Super Security in the City

Chapter 4687: Another decisive battle

Empress Liuli couldn't help but became furious and said: "What kind of trick is this? Will it work?"

Luo Jun said: "I said, this method requires absolute trust and affection for each other. There are actually very few people in the world who can do these two things..."

Empress Liuli said: "I must use the tears of hidden flowers to refine the sword. Only in this way can the power of Tianjian Dao be brought into full play."

Luo Jun said: "I think we should slowly look for a suitable couple."

Empress Liuli was very upset, but she had no other choice. Luo Jun said: "If you don't have the Tears of Hidden Flowers to refine swords, you can still practice Heavenly Sword Dao together, right?"

Empress Liuli said: "I'm afraid that even if the joint training is successful, we still won't be Yuan Wuxin's opponent. We don't have many opportunities, you know? So I want to be fully prepared before taking action!"

Luo Jun said: "We can practice swordsmanship together first, and then slowly find a couple to open the Tears of Hidden Flowers."

Empress Liuli said: "That's all we can do."

Luo Jun thought of something and said: "I have some insights recently and want to fight you again."

Empress Liuli was slightly startled and said, "Huh?"

Luo Jun said: "I want to try out the power of these newly learned moves."

Empress Liuli asked curiously: "What's the trick?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "You'll know after you try it."

Empress Liuli said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, the two came to the void.

Luo Jun first united the three souls into one, and then spit out the great golden elixir.

Empress Liuli couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the Great Golden Pill: "You just used this trick? I know your trick is very powerful, but the backlash seems to be very scary."

Luo Jun said: "Some improvements have been made."

Empress Liuli also hopes that Luo Jun will become more powerful, because only if Luo Jun is powerful can she deal with Qi Yuan Wuxin with twice the result with half the effort!

He immediately said: "Okay, if that's the case, I won't hold back."

Luo Jun said: "Don't hold back!"

Empress Liuli's eyes turned cold, and without saying a word, she quickly activated the divine power of the Heavenly Sword.

Amidst the thousands of thunder and lightning, the phantom of the Heavenly Sword flashed between her eyebrows, and then a terrifying phantom of the Heavenly Sword struck at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun knew how terrifying the Sky Sword Phantom was. Even the Wormhole Soul and the Time Soul could not stop it.

Immediately, use all your strength to activate the Great Golden Elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth!


The phantom of the Heavenly Sword struck the Great Golden Pill, and the Great Golden Pill spun wildly. Luo Jun also jumped on top of the Great Golden Pill in time.

The Great Golden Pill couldn't withstand the beheading of the phantom of the Heavenly Sword, and with one blow, it retreated for more than ten thousand miles.

As he exited, the Great Golden Pill frantically absorbed the surrounding energy, and at the same time absorbed the killing power of the phantom of the Heavenly Sword.

Luo Jun felt that his magic power was being torn apart crazily.

I was still very confident before the fight, but now in this fight, I suddenly felt that I had misjudged the power of Empress Liuli.

Also, the power of the Liuli Empress is more domineering than that of Taiyi Supreme.

I had previously been unable to defeat it with the help of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map and Xuan Zhenghao and others...

How is it possible to win now by relying on the laws of heaven and earth?

Empress Liuli also knew the urinary nature of the laws of heaven and earth, so she quickly stepped forward and then used the Ten Directions Sword Movement!

Suddenly, there were heavenly swords in all directions!

The Tianjian came together to kill Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was horrified and thought to himself: "How dare these tiger ladies be so fierce!"

In the crisis, without caring about anything else, he quickly circulated the golden elixir and flew upwards.

The ten heavenly swords came to kill together. The Great Golden Pill shook violently and jumped, releasing the power of the ten heavenly swords. At the same time, the Great Golden Pill also escaped from the encirclement.

Luo Jun always stood on the Great Golden Pill.

After Dajindan escaped, he still frantically absorbed the surrounding divine power.

Luo Jun only felt that more than half of his mana had been pulled away by the golden elixir.

If Empress Liuli slashed her with two more swords, she wouldn't be able to bear it.

So at this time, Luo Jun gritted his teeth and quickly disconnected the mana transmission from the Great Golden Pill. You really can't afford to keep this gold-swallowing beast, so you can make a living on your own.

Empress Liuli comes over again to kill!

The phantom of the Heavenly Sword flashes!

This phantom of the Heavenly Sword was extremely dazzling, and the cold light seemed to penetrate the sky!

At this time, the Great Golden Pill did not have Luo Jun's magic power to transport it, and could only absorb the power of external magic on its own. Fortunately, Luo Jun has laid the foundation for the Great Golden Pill. Although it is not as fast as before, as long as it delays, it will become stronger and stronger!


Dajindan and Tianjian Xuying are killed together!

Dajindan was once again driven back more than ten thousand miles.

"That's unreasonable!" Empress Liuli was also annoyed at this time, because she found that she couldn't get the golden elixir no matter what.

You know, this is her home court!

The power is inexhaustible!

If Luo Jun continues to support the Great Golden Pill, the Great Golden Pill can easily crush the Heavenly Sword Phantom.

But Luo Jun was really unable to support it.

So now, Dajindan can't counterattack yet!

However, with the support of Luo Jun, the Great Golden Pill itself has gathered enough energy, so even without Luo Jun's help, it is still very powerful.

Empress Liuli suddenly made two phantoms of the Heavenly Sword, one killing Luo Jun and the other killing Da Jindan.

Luo Jun himself was rapidly absorbing mana, trying to recover more power, and of course he would not fight head-on with Empress Liuli.

The body swayed, allowing the Great Golden Pill to bear the damage from these two phantoms of the Heavenly Sword!


In the end, the two phantoms of the heavenly sword struck the great golden elixir.

The golden elixir becomes extremely violent!

A vortex has been formed around the Great Golden Pill, and endless energy is being absorbed by the Great Golden Pill.

At this time, it seemed that no amount of attacks could crush the Great Golden Pill.

The more powerful the attack, the more powerful the Golden Pill becomes! ωω

Empress Liuli took a quick glance and found that Luo Jun was in a relaxed state and was no longer delivering energy to the Great Golden Pill.

"Is this possible? How did you do it? If it continues like this, wouldn't it be invincible?" Empress Liuli couldn't help but lose her temper.

The Great Golden Pill is still spinning and absorbing crazily in the void.

Behind the Great Golden Pill, the energy vortex became more and more violent!

Luo Jun gradually discovered that something was wrong, that is, as the golden elixir became more powerful, it became more and more difficult for him to control it.

The Great Golden Pill and Super Brain Crystal were not created by Luo Jun's Yuan Shen, and even if they were Yuan Shen, they could easily lose control if their power was too powerful.

This great golden elixir absorbs the power of divine magic from all realms at an incredible speed. Luo Jun suddenly felt that if it continued like this, he would be completely unable to control the great golden elixir.

Luo Jun doesn't know what the Golden Pill will develop into by then.

While he could still barely control it, Luo Jun quickly controlled the super brain crystal in the golden elixir, and then shook it violently.


All the energy of the Great Golden Pill exploded, and this terrifying wave of energy rushed towards the surrounding area, overwhelming the generals.

In an instant, even Empress Liuli did not dare to attack her lightly and quickly retreated.

After the energy of the Great Golden Pill dissipated, it returned to its previous appearance.

Luo Jun swallowed it in one bite.

Empress Liuli also stopped attacking and came to Luo Jun.

"In our duel, do I win or you win?" Empress Liuli asked.

She doesn't care about winning or losing, but she wants to figure out the twists and turns.

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "Just now I was able to turn the Great Golden Pill into a sword technique to kill you. This sword technique is comparable to the Eleventh Sword, and its energy is unparalleled. I call it a sword coming from the east... I don't I was sure if you could take it, and I was afraid of hurting you, so I didn’t do it.”

Empress Liuli said: "I can feel the energy of the great golden elixir. If it were all turned into a sword energy, I can imagine its terrifying power. But in this Heavenly Sword God's domain, it cannot kill me. If I leave the Heavenly Sword God, God's Domain, this sword can at least severely injure me."

Luo Jun said: "If the Great Golden Pill is allowed to continue to be absorbed, it will become even more terrifying and powerful. It's a pity that if it continues to develop, the Great Golden Pill will be out of my control. Even I can't say what will happen then. Clear."

Empress Liuli said: "If your magic power is strong enough, you can make the Great Golden Pill stronger. If you are weak, the Great Golden Pill will lose control. This can be regarded as a kind of energy conservation!"

Luo Jun said: "There are still many things that I need to add to this Great Golden Pill, such as whether it can avoid releasing the energy all at once when the energy is violent. If I let the Great Golden Pill absorb energy violently, Changing my moves to kill enemies at the same time will also be of great help. All in all, I still need to study it carefully."

Empress Liuli's eyes lit up and she said, "This is a very good idea! I feel like you have mastered the Great Golden Pill to the extreme, and you should be able to defeat Yuan Wuxin. You don't even need my help!"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "Yuan Wuxin is by no means my ultimate enemy."

Empress Liuli said: "Master Hongmeng is the one, right?"

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!"

Empress Liuli said: "What will happen if the Great Golden Pill confronts Master Hongmeng?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "It is vulnerable! The Great Golden Pill is indeed very powerful, but the energy it absorbs is actually within a radius of hundreds, thousands, thousands, or one hundred thousand miles. But the Great Calculation Gene Technique can absorb Zhou Tian The divine power of the universe. The concept and magnitude are completely different!"

Empress Liuli said: "I really can't believe that someone can be as powerful as you said."

Luo Jun said: "If he wasn't so powerful, how could Three Thousand Universes regard him as a threat?"

Empress Liuli said: "It seems that we must prevent the emergence of this great computational genetic technique before we can have hope!"

Luo Jun said: "So, the tears of hidden flowers are the key."

Empress Liuli said: "You don't need to remind me that after killing Yuan Wuxin, I won't be interested in Tears of Hidden Flowers at all."

Luo Jun said hurriedly: "Thank you, Empress!"

Empress Liuli thought of something and said, "How do you practice this great golden elixir? Why is it so evil and powerful? Can I learn it too?"

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