Super Security in the City

Chapter 4676: conceal something

The Gate of Eternal Life is an absolutely mysterious place. There are only a few people in the universe who can come to the Gate of Eternal Life. Luo Jun was able to come several times thanks to the memories and experiences he had in the main universe.

At this moment, Luo Jun felt a headache when he saw that he was no match for Empress Liuli after entering the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

Fortunately, we are still in the Gate of Eternal Life, so we can still find a way to crack it through the Cloud of Life and Death. He asked, how can he defeat the Liuli Empress in the Heavenly Sword God Realm?

The answer is to make the twelfth sword.

Luo Jun almost vomited blood when he saw this answer... How could he have so much time to do all this mess. What's more, these sword skills are only so powerful in the Heavenly Sword God Realm. After going out, I was greatly reduced.

There is actually a twelfth sword...

Luo Jun couldn't help but feel anxious, but it was useless to be anxious, he still had to find a way.

He also knows that all dharma comes from the same source. It shouldn't be difficult to learn Lao Shizi's swordsmanship with his own cultivation level. At the moment, I can only calm down and understand the swordsmanship of Tianjian Dao...

From the first sword to the tenth sword, it turns out that there are traces to follow.

Luo Jun quickly understood the Heavenly Sword Dao, and soon understood that the so-called Sword Dao is just a kind of power. The reason why I want to learn swordsmanship is because in the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, the sword energy and sword intention surpass other places. Therefore, if you are in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, you will be restricted by others if you use other techniques and powers.

If you have the same level of cultivation, you will not be able to beat someone who practices Heavenly Sword Dao!

Luo Jun was immersed in it for three days and three nights, and then he understood and learned all the ten swords of Tianjian Dao.

As for the eleventh sword, it is a bit confusing, as if it came out of nothing. Luo Jun asked the Cloud of Life and Death about the eleventh sword, and the Cloud of Life and Death quickly gave the answer.

The eleventh sword requires the fusion of all the first ten swords into one sword. This sword must be the integration of human and sword, and then the power of the heavenly sword must be truly understood, so that with the help of the heavenly sword, the eleventh sword can be used.

The first ten swords of Tianjian Dao are like the realm of cultivation. The first sword and the second sword that everyone understands are different secrets and avenues.

Luo Jun wandered in the Heavenly Sword Dao, gained insights, and quickly mastered the first ten swords...

"Isn't this my sword coming from the east?" Luo Jun suddenly opened his eyes and thought to himself.

The only difference is that in Heavenly Sword God's Domain, everyone practices swordsmanship, so the Eleventh Sword will be purer. He gathered all the intangible, tangible, and messy things into one sword.

Luo Jun looked carefully at Empress Liuli's eleventh sword and found that Empress Liuli's eleventh sword was very different from his own sword Donglai.

He practiced the eleventh sword into a sword called Donglai.

Empress Liuli trained the Eleventh Sword into a durable sword. Once his sword Donglai is sent out, it is uncontrollable and used with all his strength. After Empress Liuli's eleventh sword came out, it was not as ferocious as her own, but it was still under control.

"Yes, because the place where she performed it was in the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, where there was enough sword energy and majestic sword intent, so she could control the Eleventh Sword with the help of the majestic sword intent. The Eleventh Sword kept absorbing the sword fiercely Intent and sword energy..."

"This seems to be somewhat similar to my own heaven and earth dharma, but the form of display is different. There is a difference between the sword and the golden elixir. With the same power, killing people with a sword and killing people with a stick will naturally have different effects!"

Luo Jun gradually seemed to understand more things.

"It seems that everything has its own destiny. The Heavenly Sword God Realm suddenly intervened and seemed to be guiding me in a certain direction!" Luo Jun murmured.

In the past, Luo Jun had no special feeling for swords, but this time he felt deeply about it.

"I have to go to the Heavenly Sword God Realm." Luo Jun was not in a hurry to determine the final meaning of the Eleventh Sword. He felt that he was going to the Heavenly Sword God Realm. After seeing the Heavenly Sword God, he would think about other things. .

Then, he went to look for Wu Fei'er.

Wu Fei'er was still searching hard in the cloud of life and death. Seeing this, Luo Jun didn't want to disturb him, so he started to inquire about other things.

He suddenly thought, who built this door to eternal life?

So he asked about the cloud of birth and death.

The Cloud of Life and Death also quickly gave the answer.

It turns out that the door to eternal life was not built by a single person. Rather, it is the natural confluence of various spirits in the universe...

The place where the Gate of Eternal Life is located turns out to be a magical black hole, where many essences, mysteries, and avenues gather from all directions.

This black hole keeps swallowing all kinds of energy and information in the universe.

Later, the energy and information gradually took shape, gradually forming a nebula.

In the nebula, the cloud of birth and death is slowly born. The Cloud of Life and Death can perceive everything in the universe, just like the nerves of the universe.

As the Cloud of Life and Death gradually became stronger, many essences, auras, and some substances inside were added... The Cloud of Life and Death allowed these things to naturally form many magic weapons.

The cloud of birth and death is the key to the door to eternal life.

Just like the brain of the Gate of Eternal Life!

At the same time, it is like the brain of the universe, recording everything in the universe.

Up to now, the cloud of birth and death at the Gate of Eternal Life continues to grow and monitors everything in the universe.

"I am going to the Heavenly Sword God Realm now. Is there a sword that can help me become invincible in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and even defeat the Liuli Empress?"

After thinking for a while, Luo Jun asked.

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that there was indeed an extremely powerful sword in the Gate of Eternal Life. This sword was called Taichu Sword!

But whether he can defeat the Liuli Empress does not depend on the sword, but on the secret and spirit of the sword. At the same time, he must achieve the state of merging the human sword with the Heavenly Sword.

The Taichu Sword is just an extremely strong divine sword that can accommodate all the master's great ways and spirits. No matter how powerful the master is, Taichu Sword can be as powerful as it is.

"So that's it!" Luo Jun suddenly realized, and at the same time, he thought that he had promised Fei'er to help her get the magic weapon, and now he wanted to get the Taichu Sword again?

For a moment, I felt embarrassed.

He also knew that as long as he mentioned it to Wu Fei'er, Wu Fei'er would definitely not refuse.

Time continued to pass minute by minute.

Luo Jun continued to understand the way of swordsmanship.

He merged all his Taoism and spirit with the way of swordsmanship...

Gradually, the whole person's sword power has been rising.

A few days later, Wu Fei'er ended his search and came to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun smiled and asked Wu Fei'er: "I went to look for you a few days ago and saw that you were very focused. What are you checking?"

Wu Fei'er, however, was a little distracted and had strange eyes. She suddenly said nothing and hugged Luo Jun tightly.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and said, "Did you preview something about me in the Cloud of Life and Death?"

Wu Fei'er shook his head and said: "No!"

Luo Jun was puzzled, and then stared at her seriously.

Wu Fei'er avoided his eyes.

"No, there must be something you are hiding from me." Luo Jun said: "If you don't tell me, I will ask the Cloud of Life and Death to see what you have experienced."

Wu Fei'er was taken aback and said quickly: "Don't, don't!" Then he added: "And you can't find it, because I was just meditating on something inside, and nothing really happened. In other words, you Can’t see what’s in my head.”

Luo Jun said: "Then what's wrong with you? I don't like you hiding something from me?"

Wu Fei'er kissed his lips and said softly: "I rehearsed some things and watched some things. Then I figured out some things. I know how to help you in the future, but I can't say it. Because once I say it If it comes out, it won't work. In the future, we may experience separation, but it doesn't matter. You have to believe that we will meet again in the end. No matter how difficult the future is, I will help you get through it."

Luo Jun hugged her tightly and said: "I have gained a lot and lost a lot along the way. Now, I can't live without you. Without you by my side, I will lose confidence in everything in the future. .”

Wu Fei'er also said: "I will not leave you!"

After the two of them warmed up for a moment, Wu Fei'er said: "The magic weapon I want has been found."

Luo Jun was slightly startled, originally thinking about his Taichu Sword. But now that she already had the magic weapon she wanted, it was hard to say anything else. Then I thought about it, Taichu Sword is just a sword, the most important thing is your own swordsmanship. If you don't want it, don't use it. When the time comes, you can use it with the Ancient Thunder God Sword, and it will still be powerful.

When I think about it, I feel relieved.

What surprised Luo Jun was that the magic weapon Wu Fei'er found turned out to be... Taichu Sword!

Wu Fei'er showed the Taichu Sword to Luo Jun, and Luo Jun quickly recognized it. The moment he recognized it, he was stunned.

It was immediately clear that Wu Fei'er must have also checked out Tears of Hidden Flowers. If you look at the Tears of Hidden Flowers, you can trace them back to the Liuli Empress.

To deal with Empress Liuli, you need Taichu Sword!

"Take it, my silly husband!" Wu Fei'er smiled slightly and put the Taichu Sword into Luo Jun's hands.

"I..." Luo Jun was speechless.

Wu Fei'er said: "Nothing is more important than your survival. Taichu Sword can help you deal with Empress Liuli!"

Luo Jun said: "Have you seen everything?"

Wu Fei'er said: "We must rush to the Heavenly Sword God Realm as soon as possible to recapture the Tears of Hidden Flowers."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Yes!"

Then, after he thought of something, he asked Wu Fei'er: "Have you learned the swordsmanship of the Heavenly Sword God Realm?"

Wu Fei'er said: "I have learned it. From the first sword to the tenth sword, I have learned it. But if we practice Yin and Yang spiritually, it doesn't matter whether I learn it or not. Instead, I have to hide my swordsmanship, otherwise the two will The combination of swordsmanship and swordsmanship is dangerous!"

Luo Jun said: "That's true!"

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