Super Security in the City

Chapter 4686: Invincible golden elixir

Luo Jun secretly thought: "To think that there is no law is for all laws! I must give full play to my strengths and then make up for my shortcomings. No matter how good or wonderful other people's laws are, they are not mine. If I follow If you walk behind, you will never be able to find your own way! The disadvantages of the law of heaven and earth, and the sword coming from the east, are already obvious. I have to make up for this shortcoming... My magic power is deep, and the cooperation of the three souls is originally extremely powerful... "

Keep thinking hard and sorting out your thoughts!

Luo Jun is a person who is good at thinking.

Whether in failure or success, he can always find some lessons.

The spirit of time and the spirit of wormhole appeared in front of him...

He also moved out the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, but now, he is no longer able to operate the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram.

All kinds of spells and moves are transformed in his hands.

The super brain crystals are also blooming.

Taichu Sword also flew into the air, simulating the Heavenly Sword Dao to attack the Time Soul and the Wormhole Soul.

The laws of heaven and earth, a sword coming from the east, changed in Luo Jun's heart.

"My super brain crystal is good at decomposing various powers and laws, but it will be too late to decompose when it encounters a move that is too powerful. Moves that are too powerful, too fast and too intensive will make the super brain crystal overwhelmed. Generally speaking, the super brain crystal is overwhelmed. When you encounter this kind of opponent, it is always difficult to deal with it. When you encounter someone who is easy to deal with, there is no need to worry about it!"

"This law of heaven and earth..." Luo Jun suddenly took back the wormhole soul and time soul.

In a flash of thought, he spit out a big golden elixir.

The Great Golden Pill rotates slowly in the Glazed Palace, blooming with a faint golden light. At the moment, Luo Jun has not fully activated the Great Golden Pill, so everything is still calm. Once it is really activated, the Great Golden Pill will madly tear apart the magic power in Luo Jun's body!

"Now that the Ancient God of Thunder no longer belongs to me, I can continue to create a super brain crystal." Luo Jun had previously vowed not to abuse the super brain crystal. But now that the Ancient God of Thunder has been taken away by Xuan Zhenghao, creating another super brain crystal will not be considered a violation of the oath.

A bold idea sprouted in Luo Jun's mind.

"This great golden elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth was created by me without any external help. I also researched the super brain crystal by myself... This is the crystallization of wisdom that belongs to me throughout my life!"

"The law of heaven and earth!"

Luo Jun drank lightly.

The rotation of the Great Golden Pill accelerated, and in this way, Luo Jun's magic power was also pulled into the laws of heaven and earth.

Later, he began to create super brain crystals.

Not long after, the super brain stone also appeared.

He integrated the super brain crystal into the laws of heaven and earth.

The original laws of heaven and earth must be driven by all three of Luo Jun's souls entering his body, and with all his mind.

Of course, this is the case now too!

The Dharma of Heaven and Earth and Yijian Donglai require all three souls to come together to be used.

Only with all the mind, wisdom, and the great road can we move.

At this moment, Luo Jun asked the super brain crystal to remember this state.

The super brain crystal and the golden elixir merge rapidly, and the golden elixir rotates faster and faster.

The super brain crystal and the golden elixir continued to merge, and Luo Jun's mana was being torn apart more and more horribly.

Fortunately, now that we are in the Sky Temple, we are not afraid of being harmed after exhaustion.

The super brain crystal is equivalent to a super computer with intelligence. It is an underlying algorithm extracted by Luo Jun based on large-scale computing genetics. This algorithm covers most of the magic, principles and even mysteries in the world.

It can be said that this thing should not exist!

The Grand Calculation Genetic Technique is an absolute forbidden technique!

After learning the Grand Computational Genetic Technique, your understanding of the three thousand universes will be different from ordinary people. Because Luo Jun has learned the large-scale calculation gene technique in the main universe, he already has a very deep understanding of the Three Thousand Universes. In this case, creating a metacephalite would be cheating.

The Great Golden Pill of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth is also Luo Jun’s understanding of all laws in the world!

But to cast this kind of spell, you must concentrate on it, unite your mind, and have no distracting thoughts!

If you have any distracting thoughts, you will fail!

The super brain crystal is equivalent to a powerful adhesive, which sticks the laws of heaven and earth together.

After a long, long time...

Luo Jun took back all his mana.

The Great Golden Pill did not disperse, but because Luo Jun's mana was withdrawn, the Great Golden Pill stopped absorbing the surrounding mana.

The super brain crystal stone has been completely integrated with the golden elixir.

Luo Jun stretched out his hand, and the big golden elixir quickly shrank and turned into a golden elixir the size of a little finger.

It looks like an edible pill...

Inside this golden elixir, there is infinite energy and profound Taoism and wisdom.

Once activated, it can explode with unparalleled power.

From this moment on, Luo Jun's Great Golden Pill of Heaven and Earth Dharma no longer needs the three souls to be unified.

At the same time, the Great Golden Pill can also evolve into a sword coming from the east!

When facing the enemy, Luo Jun could freely control the Great Golden Pill and no longer had to let the Great Golden Pill absorb all his energy.

In short, the degree of freedom is much higher.

Luo Jun can activate the Great Golden Pill first, and then when the power in the Great Golden Pill reaches a certain level, it can automatically absorb the power of divine magic.

At this moment, Luo Jun felt that he was suddenly able again.

At the same time, I was a little annoyed, why didn’t I create such a golden elixir earlier?

If it had been built earlier, senior Chen Ling, his wife, and Daozhang Zhang might not have died.

Fei'er might not be hurt either!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and you can't buy it if you would have known...

With just one opening of his mouth, this great golden elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth was swallowed.

The golden elixir will not dissipate in the body now, but will always exist.

Luo Jun uses his own wisdom and magic power to nourish him, and the super brain crystal will be able to progress with Luo Jun.

With a thought, the Great Golden Pill was spat out by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun always stored enough mana inside the Great Golden Pill, and then activated the Super Brain Crystal, and the Great Golden Pill began to rotate slowly, absorbing the magic power from the outside world.

"In principle, if I let the Great Golden Pill absorb mana from the outside world, it will be equivalent to helping me accumulate pure Yang pills. When enough Great Golden Pill is absorbed, I will swallow the Great Golden Pill. Wouldn’t it help me break through the shackles of reaching the eighth level of the Creation Realm?”

"Still not working!" Luo Jun quickly rejected the idea.

Because the magic power swallowed by the Great Golden Pill can never be regarded as a true Pure Yang Pill!

In other words, not pure enough!

If it is a small amount of Great Golden Pill energy, Luo Jun can digest it and turn it into his own energy if he swallows it all at once.

But if you want to achieve the energy to break through the shackles of the realm, that number is indeed too huge.

Once such a huge amount of impurity energy breaks out, it will be like a torrential downpour...

Even Luo Jun's supercomputer couldn't handle it!

"That's all, you can't become fat with just one bite!" Luo Jun also knew not to be too anxious. After all, it didn't take long to reach the eighth level of the Creation Realm.

"Take it!" Luo Jun thought, and the big golden elixir quickly shrank into the size of a pill, and then returned to Luo Jun's belly.

In his belly, the Great Golden Pill released energy, which Luo Jun happily absorbed.

"What a good thing!" Luo Jun sighed sincerely.

During this day, Luo Jun began to experience the Great Golden Pill in detail, constantly checking for leaks and filling in the gaps.

Then he came to sense the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, hoping to find a way to unlock the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, but all ended in failure. No matter how much he calculates with his super brain crystal, he can't crack the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

In the afternoon, Empress Liuli brought ten couples over. The cultivation of these ten couples is quite good.

Luo Jun patiently taught them the spiritual practice...

Not only the methods of spiritual cultivation are taught, but also the methods of physical cultivation are taught.

These ten couples studied very seriously, but they just didn't know why, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't learn it after all.

In private, they cultivate both physically and spiritually, but they fail!

This made Empress Liuli very angry, and she even threatened to kill them all if they failed to learn.

After this threat, the ten couples became even more frightened, and under fear, they became even more unable to learn.

Empress Liuli became more and more annoyed as she watched, but she did not actually kill them and could only drive them away.

"What should I do?" Empress Liuli was very angry and said, "Is your theory mature or not?"

Luo Jun said: "Fei'er and I have been practicing and we are very successful!"

Empress Liuli said: "Then why are they..."

Luo Jun said: "Practice this method requires absolute trust between two people, without any distracting thoughts!"

Empress Liuli said: "No matter what, you have to help me find a way."

Luo Jun said: "If you can help me save Fei'er..."

Empress Liuli said: "If I could save him, would I still not save him?"

Luo Jun sighed.

Empress Liuli took a deep breath and said, "Is it enough to have absolute trust?"

Luo Jun said: "We have feelings for each other!"

Empress Liuli was stunned. She originally wanted to give Luo Jun a try. She could have absolute trust in Luo Jun.

But now they still say they want to have feelings for each other...

She felt like she couldn't do this.

But she was unwilling to give in and said, "Shall we give it a try?"

Luo Jun was taken aback and said, "We two? How is this possible?"

Empress Liuli said: "I don't want to either, but isn't there no other way now?"

Luo Jun was reluctant and felt sorry for Fei'er.

Empress Liuli said angrily: "What do you mean?"

Luo Jun said: "I think we should think of other ways."

Empress Liuli said: "I can't wait any longer. I must build my divine sword as soon as possible, and then I can practice swordsmanship with you."

Luo Jun couldn't push it away and said: "Okay, if you want to try, just try!"

Empress Liuli's eyes flashed with joy, and then she and Luo Jun sat cross-legged opposite each other, then placed their palms together.

She had absolute trust.

However, the two people's magic powers still couldn't be fused together. When they were forced to fuse, there was a sudden backlash.


Both of them were ejected and fell to the ground.

Empress Liuli spat out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Jun also snorted...

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