Super Security in the City

Chapter 4677: Visit the sword realm

Next, Luo Jun met with Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Ling and his wife, and Zhang Daoling. Chen Ling and his wife and Zhang Daoling each chose their favorite magic weapon...

Xuan Zhenghao didn't take anything. After asking, he realized that the Taikoo clan could no longer be regarded as one person. Therefore, there is no quota.

Luo Jun could understand the meaning of it if he thought about it carefully.

Later, Luo Jun mentioned the situation of Tears of Hidden Flowers and decided to go to Heavenly Sword God Realm.

Xuan Zhenghao and others also knew the importance of Tears of Hidden Flowers, so they naturally wanted to go with them. Xuan Zhenghao said: "Luo Jun, can you leave your wormhole spirit in the gate of eternal life? In this way, when we come here again in the future, it will be much faster."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Of course this is not possible."

He had actually thought about this problem, but his wormhole soul couldn't jump too far. At the same time, the situation inside the Gate of Eternal Life is very different from the outside world. There is only one way to get to the door of eternal life, and that is through the eternal wormhole without eternal life.

Otherwise, even if you get close to the door of eternal life, you won’t be able to get in.

Regarding this point, Luo Jun has already demonstrated repeatedly through the Cloud of Life and Death.

Zhang Daoling continued: "Pindao is lucky enough to be able to enter the gate of eternal life in this life, and he has died without regrets. In the past few days, Pindao has repeatedly discussed the Tao and sought verification in the cloud of life and death, and has understood life, death and the ultimate. This pair of Pindao It will be of great help to your future practice, and at the same time, Pindao has also seen clearly your past and present life, little friend Luo Jun, it is really magnificent!"

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing also agreed, feeling that being in the Gate of Eternal Life would also be of great help, etc.!

At the same time, they also felt how terrifying Chen Hongmeng was.

After talking about this, we will go to the Heavenly Sword God Realm. When I went there, a new problem soon arose.

First of all, there was no way to travel together. Luo Jun tried to take everyone away, but he couldn't find the accurate wormhole. Because there are too many people, they are too mixed, and their thoughts are all different.

In this case, they can only act separately.

Xuan Zhenghao will have an even bigger headache because he also has True Lord of Nothingness and True Lord Lingluo. These two people cannot be on the same frequency as Xuan Zhenghao...

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao did not dare to put these two people in the Gate of Eternal Life for fear of causing a big mess.

If they were to go to the Heavenly Sword God Realm separately, Xuan Zhenghao would also be worried about True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness. I'm afraid that these two people will cause some trouble in the middle...

Luo Jun and others are also worried about True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Niwu.

But the problem still needs to be solved.

Xuan Zhenghao was heartbroken, gritted his teeth, and decided to devour True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness, and then go to the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

Luo Jun and others are not merciful people, and feel that they cannot be separated just because of these two people. So swallowing is the only way now.

Of course, these plans will not be told to True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness.

After several people discussed it, they started working together and quickly took control of True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness. After that, Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er practiced yin and yang spiritually, and used their yin and yang divine power to help Xuan Zhenghao refine True Lord Lingluo and True Lord Nothingness.

At the same time, Chen Ling, his wife and Zhang Daoling stood by to learn about the Heavenly Sword God Realm and began to understand the Heavenly Sword Dao.

After more than ten days, both Zhenjun Lingluo and Zhenwu were completely absorbed by Xuan Zhenghao.

Afterwards, everyone headed to the Heavenly Sword God Realm. Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er were in harmony, and they were thinking about the same place, so they found the same wormhole and quickly traveled through it.

Xuan Zhenghao, Zhang Daoling, Chen Ling and his wife all went separately. Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing are also separated...

Everyone made an appointment to meet up near the Heavenly Sword God Realm first, and then go inside the Heavenly Sword God Realm.


Jumping in the wormhole, I don’t know how long it took.

Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er traveled through a huge wormhole together, and then came to the dark void of the universe.

After standing still, he sensed the surroundings and discovered that this place was still dozens of light years away from the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

If I just rely on flying, I don’t know how many years it will take me to fly.

So we still need to travel through wormholes...

Luo Jun didn't think about anything else and relied on the Ancient Thunder God to continue traveling.

The reason why there is no way to reach the vicinity of Tianjian Divine Realm directly is because this place should be the largest wormhole, and it is also the most suitable wormhole for long-distance jumping.

As for other people, they have different thoughts and may be located in large wormholes at similar distances but in different directions.

On the way, Luo Jun found that Wu Fei'er was always worried. He wanted to visit Wu Fei'er's memory while he was practicing spiritually, but Wu Fei'er stopped him...

Luo Jun persisted for a while, but the spiritual training immediately failed, and both of them suffered some minor injuries.

Wu Fei'er quickly apologized to Luo Jun, comforted him tenderly, and even made up for it in bed. He also told Luo Jun that the reason why he didn't tell Luo Jun was because the secret must not be leaked. Luo Jun always felt that it was not a good thing, otherwise Wu Fei'er would not be so uneasy.

But Wu Fei'er never said anything, and Luo Jun was helpless.

Another month later, Luo Jun finally found a suitable wormhole and shuttled through it.

Finally arrived at the outskirts of the Heavenly Sword Divine Realm.

The periphery is a dark void with no sunlight shining on it.

The Heavenly Sword God Realm ahead is shrouded in huge purple clouds...

The entire divine realm is in the purple cloud. The purple cloud is huge, as big as ten earths...

Luo Jun was not in a hurry to enter the Heavenly Sword God Realm, but waited patiently for Chen Ling, Xuan Zhenghao and the others outside.

After waiting for about a month, Chen Ling, Xuan Zhenghao and Zhang Daoling finally arrived one after another and joined Luo Jun.

After gathering, everyone entered the immortal platform of Luo Jun's Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

Wu Fei'er entered Luo Jun's belly and practiced spiritual practice with him. Luo Jun's body swayed and he quickly shuttled into the Heavenly Sword God's Domain.

The purple clouds are heavy and heavy...

The internal space is vast and vast. As you walk through it, you can feel the purple energy, the sharp sword energy, and the chill.

As soon as you close your eyes, you can feel the majestic heavenly sword hanging in the sky!

In that purple cloud, you can still feel the laws of time, space, etc. condensed in the sword's will.

Luo Jun walked for a while, and his eyes suddenly became clear, and then he officially entered the Heavenly Sword God's territory.

It's a vast world...

People are in the void, looking around, the mountains and rivers below are thousands of miles away, beautiful and spectacular.

There are endless rivers that converge into the sea, and there are countless strange and steep peaks...

The sky above is filled with purple clouds!

Among the purple clouds, a huge heavenly sword stood tall!

No matter where you are, you can still see the Heavenly Sword. This Heavenly Sword seems to be very close yet very far away.

Just like on earth, people feel the same when looking at the sun.

Luo Jun soon landed on a mountain peak.

Immediately, the rest of the people came out. Everyone began to sense the sword intention and sword energy in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and then condensed their own sword skills.

Everyone is a master of the world, and after arriving here, they can blend in with just a few changes.

Wu Fei'er also came out.

Luo Jun concentrated his attention and sacrificed the Taichu Sword at the same time.

The Taichu Sword is a sword made of similar green steel, with the vast Taichu Qi inside.

Luo Jun had already controlled the Taichu Sword earlier. Now he sensed the sword energy from all directions and immediately led the infinite sword energy into the Taichu Sword.

At the same time, he also injected his own avenue and mysteries into it. ωω

There is no other way or secret for him, it is to break through everything and move forward bravely.

Three days later, Luo Jun completely completed the Taichu Sword.

He also sensed the existence of the Heavenly Sword, and successfully reached the point where he merged with the Heavenly Sword and the Human Sword, and could activate the power of the Heavenly Sword.

By this time, he was no longer afraid of the Liuli Empress.

The Qingfeng Sword in Zhang Daoling's hand was also very powerful. At this time, Zhang Daoling also sensed the Heavenly Sword and practiced the tenth sword in one breath. His swordsmanship is very sharp...

As for Dongfang Jing, she couldn't refine it. Because after practicing Aoki Emperor Qi, she had a gentle temperament and was incompatible with the power of swordsmanship. Among the people present, she was the weakest in cultivation.

Wu Fei'er didn't practice much either...

She mainly practices yin and yang with Luo Jun!

Xuan Zhenghao is too lazy to practice swordsmanship, but swordsmanship cannot hurt him.

Chen Ling also successfully practiced the tenth sword. He was already a master of swordsmanship, and now he is even more powerful!

Then, Luo Jun practiced yin and yang spiritual practice with Wu Fei'er again.

Then let everyone enter the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

Then he straightened up and flew into the void.

He already knew the location of God's Domain, and soon passed through the beautiful mountains and rivers and arrived at the boundary of God's Domain.

The so-called divine domain is the alliance of the four great empires.

Empress Liuli lives in the Sky Temple, which is closest to Tianjian.

The purple clouds were particularly thick around the Sky Temple.

Luo Jun quickly shuttled through the purple clouds and finally entered the Sky Temple.

The Sky Temple is more like a city than a temple.

A very small city!

There is a huge square in front of the temple. More than 30,000 meters above the square is where the Heavenly Sword is located.

Luo Jun shuttled back and forth and arrived at the square of the temple.

This square is called Sky Plaza!

As soon as the person stood still, silhouettes of people flashed around him.

Then four masters passed through the surrounding purple clouds and surrounded Luo Legion.

The four masters looked no different from humans, except that their eyebrows were white and their skin was frighteningly white. There was no blood in their entire bodies.

The hair is also white.

If they appeared on Earth, they would be thought to be patients with some rare disease!

Four masters surrounded Luo Jun. The leader looked to be in his sixties and shouted sternly: "Who dares to break into my Queen's forbidden area?" The language was naturally the language of the Heavenly Sword God. Luo Jun instantly understood the language here...

He did not have a good impression of Empress Liuli, and Shang Xuan and Yang Hong were killed by Empress Liuli's men. There is no room for change between them!

He snorted coldly and said in this language: "Stop talking nonsense, I came here today just to cause trouble for your empress. How many masters do you have, come together!"

What a heroic spirit!

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