, and Su Su is far away. I know that although they are them, they are not the people who have shared the same experience with me. But many times, I still endure it. I can't help but want to pursue them. Before I met you, I often felt lonely. When I was lonely, I wanted to catch them. Fortunately, they are all sober. "

Wu Fei'er understood Luo Jun's mood and hugged him quietly, wanting to give him the greatest warmth.

The man in front of me has extraordinary abilities!

He is dedicated to the public good and wants to solve the crisis of the universe.

But in the dead of night, he still has his vulnerability.

No matter what, he is a living person of flesh and blood.

Wu Fei'er felt that what he said was unnecessary, so he just murmured softly: "Even if the world lasts forever and the seas dry up and the rocks rot, I will always be by your side. No matter what happens, I will never leave you voluntarily."

Luo Jun's body trembled, and he felt so warm inside.

So, he took the initiative to hug her back, and then kissed her beautiful red lips.

After the passion, Luo Jun felt much better again. The melancholy and loneliness also disappeared.

The two lay on the bed and discussed the next route.

Luo Jun feels that the most important thing at the moment is the Tears of Hidden Flowers. Only by finding the Tears of Hidden Flowers can we do the next steps.

Wu Fei'er agreed.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly: "I don't think the Tears of Hidden Flowers can be obtained so smoothly."

Wu Fei'er said: "No matter if it goes smoothly or not, we will do our best to do it anyway. As for whether we can stop Chen Hongmeng and save the three thousand universes in the end, that is the arrangement of God and fate. We have no regrets. Can!"

Luo Jun was slightly surprised. After thinking about it carefully, he felt suddenly enlightened. He pinched her cheek with his hand and said, "Ha, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so understanding."

Wu Fei'er suddenly felt dissatisfied. She turned over and pressed on him, pinched his nose and said, "Humph, I've always been smart, okay?"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Okay, okay, you are smart. Our Fei'er is the smartest person in the world!"

Wu Fei'er then let go of his nose and said, "That's pretty much it." After a pause, he said, "It's just that your words sounded like curses."

After the two played around for a while, Luo Jun felt much more relaxed.

The universe is so vast and boundless, and walking alone in it would be terrifyingly lonely. Luo Jun is so grateful to have a confidante like Wu Fei'er by his side. She understands everything about him...ωω

At this moment, he felt that Wu Fei'er was a gift from God to him!

"Actually, there is one more thing!" Wu Fei'er said again: "Did you forget about the Eternal Star Territory?"

Luo Jun was startled for a moment, and then said: "I have not forgotten the Eternal Star Territory, it's just that things have priorities."

Wu Fei'er said: "When you went to the Eternal Star Territory, you basically changed the blood of the Eternal Star Territory. Many people died among them. These are things that should have happened on the timeline, but I didn't know that you If we don’t go now, what will happen to the Eternal Star Territory? Can the timeline be handled?”

Luo Jun thought for a while and said: "Anyway, we are going to the Gate of Eternal Life this time. Let's ask about the Cloud of Life and Death after we go there!"

Wu Fei'er nodded.

A few days later, everyone finally met Wusheng on a Death Star.

Luo Jun and others stepped forward, and Wu Fei'er was the first to step forward and hug Wu Shengsheng, with tears in his eyes, and shouted: "Godfather!"

Wu Shengsheng was also very excited... He didn't seem much older than Wu Fei'er. But in fact, Wu Fei'er was brought up by him, and the relationship between father and daughter is no less than that between their biological children.

After a while, Wu Fei'er introduced Zhang Daoling, Chen Ling and his wife, and Xuan Zhenghao to Wu Yongsheng.

Finally, he shyly introduced Luo Jun and said, "Godfather, my daughter has secretly made a lifelong commitment to Luo Jun."

Luo Jun immediately said: "Greetings to my father-in-law!"

Wu Changsheng was not surprised by this. When he asked Wu Fei'er to follow Luo Jun, he knew what his daughter was thinking. Now seeing that they have turned out to be a good thing, he is naturally happy. He smiles and says, "Luo Jun, don't let Fei'er down in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Luo Jun said: "My son-in-law doesn't dare!"

Then, Wu Shengsheng also met with Zhang Daoling and others.

In front of everyone, Wusheng is the absolute senior. Whether it is cultivation or age, this is undisputed.

In fact, Wu Fei'er was older than Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Ling and his wife. It's just that Naihe followed a junior Luo Jun, so he could only regard Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Ling as his seniors.

Everyone exchanged greetings first...

After that, Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er also told Wu Yongsheng about the things on earth.

Wusheng was also surprised when he learned that Xuan Zhenghao had become a Taikoo clan.

Zhang Daoling couldn't help but said: "Mr. Wu also knows about the Taikoo clan?"

Wusheng nodded and said: "There is a way to eternal life in eternal life. What the Taikoo clan pursues is eternal life, so I know about the Taikoo clan. However, the Taikoo clan's immortality is really cruel and cruel."

Chen Ling said: "It's just that after being sacrificed by masters, the Taikoo tribe will regain the seven emotions and six desires of human beings."

Wu Yongsheng said: "Eternal life is actually always a false proposition. If the Ancient Clan wants to truly live forever, they must always be in the Star Gate Forbidden Area. Look at the Taiyi Supreme and others, after they come out of the Star Gate Forbidden Area, don't they? Die faster?"

Luo Jun said: "That's true!"

Wusheng said again: "If we as Taoists don't pursue the Tao too much, our lifespan would be endless. Who has ever seen a Taoist who dies of old age?"

Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "Mr. Wu's words are truly insightful!"

Everyone continued to discuss for a while, and then Wu Shengsheng and Wu Feier went to chat alone. Luo Jun knew that his father and daughter had not seen each other for a long time and they should be given time alone, so he did not bother them.

Four hours later, Wu Fei'er returned to Luo Jun's Jie Xumi Villa.

Luo Jun was meditating cross-legged. After Wu Fei'er came back, the two of them lay on the bed.

Wu Fei'er said: "I told my godfather that time is urgent. We will shuttle to the Gate of Eternal Life tomorrow morning." Luo Jun also thought that the sooner the better, but was too embarrassed to bring it up. Now I feel even more caring about Wu Fei'er...

The next day, Wu Yongsheng glanced at everyone before opening the eternal wormhole and said: "The Gate of Eternal Life is an absolute secret in the universe. I have never even sent Fei'er in before. I just feel that fewer people should know about the Gate of Eternal Life." The better... This time, I just wanted to send Fei'er and Luo Jun there. But Fei'er kept begging me to bring you all with me... It's not to sell this favor to you. I just hope that you will take good care of my Fei'er in the future. Some, like this... It's not in vain for me to risk the disgrace of the world.

Zhang Daoling and others were immediately moved and grateful after hearing this...

So they all said that they would take more care of Wu Fei'er in the future!

Poor parents in the world, Wu Fei'er's cultivation level is already high, and she is Luo Jun's wife, so her safety factor is already very high. But Wu Shengsheng still thinks that the more people can protect Wu Fei'er, the better... I always hope that everyone around my daughter will love and protect my daughter...

Wu Fei'er's eyes suddenly turned red...

Luo Jun was also surprised, because Wu Fei'er never mentioned a word to him about this matter!

He also knew that Wu Fei'er had no feelings for Chen Ling and others. The reason why he was like this was completely out of love for Wu Fei'er!

The eternal wormhole will soon open...

Everyone quickly traveled through the eternal wormhole.

Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er had already told everyone about the many secrets of the Gate of Eternal Life, so everyone was familiar with it this time.

After entering the Gate of Eternal Life, Luo Jun first returned the Tongtian Universe Network.

Then, Luo Jun asked Wu Fei'er to find his favorite magic weapon. When the time comes, take it and give it to yourself, and help her take it out.

Wu Fei'er didn't want to. She hoped that Luo Jun could choose a magical weapon that would be very helpful.

Both of them were thinking of each other.

Chen Ling and others are currently swimming in the Gate of Eternal Life...exploring various mysteries.

Chen Ling also wanted to get a few more magic weapons, and wondered if he could let the souls take them as he had a few souls. Finally, I asked the cloud of birth and death, and the answer was no.

Even Luo Jun couldn't.

Because Luo Jun's soul and body are one...

The reason why Chen Hongmeng can use his clones is because his clones are considered independent clones.

If Luo Jun's Yuan Shen is independent for a long enough time and is completely separated from Luo Jun's Yuan Shen, it can be regarded as independent.

But the current situation is that Luo Jun can take the two souls into his body at any time.

Chen Hongmeng is different. It's like the relationship between a boss and his subordinates. He has always controlled these subordinates, but there is no way to **** these subordinates into his body, unless he breaks the subordinates into pieces...

Xuan Zhenghao also arrived at the Gate of Eternal Life for the first time. He did not give Zhenjun Lingluo and Zhenjun Wu a chance to explore, and suppressed the two Zhenjuns in his own Tianyou particles.

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