Super Security in the City

Chapter 4675: Sword Art Online

Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er came to the cloud of life and death at the Gate of Eternal Life respectively. Luo Jun calmed down and the first thing he did was to care about Chen Hongmeng.

The Cloud of Life and Death shows that Chen Hongmeng’s current cultivation level is at the sixth level of Creation Realm...

"It was only the fourth level before, how long has it been now? I haven't experienced any hardships, so how come my cultivation has grown so fast?" Luo Jun was shocked and puzzled.

He explores why.

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that the reason why Chen Hongmeng practiced quickly was because Chen Hongmeng could calculate everything. At the point where Chen Hongmeng is, he is ruthless and absolutely calm about everything. It's like a super scary high-precision machine...

At the same time, Chen Hongmeng also strengthened the power of fate by constantly devouring clones and so on, and used the power of fate as nutrition, thus getting twice the result with half the effort!

In other words, Chen Hongmeng doesn't need any chance at all.

"According to Chen Hongmeng's progress, how long will it take to reach Half Saint?" Luo Jun asked the Cloud of Life and Death again.

The Cloud of Life and Death is actually similar to a supercomputer. It collects information from the entire universe and then performs calculations.

After Luo Jun asked the question, the cloud of life and death also gave the answer.

According to Chen Hongmeng's progress, it will take at least two hundred years to reach Semi-Saint.

Of course, this premise is that Chen Hongmeng does not get any adventure.

Calculating this thing is based on existing conditions, but unknown accidents cannot be calculated.

After finding out that it was two hundred years, Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked himself when he could become a semi-saint under normal cultivation conditions and with unlimited pills.

The Cloud of Life and Death also quickly gave the answer!

Under normal circumstances, it would take a thousand years to become a Semi-Saint without the supplement of elixirs.

When Luo Jun saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

But he soon felt relieved and realized that he needed too many pills. Moreover, the daily consumption is also high, so it is really difficult to break through. Unlike the pervert Chen Hongmeng, who can obtain sufficient nutrition through the powerful power of fate by devouring his own clones.

Chen Hongmeng is like a farmer with many fields. Not only can he be self-sufficient, but he can also use the excess to improve his cultivation.

Luo Jun is just a farmer with a few acres of land... Although he is self-sufficient, he has very little surplus...

The Cloud of Life and Death then also gave how long it would take to reach the Half-Saint if the elixir was enough.

The answer is... ten years!

In other words, as long as there are enough elixirs, one can reach Semi-Sainthood in ten years.

Luo Jun couldn't help but be ecstatic.

If this is possible, he can quickly reach the Half-Saint, learn the Grand Calculation Gene Technique, and then go to intercept Chen Hongmeng and kill him.

But the elixir?

He asked the Cloud of Life and Death how to turn the Cloud of Life and Death into the Fruit of Immortality without the Great Fate Technique.

The answer to the cloud of birth and death is... no solution!

He also told Luo Jun that the important condition for turning the Cloud of Life and Death into the Fruit of Immortality was not the Great Fate Technique, but the Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seed. ωω

Luo Jun asked again if he could find something similar to the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds.

There is an answer, but it is in a very far away place, and it would take hundreds of years to come and go.

And if you go, maybe that thing has been taken away by someone else.

So this is simply not feasible.

Luo Jun asked again where he could find enough pills.

The answer is on the Taicang star...Taicang star is five million light years away.

There are 10 million light years between Taicang Star and the Infinite Star Field!

If Luo Jun ran to Taicang Star, it would take more than a hundred years to go to the Infinite Star Territory. And this hundred years can only be reached under the most ideal conditions...

So this is obviously not possible.

Neither the east nor the west worked, which made Luo Jun a little frustrated.

However, Luo Jun quickly cheered up, and then asked the Cloud of Life and Death to calculate the next situation in the Eternal Star Territory.

This kind of calculation is not very easy to calculate. Luo Jun set a condition, which is how the judgment of the Eternal Star Territory will develop in the end without him going there.

The Cloud of Life and Death quickly gave the answer. The Eternal Star Territory will always live under the high pressure of the Judgment Office...until 10,000 years later, the Judgment Office will suffer civil strife and eventually collapse.

There won’t be any big problems here in the Eternal Star Territory.

After seeing this evolution, Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that if I don’t go, the sky won’t fall, so that’s good.

He didn't understand why the consequences would be so serious if the spiritual master was allowed to come on earth?

Is it really because the earth is so blessed?


Anyway, now that the spiritual master problem has been solved, Luo Jun doesn't want to get too entangled.

After figuring out the above issues, Luo Jun became concerned about the situation of Tears of Hidden Flowers.

It was Wu Shengsheng who sent Shang Xuan and Yang Hong to Tama Star to retrieve the Tears of Hidden Flowers...

Luo Jun first tracked the Tears of Hidden Flowers... The results showed that the Tears of Hidden Flowers were no longer on the Tama Star. The Tears of Hidden Flowers are not on Shang Xuan and Yang Hong at the same time...

Luo Jun followed Shang Xuan and Yang Hong.

The results showed that it only took Shang Xuan and Yang Hong half a year to reach the Tama Planet. Although the two went to get the Tears of Hidden Flowers, it was not smooth. They also experienced some twists and turns and fought against some masters on the Tama Planet. But in the end, both Shang Xuan and Yang Hong won. They got the Tears of Hidden Flowers and then wanted to return.

The Tears of Hidden Flowers were originally hidden deep in the star core of Star Tama. When the Tears of Hidden Flowers were taken out, it seemed to alarm some people.

Shang Xuan and Yang Hong were intercepted by a group of experts on their way back...

The expert claimed to be from the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and came to take away the Tears of Hidden Flowers on the order of the empress.

Shang Xuan and Yang Hong refused, so they started fighting with the four masters. The cultivation level of the four masters is not higher than that of Shang Xuan and Yang Hong, but the swords in their hands are very powerful.

Every time they draw a sword, they can activate the sword intention of the universe. In the end, the four masters worked together to unleash the ninth sword of the Heavenly Sword God Realm...

As soon as the ninth sword came out, thousands of swords were fired in the void, with a mighty and majestic force, as if the heaven and earth collapsed and the stars exploded...

This ninth sword has endless changes. The simultaneous attack of ten thousand swords is just the beginning, and it has transformed into the Divine Sword of Time, the Divine Sword of the Void, the Divine Sword of Shattering and so on!

It kept entangling and changing, and finally killed Shang Xuan and Yang Hong in the ninth sword.

At this point, the Tears of Hidden Flowers also fell on the four masters of the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

"Heavenly Sword God Realm..." Luo Jun couldn't help clenching his fists. These idiots, isn't this a big deal for me? For your selfish desires, if Chen Hongmeng succeeds in destroying three thousand universes in the future, you will be broken together!

Luo Jun began to understand the situation in Tianjian Divine Realm.

It turns out that many things in this universe have their origins.

Swords have sword ancestors, and swords also have sword ancestors!

The place where the Heavenly Sword Divine Realm is located was originally a void. One day, a heavenly sword appeared and came to this void, and then attracted Death Stars from all directions to gather together.

The Heavenly Sword exudes infinite sword power and builds the Death Star into the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

In the Heavenly Sword Divine Realm, every master practices swordsmanship.

Above the highest, there is a divine realm. In the divine domain, there were originally four great emperors who each led their own empires...but later a woman named Ye Liuli unified the four empires. From then on, Ye Liuli became the Liuli Empress, also known as the Queen.

The four empires have now become four cities.

After Empress Liuli unified the four empires, she collectively called them the Divine Realm.

In this universe, there is not only the Heavenly Sword God Realm, but also the Immortal Sword Realm.

However, the Immortal Sword Realm and the Heavenly Sword God Realm are countless light years apart, but they do not know each other's existence.

Luo Jun also learned that in the sky above the Heavenly Sword God Realm, the Heavenly Sword hangs in the sky, and for so many years, it has been releasing the divine power of the sword energy into the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

The sword energy around Tianjian has turned into a purple cloud-like existence, and no one can get close to Tianjian.

However, there have been exceptions over the years, and that is Empress Liuli.

According to legend, in the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, there is a kind of swordsmanship called the Heavenly Sword Dao!

There are ten swords in total in Tianjian Dao!

By refining the ninth sword, one can run rampant in the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

The four great emperors of the four great empires in the Heavenly Sword God's Domain have all practiced to the tenth sword... and only those who have practiced the tenth sword can be called emperors.

But the Liuli Empress actually refined one more sword, which she called the eleventh sword.

But there is still doubt as to whether the Eleventh Sword actually exists.

Because almost no one has seen it. But according to legend, Empress Liuli defeated four great emperors with the eleventh sword, thus establishing her status as the absolute empress.

Luo Jun is in this door of eternal life, so he can naturally see everything.

He discovered that Empress Liuli had really perfected the Eleventh Sword.

The eleventh sword merges with the Heavenly Sword to form a human sword. At a critical moment, the Liuli Empress can even grab the Heavenly Sword and kill someone. Therefore, in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, the Empress is absolutely invincible.

Now, the Tears of Hidden Flowers have fallen on Empress Liuli.

The reason why the Liuli Empress wanted the Tears of Hidden Flowers was because she wanted to use the Tears of Hidden Flowers to create another Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword in the sky cannot be taken out of the Heavenly Sword God Realm. Once it is taken away, the entire Heavenly Sword God Realm will collapse.

Luo Jun quickly investigated and found that the Liuli Empress had not yet found a way to crack the Tears of Hidden Flowers. She had to force out the tears inside the Tears of Hidden Flowers. But now, if you forcefully break the Tears of Hidden Flowers, the tears of Tears of Hidden Flowers will be destroyed.

Luo Jun didn't expect that there would be such a problem here, so he asked the Cloud of Life and Death how to break the Tears of Hidden Flowers.

The answer will come out quickly, and the yin and yang divine power can break through it.

Luo Jun asked the Cloud of Life and Death to evaluate how the showdown between him and Empress Liuli would turn out...

The answer is that in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, he is no match. Leaving the Heavenly Sword God Realm, Empress Liuli was no match.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Luo Jun was speechless. If he wanted to get the Tears of Hidden Flowers, he would definitely have to enter the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

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